Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 93: Changed

Sol did and the other actually want to rest before going back but he had a feeling that it would be better for them to go home as soon as possible.

That had met three Demigod within a week, which was something they never saw before, if his prediction was correct then withing a few weeks, Demigod would not be so rare, they would need to fight their way back with blood.

So it was best for them to get back soon before the creature in the wild catch up with them, with Sol and Nerodia current strength, they could get back within two or three days without a problem.

They used a new snow car as their old one need to be repaired before it could go through another journey.

It was built to go through a harsh environment like the blizzard they met, but it still needs to be repaired after every journey if they did not want any mishap in the middle of the journey.

With their new snow car and power, Sol and the other reach the city within three days, they did not meet any trouble on the way, with Nerodia being there, they could evade any possible danger.

Even though they had two demigods in their team, fighting every demigod they meet would be stupid, it would be better to choose the saver path rather than the fastest path.

There were a few people that want to get back to their city with them but Sol decline as the wild was still an unknown zone and they might meet with danger at any moment, luckily they didn't.

When Sol reach the guard post he felt something was strange, "Why is there so little guard? The last time we were here there were at least five times this amount," he wondered.

They did not stop him this time, they did not even ask anything when he opened the car door, everyone knew him and no one has the guts to stop him.

They did not need to see him or sense his power to know who he was because only Sol ever went out and into the city.

Of course, seeing a catgirl on the front seat also a dead give away that it was Sol and his group of creature girl.

He did not make any uproar this time as he had hidden his aura so no one would know he had become a demigod unless they probe him directly.

Nerodia had also hidden her aura after some persuasion from Nerva, she did not bother to hear Sol's word so he had no choice but to ask for the kitten's help, she heard her as she also dotes on the kitten as much as he did.

"Nerodia, you feel anything wrong in the city?" Sol asked the snake in case there was any danger in the city.

"There is no danger but the number of Heirs in the city is quite low, the missing Heir currently gathers around a few kilometers north from the city" she replied.

"Wait, there is three strong presence, most likely they are Demigods, on is in the city while the other two are outside with the missing heir" She informed him.

"Demigods?" Sol was shocked even though he had known that there were bound to be Demigods in the city, but for three of them to appear there, was out of his expectation.

Sol drop Tanya by her house and went back home to let the other rest while he went to the temples to finish the mission.

He tried to contact Hilda with his phone, but to his surprise, there was no signal or connection, he had tried for a few minutes but it was still the same, in the end, he directly went to the temple of Mars to meet the woman.

When he reaches the Temple, Sol could sense a strong presence from the camp, he could guess that a Demigod was there.

Camp actually was not an accurate description as the tent around the temple had changed into semi-permanent buildings that resemble a military base.

Sol had only left for two weeks but the city had changed a lot more than he thought, "I need to ask around ad see what I have been missing while I'm out of the city," he muttered.

When he gets inside the camp, a guard went to greet him and start to lead him toward Hilda's location, it was in the same direction as the presence he had sense.

He reaches an office room that looks similar to any other room near it but one thing was different, the presence radiated from the room was exceptional.

The person seemed to hide his or her presence but it was not perfect, Sol's technique to hide his presence was clearly better as he had learned it from Minerva herself.

He knocked on the door and a female voice could be heard from inside, "come in," she said.

Hilda had been informed that Sol had returned and was heading to meet her, she looked at him with measuring eyes and then greeted him, "Welcome back Mr. Vestitor."

Inside the room was empty with only a single working table and chair, normally when a subordinate visit her, they would stand like soldier they are, or when someone of the same stature as her come, they would go to another room to have a meeting.

Hilda did not bother to bring him to another room and just conjured an iron chair for him to sit on, Sol was not shocked as he had expected this when he senses her presence.

Sol could conjure his own chair but he did not want to boast about his strength, It better to keep it a secret but he was not optimistic about it because the news should have traveled there through the internet.

He kept his face neutral and took his seat, they started to talk formality about the mission, in essence, Sol was reporting about his mission and the result of his journey.

"That's great, we would construct the gate by next month," She told him, it gave Sol a shock as he had expected them to start the construction as soon as he gets back from their earlier enthusiasm.

"Why next month? what changed?" he asked in confusion.

"you might have noticed but we have blocked all connection to the outside world, it was because we found something valuable.

"It's a mine of crystalized divinity, currently the owner-ship of the mine go three-way, The temple of Mars, The temple of Jupiter, and The temple of Vulcan keep possession of the mining right."

"Before you asked my only three of our temple have the right, you should have sense and see my ability just now right? The other two temples also have people with similar ability, we are what you call a Demigod."

"in other words, we have the right because we are more powerful than the other temple," She told him with pride.

"We are hiding the fact we have such a mine to keep it save, the was a case where people share their findings only to have every neighboring city raid them to get the right for the mine," she explained.

Sol nodded in understanding, "then why next month? what change after a month?" he questions again.

"We would have enough advantage within a month, at least we would have two or three more demigods from the mine's yield, with that amount of Demigod, we would not need to worry about any opportunist that come our way," She said confidently.

"Anyway, I'm a bit busy so you can leave first" she sees him out of the room.

Hilda looked at him with a bit of pity as he had been left out of the opportunity to mine, he was away from the city when they found the mine and missed the chance to be a Demigod.

She thought he was the strongest person in the city but now there are three people who were stronger than him.

They could help others advance into a demigod as well but nobody would give the chance to him, they would help their own people to advance rather than help Sol get back to the top.

Before Sol left he turned back and asked, "Ms. Hilda, So the mining right go to the strongest right?"

The military woman nodded and brush him off, his question made her feel disdainful, she though he did not know his own limit, in her eyes he was indeed the strongest person in the city but that time had long passed.

"I feel sorry for him, he thought he is still in control," she muttered while thinking that he did not understand the difference between Demigod and a mortal.

Sol had sensed her thought but brush it off as he had got used to people thinking bad things about him, "Maybe I should visit the mine Tomorrow," he thought to himself while going back home.

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