Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 135: Half Step

"Harry, go help Jennie then Tom!" Sol instructed his teammate.

"Why? Don't you need my help?" he asked back, as the Doppelganger look was stronger than any other doppelganger.

"It's ok, It is my doppelganger, what it can do, I can do as well," he reassured him, "Now Go!"

Sol was afraid that his doppelganger would hurt or even kill his teammates, He did not claim he was stronger than any of them but in limit-break mode, His physical ability could overpower lesser demigods physical ability with ease.

If the others finish their fight, they would not be vulnerable against his doppelganger, so sending Harry was the best solution.

He did not care about Tyx's order, she could barely beat her own doppelganger so she can't complain about whatever he did.

"Fine," Harry replied, he conjured lightning to cover his body once more, he ran toward Jennie and his body grew bigger while at it, he used the ability he showed at the colosseum.

With Harry out of the way, Sol focused on his metal counterpart, "now the hard part," he lamented.

Sol assumed an offensive position as he was a little bit faster than the limit-break metal sol and he was a little bit weaker in power so he would fare better if he did not need to block its attack.

With a burst of speed, Sol got to the doppelganger's side, he crouched down and swipe his feet under the limit-break metal Sol.

It lost its balance because of it but it did not fall without doing anything, it turned its upper body toward the crouching Sol and cut at his temple.

Since both of them could not and would not use any long-range attack, the fight had become a melee, Sol parried the incoming knife while dodging to the side.

He rolled away while his metal counterpart regains its balance, the earlier exchange did not give him any advantage as both of them barely suffered any injuries.

The only advantage Sol had was he could continue to conjure more and more knife aura to increase his speed while his metal counterpart's power and speed remain the same.

Sol continued on his offensive, he threw his knife at the metal Sol while he ran toward it, each time the knife was dodged or blocked it would reappear on his hand before he threw it back at it.

"What is it thinking, why does it keep on the defensive?" Sol wondered as he knew that the doppelganger was not stupid, it was a least as smart as himself.

He got into a melee distance and tried to cut at it but it would block his attack every time, sparks kept coming from their clash.

Sol's speed increased and increased with time, at some point the metal Sol could not keep up and he could finally cut on its body.

But to his annoyance, the wound he inflicted would heal faster than he could inflict another wound on it.

"Fuckin cockroach!" he cursed at it.

Sol cut at its arm, it was a clean-cut but to his surprise, it did not back off to heal but hugged him instead.

He tried to get away but could not, the doppelganger won't let him go, the hug got stronger and stronger, crushing Sol's body.

"Ahh..." Sol screamed in pain, "So this is what it was aiming for, I got careless," he lamented.

Sol tried to stab at its back over and over again but it would not let go, he wanted to cut something vital such as the neck but his position did not allow him to.

"FUCK!" he cursed as he continued to stab at the metal doppelganger.

"Should I use my other ability?" he thought but in the end, he declined the solution, "If I do that then there is no way I will ever reach Minor Demigod level."

He pushed his limit to conjure more aura but speed was not that impactful if he could not get away from the doppelganger's crushing hug.

"Agh..." he screamed as he struggled to get free.

Suddenly, Sol got a brilliant idea, if he could not hurt it with a simple cut, he could just make it explode from the inside.

The problem was how he was gonna do that with knife aura ability, its weakness was it could only be used as an enhancement, he suspected that if he could use it as material or any mean of long-range attack then he would break through to minor demigod level.

"This might be stupid but worth trying," he thought as Sol send every aura he had accumulated into his blade.

It was barely able to contain it, Sol used his all to keep the aura in the small knife, with a single movement he sent the knife into the metal doppelganger body.

"And let it go," he thought as he let go of the aura but blocked its way from returning into his body.

The aura that has nowhere to go explode inside the metal Sol's body, scattering metal pieces everywhere.

Sol was released from its deadly hug then he slumped on the arena ground, laying on his back, his body hurt so much, dozens of his bones were broken by the hug.

"It is worth it!" he thought as the insight he got from the new technique brought him closer to Minor demigod level.

"I'm only half step away from advancing," he thought as he could feel the knife aura core in his body grow fibrant.

Sol turned his head to the side to find Harry and Jennie just finished off Tom's doppelganger, it had taken them a lot of time to beat the meat shield demigod, it could even tank three people.

If it was left alone fighting Tom, then the fight might last for days or weeks, "Jennie's doppelganger is nowhere to be seen, they might have beat her," Sol thought.

The three of them go toward him rather than helping Tyx who was still fighting against her doppelganger, no one wanted to help her.

"Yo, Sol why don't you get up from there?" Jennie asked him jokingly.

"Can't you see that my bone is broken?" he retorted back at her.

His teammates looked at each other before looking at him with irritation, "You could always heal yourself you know? We had seen what your doppelganger can do," Harry told him.

"No shit! It even cut its body in half and healed them in seconds," Tom agreed.

"Yeah, you actually hid so many abilities from us, it might have gotten us killed if we had fought your doppelganger instead of our own," Jennie complained.

Sol grimaced, as he pulled his body up and conjured a healing dome to heal his wound, it mends like time was turned back and Sol was as good as new in ten-second.

He laughed awkwardly, "Ahahaha, I didn't mean to keep it a secret forever you know? It was just some precaution we first met with each other, I didn't get the chance to tell you about it afterward," he reasoned.

In the time they spent together, Sol had grown close enough with them to left his back for them to protect, but not to the level of telling them his every secret.

"Anyway, you had seen everything so there is nothing else for me to tell you," He said.

"You forget about the flying knife thing, I almost got stabbed by that freakish ability," Jennie said with her eyes squinted at him.

"Ahaha, yeah that as well, I forgot about it," he said awkwardly.

"Are you sure you are not keeping anything else?" they looked at him with doubt.

"I swear I have told you everything, why can't you believe me? I bet every one of you has secrets as well," He pointed out.

"Fine that's fair enough," Tom said as he turned toward Tyx who was still fighting with her doppelganger.

"Should we help her? Or should we let her be?" he asked while pointing at Tyx who had problems beating her metal counterpart.

"Let's just wait, she was the one who said we should fight our own doppelganger so we should honor her decision," Sol said as if it was the right thing to do but he was just being vengeful.

Everyone else nodded in agreement, "yeah we should do that then," they said.

Tyx fight was painful as both have water ability and the water would just meld with each other and stopped moving every time they hit each other.

If one did not use the ability and went for physical attack then the other would just use conjuring ability to hit them, in the end, they were locked in an unending battle of conjuring ability.

It took her hours before she finished her opponent, She somehow took control of her doppelganger conjured water.

"Why didn't you help me? Everyone was just looking at me!" She protested at them in annoyance as she had noticed them watching her fight hours ago.

"Oh we thought you wanted to fight by yourself," Sol replied nonchalantly which made her even angrier.

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