Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 82: Invasion

After their reunion, Nerva told both her mother and father to keep her identity a secret from Sol as she was shy about it, after all, she is an adult inside but he had treated her like a child, she didn't know how to face him when he knows the truth.

The next day, Sol was picking up Nerva to find both man and woman was reluctant to part with her, they hugged her with affection before letting her go.

"Thank You for taking care of her, we would visit again sometimes after the teleportation gate is done," Sol said as he picked Nerva up.

He could see that both man and woman looked way happier than they were before, he did not know what change but it was all good if they felt better after his visit.

"Please do visit us old people more often, we are would love to spend time with little Nerva more," The woman said.

Sol nodded and said his farewell to the pair, He was alone because he didn't want to attract attention.

Everyone in the city knew that The Heir killer was accompanied by a few creatures woman, if he went with Miya, it would make them recognize him easily, and that's not what he wanted.

Being recognized anywhere he went was really annoying as people would gather and it made his journey slower.

As a Demigod, Sol could just hide his presence then no one would think he was an exceptional person, even heirs would not be able to tell if Sol put his all to hide his presence.

It was possible for an Heir to know he was not a normal person if they tried to use their bloodline power on him as he would not be as affected by the power, but there is no Heir that was bored enough to use their power on everyone and anyone.

Sol and Nerva were about to reach the hotel when the heard a loud warning signal ringing through the city, Sol was confused as he was not familiar with the signal meaning.

He tried to get into the hotel only to be met by a group of people who flood out of the building, they seemed to be panicked.

Sol reaches out to one man that tried to evacuate toward the temple, "What happened? What is the alarm about?"

The man looked at Sol as if he was an idiot but he soon realizes his mistake when he recognizes him, "Sir, it's an alarm telling us there is an invasion going on, this time it's a massive attack" he said.

The city was attacked a few times so they had set up an alarm signal to help with evacuation, almost every city ever got an attack from Evil spirit as there is a lot of death in the initial change on the day of upheaval happened.

There was some other danger to cities other than a zombie outbreak, creatures attack was one of them, for a big city like this city, they could muster enough Heirs and manpower to beat back the invasion and evil spirit

For a smaller city, they usually ask the help of a God in exchange for a certain thing, some exceptional person like Sol could also be among them and save the city from destruction, overall not many cities got totally demolished by the evil spirit or creature invasion.

"Fuck! Why does trouble keep following me anywhere I go?" Sol lamented as he let the man go.

Sol carries Nerva in his arm as he was about to get in the building to meet up with Miya and the other when he saw them getting out of the building.

"Mr. Sol, what happens? Is there a natural disaster coming?" Tanya asked him as the girls still in the dark about their situation.

"Let me explain on the way, We need to evacuate to the temples," Sol told them as he leads them toward the temples.

It didn't take long for them to reach the temple as the city was built toward the temples for such an occasion.

A lot of people had gathered there to get the protection of the temples, as far as he knows the temple would repel any hostile creature so they would be saved there.

They went to the temple of Minerva to find Jean and Jacob, they wanted to ask about the situation to the brother-sister pair, as they would know more of it than some random people.

"Ah mister Vestitor, it's nice to meet you again" Jacob greets him with Jean beside him.

Both of them were scared of him as they had seen first hand how he could beat the firebird into submission.

"Yeah, let's cut to the chase, what happened?" Sol looked at the older brother as his image of the young man was better than his sister.

"It's an invasion, there is a group of creatures attacking our city" he tried to explain, "they had tried to attack a few times but we had successfully repelled them."

"We thought they won't come back but they would come back every month with greater number, it's a group of antman," the heir explained.

"Are they strong?" Sol questioned, to his understanding, ants were not supposed to be a strong creature.

"They are not that strong but their number was high, they would bring at least two dozen heir with every attack."

"No matter how much we kill, their number won't decrease by the next month, on the other hand, it increased." He told him about the situation.

Sol looked a bit confused, "if you have done this multiple times then you should not be this scared of the invasion right?" he points it out.

The people seem to be in great fear which was unnatural as they should have adapted to the monthly attack.

"The problem is our scout sense the number of heirs was uncountable, it was as if every antman had a bloodline," Jacob whispered as he was afraid that it would cause mass panic.

Other people might think it was a joke but Sol knows better than doubt it, being in denial would not help the get out of the pinch.

"How many Antman is there, any sign of the ant queen?" Sol questioned him further.

"Probably five hundred antman," he said which made Sol sucked a deep breath.

"Fuck! five hundred heirs!" Sol was in great trouble as he knew there is a high possibility that it was true.

If his guess was true then the Ant queen had become a Demigod which grant its descendant a bloodline, it might not give super strong ability but fighting five hundred heirs was impossibly hard.

It had not even counted the Demigod into the equation, with five hundred heirs and a Demigod, conquering a city would be easy.

Sol was about to question Jacob more when he senses a familiar presence behind him, when he looked back, he found the red-haired demigod he had fought before.

"Ms. Nix, what do you need from me?" Sol asked the girl.

Sol had guessed that the demigod would ask him for help in defending the city as she was weakened from their fight.

If the flaming bird was in top condition, then it would not need help in defending the city, it could annihilate five hundred heirs easily if it used the dark flame.

Beating the ant Demigod would be easy as well because ants were inherently weak toward the fire, not to mention the flaming bird was stronger than a normal Demigod.

The Flaming bird elemental body made it highly resistant toward physical damage, it could triumph against those at a similar level if they did not have any elemental ability to counter his.

The girl didn't wait long and directly cut to the chase, "Protect this city, it's for you good as well, if this city perishes then your hard work would be for nothing," she said.

That annoyed Sol so much because she was supposed to ask for help but instead she demands him to help as if that was his duty.

In the end, Sol agreed to help as he indeed didn't want to let the city got destroyed and waste his effort.

Sol knows that it was still possible for him to beat the ant army if the city's heir and his companion help him fight the army while he confronts the Demigod.

Moon's and Blacky's ability gave them an edge in group fight as they could tank a lot of damage while thinning down their number.

Blacky's ability had a limitation but with the Fire bird's heirs help, he believes it could handle the massive number of heirs as long as he plays it right.

"I can help you protect the city but there is a catch, I want you to help me fighting the Demigod and you will need to give me kill the Demigod in the end," Sol told the red-haired girl his condition to protect the city.

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