Solar Blood Masters

Chapter 6 - Crimson Fang Hound

Tajmani, Lin, and Mei were seated on luxurious red towels that had been spread across the snowy ground. They were in meditative postures; eyes closed; breaths slow and steady. They had each consumed a Blood Replenishing Potion, and the potent energy from the potion was circulating through their bodies, revitalizing their depleted Blood Pools.

For a Bloodthorne cultivator, the Blood Pool was the foundation of their power. It was a reservoir of vital energy that fueled their bloodline abilities and enhanced their physical and mental capabilities. A strong Blood Pool was essential for both combat and cultivation.

The Silver Blood Knights, Tien Ha and Gerald, stood guard; on alert for any signs of danger. Raphael stood behind Tajmani, silently observing her. He was impressed by her progress. She had awakened her Soul Orbital at a young age and possessed formidable bloodline abilities, unlike him.

The peaceful silence was shattered by a sudden, resonating boom that emanated from Lin’s dantian.


Tajmani and Mei opened their eyes, startled by the sound.

Lin let out a sigh of relief. “Finally! I’ve successfully integrated the Demonic Grape Sprout’s Solar Consciousness into my Soul Orbital!”

She stood up with a wide grin spreading across her face. “I feel… different. Heavier, somehow. Like there’s a powerful energy waiting to be unleashed.”

Fixing her elbows to her side and clenching her fists, she released the pent up energy by summoning her Soul Orbital. The large red sphere with its single orbiting ring materialized above her head. Within the ring, a small purple orb was now orbiting the main Solar Consciousness. This purple orb was Lin’s first Soul Planet.

Lin extended her left hand and focused her attention on a nearby tree. Unleashing her intent, a single drop of blood shot out from her fingertip and struck the tree’s trunk.


The tree exploded into a million splinters. The force of the blast was so great that it created a radial wave that rippled through the air, leveling several nearby trees and blasting away the falling snow, leaving a visible arc-shaped crater on the ground.

Everyone in the clearing gasped in astonishment.

“Wow, that’s incredible!” Tajmani couldn’t help but express her amazement.

Lin smirked. “It is, isn’t it? Too late to regret giving up that Solar Consciousness now, Tajmani.”

Tajmani pretended to be unfazed. “Hmph. I’m sure I’ll find something far more powerful.”

Tien Ha stepped forward. “Now that you’ve all recovered, we should continue our exploration. Princess Tajmani still needs to find a suitable host for her Soul Orbital.”

On que, Raphael quickly packed up Tajmani’s towels and the other belongings before slinging the heavy bag over his shoulder. He was eager to leave this strange and unsettling place.

The group ventured deeper into the Blood Forest while keeping an eye out for any signs of a creature worthy of the princess’s power.

Raphael carefully navigated the treacherous path. He stepped over fallen branches and icy patches.

The group was following a frozen stream; a route suggested by Tien Ha, who believed that more creatures would frequent a water source. He had been proven right. They had encountered several strange and fascinating creatures along the way, but none that had piqued Tajmani’s interest. Fortunately, the creatures had not been aggressive, and the group had managed to avoid any confrontations.

Despite the relative peace, Raphael felt that following the stream was risky. The Blood Forest was unpredictable, and danger could lurk around any crimson corner.


A sudden, loud growl made Raphael jump. His heart pounded in his chest as he instinctively reached for a weapon that he didn’t have.


He quickly realized that the growl had not come from a monstrous beast, but from Tajmani’s stomach.

Gerald chuckled. “Seems like someone is hungry.”

Tien Ha agreed. “It’s been a while since our last meal. We should take a short break.”

Silver Blood Knights of their caliber could go for days without food, but the younger cultivators needed sustenance.

Without a shred of politeness, Tajmani snapped her fingers at Raphael. “Slave! Unload the food!”

Raphael hurried to obey. He started unpacking the various delicacies that Tajmani had brought along for the journey.

Tajmani and her friends settled down to enjoy their meal, but Tajmani forbade Raphael from partaking. He could only watch as they feasted on exotic fruits and savory meats.

Gerald observed the princess’s harsh treatment of Raphael with a frown. He wondered why she was so cruel to the young man, but he kept his thoughts to himself.


While the others ate, Raphael wandered off to explore the nearby shrubs and ice formations. He did this to snack on a parchment of food he had stolen without Tajmani’s notice.

‘She’s crazy if she thinks I’m going to starve to death.’

While snacking and exploring, his eyes were drawn to a colorful butterfly that had landed on a broad, red leaf.

‘Looks so pretty.’

He reached out to touch it, but Gerald stopped him. “Don’t touch that, boy. It’s poisonous.”

“Huh, poison?”

Raphael quickly withdrew his hand. A wave of relief washed over him. He thanked Gerald for the warning and then excused himself behind a large ice formation to relieve himself.

As he was doing his business, a low whimper caught his attention. He zipped up his pants and cautiously peeked around the ice.

There, trapped in a thicket of thorny vines, was a small, injured wolf cub. It had a patch of white fur and dazzling blue eyes. Its fur was matted with blood, and its whimpers were heart-wrenching.

“Oh, you poor thing.”

Despite his fear, Raphael couldn’t bear to leave the creature to suffer. He carefully approached the thicket and, with gentle hands, began to untangle the vines.

The wolf cub whined in pain as Raphael freed it from its thorny prison. Once it was free, it gratefully licked Raphael’s fingers.

“Woah, its tongue is really cold.” He remarked.


A spine-chilling howl suddenly cut through the peaceful atmosphere.

“What was that?” Raphael cried out in alarm. He quickly returned to the group to be safe.

“It seems our mealtime is over. We have company.” Tien Ha turned his gaze to the forest.

“Judging by that howl, it’s a powerful presence,” Gerald added.

Tajmani’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Powerful, you say? Come out and show yourself, you cowardly beast!”

“Tajmani, are you for real?”

Her friends tried to shush her, but she ignored them.

A series of howls answered her challenge, each one more menacing than the last. It was clear that whatever was out there, it wasn’t alone.

“Could it be…?” Tien Ha’s expression turned grave.

The answer to his unspoken question came a moment later as the frozen trees in front of them exploded outwards.

A gigantic beast, over twenty-five meters tall, emerged from the forest’s depths. It was a Crimson Fang Hound – a creature of nightmares. Its fur was as white as the snow, except for the blood-red streaks that adorned its flanks. Its eyes glowed with an icy, predatory intensity. It possessed razor-sharp claws and teeth, two large protruding fangs and a long, fluffy tail with a tip made of pure ice.

“It looks familiar…” Raphael thought, but before he could recall where he had seen it before, several smaller Crimson Fang Hounds emerged from the surrounding trees, flanking their massive leader.

“We’re surrounded,” Gerald noted grimly.

Tien Ha explained to Tajmani, “Crimson Fang Hounds… they are pack hunters, known for their ferocity and cunning. They can drain the blood of their prey in a matter of seconds.”

“And the leader… she’s pregnant,” Gerald observed. “That’s unusual. Crimson Fang Hound mothers usually don’t hunt with the pack. I wonder why she’s here…”

Tien Ha added, "Perhaps she's seeking something specific... or protecting something."

The answer remained elusive as the Crimson Fang Hounds circled them. It seems a battle was inevitable.

Tien Ha began, instructing the group on how to proceed. “In a situation like this, with multiple opponents, it’s crucial to prioritize targets and coordinate our attacks. Gerald and I will focus on the mother Crimson Fang Hound, while you three handle the smaller ones. Remember to—”


Tien Ha’s words were cut short by a sudden cry as he watched in disbelief as Tajmani leaped over his head, charging straight towards the colossal mother Crimson Fang Hound.

“Princess, get back!”

His warning went unheeded. Tajmani had already materialized her twin Blood Swords and launched a fierce attack on the beast.


The Crimson Fang Hound effortlessly blocked the princess’s attack with its massive fang. With a casual flick of its paw, it sent Tajmani flying through the air like a rag doll.


The sickening sound of bones breaking echoed through the clearing as Tajmani hurtled through the air.

Tien Ha cursed under his breath as he moved with lightning speed to intercept the princess’s trajectory. He caught her just before she crashed into a tree, but the impact still sent a jolt through his body.

“Ugh…” Tajmani coughed up a mouthful of blood. She was injured, but thankfully still alive.

‘Dammit, princess! Why do you always have to act so recklessly!’ Tien Ha thought with frustration.

A smaller Crimson Fang Hound saw an opening and pounced towards the injured princess and her protector.


Suddenly, Gerald materialized beside them. With a powerful punch, he sent the smaller hound flying backwards into a tree with a sickening thud.

“Are you alright, Princess?” Gerald asked with concern.

Tajmani, despite her injuries, still managed to boast, “I’m fine. I’m not that easy to kill.”

‘She’s delusional…’ Tien Ha thought.

Knowing that Tajmani was in no condition to fight, Tien Ha decided to relocate her to a safer location. He leaped back towards Lin and Mei with the injured princess.

“Take care of her,” he instructed, handing Tajmani over to her friends. He then encased them within a protective Blood Sphere. “Stay inside. Gerald and I will handle the rest.”

“What about me?!” Raphael cried out in panic. He rushed towards the Blood Sphere and began banging on its crimson surface. “Let me in!”

But Tien Ha and Gerald were already engaged in a fierce battle with the Crimson Fang Hounds. They didn’t hear Raphael’s pleas.

“Please, let me in!” Raphael begged Lin and Mei.

The two girls looked at him with cold indifference. “Your time has come, dog,” Lin sneered.

“Just accept your fate,” Mei added.


Raphael knew that he couldn’t rely on them for protection. He had to find a way to survive on his own. He turned and fled in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, his escape was short-lived. A large Crimson Fang Hound landed in front of him, blocking his path. Its fangs were bared, and saliva dripped from its jaws, anticipating the taste of his blood.

Raphael knew he couldn’t outrun the beast, yet he had to try. He turned and began fleeing.

The Crimson Fang Hound lunged at him with its claws extended. In his haste, Raphael glanced over his shoulder and became mortified. He tripped and fell in the snow. He closed his eyes and waited for the killing blow. His life flashed before his eyes. He had always been treated like a dog, and now he was going to die like one.

In his final moments, he thought of Butler Long, the only person who had ever shown him kindness. A wave of sadness washed over him. He waited for the searing pain of the hound's claws, but it never came.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Confused, Raphael opened his eyes. The Crimson Fang Hound was no longer attacking him.

“Woof! Woof!”

He heard a familiar whimper, followed by a series of barks. He turned around and saw the little white wolf cub that he had rescued earlier, standing defiantly between him and the Crimson Fang Hound.

“Did it… save me?”

Raphael realized that the little wolf cub was communicating with the larger hound, probably explaining how Raphael had freed it from the thorny vines.

“Please, don’t kill me! I saved your cub!” Raphael pleaded while making exaggerated gestures with his hands.

The Crimson Fang Hound seemed to understand. It hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran towards the main battle, where Tien Ha and Gerald were fighting the mother Crimson Fang Hound and the rest of the pack.

Raphael let out a sigh of relief. He was alive.

“Thank you,” he whispered to the little wolf cub. “You saved my life.”

The little wolf cub wagged its tail and nuzzled against Raphael’s leg, as if to say, ‘You’re welcome.’

“I should keep this little guy close just in case I’m attacked again.” He picked up the cub and hid behind a concealing block of ice, out of sight of the ferocious beasts.

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