Slime Breeder

# 001

"No!?!" My voice cracks when Mom tells us that we're moving out of the city to some little village in the middle of nowhere. "I don't want to move; I have a life here, I have friends..." 'And, an almost girlfriend.' I can't quite say that last bit out loud.

I'm seventeen, which I know is a bit late not to have a real girlfriend yet, but Jessa and I have been dancing around each other for years. It's just that between her apprenticeship and me spending most of my time hunting slimes for the family business, we haven't had the chance to hook up for real.

"I know it's a big change, Cole." Mom pulls me into a hug despite my attempts to squirm away. "But, our business is growing by the day, and we need more and more slimes to fulfill demand; it only makes sense to move to the Slime Forest."

"I'll be traveling back and forth a lot to keep an eye on things." Dad offers. "You can come with me to see your friends."

"Really? Then who is going to catch all the slimes?" I look pointedly at the twins and the small bump that I felt on Mom's belly that means yet another sibling will be coming along in another five or six months. "I'm upset, not stupid." I shout before fleeing to my room.

I'm the oldest and only male of five siblings, soon to be six. Maybe seven, if Mom has twins again. And, I've been responsible for collecting the majority of the slimes for the family business basically since the twins were born.

Tamers like Mom and me are rare enough to begin with. But, even if they did find someone to hire, there's no way that they wouldn't just steal dad's spell and set up a competing business.

Dad is a Magical Researcher, they're like a mix between Wizards and Scribes. Only with a good deal more brains, if he's to be believed, that is. He found a way to alter the basic taming spell so that the slimes will accept simple commands from a special wand that he built and then started selling.

Why would anyone outside of a beginner tamer want a slime as a pet you ask? Well, you can thank my Mom for that. See, one day she got the oh-so-brilliant idea to try using her tamed monsters to clean the house. It went about as well as you could expect, all except for her slime; turns out that the stupid little blobs of jelly are the perfect cleaners.

Dad immediately saw the potential market and dove into his research. And, while their business was slow at first, it built steadily and recently started to really take off. Which means that I have to abandon everything I know and move to the middle of fucking nowhere. All so that people don't have to clean out their own privies anymore.

"Get out!" I order the ever-present slimes out of my room and flop face down onto my bed. "You too." I add when I hear the door creak open and Jenny's footsteps entering the room.

Jenny is the oldest of the girls at sixteen, and usually the least annoying. That's easily a tie between the twins, Sera and Esra, who just turned seven. Though Kaitlyn, the middle girl at twelve years old, can give them a run for their money sometimes.

"Shut up." I turn my head to see Jenny sit down on the bed. "You're not the only one who's upset about this. The twins are too young, and Katie just thinks it's all a big adventure, but I have friends too, you know."

"And, I'm sure you're not at all mad about losing access to the library at the college." Her best friends have always been books. Just like I followed in Mom's footsteps, Jenny is following in dad's.

"Ass." She smacks me with a pillow. "And, yes! Dammit." She flops down on her back next to me with a sigh.

"I've seen the finances, you can build your own library in no time." I may prefer running around the woods like Mom, but I've gotten enough of dad's brains that he's taught me how the rest of the business works. I can even enchant the wands on my own, and do a fair bit more magic than the average tamer bothers to learn.

"Knock, knock." Mom says from the door instead of actually knocking. "I'm sorry we didn't discuss this with you... both of you earlier. It was supposed to be a nice surprise."

"Forget about that." Jenny hops up off the bed to glare at Mom. "Why didn't you say that you were pregnant again?" As the oldest girl, she usually gets stuck helping Mom with the twins and Katie.

"I was waiting until I started showing, which I guess is now." Mom says with a soft chuckle. "It's also part of the reason for this move; all of us will have a much, much larger house after the move. That means no more sharing with Katie, and the twins can finally get their own rooms too."

"Any chance it's going to be a boy this time?" I ask, still somewhat disappointed that I never had a little brother to boss around like my friends do. "And, please tell me that it's not twins again."

"Not twins." Mom laughs again. "Thankfully. And, sorry. But, according to the healer, it's another girl."

"Yay." I deadpan.


"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow." Jessa, my almost-was, and now, never-will-be girlfriend, says with a dejected look about her.

Mom and Dad didn't waste any time with the move and before I knew it, it was time to leave. All of my friends took me out one last time as a big send-off and, not long ago, they all peeled away to leave just me and Jessa alone.

"I wish I wasn't." I thought about asking her to spend the night with me, but I just can't. Not when I know it will probably be months, maybe even years before we see each other again.

"I wish you weren't either" She stands right in front of me, just inches apart, while staring me in the eyes. "I'll miss you, Cole. I love you." Her eyes close and she bridges that small gap to kiss me.

"..." I open my mouth to say the same when our lips part, but she's already running away.


"Oh, Jessa, Jessa, Jessa!" I pant her name out as softly as I can while thrusting my rock hard cock between two squished together slimes.

I've been using them to help me out basically since I discovered masturbation. It started as just using them to clean up my mess, but it wasn't long before I was having them help me make it. I still remember that first time I pressed two slimes together and slid myself in between them. It was like fucking the softest, fluffiest breasts ever, and they had built-in lube too.

Now, I'm fucking two more of them as hard as I can without making any noise, so my family doesn't hear. All while Jessa's last kiss and those three words replay over and over in my mind. Her warm, moist lips pressing against mine, her delicate tongue slipping into my mouth. We we're both clumsy and inexperienced, not having done more than sneak a few quick pecks before now. But, that short, fumbling kiss was the single hottest thing I have ever experienced in my short life.

"Nng!" I bite down on my fist to keep from groaning out loud as a torrent of cum is blasted out of my dick. "Oh, Jessa..." I sag into bed, only just bothering to cover up before passing out.


"Is this it?" More than a little disdain coats my words when our wagons finally reach Springwood town on the edge of the Slime Forest.

Oh, sure the forest has some fancy name in Elfish that I can't pronounce. But, I asked an old schoolmate that is a quarter elf and they said that it just translates to Slime Forest. Good to know that humans aren't the only ones that are shit at naming stuff.

"Don't be like that." Mom swats the back of my head. "It's not that bad, and just wait until you see the new place."

'I suppose it could be worse.' I admit only to myself, wary of getting smacked again. Springwood is more small, bustling, town than the village I had feared. But, it's hard to be impressed after coming from the city.

The town itself named after the springy nature of the local lumber rather than any actual spring in the woods. That lumber makes up a good chunk of the economy, with the rest mostly catering towards beginning adventurers here to gain some fighting experience and maybe make a little pocket change by selling slime cores to the alchemist guild.

"Yes, we have a couple of surprises especially for you and Jenny." Dad adds. "We know this move has been the hardest on you two, so we added a little something to make up for it. And, yes, we got you girls some presents too." He adds before Katie and the twins can complain.


"He gets his own house!?!" It's a small one, set just a little bit away from the main house. But, that's enough to cause Jenny to have a fit when she sees it.

"He's almost eighteen now." Mom says soothingly. "And, like he said when we first mentioned the move, he does all of the fieldwork. Cole deserves a place of his own."

"And, don't start complaining until you see your present." Dad adds with a wide smile. "Though, I will admit that it is at least half for me. The selection is somewhat limited right now, but I plan to expand the library soon."

"A library?" Jenny's eyes light up. "A proper library?"

I laugh when she forgets all about me getting my own house and runs inside to checks out the books.

My new place is set behind and to one side of the main house, and both of them are inside a large, walled-in courtyard. We're well outside of town, almost in the woods themselves. And, while the town wards should extend beyond our property, there's no reason not to be safe. Even if the worst monsters around here are just slimes.

Speaking of slimes, the holding pens for them are nearly as large as the courtyard around our house. Mom and Dad are expecting the business to grow by leaps and bounds and have prepared for it to do so.

"I know that you want to explore too, but can you help us get the luggage inside first?" Mom asks sweetly. "I'd rather not have a repeat of what happened when your father tried to magic everything into the wagons." Dad turns bright red when Mom reminds him of how he put a large hole through the walls of our old house with a telekinetically propelled suitcase.


"Ugh. That was even worse than loading up the wagons in the first place." Riding around on the hardest wooden seats in existence for over a week was no picnic, and I honestly have no idea how Mom managed it with her growing belly. "Can you guys handle things from here? I want to check out my place, and get some of my own stuff unpacked."

"Go ahead, Cole. And, thank you." Mom pulls me in for a tight hug, her belly pressing against me as she tries to squeeze the life out of me again. "Oh, my little baby is all grown up and moving out already."

"Yeah, all of ten feet." I laugh, knowing that this is probably just her hormones acting up; Mom always gets a little weird when she is pregnant. "Don't worry, I'll be back for dinner."

"Oh, fine. Abandon your mother." She says with a melodramatic sniff before shooing me out of the house.


"Oh, gods, Jessa." I haven't been able to get that damned girl out of my head, and being stuck in close confines with my entire family has left me with exactly zero opportunities to deal with it. So, I am making full use of having my own space to fuck the hell out of a couple slimes.

"Mnh. Why couldn't we have had more than just a kiss? Ahhhhhhhhhhhnnnnn!" A week's worth of pent-up frustration pours out of me with a loud moan.


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