Solo Leveling: The Divine Triad (narrative)

Chapter 106: Chapter 96: Combined Forces of the Lesser Absolutes’ Lesser Absolutes

Chapter 96: Combined Forces of the Lesser Absolutes' Lesser Absolutes

The lesser Absolutes have formed alliances within their realms to create a unified front, blending their unique strengths to enforce the will of the Divine Triad across the multiverse. Together, they command vast armies whose numbers have expanded exponentially, each one tailored to the essence of its realm. These combined forces represent the power of creation, destruction, light, darkness, fire, twilight, light, and stars, with each realm contributing its might to the greater cause.


1. Solareon Citadel: Helioris, Solonith, and Aurelios

Helioris' Forces:

Radiant Sentinels: 1 trillion

Sunforged Knights: 100 billion

Celestial Archers: 10 billion

Lightweaver Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Solonith's Forces:

Luminant Paladins: 1 trillion

Dawnbringers: 100 billion

Solar Archers: 10 billion

Lightbringer Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Aurelios' Forces:

Golden Crusaders: 1 trillion

Solstice Knights: 100 billion

Sunrays Archers: 10 billion

Solar Conduits: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Solareon Citadel: 3.333 trillion


2. Tenebral Abyss: Noctalith, Noctarion, and Nyxaris

Noctalith's Forces:

Umbral Stalkers: 1 trillion

Void Knights: 100 billion

Eclipse Archers: 10 billion

Abyssal Sorcerers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Noctarion's Forces:

Nightfall Assassins: 1 trillion

Voidwarriors: 100 billion

Shadowhunters: 10 billion

Night Sorcerers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Nyxaris' Forces:

Dread Walkers: 1 trillion

Eclipsed Knights: 100 billion

Dark Archers: 10 billion

Voidmancers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Tenebral Abyss: 3.333 trillion


3. Infernis Aeternum: Pyronis, Cindarion, and Flamorath

Pyronis' Forces:

Flameborn Warriors: 1 trillion

Infernal Champions: 100 billion

Lava Archers: 10 billion

Volcanic Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Cindarion's Forces:

Ember Knights: 1 trillion

Molten Sentinels: 100 billion

Inferno Archers: 10 billion

Fiery Conjurers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Flamorath's Forces:

Lavaborn Legion: 1 trillion

Furnace Warriors: 100 billion

Ash Archers: 10 billion

Flamecasters: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Infernis Aeternum: 3.333 trillion


4. Duskveil Nexus: Noxveil, Umbraeth, and Nochtros

Noxveil's Forces:

Twilight Sentinels: 1 trillion

Ebon Vanguard: 100 billion

Dusk Archers: 10 billion

Veilcasters: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Umbraeth's Forces:

Duskwalker Knights: 1 trillion

Shadow Vanguard: 100 billion

Night Archers: 10 billion

Eclipsing Sorcerers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Nochtros' Forces:

Night Sentinels: 1 trillion

Twilight Knights: 100 billion

Veil Archers: 10 billion

Shadewind Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Duskveil Nexus: 3.333 trillion


5. Emberfang Sanctum: Ignithor, Blazion, and Emberus

Ignithor's Forces:

Ashborne Drakes: 1 trillion

Molten Warlords: 100 billion

Inferno Archers: 10 billion

Embermancers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Blazion's Forces:

Fire Drakes: 1 trillion

Lava Sentinels: 100 billion

Flame Archers: 10 billion

Infernal Pyromancers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Emberus' Forces:

Firedrake Warriors: 1 trillion

Ember Knights: 100 billion

Magma Archers: 10 billion

Pyro Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Emberfang Sanctum: 3.333 trillion


6. Aurora Spire: Prismarion, Virelion, and Prismavelle

Prismarion's Forces:

Spectrum Warriors: 1 trillion

Prismatic Guardians: 100 billion

Aurora Archers: 10 billion

Lightshapers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Virelion's Forces:

Radiant Knights: 1 trillion

Shimmering Sentinels: 100 billion

Light Arrow Archers: 10 billion

Luminis Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Prismavelle's Forces:

Prism Knights: 1 trillion

Lightborne Guardians: 100 billion

Star Archers: 10 billion

Illuminators: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Aurora Spire: 3.333 trillion


7. Celestara: Astralis, Astraeth, and Caelithor

Astralis' Forces:

Stellar Knights: 1 trillion

Cosmic Guardians: 100 billion

Nebula Archers: 10 billion

Starforged Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Astraeth's Forces:

Starblaze Knights: 1 trillion

Nebula Sentinels: 100 billion

Cosmic Archers: 10 billion

Astral Sorcerers: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Caelithor's Forces:

Celestial Wardens: 1 trillion

Astral Vanguards: 100 billion

Stardust Archers: 10 billion

Starfall Mages: 1 billion

Total: 1.111 trillion

Combined Forces of Celestara: 3.333 trillion


Combined Forces Summary

The total forces of all the Lesser Absolutes' Lesser Absolutes are vast and unparalleled, numbering a total of 23.331 trillion troops spread across their seven inner worlds. Each of these mighty realms contributes specialized units that reflect the essence of their world, blending mastery over light, shadow, fire, twilight, light again, and the stars. Their immense power and organization form an unbreakable force that will serve the Divine Triad in their conquest of the multiverse.

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