Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 99: Research

Sol had told Nerodia that he would find another way and postponed the decision as the Seed had not even become a Nymph yet, it would need some time or maybe a long time before it develops into a more advanced being.

He was thinking about whether he could influence the Seed's growth so he could modify the end result of its development.

The best-case scenario was he made the male version of a nymph but he also has some alternative way that he could choose to go, he could invent a Nymph cloning or just made the retain the ability to reproduce asexually.

Sol would need the help of Nerodia to do it but he was optimistic with his knowledge of modern science he could at least have some result, he refused to believe that he would fail.

Even though his knowledge of genetic modification was not anywhere near good enough, he would try his best, although he did not even know whether a Seed or Nymph had DNA, there surely be a spirit equivalent of it.

As for starting his experiment, Sol would need to wait for the Seed to multiply a bit so he has a test subject to experiment with.

Worse come to worse and he could not make any progress, Sol planing to just bewitch some human or creature to live in his mini-world, with that he was sure the population problem would be solved, but he would need to consult Nerodia about it.

For some reason, Sol felt that Nerodia would not be happy when he told her about that solution as she could have thought about it but for some reason, she already crossed it out.

After that finding, Sol and Nerodia adjust the mini-world to be more liveable for the Seed, from what Nerodia told him, the Seed was attuned to Snow and cold so they made the mini-world even colder.

When they came out of the mini-world, Nerva and the other complained about the mini world was too cold, but they could not do anything about it, if they want the Seed to multiply faster than make it even colder was their best bet.

If they made it warmer then it might not multiply and in the worst-case scenario, it would die from the sudden change of environment.

Sol was thinking to change the environment once the Seed was more stable so they could try to make another type of living being but it was still far away.

With nothing else to do, Sol tried to build his own house to no result, he could just construct a rectangular wooden house but he thought it would be too plain, he tried to build something close to a mansion or a villa but it was beyond him.

In the end, Nerva told him to leave everything to her and she started to design the house and construct it with the help of Nerodia and Moon.

Being left with nothing, Sol decided to do something he had pushed back for sometimes because of the recent happening.

Sol went to the mini-world for some privacy and summoned his knife armament, he tried to create another clone with his knife aura and sun ice ability.

After some fumbling, he discovered that he would need to accumulate a certain amount of knife aura before he could create a clone of himself.

To his surprise, it retains its previous developed intelligence, even though it somewhat like a robot, he figures out its movement more like an instinct that was influenced by external stimuli.

It would not do anything without being commanded to, but the way it accomplishes it depended heavily on what it has been through.

Sol tried to attack it with an ice dagger and it did not even dodge until he commanded it to dodge his attack.

It tried its best to dodge but fail miserably at first that it tumbled backward, it made Sol need to close the distance before he could attack again.

So it leaned that with distance, he could not reach it, once it knew that, it would retreat with every dodge.

This was the first time it leaned that as in the previous fight, its job was to get hit and block every attack that comes to Sol's way.

"Stop running, don't move from this spot," He command and continue to attack the clone.

Once he commands it, the clone did not retreat anymore, but it used another way to dodge his attack, it would learn his attacking pattern and dodge accordingly.

Sol had purposely attacked in a simple pattern so he could know its learning capability, he made his move even more complicated once it was able to dodge his every attack.

To his surprise, its learning ability was comparable to a human, he did try to use the pattern he had used before and it would dodge it perfectly like before.

Once he knew its limit, Sol tried to dismiss it and resummon it, without giving any command, he attacks the clone.

It still dodges his attack without moving from the spot it was summoned at, "It seems that it retained the command even though I just resummon it" Sol muttered.

Sol also tried to conjure a different body for the knife clone and it actually still able to move, it basically not a clone but a knife doll or robot, he decides to call it a knife soul.

It took a long time for Sol to decide on its form as he was not comfortable to look at his own face on the knife soul.

He made it into a girl rather than a man as he would rather look at a girl than a man, he based her on Nerodia as she was the most beautiful girl he ever saw and changed it from then, he gave it some of his features and it becomes somewhat a mix of himself and Nerodia.

After he was satisfied by his own creation, Sol start to erase all the commands he had given it and tried to gave it a lot of commands to know its limit if it has one.

He was like a programmer, he tried to program the knife soul to be able to function autonomously without the need to give it another command.

Sol needed to stop halfway because he got too drained from continuously using his ability and went out of the mini-world.

Outside the mini-world, Nerva had finished their new house with the help of both Nerodia and Moon, She looked at him in anticipation as she wants him to praise her.

"Wow, it is amazing, you have done a great job," Sol said truthfully even though he was reluctant to acknowledge that she did better than himself.

Sol nurse his own ego by telling himself that he ming not be good with buildings, but he has his own project with the knife soul, remembering how much progress he made in making the knife soul independent, it made him proud of himself.

The big house was still empty but it would be fixed in time, for the time being, Sol and Nerodia could just conjure anything they need.

Sol could not make everything as not everything could be made perfectly from ice, for example, a bed, it would be uncomfortable to sleep on a hard cold ice bed, so he Needs Nerodia to conjure one, it was not the best to have a bed made of sand but it's better than making it from ice.

Time passed as Sol trying to perfect his knife soul summon, he had been struggling on making his commands to perfectly sync and not interfere with each other.

He had also been enhancing its visual aspect as he made the knife soul wearing knight armor and have its own weapon.

They have also been sparring to enhance the knife soul fighting ability, he tried to teach it any possible technique and outcome in a battle, it also helps him to find an error in his command.

Overall it was a debugging process, Sol found a lot of problems when the knife soul starts hesitating in a fight.

Sol needed to somehow make it able to have priority in choosing which command to follow, it was hard as at most he could call the knife soul as half-sentient rather than a sentient AI.

It was a stressful yet fun process for Sol, he had a goal to reach and he was making progress in it, it also indirectly increase his battle power as he could use the knife soul to fight by his side.

After some time, the others found out what he was doing, Sol shrugs it off as it was part of his ice ability rather than him having another ability.

They were having lunch when Sol was talking about how he was stuck in improving his knife soul when Nerva asked, "Why don't you just command it to decide by itself?"

Sol wanted to tell her how it was impossible but he could not as he never tried it before, "Fuck, why didn't I think about it before?" He thought to himself depressingly.

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