Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 111: Result

In the next month in the mini-world, Sol was training his sun ice ability, he wanted to be a minor demigod before his trip to the underworld.

From what he heard, he would only need one of his abilities to reach a minor demigod rather than all his ability.

If he needs all his ability to reach that level before he becomes a minor demigod then it would take way too long, he would need at least three times the time of what normal people need.

But he suspects he would need was longer because the healing dome was too mysterious and profound for him to understand in a short time.

On the other hand, Sun ice was the easiest ability to master, not only the mini-world made entirely of ice, his future pantheon members are going to be ice element nymph.

Factoring that, Sol decides to practice the sun ice first, it was not easing for him as the sun ice behaves the exact opposite of what science describes.

Normal ice would absorb heat but their temperature would rise in exchange, but sun ice would grow larger instead of smaller as long as the heat was not exceeding a certain threshold.

Sol tried another application of his sun ice ability but none of them gave him the insight he needed.

Having no clear path ahead, Sol used his free time to observe his nymph modification result, the most interesting one was the one he made with a smaller imprint.

In three weeks, it already looked like a human, it looked like a meter tall woman made of ice and snow.

Nerodia was shocked when Sol told her that one of his experiments had turned into a Nymph, She checks the mini Nymph with interest.

"This is new, this dwarf nymph could be a lesser demigod but from what I see it's like a lesser version of a Nymph," she said.

"Is that bad?" Sol asked the snake girl.

"Not really, they still have a chance to grow to be a proper nymph, although before that they will be a very weak demigod, they still could add to your chance becoming a minor Demigod," she answered him.

"that's great, I think I could replicate this result if needed," he enthusiastically said.

"Btw, can you help me with something?" Sol asks for Nerodia's favor.

"What is it?" she asked in confusion.

Sol looked at the little nymph, who was like a shy kid being told to stay put, she kept fidgeting because of their stare.

"You know, that thing," he said while pointing at the girl's groin.

Their goal in doing the experiment was to create a male version of the nymph, the easiest way to check if they were successful was if the creature had a male organ.

The mini nymph was startled by Sol, she seemed to be quite intelligent to know what they were talking about.

Nerodia looked at Sol as if he was an idiot, "where the fuck do you think this little girl is male? Are you an idiot or are you a pervert?" she retorted at him.

Sol's face froze in realization, he feels wronged for he was just trying to make sure if it was a fail, the little nymph reaction was also not helping it.

She was nodding at the fastest speed as if agreeing with what Nerodia had said, Sol just wanted to bury his head in the snow from embarrassment.

He thought of the little nymph as something close to a niece, part of his distant family, and for him to have such an image in the little girl's mind was too embarrassing for him.

"If that so then I will observe the other seeds for their progress," Sol tried to keep his face neutral as he bullshits his way out of trouble.

When he tried to find the other seeds, he found the one he made with a longer imprint as it explodes in a flash of light.

"Fuck, it died," Sol cursed, he felt guilty after knowing that once it becomes a nymph it would be self-aware, he felt like he killed an unborn baby.

Being stricken with guilt, Sol gathers the other seeds around him so he could prevent them from dying.

The one with a big imprint has no change while the reverse one and the uneven one seemed to start to show change like the first seed.

Day passes by and Sol found the one he created with knife aura came to him on its own accord, it shows a sign of sentience even though it hasn't change into a nymph.

When Sol looked closer to the seed, he found out that it had its own imprint, it seemed to get its own without outside interference.

"I should wait for more to see if this one will be different," he muttered.

He spent his day training his ability while taking care of the seeds, one day, a forgotten seed come to him, it was the ice crystal seed, the one with a physical body.

It flies around him in a circle as Sol conjured all kinds of constructs with his sun ice ability, it seemed to have the ability to manipulate ice and tried to mimic him.

To his astonishment, the ice ball was thrice as big as it was before, he did not know how it grew so big but it got his interest.

Logically creature made of ice would not grow like a creature made of flesh and blood, creature of flesh and blood need food to grow but Sol did not know what did the ice ball need.

He suddenly had an inspiration, "maybe this is the key!"

Sol was puzzling to understand more about his sun ice ability but watching the ice ball, he found both of them grow without and food or material from the outside.

The insight could come from practice, understanding, sudden realization, or observation, Sol decides to observe the ice ball to know more of its nature.

It might be able to give him the required knowledge to be a minor demigod, although it was not assured that with one insight it would be enough for him to advance, Sol believes that it would be the first step.

"Every journey starts with the first step," he told himself.

For the next few days, he would play with the ice ball, he teaches it to shape ice as he did with his conjuring ability.

It created sword, shield, arrow, gun, anything Sol could think of teaching it, its learning ability was not that high but as a former teacher, Sol was patient in teaching it.

He did so while observing its growth, sure enough, it did not need to eat and it also did not come in touch with water.

Its body just grows bigger with time, he was wondering if there was some water vapor that accumulates on it but he soon crossed it out as there was no water vapor in the mini-world, water would freeze before it could evaporate.

On his sixth week in the mini-world, the first seed finally become a Nymph, her body was made of snow and she looked beautiful.

"Greeting, creators," the nymph greeted both Sol and Nerodia who come to meet her.

She seemed to be smarter and more self-aware than the mini-nymph, it could be said that the mini-nymph was a baby while this nymph was a grown-up.

They talked a bit before Nerodia brought the Nymph to the pantheon building, She wanted to make the first nymph part of their pantheon.

After the talk Sol come to know that the Nymph was a pure creature even though it was mature, it did not have and greed or hatred like humans do.

Sol had question it about what did it feel about them experimenting with it's soon to be sisters, it only said that it was just natural, nothing was wrong about it.

He felt a bit conflicted about the nymph's acceptance, she immediately agreed to their offer to become part of their pantheon and follow their rules.

Sol was even suspicious that Nerodia did something like brainwashing the nymph to be all obedient beings.

The only desire he knows that the Nymph had was to protect the ice and snow ecosystem, the snow and ice were its life as long there is ice and snow it could exist forever.

Being born as a lesser demigod and an immortal, Nymph had no desire other than protecting their home.

"the mini nymph seems more humane than the nymph, would it change once it becomes a nymph?" Sol wondered.

The process of joining the pantheon was quite easy, the nymph only needed to conjure an ice medallion that would be placed inside the pantheon building and said an oath to the pantheon and it directly becomes part of the pantheon.

Sol got a benefit right after it joined, he could understand her power over the ice element, her power was different than his but the ice was still ice, he gains a bit more understanding of the sun ice ability.

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