Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 80: Parent

Sol had finished the official business in some unorthodox way, it helped in making the deal reach conclusion faster so he was pleased with it.

He went out of the room with a glare behind his back, it was so sharp that he could sense the hostility in it, "I better leave this city soon or this hot-headed girl might attack me again," he lamented.

After spending so much energy in the fight, Sol and his companion went to a hotel to rest, they were supposed to get accommodation but because of the sudden shift in power, their supposed accommodation was forgotten.

Sol grumbles as he needs to pay for the accommodation, in the end, he even pays for Tanya's room as well, the book two room, one for Tanya and her dog and the other one are for him and his big family.

Now that they reach safety, the girl demand to be with him as well, no room was big enough for them so he ends up renting a presidential suite which made his bank account cry.

"When I get back I will demand the temples government to give me compensation," Sol grumbled, he made quite a lot of money by teaching students from the temple of Minerva but it was not enough to spend willy nilly,

He was reluctant to pay for it but remembering that he would soon be the owner of the teleportation gate share, Sol was not really in money problem, "If push comes to shove then I can just sell the defensive armament they promise me" He thought.

Sol's ice armor was stronger than any Heir tier armament, unless the armament has a special ability like his knife then his conjured equipment would be better.

For the rest of the day, everyone was resting, they were tired from the long journey and the fighting, it was good to finally get a rest in a safe environment.

The next day Sol had made an appointment with Sasha's parent, he called them the day before to meet up, they sounded a bit reluctant but decided to meet him in the end.

Sol's deed had been a big topic in the city, everybody had heard about him beating the city's only Demigod and about this reputation which was far from stellar.

Both Sasha's parents had heard about it too, they doubt that the man in the news was the same man they knew was a great teacher as their daughter had told them a lot of good things about him.

Buth his call and the appearance of the mysterious heir killer was such a coincidence, this name was also the same, but the definite prove was the teacher should be at the neighboring city and there is no one else ever come from outside the city then the infamous heir killer and his companion.

They were afraid to meet such a strong man as they were just normal people, at most they have a few shards, to meet someone that could beat a Demigod was too much for them, his reputation also not helping in calming them.

In the end, they agreed because they wanted to hear about their only daughter's last moment, they missed her and knowing that the man possesses something that belongs to her made them want to meet him even more as he promised to give it to them.

Sol went to their place as he was the guest and he did not want them to feel like he was ordering them around.

He was about to meet them alone but Nerva insisted that she accompany him to the meeting and she would not take no as an answer.

In the end, Sol brings Nerva and Miya with him, he brings Miya so the cat could take care of her kitten when Sol having a serious talk with Sasha's parents.

When they reach the address, they arrived at a small house that was covered with snow like most building far away from the temples.

He ringed the bell and a woman opened the door on him, "ah, Welcome Sir, we have been waiting for you" She said.

"Ma'am, you can call me Mr. Vestitor as usual, I'm just a humble teacher," Sol said to the woman.

"Right, Mr. Vestitor, please come in, I'm sorry for our humble house," She said to lead him in when she noticed Nerva who was holding Miya's hand, it was quite a shock for her to see the little girl, she reminds her of her daughter when she was younger.

Nerva had to hold herself from crying and run at her mother that she had not seen for half a year, she looked a decade older than the last time they met, it hurt her to saw her mother looked so weary.

Noticing the girl grip got tighter, Miya holds her and carries her in a hug, "Sol, we will wait outside," Miya said as she thought the kitten was afraid of the stranger.

"No! I want to go in too!" She tried to say but she could not help as her voice cracked into a scream from all the emotion brewing in her heart.

"Alright," Sol told the kitten, he was confused as she usually was obedient and mature, it just today she seems to be so needy.

"Mr. Vestitor, this is?" Sasha's mother asked him in question.

"Ah, Sorry, this is my daughter, Nerva, she insisted to come with me, I'm sorry for the inconvenience," He apologized to the woman.

"It's ok, we are not troubled by it, you can bring her it, it would be better that we have kids to cheer up the situation," She said with a longing smile.

The woman leads them inside to an empty living room where a man was waiting for them, the house has little furniture that looks so plain.

Both man and woman were not doing well as a normal person in the new world, it takes them by surprise and their only daughter passing was nit helping them to cope with the situation.

"Mr. Vestitor, welcome to our humble house, I'm sorry that its a bit plain, please have a seat," the man welcomed him.

The woman took her seat beside the man as Sol and Miya took the one opposite to them while Nerva sits on Miya's lap.

The man took his wife's arm in his to calm her down as he talked to Sol, "Mr. Vestitor, could you tell me about my daughter, how was she in school and was her last moment" his voice trembled a bit.

Sol nodded and started to talk, "She was a good girl, she likes to help others and very kind too," he told them.

He told them all he knows about his former student and told them about her last moment once more, he didn't know when but both man and woman started to cry midway through his story.

To both of Sol's and Miya's surprise, Nerva jumps down from Miya's lap and gets to the pair, and started to comfort them.

She sit between them and hold both their arm in her little hand, Sol could see that she was about to cry to but holding back.

He did not think much about it because it was normal for a little girl to get emotional about all this, Nerva usually was mature but she was also a kid in his eyes.

Sol finished his story, he told them how sorry he was that he could not save the girl, he had been beating himself over it as he was there when she passed away.

"It's not your fault Mr. Vestitor, even us as the parent would not be able to save her," the man told him.

Sol was grateful to the man's word, it lifts a heavy burden in his heart, it was only a single sentence but it means a lot to him.

"Ah right, Mr. Sol where is our Daughter memento? You said you will give it to us when we meet" Sasha's mother looked at him hopefully which made him awkward.

The necklace Sasha wore was used as an amulet for Nerva to mask her bloodline so it could not be given back to the pair, Sol was in a pinch as he had promised them.

"Ah, About that ..." Sol tried to explain to the pair about the necklace without telling them that Nerva was the daughter of Minerva.

It would be dangerous for them and for Nerva as well if they know the secret, it was hard for him to explain without revealing anything to them.

"So basically your daughter needs it because she would be in trouble without it?" the woman looked at him in question, she looked a bit disappointed but not insisting to have it.

"Yes, I'm so sorry, If I find a replacement then I found to give this back to you," Sol promised.

"Dad, why don't I stay here for a while? They can at least be near the necklace if I'm here," Nerva told him.

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