Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 167: The Gate

"Fuck! His healing is too fast! He is basically immortal if I can't kill him instantly!" Sol cursed ah he ordered the lions to attack simultaneously.

He was conjuring more creatures as the lions kept diving at the sun god, but the rate of him conjuring the creature was too slow compared to the rate they died from Apollo's attack.

Not only from his attack, but the lion would also burn to ashes once they touch the former sun god.

"At this rate, I will waste a day of preparation!" he lamented as he decided to get closer.

With so much lion crashing at the man, Sol thought he would be saved enough since the man only attacks the closest creature.

"I will just run out of a meat shield," Sol thought.

He got closer than 10 meters before he stopped; he did not want to get any closer than that since he was planning to run the moment Apollo tried to attack him.

Sol was only a step away from the safe zone. He believes he could run with his life if the man decided to attack him.

"This should be enough," he thought as he conjured hundreds of icicles and sent them to the man.

To his surprise, the icicle melts before it gets too close to the man. He made the icicles with his sun ice ability, which means it would get stronger in heat. If it melts, that means the temperature was so high that it melts the ice before it could absorb the heat.

"Fine, if the sun ice doesn't work then I will use my other ability!" He conjured a hundred flying knives with his knife aura and sent it at the man.

The invisible knives stabbed at the man, but he did not try to dodge, he would just let it pierce through his body before healing his wound.

"Fuck! It's not enough? Then I will just behead you!" Sol conjured a spinning blade before he sent it toward the man's neck.

The sun god did not seem to care and continued to kill the lions. The blade came in contact with his neck and cut through his neck.

The sun god was not a real being, he did not have the resistance that higher tier God had toward the lower tier god; it allowed Sol to hurt him with his ability.

To his disappointment, the blade did not kill the man, he would just make another body in its place.

Sol gritted his teeth as he had done the same thing before. He knew how hard it is to kill the God if he could not instantly kill him.

"Fine, I will just destroy your brain!" Sol said in frustration.

Instead of another blade, Sol conjured a spear made of the knife's aura. He threw the spear straight to the man's head.

It moved so fast as it was made of the knife aura, the sun god could not dodge even if he wanted to as he was busy dealing with the unending wave of creatures.

It hit the man's temple and went through the other side, but what he saw made Sol despair. The spear didn't kill the man, his wound just closed itself before he continued to attack the nearest creature.

"Fuck, he is unkillable! Not even destroying his brain work!" he cursed again.

"At this point, I hope I have an atomic bomb," he lamented as he didn't have enough firepower to hurt the man.

It was at that point that one of the lions got kicked by the sun god and was sent sliding through the bridge.

It continued toward the gate and collided with it; it did not take long for the creature to be burned to ashes, but Sol noticed something else.

The moment the lion collided against the gate, the sun god's body suddenly dimmed a bit. It was only a moment, but Sol clearly saw the man dimmed.

"That's it! He is not a living being! He is the remnant of Apollo, no matter how I attack him, he would not die since it is just a remnant!" he realized.

"It seems that he is connected to the black gate, I should have attacked the gate from the beginning!".

He hurriedly conjured another spear from the knife aura, but this time he did not attack the man but attack the gate he was protecting instead.

The moment it collided, the stoic man finally showed emotion. It was the mix of pain and anger, "Ah..." the man roared.

Suddenly the remnant went directly for Sol, it suddenly recognizes him as a threat and attacks him while ignoring the lions.

"Shit! It's coming for me!" he cursed as he conjured a wall of ice between them before he took a step back to leave the danger zone.

To his surprise, the man did not stop. He tried to get past the ten-meter limit; it made the man's movement slower, just like how his creature got slower when he sent them into the ten-meter radius.

With the man's decreased speed, Sol tried to bombard him with his conjuring ability, "He is protecting the gate!" he thought.

While Sol tried to outrun the sun god, he commanded the Lions to attack the black gate; they piled on the gate.

Every time they attacked the gate, they got damaged in return, but Sol did not care he ordered them to crash against the gate in suicide in order to destroy the black gate.

The moment they crashed against the gate, Apollo's body dimmed and it slowed him once more. That gave Sol enough time to dodge as the man almost hit him with his deadly fireball.

Apollo stopped chasing him and turned back to the black gate, he tried to stop the lions from attacking it, he desperately tried to get close but being outside the gate's range, he could not get there in time.

He conjured a fire wing behind his back, trying to get faster, but Sol did not let him; He conjured wall after wall in front of him, so he needed to break them before getting closer with the lions.

The man dimmed and became less substantial; he became more and more transparent, like a ghost.

Sol knew that the key in beating the man was not in attacking the man himself, but the gate that somehow sustains the supposedly dead god.

The lower half of the gate was already damaged and the black aura was not covering the lower half anymore.

Behind the black aura was a copper gate, Sol could feel a familiar aura from the gate, "That the way home!" he mumbled.

But before the lions could destroy every dark aura covering the gate, Apollo already reached them. He started to slaughter them.

Sol could clearly see that the man became weaker, thus his speed in killing the Lions was slower than before, but it was enough to stop them from attacking the gate.

The black aura was visibly healing as it started to cover the gate once more. The sun god's power also recovers along with the dark aura.

"As if I will let you recover!" Sol got into the Gate's range and conjured a giant ballista made of the sun ice ability.

Suddenly, the lions got slower as the knife aura left their body, Sol had absorbed every drop of aura from their body and moved it to the ballista.

That did not satisfy him. He used the healing dome to cover the ballista in giant barbs of bones before he shot it.

The sun god's remnant senses the powerful attack that was targeting the gate. He tried to block it with his fire ability but it could not melt the ballista in time; it was too fast.

In the end, he used his own body to block the ballista; it pierced his chest and flew toward the gate, but the sun god held onto the giant arrow's shaft. He stopped it just in time before it crashed into the door.

Of course, Sol was not waiting for it to hit his target, he already conjured another ballista. The moment the previous one stopped, he moved the aura to the next ballista and shot it once more.

The same thing happened repeatedly as the sun god gets more and more holes in his body.

Sol and more and more knife aura on the unlimited cycle of ballista until the remnant could not stop it anymore.

It crashed to the gate, and it shattered the black aura covering the gate; it did not stop and pushed the gate open. He could see a bright light from the other side of the door.

It was so bright that the world turned white, Sol closed his eyes and the moment he opened it, he found himself in front of a bronze gate.

The gate was closed and a giant lock was keeping it shut, Sol looked around to check if there was any danger.

He found both his armament and the hydras were back in their place, "I'm out of that strange world!" he realized.

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