Slime Breeder

# 016

"Can we play with Rosie?" - "Can we, can we?" The twins waylay us as soon as we get back home. Katie is hanging back, but she seems just as interested.

"Rose is her own person; you can't just order her around like Queenie." I say patiently as they look up at me with puppy dog eyes. "She wants to learn more about us, so she's willing to play with you, but you have to treat her like a guest, not a pet."

"Can you copy us like Queenie does?" Kaitlyn asks.

"Queenie, copy." I have Queenie demonstrate when Rose asks what she means. "Hmm? She's never tried shapeshifting before. It looks like it doesn't come quite as easily to her as it does Queenie, but she likes the idea of a new game. Why don't you girls get the baby toys from the nursery, you know all those differently shaped blocks."

"Good idea, I'll get them." Katie runs off to bring the toys. I'm sure she's just glad that Sera and Esra have something else to take up their attention.

"I'm trying to teach her our language, it's a bit slow going but she's starting to pick up the basics." I tell the girls while they stare at the contorting Rosie. "So, feel free to talk to her as much as you can, even just describing and naming stuff will help a lot. You can think of it as practice for when the new baby starts learning to talk."

"I got them." Katie comes running back with a box of building blocks, Jen trailing along behind her.

"Hey." Jen says and she doesn't look too happy to see me. "Did you tell Maria?"

"You know?" I still hadn't figured out how to tell Jen about Maddie. "I'm so sorry if this makes things difficult with you and Selene."

"Mom cornered her after you left." My little sister sighs. "And... I'll figure out something with Selene. I'll go see her tomorrow, I'm sure she's with Maria right now, and the last thing she needs is to be reminded of you right now." Her piece said, she leaves after giving Queenie a quick pat.

"Cole, look!" Kaitlyn's cry calls my attention a moment later to Rosie who is now copying a ball.

"Wow." I get down on my hands and knees to examine her; she's the exact same size as the ball, if not quite as round. Picking her up, I find that while still heavy, she's not nearly as heavy as she should be. "You can control your mass and density, no wonder you were so damned hard to cut. This is amazing, Rosie."

"Hey, we were playing with her." - "Yeah, you had her all day." The twins complain when I butt into their playtime.

"She's not a toy, girls." Mom says as she enters the room with Maddie in tow, she must have been drawn by their cries. "And... wow!" She breathes out the word just like I did when she spots Rosie's size-changing ability.

"Yeah, Dad is going to go wild when he sees this." I smile up at her. "Yes, you can go back to copying the toys now." I set Rosie back down with a laugh. "She likes her new game." I explain and get back to my feet, careful not to look at Madison which just makes my mother start smirking. "Not one word!" I glare at her.

"I wasn't going to say a thing." Her eyes are saying enough though. "I was just wondering if we will still be needing the servant's quarters?" She just had to go there.

"How should I know? It was just one night." I grump at her.

"I'd like for there to be more." My idiot girl squeaks out, flushing crimson.

"That's fine, dear." Mom smiles at the girl who blackmailed me into sex. "Just be careful. I want grandchildren, but maybe wait until this one is out of diapers first." She pats her belly and the two of us look like we're trying to do an impression of Rose. "Even when you think you're safe too, that's how this one got here."

"Mom." I throw my head back with a sigh. "You know how you get kinda crazy when you're pregnant. This is one of those times. And, don't call off construction just yet. If you give it to Jen and say it was my idea, then she might forgive me for messing things up with her girlfriend's best friend."

"Oh, hush." She dismisses me with a wave. "Jennifer and Selene will be fine. You and Maddie make a much cuter couple anyways; you two are going to have the most adorable babies."

"If I have Queenie give you a massage, will you please quit talking about babies?" There's more than a little pleading in my voice.

"Oh, fine, you little spoil-sport." She ruffles my hair before walking over to her chair. "And, save Queenie for later, I want to watch Rosie play right now."

The slime's control over her shape has been slowly getting better. I get the sense from her that it's like using a muscle that she didn't know she had, and the more she practices the better she gets.


"Hey." I tap softly on the open door to Jen's room. She is lying on her bed, reading. No surprise there. "I know you're pissed at me, but you're missing out on an exciting research opportunity."

"Just leave me alone, Cole." She doesn't even look up from her book.

"If you want." I sigh. "But, I know you'll be even more mad at me later if I didn't tell you that Rosie can control her mass and density. Size and weight change with no more drain to her than flexing a muscle is to me."

"..." She closes her book to glare at me. "I hate you." She gets up and pushes me out of the way to go see the slime.

"I know." I say to her back. "And, I deserve it."


"I have no idea how she's doing it?" My little sister huffs out almost an hour, and countless diagnostic spells later. "How did you even fight her? She eats every spell I send her way. Even overcharged spells barely give me anything back."

"Sorry, but she can't really control it." I apologize. "Not that I think she's trying very hard, I get the feeling that she likes the way your mana tastes."

"Can't you just order her not to?" My little sister whines.

"Can I order you not to breathe?" I shoot her an annoyed look. "And, Rosie is a person. I will not be giving her any more orders than strictly necessary."

"Mhm." She hangs her head. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. It's just so frustrating, you know."

"Little miss magic can't get it to do what she wants?" I tease. "Well, if you're frustrated, just imagine how dad must feel right now. First I catch a rare monster like Queenie right before he has to leave, and then I find an absolutely unique sapient slime just days later."

"Uh... actually, I haven't told your father yet." Mom admits. "I was afraid that he'd teleport back right away, leaving Madison's brother all on his own."

"Hah! I vote we don't tell him until he gets back." I break into a snickering laugh. "'Huh? New slime? What new slime? Oh, Rosie. Yeah, yeah, I picked her up in the woods right after you left.' Hahahaha."

"I'm just waiting until they reach the city." Mom rolls her eyes at me.

"Thank you for that." Maddie says to mom, her voice full of gratitude. "Knowing Mason he'd... I don't even know what he'd do if left alone, but it would be something stupid." I smile over at her at that, but then stop when I notice Jen looking at me.

"..." My sister exhales a long breath through her nose. "You're still a jerk for what you did to Maria, but you don't have to pretend that Madison doesn't exist just because I'm around."

"Will I still be a jerk if I tell you that Mom is going to give you the place we were building for her?" Her eyes light up for a moment before she hides her excitement with an angry look.

"Yes, you jerk." She sticks her tongue out at me. "I still can't believe you went from hating her to sleeping with her."

"Blame Madison for that, she seduced me." Both Jen and Maddie blush at that. "And, blame Mom's baby crazy pregnancy hormones for bringing her into the house in the first place. Just be lucky you're into girls, otherwise, I'm sure she would be pushing random boys at you."

"I am sitting right here, you know." Mom glares at me.

"Is anything that I just said not true?" I smirk at her and then catch the pillow that she lobs at me. "That's what I thought."

"Shut up and give me my pillow back." I get up and drop it on her lap on my way to sit next to Maddie.

"And, I'm not just with you because you threw yourself at me." Blackmail aside, I have to admit that I do kinda like her. "As much as it galls me to admit this about an adventurer, I did find you cute ever since that first time we met." Cute like a kitten tangled up in a ball of yarn and too stupid to find its way free. "I never really hated you; I was mostly just annoyed at myself for being attracted to you."

"Ugh." Jenny groans. "Can I take it back and have you pretend that she doesn't exist again?"


"So, any chance I could get some of those kisses now?" Madison begs when we get back to my room, already stripping out of her clothes.

"How are you feeling?" I lay her on the edge of the bed and sink to my knees. "It's not still tender is it?" I ask while kissing my way up her thighs like how I read in that one book I recommended to Jen. I figure that a book about lesbians is going to know a thing or two about how to do this. "Just how many kisses do you think it's going to take until you feel better?"

"Is all of them an acceptable answer?" She whimpers when the breath of my words blows over her sex. "Mnh, quit teasing me." I keep kissing all around her but not where she wants it the most.

"You said you wanted all the kisses though." I tease some more and start working my way back down her legs. "That means I have to kiss all of you. You do want me to kiss all of you, don't you Maddie?"

"Yes." She moans. "But, can't you start here first? Please?" Her delicate fingers reach down to caress her slick folds.

"Kiss here?" I take her hand in mine and start sucking the juices from her fingers. "Oh, Madison. You taste so sweet." I place her hand back on her opening and wait for her to slick her fingers for me again.

"Nng. This is revenge for blackmailing you, isn't it?" She whines as I refuse to give her what she wants. "I'm sorry, I never should have gone that far. Please forgive me." Why did she have to bring it up again? Things were going fine, but she just had to ruin it.

"Forgive you? But when will Maria forgive me?" I bite her thigh. Not hard, just enough that she knows I'm annoyed. "The worst part wasn't the way her face fell." Another bite on her other leg. "Not even the hurt, or hatred in her eyes." One more bite, closer to her pussy. "No, it was the defeat, like the poor girl expected it to happen." Back to the first leg and even closer this time. "I don't think I'll ever get that look out of my head. But, at least you got what you wanted."

She flinches when I move my mouth directly over her pussy, but instead of yet another bite. I kiss her. Gentle and loving, I explore her center with my lips and tongue, making out with her sex like I would her mouth.

It takes a surprisingly short amount of time to find out what she likes. This little blackmailer of mine has a very responsive body, all I had to do was listen to it. A kiss here, a lick there, nibble on this spot, suck on that, change it up a little, go faster until she can't take it anymore, only to back off to gentle kisses again.

"Ahh, Cole! Oh, yes!" Madison pants out my name. "Please, Cole, I'm so close. Just make me cum, Cole, please."

I do as she asks, and bring her up to the edge and send her careening over it. And then, just when she's at the peak of her orgasm, I turn my head and bite. Hard enough to leave teeth marks this time.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She screams as pain and pleasure mix in her body in equal parts.

This idiot girl adventurer, turned maid, turned blackmailer, turned girlfriend, she bucks and thrashes and tries to peel me away by the hair. But, I just keep my teeth clamped in place, licking and sucking on her most sensitive part until she's left nothing but a quivering mess.

Finally releasing her, I start kissing my way up her body. Little shivers erupt from her every time my lips meet her soft flesh.

"Don't bring it up again, Maddie." I whisper into her ear around teeth lightly clamped onto her earlobe. "I really do like you, but I won't be so nice next time." Her whole body starts shaking once more as just the threat alone is enough to make her cum again.


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