
Chapter 52: fifty two

I was sitting on the floor, with a picture book in my hands. Rosalie sitting between my legs, her eyes wide as she stared at the pictures.

She slapped the image on the book.


"That's a crow."

Then she slapped her hand on the other image


"That's a fish."

Then she slapped her hand on the first image again,

"That's a crow."

I really think she likes this crow a lot, she slapped it so many times, I lost count. She's six months old now and I guess she's curious about everything.

"Lex!" Grandma called me, "Come to the kitchen will you."

"Yes!" I closed the book, Rosalie didn't like the gesture and glared at back at me, but she looked so cute, she cheeks flushed red and she looked adorable, so I kissed her cheek and hugged her. Then stood up with her in my arms, and put her in her crib.



I then turned to go to the kitchen.


I froze, then turned back towards her crib as she said the word again, "X~" She giggled.

I stood there in shock, even grandma came out of the kitchen and stood by the door frame, I looked at her.

"Grandma, sh-sh-she-she-she-she-she!!!"

Grandma giggled, "Said her first word."

"It-It's supposed to be my name right? Right?"

She walked over, "I believe so, I guess she likes you more, I was hoping she'd say 'ma' first." She booped Rosalie's nose and Rosalie giggled and cooed. I looked at her too.

"Rosalie, say it again."


"Say is again. X, X~"


Grandma laughed, "Babies are like that, she'll stay stuff she wants to."

Aw man… I wanted to hear it again. But still! I perked up after remembering her first word is my name, though just an X, it means so much.


"Yes grandma?"

"Have you noticed her birthmark?"


She pointed at her thigh, "Look, a heart."

I Looked at the brown shaped heart, "Oh wow. I never noticed till now."

"A heart-shaped birthmark symbolizes that the child will be showered in love."

"Really?" I looked at her, my hands still holding her crib.

"Yes. Maybe that's why you found her and I found you both. To share our love."

I smiled, "Yes."

"And since no one has shown up till now, I plan on adopting her."

I looked back at her, astonished.

"As your granddaughter?"

She nodded, "What do you think of the last name "Yuki?'"


"It means snow."


"Yes," She caressed Rosalie's hair, "You found her in the snow, right?"


"So, from now on, she'll be Rosalie Yuki. A rose in the snow."

"A rose in the snow." Somehow, I liked the sound of that, It gave it a special meaning to her name, among all the whites and cold, she's a beautiful red rose.

"I like it." I was happy with it, I smiled as I said her name,

"Rosalie yuki."


I entered grandma's house, I had come here straight from school when I heard Grandma's voice.

"Lex! Come here fast!!"

I went to the bedroom next to the kitchen and was shocked.

Rosalie was trying to walk on her own. She's eleven months old now. As soon as she saw me she started taking wobbly steps towards me. Grandma was behind her, to catch her in case she fell.


I was scared, anxious and happy at the same time. I crouched down and opened up my arms for her. Each step she took made me feel a mix of emotions and each time she wobbled I felt my heart jump but she was strong, slowly but eventually she reached me. As soon as she did, I hugged her and picked her up.

"Goal~!" I spun her around and when I stopped I kissed her head, "Good Job!"


I was doing my homework and Rosalie was busy messing around with her crayons. She's two now and honestly I think she's the most curious baby alive.

"Wad yu doin?"

"Homework." I sighed and looked at her, "Believe me, it's the worst thing ever."

"..." She stared at me with her big almond-shaped eyes, not really understanding my frustration.

"Kids!" Grandma called, "Dinner!"


I stood up and So did Rosalie, she held my finger as we walked to the kitchen.

"We're having a special salad today. Take your seats."


I picked Rosalie up and sat her down on her chair and then took my place in mine. Five minutes into the meal, Rosalie began coughing, tears started brimming in her eyes and her neck started getting red.

Grandma immediately began patting her back but she wouldn't stop coughing, tears started rolling down her cheeks and we both panicked.

Afraid, something went wrong, Grandma picked her up and we both ran out and got a cab to the hospital.

The doctors treated her immediately and assured us she'll be fine.

"Did she happen to eat olives?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, they were in the salad." Grandma answered.

"Well, It seems she's allergic to them."

"Oh'- I-I see." Grandma was flustered.

"But don't worry, she's fine, Just be careful in the future."

"Yes. Thank you very much." She said, the doctor smiled and left.

I tucked her shirt, "Grandma, are you feeling okay?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine Lex." She took a deep breath, "It's quite late, you should go home, I'll take her home."

"Okay." I waved her goodbye and left.

As quietly as I could, I entered the house. It was quiet and it seemed like everyone was asleep. Closing the door behind me I went in, but as I passed the kitchen someone called me.

"Lexus eh?" It was dad, he sounded drunk.

"Yes dad."

"Do you know what time it is?"

I gulped as I was frozen in place, "I'm sorry."

"HUH!? I ASKED YOU SOMETHING!!" His shouting made me flinch.

"I-it's 1am."

"What does coming home late make you?" He walked in closer, his beer bottle in his hand.

"A bad kid." I gulped again.

"AND bad kids should be punished. RIGHT?" He hovered over me like a tower. His frame so big, it cast a shadow that completely hid me.

"Dad, please, no."

But of course he wasn't going to listen to me.

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