Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 149: Creature's City

"How about the other? Will you let them die just like that?" Tea asked Sol with a frown.

"Don't talk like that, didn't we agree that if anything happened to each other we would leave the burden behind and continue our journey?" he asked back at her.

She was taken aback by his question, "I thought we were friends, I should not expect anything from a scum like you," she said in disappointment.

"We are friends, Tea. Just don't let it cloud our judgment, each of us have someone waiting on the other side, I have people waiting for my return as well. Do you think we could save them? The only thing we could do for them is to open the gate of the underworld so the war could end sooner." He talked back at her.

"But," she said about to start again when he interrupted her.

"Get yourself together, Tea! They are not some damsel that needs to be saved, each of them is stronger than you think, they can keep themselves alive. All we need to do is to finish our mission!" He reprimanded the girl with a firm attitude.

That made her silent as she did not really agree with his way but she could not deny what he said was correct, there was nothing they could do to save them and stop the war, not if Atlas was in charge.

"Get ready, we will depart right away," he told the silent girl.

"Which way are we going?" she finally talked but he could clearly sense her displeasure from her tone.

"We could not get too close with Atlas's group, they will most likely go for each city that wants to open the gate of the underworld to gather an army so we should evade these cities." He explained.

"You mean we are going straight to the gate of the underworld without stopping?" She asked him in doubt as it would take months of journies for them to reach their destination, to never stop was simply impossible.

"We are going to visit a few cities along the way, but none of them would be the city of the dead, we are going to the creature's city," He opened his own map as he showed her his planned route.

It was quite a detour since they were avoiding cities that might be visited by Atlas's group but it would be better than meeting the Titan and getting drafted into the army as well.

"Wouldn't it be too risky? They would not welcome us you know?" She pointed out that as creatures and the dead were two different factions, the creatures were not welcome to outsiders.

"That's why we are visiting as few cities as possible unless we are hard-pressed for supply, we would not stop in the city. As for when we really need to go, I have some tricks up my sleeve, you don't need to be afraid," he tried to reassure her.

"Fine, I will believe you this time," she agreed with his plan.

"Let's get moving then, it's better that we walk faster," he hurried her to get ready.

Tea packs up her belongings within a few minutes before they start their journey, "Right, we should be careful, the closer we are to the gate of the underworld, the stronger are the people and creatures there." Tea reminded him.

"Are you afraid? We might don't have as many people as before but I'm sure we can take care of ourselves. With your ability to hide your presence, we could just bypass most creatures we spotted on the way, and even if we need to fight, I'm sure we could take them as long there is no Major demigod," he told her.

Tea thought Sol was overconfident as she was, she had tasted it first hand how overconfidence could prove fatal in a fight but she just kept her silence because she was not in the mood to talk with him.

On the first day of their journey, they met quite a few lesser demigod-level creatures but before they could retaliate, blood would fly to the sky as their head left its place as an invisible knife beheaded them.

Tea was confused about what happened but Sol could clearly see what happened, dozens of knife aura was conjured around them and finished the lesser demigods.

Sol was not responsible for them, it was Nai that took everything as its job and finished any creature that came close.

Even though Sol has no plan to confront the creatures as long as it's within a hundred meters then Nai would finish them as fast as lightning.

Tea soon got used to such sight and she would just watch as the creature died by themselves, but what startled them was when they were taking rest to eat.

Sol would suddenly reach out for his knife which got her into a high alert but no creature was seen after, after a few times such a thing happened, she just ignored him every time he reached for the knife.

Little to her understanding, Sol was actually feeding Nai as it demanded to eat three times a day as he did, If he refused to feed it then it would throw a tantrum in his head.

"This knife is going to be pampered rotten if this keeps going on," he lamented but he could do nothing about it as her tantrum was directly in his head and he would feel like his head was going to explode if it did.

On the third day, They actually met a Minor Demigod with a dozen lesser demigods following him but even before they could fight, the same thing happened again.

Dozens of invisible flying knives behead them, not even the minor demigod could sense the knife coming toward him.

Once the knife connected, it was too late for him to defend as the knife was so sharp that his defense could not halt it.

"Sol, how did you become so strong? What with those invisible attacks, not even Jennie's attack was invisible," Tea asked him out of curiosity.

"Oh, It was not me," he told her with a shrug.

"Eh? What do you mean it's not you? If it's not you then who did it?" She got confused by him.

"It was Nai, my knife," he explained to her, which made her look at him as if he said he got an imaginary friend.

"Nai, Introduce yourself," he told the knife as it flew from its scabbard, revealing its crystal knife form.

In a few seconds the crystal expanded and formed a girl body, she looked like in her 20 with pure white skin and hair, Tea could see some similarity to Sol if only a bit.

Tea was startled by the sudden appearance of the girl but she tried to keep her composure and refrain from attacking the newcomer.

"Nice to meet you, My name is Nai, I'm a knife Spirit," it greeted as he instructed.

"Ah... nice to meet you." Tea replied awkwardly as she noticed how similar the spirit was with Sol's puppet ability.

She looked at him as she was suspecting that he was just playing with her and used his puppet ability to fool her.'

"Don't look at me like that, this is no prank," he told her as if he could read her mind.

They continued their journey and met quite a lot of creatures but Nai would take care of everything so Sol and Tea did not get to fight at all.

Nai was faster than the two of them as its body was full of the knife aura, it allowed her to respond way faster than the two of them.

After two weeks of travel, they finally need to visit a city to restock and buy things for their journey.

"We are stopping at the next city, be prepared and don't act suspicious," Sol told Tea.

"How do you plan to get in there without getting attacked?" She asked him.

"We are disguising as we did in the city of the dead," he told her.

"How? Creature demigods look just like us but they could actually tell which is a creature and which is not," she asked again.

"I don't know how they did that but we can just look like a creature so they have no reason to be suspicious of us," he explained.

"How do you expect us to look like them? We can't just grow tail and horn out of thin air," she pointed out.

Sol grinned at her as he said, "You can't but I can."

He conjured a cat ear and tail on his body with his healing dome ability, it felt just like his real body part as he connected the nerf using his ability.

"See? I look just like a creature now," He said as he played with his newly gained limb.

"How did you do that?" Tea was shocked by Sol's new ability even though she had not seen the full extent of his ability.

"It's a simple trick," He dismissed the question, "now, what kind of creature should I make you be?" he asked with a grin.

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