Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 115


“Marcel Marquis, I know everything in advance. You’ve been blessed by the Dark Spirit King, and your magic has returned.”

When I and His Highness sat across from His Majesty, His Majesty opened his mouth without even caring about the heavy air.

Everything I know at this stage, including the fact that I was given protection by His Majesty in advance, is reported via His Highness. I guess that means we should skip the pre-reported matters and talk.

“Yes, with regard to the returned magic and the protection of the Spirit King… I hope I can use it for peace in this country with His Highness”

My reply seemed right to His Majesty. When I nodded one satisfactorily, I was only returned “well.”

I’m sure His Majesty has made a report on the power of darkness. However, since the Prime Minister, other than the royal family, is present in this discussion, he did not touch on the power of darkness, but apparently that was not wrong.

“How does His Majesty think Rachel received protection from the Dark Spirit King?”

His Royal Highness, who was listening in silence to our exchange, let His Majesty bathe without concealing a thorny narrative in his words. I was the only one in a hurry for it, and the Chancellor at the end of his gaze just smiled and His Majesty only raised the edge of his mouth funny.

“It’s a pleasure. Not only did the presence of the Dark Spirit King come to light, but he also received his blessing. It would be so wonderful for our country.”

“The Marquis Marcel is going to certify herself as the Virgin of Darkness in consultation with the High Priest. If it is a pair of lights, I wonder if it deserves it.”

I unwittingly open my eyes to the words of the Chancellor, who told me to supplement His Majesty’s words.

– The Dark Virgin?

Because we worship the Spirit King of Light as God in this country, we know that those who have received the protection of Light will be named Virgin. But I myself was worried about what position His Majesty would take when the protection of the Dark Spirit King would be fulfilled.

To see how His Majesty is doing, he considers the Spirit King of Darkness to be the Spirit King of Light’s pair… and may be about to be the object of faith, as is the Spirit King of Light.

It’s only my imagination, but I’m sure the power of darkness was greater than I imagined.

One concludes so, His Majesty in front of him turned his gaze to His Highness.

“I hear the Virgin of Light has sworn to stay in this country and to devote herself as Virgin.”

“Yes, she chose to live a different life from the royal family, so there’s no need to talk about marriage”

“I’ve heard the report”

When His Majesty nodded like nothing, he moved his gaze to the next prime minister.

“Your Majesty is here in the hope that the Virgin of Light will remain in this country and serve as the Virgin without leaving the country. The Virgin has agreed to a deal with Her Royal Highness that is stronger than marriage, so I have nothing more to say from here.”

“Really? Then the matter of the Virgin of Light, as promised.”

“Oh, so far, so good as it is”

Virgin of Light…… I mean Anna, but Her Majesty seemed obsessed with the marriage between Her Highness and Anna, which surprises me with a light narrative.

But the prime minister said the contract was stronger than marriage. That is, the technique of the covenant between His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Prince the King alone was allowed to use…… maybe he used it.

Your Majesty, Your Highness and Anna are the only ones who will know what kind of contract, because they will not be able to speak the details of the contract.

Looking softly at His Highness, there was a side that still looked straight at His Majesty with a harsh face. But when he raised his mouth slightly and laughed niggly, he turned to His Majesty and offered him a piece of paper.

“Now the battle is my win, so that’s good.”

– A battle? A win?

I peek in to see the paper His Highness offered His Majesty, wondering what winning means. But the folded paper doesn’t know what it says.

Moving his gaze to His Highness, he seemed to notice my gaze, “Oh, do you care about this paper?,” he smiled gently, loosening his harsh eyes that were directed at His Majesty and speaking to me in a whisper.

“What, you didn’t tell Miss Marcel about the bet?”

“Bet…… is it?

“You still don’t seem to know.”

“You should take your time to hear from His Highness later. Because I can see how His Highness thinks of you.”

His Majesty is still grumpy when he sees only his expression just by raising the edge of his mouth, but his voice colour is seeping teasing with pleasure. The words of the ensuing Prime Minister have such a grin that he even said that our condition was entirely intriguing and only interesting.

I tilt my neck in my heart at the attitude of the two of you.

– Honestly, I thought His Majesty was in this discussion place with a tougher face.

Just because the magic returns and you receive protection from the Dark Spirit King, you don’t think everything will go as you wish. I’m sure it’s difficult to be allowed to marry His Highness as well… yes I was feeling it somewhere.

But from His Majesty now, I don’t feel as cold as I’ve ever felt. On the contrary, is it because you feel the slightest but walking air?

Turn your gaze next door.

The expression of His Highness next door remains unchanged, deepening the wrinkles between the eyebrows, but the gaze at His Majesty reveals a discerning harshness: “What are you up to?”

His Majesty turned his gaze to His Highness and, after one slow exhalation, took the paper put out and handed it to the Chancellor, saying, “Let’s keep the signature later”. And when I turned my gaze to His Highness and me again, I opened my mouth.

“We’re talking about their engagement. It would be good to continue.”

“… is that all?

In His Majesty’s words His Highness asked quietly, but clearly. I also feel that the words include frustration. “Your Highness……” he speaks unexpectedly, but mouths to the harsh gaze that pierces His Highness.

“Sire, is that all you have to say to Rachel”

“What do you want to say? Now that you’ve done what you want, what more can I say?”

“I suppose His Majesty took the liberty of offering Marquis Marcel and Rachel the dissolution of what I was willing to continue my engagement with Rachel in the first place”

“Oh, because then the Virgin of Light was born. But as I promised you, the Marquis Marcel has regained her magic, and the condition that the Virgin of Light remain in the country has been fulfilled, so let’s admit the engagement.”

“After all, Your Majesty only uses the power of Rachel.”

To His Highness’s words, His Majesty let go “what’s wrong with it” when he grinned niggly as he raised a single eyebrow.

“Okay, Louis. I am the king.”

“Yes, you are indeed a king. Now, though.”

– And now?

Am I to blame for feeling thorns in His Highness’s deliberately emphasised words? But when His Majesty laughs like he noticed it too and leaked his breath, he rests his arm on his elbow and turns to sit back loosely.

“Of course, I haven’t forgotten. I’ve lost the battle, so I promise I’ll be your reign in a few years’ time, not so far away.”

Your Highness’s reign?

I guess you know the details of this story because the Chancellor has given me no surprise look elsewhere.

Nevertheless, in the light of the remarks made earlier by His Highness, and now His Majesty’s words….

– Does that mean that if you win the battle, you give the throne to Your Highness?

One confused me shifts my gaze to Your Highness. Then His Royal Highness also opened his eyes to his astonishment at His Majesty’s words and gave him a flashing look.

“What, you thought my father was a fool who’d renege on his promise?”

“No, but…”

Let me get this straight.

“It was unexpected that His Majesty would descend the throne lightly…”

“Daimyo, I guess you thought I was obsessed with a chair called the King because it’s about you. Would you have liked to see it with a remorse face?”

“… eh”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations.”

I can’t help but be surprised at His Highness. Even His Majesty felt that his way of life as king was a top priority.

To this end, he seemed to be pushing forcibly but not exclusively to enrich the country without regard for his family and to create a country that could cross with other countries.

Let go of that lightly just because you lost your battle with His Highness?

– But that’s… Given His Majesty’s words and actions from earlier, I would rather…

As one alternately looked at His Majesty and His Highness, trying to reflect on His Majesty’s words and actions, a clear voice was heard from right in front of him.

“You seem to deny everything I do to you, but it’s not. It’s in this country’s interest, and I’m not opposed to taking it in the right direction.”

Its face was precisely the expression of majesty as a king and a king who gave everything to his country.

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