Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 7 A Brief Rest

Ever since the ceremony the life of the kids quickly started to change as their daily general training became more specialized for each person depending on their blessing.

Calling onto the best of the best users of a particular blessing, it was decided that they would train the young heroes as best as they possibly could, but not everyone could get such teachers as there were blessings among the young heroes that no one in the kingdom possessed to teach them properly, for that they could only call for people who had similar blessings while leaving the rest to the young heroes themselves to explore.

The young heroes were also being prepared to enroll into the Royal Academy while slowly being introduced to the rest of the alliance with many envoys from the other races coming and making a connection with the young heroes for the future, there were even princes and princesses from those other races present causing more and more commotion as castle Redria started to become more rowdy by the day.

But there was one person who was completely isolated by those events going through some personal and harsh training while also studying day and night, this person was Avian seemingly forgotten by everyone as he continued to live his invisible existence just as he had when he first arrived.

Only this time it was slightly different, when everyone else was getting exceptional teachers and getting specialized training, only Avian was left alone with no teacher or any sort of special attention, the person himself was completely fine with that as Avian completely understood why this was happening.

His blessing was the [Monster Tamer] blessing after all, a blessing that stood within the lowest spectrum of the social ladder and was despised by everyone as most of the people who gained this blessing couldn’t actually make use of their blessing and could only rely on their extremely high charisma to make a living which was mostly dishonest.

It’s because of this the [Monster Tamer] blessing became synonymous with criminal terms such as conman, cheat or swindler, as that was what most of the people who had the [Monster Tamer] blessing did, having high charisma it allowed for these people to have a very easy time to sway individuals with their sweet tongue and personality costing a lot of people hundreds of thousands of gold as these people swindled their way through life doing what they did best which wasn’t taming monsters.

At one-point people even started to call individuals with the [Monster Tamer] blessing as even better swindlers then people who actually had the [Swindler] blessing, this created a whole debate in which countries all over the world started to consider whether or not they should include the [Monster Tamer] blessing on the blacklist which is a universal list where all the blessings which were considered harmful or evil were put on.

People who have a blessing from the blacklist while not actively hunted down or prosecuted are all denied basic services such as the use of the guilds, government protection and or official citizenship, some countries even deny these people who have these blessings entrance to their cities or towns in fear of what they may do if they are allowed to enter forcing them to stay in the wilderness, most of them lives trying their best to survive, which is why people with the [Monster Tamer] blessing started to get worried about what would happen if their blessing was put on the blacklist as those people who have these blessings were considered less than human and were treated horribly.

Those kinds of blessings include names such as [Serial Killer], [Arsonist], [Torturer] and many more, but ultimately it was decided to not include [Monster Tamer] in that list as it didn’t quite deserve to be put in the same category as those blessings, in the end only a few people with the [Monster Tamer] blessing had done real harm while a huge majority who possessed a blessing on the blacklist had without a doubt committed many crimes that were so heinous it would put the people who committed crimes with their [Monster Tamer] blessing to shame.

In the coming years, time and time again would the same argument be sparked as a lot of people who gained the [Monster Tamer] blessing would resort to crime each time ending with a pardon and dissatisfaction on the citizen’s part as the public perception of [Monster Tamer]’s continued to plummet into oblivion.

Knowing all this Avian wasn’t surprised at all that he was sort of neglected and left to his own devices as they couldn’t possibly call someone to train him and even if they did what would they teach Avian? How to scam someone?

Training him to be strong enough to tame monsters was also out of the question as almost no one with the [Monster Tamer] blessing became strong enough to actually become a competent monster tamer with the way their growth worked.

The strongest person with the [Monster Tamer] blessing was in fact considered to be a person known as Alvin who was a commoner and a former lumber jack before he went through the ceremony, having unnatural innate strength ever since he was born he could easily tear the head of a wolf with his bare hands even before his blessing was revealed to him, later when his [Monster Tamer] blessing was revealed, Alvin decided to abandon the life of a lumberjack and instead became the local overlord of his forest, the way he did it was through taming almost all the wolves in his local forest getting him the moniker Wolf King as the entire forest had become his territory, since then no one could enter the forest without his permission, he used his control over the forest as a bargaining chip to enrich himself as he would demand tax for entrance and gathering of natural resources.

The city which was Alvin’s original home originally just tolerated it as they didn’t want to make an enemy out of Alvin and make him order his wolves to charge the city, they weren’t particularly scared of his might, but rather feared the amount of losses they would incur if he did decide to attack them thus creating a fine balance as the city complied with Alvin’s demands giving him quite a bit of wealth for what little taxes he actually demanded.

If it wasn’t for Alvin’s greed he may have continued his successful rule, but as time went on Alvin started to become greedier and greedier, increasing the tax rate as years went by until the city finally couldn’t take it anymore as they were forced onto their last straw.

Ultimately the city decided to hire a team of high-ranking adventurers to deal with the matter, treating it like a high level bandit extermination request the team of adventurers stormed into the forest and slaughtered their way in killing every wolf that came charging at them, they eventually succeeded in storming the core of the forest where Alvin was thought to have been with much difficulty while also losing almost half of their team through the constant wolf raids.

They found him and finally succeed in killing him too with no effort at all as he was much weaker compared to the wolves he tamed and trained all these years, but as he died something strange happened, usually as soon as the master died all the tamed creatures would be released from the masters rule and then scurry away, but for some reason the wolves who had been under the control of Alvin still seemed to be in his control even after he had died.

The proof of this matter came to light when Alvin just before his death shouted out a final order, telling the wolves to charge at the city and destroy it before gasping his final breath.

The wolves who should have been no longer under his control after his death all did exactly as they were ordered, a tide of wolves coming out of the forest as they charged the city and began a massive battle between the city and the wolves.

The result of which was with the city winning, but at a steep cost as 60 percent of their city was absolutely destroyed turning a once prosperous city into a scarred ruin.

In the end no one could say who exactly won, but it was pretty clear everyone had lost as nothing good happened in the end, making Alvin the strongest [Monster Tamer] to have ever existed while also showing that the [Monster Tamer] blessing could be deadly in the right hands.

But unfortunately, Alvin was the only exception, up until now not a single other person with similar capabilities had ever appeared again making it over 500 years since that incident.

What the king and his followers planned on doing with Avian was the real question Avian had, in fact he suspected that soon someone would come to speak to him about this, after the whole ceremony and getting some time to think, Avian doubted that the king would actually decide to get rid of him behind the scenes, if he did the king would worry about the righteous hero bunch eventually discovering his actions and doing something drastic, but still, he couldn’t deny the possibility making Avian stand on his toes as he waited for the king to make his move while he trained and studied.

Avian didn’t find his repetitive actions to be boring or dull, having done similar things in his youth he knew how to endure to get to results, and when it came to hobbies there was only one thing that Avian would do to take the edge off once in a while.

Which was eating food.

-Hmmm…this is really good; did you use butter to give it more flavor?

-I sure did kid, thank you by the way for the advice I didn’t know you could use butter in a meaty dish like this, do the people in your world perhaps cook like this?

-Yeah basically.

Avian said, enjoying his meal inside the royal kitchen sitting next to the Royal chef who was a big and muscular guy with a big mustache and a bald head wearing a chef’s garb.

His name was Gustave, he had the blessing of the [Chef], and the only person in the castle Avian actually considered somewhat of a close acquaintance.


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