So, I'm a witch, so what?


I wonder if I should do anything about my mistreatment? Should I take action and show those guys their place for once, or is it really okay for me to let them at it without consequence? I know what I'm capable of as working in the fields has raised my level quite a lot, but hurting some brat would extensively work against me.

I think as I clean my wounds with some water I had on the cart, making sure I don't make any gestures of pain or discomfort since showing weakness would further prove those kids' point that I'm a weakling and a useless piece of garbage that should be eradicated from public life entirely.

Without further ado, I lift myself from the ground and finish cleaning my little cuts and bruises without issue. Once I'm done cleaning myself up, I quickly cast a healing spell that is strong enough to stop the bleeding so that I can keep working. No bullies are going to keep me away from my duties.

The potato cart is always left untouched, so they're competent in that sense, knowing well that if they messed with my father's load, they would surely be in a whole world of trouble. Sometimes, I even think I could sabotage them by pre-damaging the cart and intentionally picking a fight with them.

What was I on about again? Oh, yeah, give the potato load to the man who runs the local restaurant. One would wonder how a small town restaurant runs out of produce so fast, but this joint is exceptional, you see. They're a local legend, thanks to Miss Lyn's help.

I want not to talk trash about my savior girl, but Miss Lyn's cooking is in another league of their own. Comparing my savior's food to hers would be like comparing a Lexus to a Bugatti. Sure, they're both technically luxurious, but the quality is different.

I wonder, though, how is it even possible for anyone to cook that much better than anyone else? I do understand the irony of my statement as I can probably build tools and weapons better than any rookie, but Miss Lyn doesn't seem to be like me, you know, a reincarnation.

I guess Miss Lyn is just that much better because she just is. I had better not endeavor to answer that question too much, or I'd waste my whole day just daydreaming about the boss being able to cook like her, which would be impossible. I don't think anyone can.

If there's such a thing as gods, then I suppose Miss Lyn could be considered the Goddess of the stove, I guess! It wouldn't be so far-fetched in this fantasy land after all. Just look at me; I'm a darn talking goblin, for god's sake. I'm the sick joke here.

I've thought about it for a while now and still don't know my purpose. My whole village is probably gone by now, and I'm the last one of them, but I barely knew anything about my goblin past or parents in this world, and it will always be like that. It's not like I can bring people back from the dead.

So many questions about that creature flood my mind. How convenient was it that in my first ever hunt, a beast that would've ended my life otherwise spared me because I was alongside competent warriors? If I stayed back home, I would've possibly died with them all without ever having a chance to live at all.

I guess you could call that god's providence, but the thing is. I don't know what the gods are. I don't believe in any of them, and I haven't heard of a goblin god yet, so it seems more like something or someone else was in charge of my fate that day. I wonder what it was. Meh, it's best not to think about it too hard.

The sun shines brighter as I slowly pull the cart away toward the back of the restaurant. Soon, I'm greeted by Miss Lyn herself, who looks just as delightful as ever with her pearly white smile and perfect hourglass shape. Gosh, pretty women like her make me want to change species as soon as possible, if you know what I mean.

"Hey, there, Pan. You got the potatoes, I see. How much was it again?" Lyn speaks so eloquently, like one of those high-stakes people in RPG games. She sounds so classy that if I didn't know it already, I would've thought she was royalty by the way she talks.

I don't want to keep her waiting for my answer, so I gather a response in the blink of an eye. "It'll be the same quota of 5 silver coins or 500 Eris Miss Lyn!" The girl mentioned above soon shakes her head and tries to nag the price down a little, but I couldn't do that.

"Are you sure? Didn't you guys use to charge 4 silver coins and 50 Eris?" Miss Lyn speaks even more seductively as she places her soft hands over my ears, making me blush. Hey! Come on, cut it out! You dirty cheating girl! Stop abusing my weakness!

{Unbelievable!? - Shuji Katayama}

"I don't know about that, Miss Lyn. Please stop rubbing m-my ears." I plead with her to stop teasing me, but it has the opposite effect, making her even more seductive.

"Oh, come on, Pan. I'm always nice to you, wouldn't you agree that a discount is fair?" What the heck?! We already sell you the potatoes at a 50% discount from the market price, and now they've sent their secret weapon to try and get an extra 10% off!? Oh, I wanted to say that to her so badly, but how could I? Just look at her enormous jugs... I mean, no!

Stop looking at her breasts! EYES! STOP LOOKING AT THEM! AHHHHGG! DAMN YOU! Gosh, I'm breaking out of character with this emotion running high and with my previous self coming out! You've got to remember that I was human already, and I have always been weak to the seductive ASSets some women have.

"Miss Lyn, please don't nickel and dime me. You know I can't do that. It's not like I don't want to, but my master would be furious at me." YES! Thanks, no horny side of my brain! That was a perfect answer! I'm glad my logical side takes over in moments like these.

"Aw, I suppose you're right. Yet are you sure you can't? Not even if I let you touch them for five seconds?" Shit, she caught me! I quickly look her in the eyes, and I get that look that says, "I know what you are looking at, you perv."

+Gulp+ I look at my own funds for a second and notice I have 150 Eris at hand that I was planning to use to buy some sweets for my savior and me, but it looks like it will have to be sweets only for my Goddess. I'm sorry, readers, and overall, I'm sorry to myself. I'm such a virgin.

"Make it ten seconds you've got a deal..."

"Done!" Lady Lyn hands me over the four silver coins, which I deposit into my funds bag, and then she just gets down to my level with a smug face, probably laughing at me and how overly excited I got because I got to touch some bubba.

Well, here I go! This is the most expensive pair of breasts I'll touch in a while! It better be worth it! 100 Eris for this shit! I can't believe I'm valuing this for almost 2 weeks' worth of work! Without further ado, I get to fondling Miss Lyn's breasts, which feel as impressive as I would've thought.

My face goes completely red, and my nose bleeds when Lyn compliments my touching with a soft yet feminine moan. And that was that 10 seconds of pure joy. I suppose it ain't that bad after all.



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