Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 1285: An expected result

Chapter 1285: An expected result

When the reports from the Poppin Kingdom came, none of us were surprised by them. After all, the plan was perfect.

There was absolutely nothing that could go wrong.

Well, it wasn't that there was absolutely nothing that could go wrong, it was just that the chances of those things happening were so slim that it was almost impossible for them to actually happen.

But there was a price to pay for doing these things in the first place.

Because the methods that we used would draw the attention of certain people.

"How long do you think it'll be before they come knocking on our doors?"

"Who do you mean?" I asked the prime minister after he asked me this question.

The three of us in the study all revealed smiles after I said this.

That was because we all knew who I was referring to.

This time, we had stepped on the toes of the four empires by using the things that they had left us to pretend like we had their support. This was of course not the case since we had no idea what the four empires thought of the Poppin Kingdom.

However, it was also a gamble on whether the Poppin Kingdom was more important or if we were more important.

We were known as the fifth empire now, so that meant something.

A kingdom that could be known as the fifth empire versus a large kingdom that couldn't compare to an empire, it was natural who they would support in this matter.

But there was also something that would cause them to not support us.

Or rather, there was one empire in particular that we had offended more than the other empires. That was because we had stepped on their bottom line more than we had with the other empires.

That was the Democratic Union.

"Do you think that they will believe us when we give them an explanation?"

"Of course not. That's why the only thing we can do now is show them the manufacturing facility."

Seeing the prime minister and the chancellor knitting their brows, I said, "We aren't prepared to go all out against them just yet. So we have to concede this much or else we'll be putting ourselves in danger."

The prime minister and chancellor gave helpless sighs when they heard this, but they didn't deny what I said.

They knew in their hearts that I was right.

Beyond this, there really wasn't much else to be discussed.

All we were doing now was waiting for...

"Report! There's a message from the Democratic Union!"

As we had expected, there was a message that came from the Democratic Union.

The reason this messenger ran in here like this wasn't just because it was an emergency, but also because we told him to come in here as soon as this message came.

We knew that they wouldn't be able to wait.

"It's an envoy as expected." The prime minister said after reading the message.

I just said with a simple nod, "We already expected this, right?"

The other two slowly nodded, but they still had traces of worry in their eyes.

It was only natural that they would be worried since the other side was an empire.

The four empires of the human race had a reputation that was well deserved since they had the power to back it up.

I didn't say anything since I knew it would be superfluous.

I trusted the abilities of the two of them and knew that they would be able to handle what came at us.

All that was left was for the Democratic Union's envoy to arrive.


It was certainly a surprising way to arrive.

Even if I knew that they had them, I didn't expect them to send one all the way here.

It was a magic plane that was similar to the commercial jet airplanes in my past life.

The magic technology of the Democratic Union really did reach a completely different level compared to the rest of the world. In a sense, they were already close to the level of technology that my previous world had.

The only difference was that they had a power source that was much cleaner and efficient.

Magic was abundant in this world, so to channel it into technology like this really was an amazing discovery.

It was a good thing that we had the base that we trained wyverns in. If it wasn't for that place, we wouldn't have had a wide open space for the magic plane to land in.

Though it was more suited for wyverns landing, which meant that it was bigger than what was necessary.

After the magic plane landed, the Democratic Union group wasted no time in coming down from the plane.

The clothes that they wore were different from the clothes that other envoys that I've met wore. Instead of wearing clothes that made them seem like they were important, they were wearing military uniforms similar to the one from my past life.

The Democratic Union really was different from all the other countries in this fantasy world that was based on the middle ages.

The Democratic Union was a kind of place that was more like the modern world that I was familiar with, rather than a country in a fantasy world.

But that was done on purpose by the ones that designed the game.

It was to create a zone that had a modern feel to it to give the game more variety in girls that could be slept with.

In the end, it was a H-game that catered to the whims of the players.

As soon as they got off the magic plane, they didn't waste any time with long introductions.

It seemed that the envoy of the Democratic Union followed military rules very closely, so the envoy just saluted and said, "First Lieutenant, Jostin and this is Second Lieutenant, Riza."

Right after that simple introduction, First Lieutenant Jostin said, "We have some things that we wish to discuss with your majesty."

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