Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 174: Ice Age

"Sir, How is it with the intruder?" A young man asked a man in an exosuit.

"I already took care of it. The man entered the temple with no suspicion. Once he got out of the temple, we buried him under so much firepower that he turned into a meat paste." The man answered.

"But isn't he strong? He could beat all of us. How can you be sure the weapon manned by a lesser demigod could beat him?" the younger man asked in doubt.

"You need to believe in our mighty tech. Not even the Gods could withstand its power, there is no way a mere demigod could survive it. I have seen him die with my own eyes, and even if he somehow survived, he will just die once more," the man tried to reassure him.

"Yes, Sir. It was my lack of faith that made me worried. I should not have doubted our technology, a mere mortal like him, would never survive our technology," he replied in shame.

It was then that an alarm suddenly resounded, "Code Red! Code Red! We lost contact with the God Containment Area! Every able man is to report for duty! This is not a drill! I repeat This is not a drill!"

"Fuck! What happened? Why suddenly there is an attack in the temples? It has been months and there is no attack from the Gods, but there are multiple emergencies in one day," the older man cursed.

He hurriedly gathered his man toward the tunnel to check what happened. They used giant robots and war vehicles this time instead of an exosuit.

Hundreds of demigods armed to the teeth march forward in dread of fighting an actual god incarnation.

"Did we underestimate the gods? Even though we have put that much firepower, was it not enough to kill them? I feel like I'm missing something here?" the man gritted his teeth.

"Captain, The city had been evacuated. We are ready to blow the city with the antimatter bomb any second," A man reported.

"Good, If we can't stop it with our weapon then use the bomb, don't let our enemy roam free!" he replied.

No one walked down the tunnel. They waited outside the tunnel with their weapon aimed inside, so they could use their superior number.

Suddenly everyone shivered, "Is it just me or is this place growing colder?" they wondered.

It was then that a man shouted, "There is a movement from the tunnel! Fire! Don't let it out!"

The army fired their weapon, laser attacks, bullets and missiles were flooding the tunnel, they made a loud sound of destruction as they landed inside the tunnel.

Dark smoke rises from the tunnel and they stopped their attack to reload their weapon, they were about to continue when the dark smoke got pushed away by a large volume of ice fog.

It went everywhere, and the city started to look white, and people's vision got limited to a few meters. The temperature was constantly dropping as the fog grew thicker.

Frost started to appear on every surface, touched by the fog. It did not take long for the warm city to turn into a frozen ice block.

The barrier covering the city also froze over; it turned the city into an ice globe. Every machine in the city died as they froze over.

Even the antimatter bomb that was ready to explode with a single command was also frozen in place.

Sol walked out of the tunnel and sneered at the frozen people around him. The giant robot and war vehicle had turned into an ice statue, the lesser demigods manning them already lost their life from all the heat lost.

"Hahaha, I never would have thought there would come a day where I will freeze an entire city," Sol laughed.

Normally, he would not be able to freeze an entire city within seconds. He did not have enough power to do so, but his enemy had decided to give him enough source of energy to do so.

Sol had sent a creature to scout the way out when he sensed danger outside the tunnel when the people outside decided it would be a good idea to bombard the tunnel with attacks that turn the tunnel really hot.

He used the heat to multiply the fog, with it he could generate so much fog that it actually covered the whole city.

Once it covered the whole city, it was an easy job for Sol to absorb all the heat in it. Nothing survived his influence, the only people who survived were the minor demigods, their divinity allowed them to survive his power.

"Oh, you guys are still alive? How does it feel to be trapped inside your prided war machine? You like it, right? This is what you get for betraying me!" He jeered at them.

"Let us go! Do you know the consequences of your action? This city is owned by Deus. He will hunt you down no matter where you are!" the captain tried to scare him.

"Hahaha! That's funny! If he dares to appear before me, Then he will be killed by Jupiter! Your God is hiding in fear, there is no one who can help you!" Sol laughed at the man's threat.

"We don't need help to fight you! There is no way you can win against all of us!" they used their ability, it conjured some kind of electricity that fuels their machine.

The electricity melted the frost on their machine and it tried to go after the other machine, "Are they trying to manipulate other technology? As if I will let them!" Sol thought.

He conjured a bubble of healing dome around them, but rather than healing them, it contained their power in it so it could not contact other machines.

"What is this? What did you do?!" they got a shock when their power got bounced back.

They could not see the healing dome, so they were in the dark about why their power was unable to spread and took control of the surrounding machine.

"Don't tell me you are afraid to fight without your machine? Maybe I think too highly of you guys," Sol provoked them.

"What did you say? We can beat you even without our machines!" one of them rushed at him.

Electricity covered his body, but it did not form any kind of weapon, his conjuring abilities were lacking in form.

"How did you become demigod again? You are an embarrassment as a demigod!" Sol shook his head in disapproval.

Sol threw Nai at the man. It was so fast that it pierced the man's head before he could even blink.

"How dare you kill him! Are you even human?" the other chastises him.

"I had told you that if you betray me, then I won't hold back, If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself!" Sol replied harshly.

"Nai, take care of them, I'm not in the mood to fight them," he told the knife on the ground.

The knife covered in ice crystals suddenly glowed and the ice grew bigger. Within five seconds it transformed into a snow-white woman with snow-white hair.

The demigods did not have time to ogle her body as a white gown appeared on her body just a moment after it transformed.

"I will teach you how you should fight. Well, it's not like you will need it since your life ends here," She said icily.

The demigod took a step back because of her temperament but they soon steel their heart, "You are the one dying here!" they screamed as they gang up on her.

Their conjuring ability was worse than a newly advanced demigod. Without their machine, they were just like a kid playing with a knife.

They tried to get close but all of them fell to the frozen ground; they tried to push themselves up only to find they were missing their legs.

Nai had used its invisible blade to cut their feet, they did not even realize it coming, none of them tried to dodge or defend.

"What did you do! You witch! They tried to use their ability to hit her, but she just stood there while their hand fell to the ground.

They could only look in horror as all of their limbs had been separated from their body, they could not even lift their face from the ground.

"You should not be too dependent on your weapon, you should make yourself as the weapon, that way you will never be defenseless," she gave them advice before she cut their head off.

Their eyes went wide as they could see death creeping toward them, but after a few seconds, they were still conscious.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that you don't die instantly even if you lost your body," She said before they suddenly felt nothingness.

Nai had turned their head into a bloody paste. She walked toward Sol with a small smile on her face.

"What are you smiling about? That's creepy," Sol told the knife as he wiped the blood from her face.

"Nothing, I'm just happy that I can teach people about something good," her expression becomes cold once more.

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