Chapter 114: Chapter 104: The Flow of Time Across the Hierarchy
Chapter 104: The Flow of Time Across the Hierarchy
The multiverse of the Divine Triad is a masterpiece of intricate balance, not only in power but also in the flow of time. Each layer of existence operates on a different temporal scale, creating a cascading system where time dilates as it descends from the Divine Triad's realm to the innermost worlds of the Third Layer Lesser Absolutes.
This unique structure amplifies the efficiency of the Divine Triad's rule, allowing for rapid progress and intricate developments in the lower layers while only minimal time passes in the higher realms.
Time Flow in the Divine Triad's Universe
Divine Triad's World (Absolute Realm Universe):
The highest level of existence, where time moves at its natural pace.
First Layer Lesser Absolutes' Inner Worlds:
One day in the Divine Triad's world equals one year here.
This temporal dilation allows the First Layer Lesser Absolutes to make significant progress in their realms during a single day for the Divine Triad.
Second Layer Lesser Absolutes' Inner Worlds:
One day in a First Layer Lesser Absolute's world equals one year here.
From the perspective of the Divine Triad's world, one day here equals 365 years.
Third Layer Lesser Absolutes' Inner Worlds:
One day in a Second Layer Lesser Absolute's world equals one year here.
From the perspective of the Divine Triad's world, one day here equals 133,436 years.
Temporal Calculations Across the Hierarchy
1. Divine Triad's Day (1 Day)
Equals 365 days (1 year) in a First Layer Lesser Absolute's world.
Equals 365 × 365 = 133,225 days (365 years) in a Second Layer Lesser Absolute's world.
Equals 133,225 × 365 = 48,627,125 days (133,436 years) in a Third Layer Lesser Absolute's world.
2. Comparison of Time Flow
1 hour in the Divine Triad's world = 15 days in a First Layer Lesser Absolute's world.
1 hour in a First Layer Lesser Absolute's world = 15 days in a Second Layer Lesser Absolute's world.
1 hour in a Second Layer Lesser Absolute's world = 15 days in a Third Layer Lesser Absolute's world.
Implications of Temporal Dilation
1. Efficiency of Governance
The Divine Triad can issue commands to the First Layer Lesser Absolutes and witness their execution within the same day, despite years of meticulous planning and execution passing in their subordinates' worlds.
This structure enables the Divine Triad to oversee vast developments and ensure the multiverse remains stable without needing to micromanage every detail.
2. Accelerated Progress
The Third Layer Lesser Absolutes, with their prolonged timelines, can develop civilizations, armies, and strategies over what feels like eons, while only days pass in the higher realms.
3. Cosmic Perspective
The cascading time dilation grants each layer a unique perspective on the flow of existence, with lower layers experiencing time as an almost infinite expanse compared to the fleeting moments of the Divine Triad's world.
Hierarchy and Time: A Unified Structure
The Divine Triad is the eternal axis, where time flows naturally, allowing for their omniscient and omnipotent oversight.
The First Layer Lesser Absolutes are the bridge, balancing the infinite detail of the lower realms with the overarching will of the Divine Triad.
The Second and Third Layer Lesser Absolutes experience accelerated timelines, allowing them to evolve, adapt, and execute their duties with unparalleled precision.
This hierarchical time structure is a testament to the Divine Triad's unmatched wisdom and power, ensuring that every layer of the multiverse operates in harmony, with time itself as their servant.
[shortened version]
Chapter 104:
One day in the Divine Triad's world is equal to one year inside their inner worlds (the first layer lesser Absolutes' worlds).
One day in the First Layer Lesser Absolutes' world is equal to one year inside their inner worlds (the second layer lesser Absolutes' worlds). One day outside (Divine Triad's world), equal to 365 years here.
One day in the Second Layer Lesser Absolutes' world is equal to one year inside their inner worlds (the third layer lesser Absolutes' worlds). One day outside (Divine Triad's world), equal to 133436 years here.