Slime Breeder

# 012

"You know she wants you, right?" Maria says a while later when Mom calls Madison down to help with dinner.

"It wasn't my idea to hire her." I say with a sigh.

"I know, and I know I have no right to be jealous... but I am." She sinks in on herself a little. "Why aren't you with her?"

"Because she was an adventurer, and a dumb one at that." I put my arm around her shoulders. "I have issues with adventurers. Sure, I might have made a move after Mom hired her. -I'm sure Mom was hoping for just that when she did; even pregnant herself, that woman still wants grandkids.- But, this cute healer girl followed me home the other day."

I pull the cute healer girl onto my lap and smooth her hair back so I can look her in the eyes.

"I find myself starting to like this cute healer girl." I kiss the corner of her mouth. "Liking her enough to ignore a certain foolish ex-adventurer turned maid." Another quick kiss on the other side of her lips. "Now, I'm just left wondering if that cute healer girl likes me back." I move my lips closer to her for a proper kiss, but leave a few centimeters gap.

"Mnh." She licks her lips with a whimper before pressing them to mine.

The kiss is as clumsy as that one I shared with Jessa back in the city, but we find something that works soon enough. Her lips are so sweet on mine, and her body so warm and soft in my arms that I find myself losing track of everything else. Right up until Jennifer and Selene start giggling that is.

Glaring at them, I catch sight of what set them off, and start cracking up myself. Maria starts to get mad until I point to Queenie who is still mimicking her, and must have been throughout the whole kiss.

"Oh, gods." She covers her beet-red face with her hands. "Queenie, stop!" The slime morphs back into her natural shape at the command. "Selene, I will give you everything I own if you just please forget that this ever happened."

"Not on your life." The alchemist grins evilly at her blushing friend.

"Mnh." Maria whimpers and climbs off my lap and starts stalking towards Selene. "Then there's only one thing to do." Her hands reach out and wrap around her friend's neck. "You were a good friend, I'll miss you." The three of us crack up laughing again as she fake strangles Selene.

"You can murder her later." I peel Maria's hands away from Selene's neck. "It smells like dinner is just about ready, we should head on down. And, don't worry, I'm sure we'll do much more embarrassing things in the future, my cute little healer girl." She blushes again at my words.


"Thank you for dinner, Ma'am." Selene bobs her head in Mom's direction.

"Yeah, you're getting better too, Maddie." There was a clear difference in the stuff she worked on compared to what Mom made, but it was still leagues ahead of that first disastrous meal. "Shall we walk you girls back into town?" I offer that instead of a wagon ride just because it will give us that much more time together.

"Alright." Maria nods. She's been a bit shy all throughout the meal.

"Just don't stay out all night." Mom says with a twinkle in her eye.


"So, my money is on Jen being too shy to make the first move." I say in a low whisper to Maria; the two of us spread out a bit away from Jen and Selene on our way into town, but it is a still night and the sound might carry. "But, I don't know Selene that well, and Jenny has already surprised me once when it comes to her."

"Oh, easy money on Sel taking that first step." My cute healer replies with a gentle laugh. "She even tried to kiss me back when we first met."

"Oh? I thought you both grew up around here." I ignore how hot I find the image that she just put in my head. "How'd you wind up out here?"

"Eh, home was kinda shit." A complicated expression flashes across her face. "So, when I found out I had an aptitude for healing, I joined the Guild and requested a master as far from home as possible."

"I'm sorry." I put my arm over her shoulder and pull her close to me.

"It is what it is." She shrugs under my arm and I can tell that she doesn't want to talk about it, so I let the matter drop.

"So, I'm not sure I ever got an answer about whether that cute healer girl likes me or not." I can feel her flush, even if I can't see it.

"I may have heard a rumor that she's after this crazy warg slayer." She says with a giggle.

"Oh, no." I cry in mock-dismay. "Whatever shall I do against someone like that?"

"You can tell him to shut up and kiss me before we reach the light of the walls." She grabs my collar and pulls me down to her level for a brief but passionate, and only slightly clumsy, kiss. "I really want you to follow me all the way home, but I know what's going to happen if you do. Just promise me that you won't go straight to that foolish ex-adventurer."

"I swear." I lean down for another all-too-brief kiss. "Just promise me that you won't go chasing down any crazy warg slayers."

"I'll try." She smirks up at me. "And, it looks like one of them took the initiative." She points with her chin over to where Jen and Selene are kissing.

"And, we were too distracted to see which one started it too." I chuckle and then steal one last quick kiss after my sister and her girlfriend separate. "Come on, Jenny, I think they can make their way in from here."

"Nnh." She lets out a little whimper at that.


"Finally my own gods damned bed." I cry out and flop down on it only to be inundated with Madison's smell. "Fuck me! You are very lucky I have Queenie, you cute little healer girl." I growl while breathing in the scent of idiot girl. "Queenie, copy Maria."

While Maria and Madison were taking turns playing with the slime earlier, I was having her memorize their forms. Each time they would have Queenie copy them, I was secretly making the slime do it from memory and then fix any mistakes. It didn't take her long before she was able to copy them perfectly.

"Oh, Maria." I lean over the transparent copy of the healer laying on the bed. She's not nude, but it's good enough for now, more than good enough.

Slipping out of my clothes as quickly as I can, I command the slime to spread her legs wide and create an opening for me. Lowering myself down, I'm just a hair's breadth away from her pussy when I freeze.

Just the thought of putting my dick in Queenie again reminds me of this morning. The image of Jen's body pressed up against mine as I get milked by the slime is so strong that it makes my cock twitch.

"Noooo. No no no." I whine as all thoughts of Maria leave my head to be replaced by Jen.

Her lips parted in sleep. The hint of cleavage I saw as she pressed her breasts onto my arm and chest. The curve of her small, round ass. Somehow all of these get sent down the bond to Queenie causing her to shift into a mirror image of my little sister.

"Oh, this is so fucking wrong." I whimper as I find myself a fraction of an inch away from penetrating Jennifer. "Just think of Maria. Think of how hot that kiss was." I close my eyes, but all I can see if Jen kissing Selene, and the way she licked her lips afterward. "Oh, you stupid slime, why did you have to attack me right next to her this morning?"

I can't hold out any more and lower myself into my sister. Her warm, slick folds suck me in and grip onto my shaft as I start fucking her. Slowly at first, but rapidly gaining speed.

"It's just Queenie. It's just Queenie. It's just Queenie..." I repeat that over and over again while thrusting into my little sister. "Nng. Gods, yes! Jen!!!" I cum inside her even harder than I did this morning. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I ask the ceiling after rolling off of the slime disgusted with myself.

Silently commanding the slime to return to normal, I curl up in a ball under the covers to cry myself to sleep.


I wake with the sun the next morning, and as much as I wish last night was just a bad dream, I know that it wasn't.

"Queenie, clean." I don't feel dirty, but I need to be clean anyway. "Good girl. None of this was your fault. You're a good slime." I send her reassuring thoughts and praise over the bond until she starts wiggling. "I'm just a really fucked up person."

I get dressed mechanically, walk mechanically into the kitchen, and eat breakfast mechanically. Jen is there, but I don't react to her.

"I'm going to explore deeper into the forest today." I announce to Mom while shrugging into my bag. "I might be back a bit later than usual."

"Alright, just stay safe out there." She replies distractedly while wiping up some juice that Esra spilled.


Running. All I know is running. The wind on my face, the soft forest floor underfoot. I dance around and jump over any and all obstacles in my way. I have long since left the woods I know behind.

I've been following my mana sense and little else, just looking for a stronger spawn than a slime. I need something to fight. Something to kill. Something to kill me... maybe. I still haven't decided on that part yet.

Disturbance in the mana up ahead, I angle towards it, not caring what it might be. It's just a king slime though, no real threat. Running straight for the giant slime, I draw my swords at the last second.

Coating one with wind, I slash twice, blasting open a deep cross-shaped rent into its jelly and exposing the core which is almost half as large as Queenie herself. The second sword stabs straight in, delivering the killing blow.

I end up coated in a deluge of slime a second later. But, with the beast dead, it's flesh is no more dangerous than water. Scooping up the core, I stuff it in my bag and continue my run.


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