Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 1283: Is it fate?

Chapter 1283: Is it fate?

"Don't engage and find a way to escape! Prepare to charge for the border!"

Even though he was in this bad situation, the king forced himself to calm down and come up with this rational decision.

That was because he knew that if he were to stay here any longer, the only thing that would await them was death.

There was even a part of the king that wanted to abandon his knights just to escape on his own, but he knew that he wouldn't survive if he did something like this. If he were to go alone, there was only death that was waiting for him.

His only value right now was that he commanded this group of knights.

Without them, he wouldn't have the same value as he had right now.

So he had to bring these knights with him.

Their greatest weapon was the unified charge that they had, so that was what he was planning to use to get out of this place.

When they received this order, the knights immediately moved into formation.

The ones with the strongest power moved to the front while the rest moved to the side to hold their shields up.

With this formation, they were ready to charge through anything that was in their way.

At the same time, there was this faint glow that appeared around the lances and shields that they raised.

These were naturally magic weapons as well.

Without the power of magic aiding them, how could they have become a powerful order of knights?

With them taking the formation, it seemed like the effects of the bullets and spells being shot at them had been cut by more than half. They no longer pushed the knights back and did nothing to stop their formation.

Once they were in formation, there was no hesitation at all from the king as he waved his hand and roared, "Charge!"

In a wedge shape, they charged out into open territory where the border was.

Even if this was a detour because they were avoiding the magicians and knights that were in front of them, this was the better option since their goal was just to escape and not to fight.

Without knowing what the full power of the magicians and knights was, it was better to avoid directly confronting them.

With the way that they charged, it really seemed like they would be able to escape to the border.

Only before they could...

There was a large stream of water that appeared in front of them that suddenly cut off their path.

The king gritted his teeth when he saw this, but he still decided to charge right through the water since he wouldn't let this stop them. However, that was the wrong decision as there were things that were hiding in the water.

As they charged into the water, the force of their charge was able to scatter the water that was in front of them. However, it wasn't able to completely scatter the water that had appeared in front of them since there was just too much water.

At the same time, it also slowed them down since they were now moving through water.

The water made it hard for them to move after all.

The king couldn't help cursing the fact that this water suddenly appeared like this under his breath.

And while they were moving through the water...


There were screams of pain that suddenly came from behind.

This came from the back of the formation where some of the injured knights were.

When one looked carefully, they could see that there were figures that were moving through the water that they were currently in. However, these figures weren't impeded by the water at all.

With the way that they moved, it could even be said that they were like fish in water.

These figures were the ones that attacked the injured knights that weren't able to fight back at all.

When they noticed these figures, the other knights went to attack them, but those figures quickly escaped before anyone could do anything.

They moved just too fast for any of the knights to keep up with while they were surrounded by water like this.

So the only thing that they could do was continue pushing through the water for the border. Only the moment that they came out, they were hit with a wave of flames that pushed them back.

This was the flames that came from the breath of the wyverns. The flames that rained down on them were anything but weak, so they couldn't go through them even with the protection of their magic items.

The moment that they stopped, the king knew that this was the end.

"Is this really my fate?" The king couldn't help cursing under his breath.

After all, he wasn't a fool.

From the moment that the magic bullets appeared, he already knew that it was over.

After all, not just anyone was able to use magic bullets like that.

The magic bullets were a technology that the Democratic Union kept for themselves. It was something that they would let out of their reach unless there was something that was worth it

for them to give up.

Then there were the magicians, the figures in the water, and even the holy knights that were in front of the magicians.

Everything proved that whatever was happening had the approval of the four empires or they wouldn't send their forces like this.

It seemed that he had been completely outcasted.

"Why? WHY!?"

That was what the king of the Poppin Kingdom asked when he saw the wyverns above him.

The leader of the wyvern riders looked down at the king of the Poppin Kingdom and said, "Your first mistake was trying to use your power to force us to bend to your will. If you had left us alone, then none of this would have happened to you. But in the end, you will become a scapegoat so the rest of the continent will learn."

A bitter smile appeared on the face of the king of the Poppin Kingdom as there was nothing that he could say in response.

It was as if he was finally seeing the consequences of his actions.

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