
Chapter 71 Join the Italian national team?hesitating to the south

Chapter 71 Join the Italian national team?hesitating to the south
"Hi, Demi. Hello." Xiang Nan answered the phone and said hello.

"Andre, uh, no, don't talk, listen to me first." Albertini's voice came from the other end of the phone, "I heard what Simao said about the matter, are you confused now?!"

"Yes, I feel like a lost clownfish in the Mediterranean, I don't know where to swim?"

I felt a deep voice on the phone, "Uh, Andre, you're not a clownfish. Why, you're not in a good mood."

"Um, Demi, you know that I love my motherland. I don't know if you understand when I say this. You definitely don't understand. You don't understand my feelings." Xiang Nan felt his suppressed emotions, At this moment, he released it quickly, or he didn't even realize that his words were a bit impolite.

"Andre, tell me. Of course I won't understand if you don't tell me. I think I can understand you because I love my motherland too."

"My second-generation overseas Chinese, do you understand what it is?" Xiang Nan said without waiting for Albertini to answer, "They are Chinese who live abroad but have never given up their Chinese nationality, and I am the second generation. Overseas Chinese, do you understand?"

"Perhaps I can understand."

"There are many Chinese like me who grew up abroad. Some of our feelings for the motherland are relatively weak. It depends entirely on the teachings of our elders, because we grew up in a foreign environment. Without Chinese playmates, without the influence of Chinese culture, I haven’t even met my daddy, mami much.”

"Andre, I'm listening!"

"I have been back to my motherland, and I have seen the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the Great Wall. This is my grandmother's way of preventing me from forgetting that I still have my motherland and remember what it looks like. I believe that most of them grow abroad like me. Older children, you have never seen the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, or the Great Wall, Demi, have you ever seen the Great Wall?"

"Yes, I followed AC Milan to BJ, she is magnificent and beautiful."


Xiang Nan chatted with Albertini for a long time, and he didn't know why he said these things to Demi, but he felt that some words were uncomfortable in his heart, so he had to say it, so he said it, maybe it was Uncle Alexander, or Joe Anna?He will also say these things on the phone calls. In short, it doesn't matter who is on the other end of the phone. What this Chinese boy needs now is just someone to talk to, that's all.

Until the mobile phone has been beeping, it is an alarm signal of no power.

"Andre, the biggest regret in my life is that I didn't win the European Cup and the World Cup. This is the most sacred hall for football players! I also didn't get the Golden Globe Award and World Footballer. I haven't reached that height yet. But you're different, Andrei, you're young—"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Demi, I'm listening!"

"Andre, you are the most talented player I have ever seen, remember, you are the most talented, there is no one, you are unique, so your football career is destined to be brilliant..."


"Please don't waste your talent and your life, you belong in football!! I have felt this way since the first time I saw you."


"Demi, I will consider your suggestion. I want to think about it quietly for a few days, and I will give you an answer—" Xiang Nan paused, "You know, making a decision is difficult, especially this kind of decision !"

"Okay, Andre, I'll wait for your news, don't force yourself, look at the problem simply, it's fine, it's just football!"

"Okay, Demi, thank you."

"Goodbye, Andre, waiting for your news."

"Goodbye, Demi!"

"Simang. What do you think?" Xiang Nan rubbed his temples, feeling very tired.

For Simao, he trusts him very much. Simao will not harm him. He will consider himself very comprehensively. The reason why Xiangnan chooses Ximang as his manager is that apart from the brotherhood since he was a child, it plays a big part in it. Composition, Simao's calm and natural economic savvy, is also one of the reasons.

Xiang Nan is an emotional person, so it is very good and very important to have a friend like Simao.

"Andre, I think Demy's suggestion is very good, and I agree with it [-]%."

"Simao?" Xiang Nan looked at his friend in confusion and smiled, "I thought you would insist on persuading me to join the Belgian national team!"

"Andre, in my opinion, you have the same choice to join the Belgian, Italian or Chinese national team. What I want to do is to help you fight for the best interests and future under the premise of your choice! !"

Xiang Nan looked at his brother, but didn't speak.

"Andre, it's not just because it's my job now, I'm your manager, but also because I'm your friend, your brother, I know you, you're too emotional."

"Thank you, Simao, I think I need to think again."


Open the window to the south and look up at the starry sky, the night sky is full of stars.

"Dad, Mom, you must be guarding me, watch me..."

In the training session on the second day, Xiang Nan was obviously out of shape. In the fight with Grigino, he was completely at a disadvantage. He even shot a few times close to the goal and directly hit the plane, which made Grigino It's very stinking.

"Hey, let me just say that I, Grignino, is the greatest central defender in Italy, haha!"

Xiang Nan glared at the boy, intending to deal with him, but he didn't know what was wrong, but he felt no interest anymore.

Glinino looked at Xiang Nan suspiciously. This guy was ready to be beaten, but seeing that Xiang Nan didn't move, he asked, "Andre, why didn't you hit me?"

"I'm not in the mood?" Xiang Nan glared, "What? Do you really want to be beaten?"

"No, if you don't hit me, I've always felt uneasy. I feel that something is missing, and I feel uncomfortable!" Greenino looked at Xiang Nan sincerely.

"What a fucking bastard!!" Xiang Nan kicked the ball hard on Grignino's body, fulfilling this guy's strong desire.

Novellino shouted to Xiang Nan, the old man was very dissatisfied with Xiang Nan's training attitude today, in Novellino's view, this kid must have been touted by the media guys so he didn't know where he was, This is the time when young players are most prone to problems, wunderkind! !
"Andre, what's wrong with you, today's training is listless, if you don't want to train hard, go home!!!"

"Coach, I'm sorry, I've been thinking about some very important things today, so I'm a little absent-minded."

"The team pays you, not for you to think about things!!"

"Okay, coach, I know what to do!!" Xiang Nan nodded to Novellino.

The head coach of Turin watched Xiang Nan, who was re-entering training, gradually control his emotions and enter the state.

After finishing the training, Xiang Nan took out his mobile phone and called Lin Han.

"Hello, reporter Lin Han."

"Hi Xiangnan, wait a minute, before you tell me your choice, I have something to tell you first!!"

"Is it okay to say later?" Xiang Nan didn't like the feeling of being interrupted.

"No! No! No! It's meaningless to say it for a while. I want to tell you, as a friend, not as a messenger of ZU-XIE, nor as a football journalist, just The status of a friend is a friend, do you understand?" On the other end of the phone, Lin Han almost shouted.

"Okay, I understand, we are friends!" Xiang Nan suddenly realized what Lin Han might say.

"Xiang Nan, don't join the ZHONG-GUO national team!! Definitely not!! Join Belgium, really!"

Xiang Nan seemed to be able to feel that after saying these words, Lin Han on the other end of the phone seemed to have sucked up all his strength, panting heavily.

"Thank you, Lin Han!! You are fine." Xiang Nan suddenly realized that there was a problem with his organizational language, and he didn't know what to say, "Why did you tell me this, friend."

Xiang Nan took the word "friend" very seriously.

"I don't want to turn the image of Chinese football journalists into a pile of shit when the domestic football is so miserable!! The facts cannot be covered up."

"Yes, after going back, my agent checked the information of the Chinese team, so—" Xiang Nan paused for a while, "I accept you as a friend now."


"What I want to tell you is my decision. Last night, I received a call from a friend in Italy, in which he conveyed the interest of Pierluigi Casiraghi, the head coach of the Italian U19 youth team. So my final decision is—"

"What is it?" Lin Han was nervous for a while. Although he had already said that he did not support Xiang Nan joining the Chinese national team, he still had a glimmer of expectation...

"I decided, the Chinese team or the Italian team, I am waiting, whoever is more efficient, I will choose whoever!" The team cannot realize Xiangnan's desire for honor in football, and Belgium is not Xiangnan's motherland, and it is not Xiangnan's first choice.

This is already Xiang Nan's best answer. In Lin Han's opinion, this young player still has deep feelings for his motherland! !
"Okay, I will convey your opinion back to China." Lin Han was silent for a while, he had already regarded this 'choose one' multiple choice question as a multiple choice question with only one answer.

Counting on those old men from ZU-XIE in China?
Lin Han shook his head, thinking about his perception all the time, his face was full of sadness, and he had no hope for this.

When Xiang Nan was still confused about his choice, there was already an uproar in the country.

BJ, an office.

Xie Long, the chairman of ZU-XIE, looked at the computer screen, roaring like an enraged rooster.

He tore the report handed over by the secretary into pieces, "Who leaked this news, check it out for me!! I have to dig three feet into the ground and check it out thoroughly!!"

The secretary next to him wiped the sweat from his forehead, and felt that the words sounded familiar, "Chairman Xie, I guess the outside world will know about this news!"

After the secretary finished speaking, she looked at the furious one anxiously, waiting for the volcano to erupt! !
But then again, it is what it is!

Now the virtues of Chinese football, the lice on the bald man's head, it's just like that. Now it's hard to find a player who plays in Serie A. Now the performance in Serie A is getting better and better. Recruit this player named Xiangnan Entering the national team, it is not a matter of time, everyone on the earth knows.

It's just that the transfer letter to Turin has not been sent yet, nor has it been announced to the public. The Chinese team's squad for the match against Myanmar has already written the word "Xiangnan" in black and white.

However, because this player grew up abroad, let alone played in the domestic league, this made ZU-XIE feel very embarrassed. The Football Association needs a higher level, a 'justifiable' name to include this player in the national team head! !

ZU-XIE is waiting...

wait for what? ?

Waiting for the news of the press conference in Turin, this side has already made all preparations, just waiting for the news over there...

Enen, in the eyes of these gentlemen, it is such a great honor for the country to recruit you to join the national team. ..."

Does he really regard Chinese football as table tennis, diving, basketball, etc.?

The ignorant are fearless! ! !
Just after this list came out, a new training list for the Chinese national team to prepare for the World Cup qualifier against Myanmar appeared on the Internet, and Xiang Nan's name was on the list!
At the same time, Lin Han also notified Xiang Nan's reply to ZU-XIE in China, and there was also a fax of Lin Han's personal opinion pleading for the country to carefully consider Xiang Nan's transfer letter.

Uh, this suggestive fax from Lin Han?

Honorably ignored...

Xiang Nan's reply caused an uproar within ZU-XIE of China. No Chinese player had ever dared to refuse the call of ZU-XIE of China. This was the first time in history.

In the words of an official, "This kid is really kind, does he still want to go back to China to play football?" '

Uh, I have to say, this sentence is very...

ZU-XIE's divine authority cannot be challenged! !

This is the first reaction of relevant departments of ZU-XIE to this matter! !
ZU-XIE held an internal closed-door meeting specifically for this purpose. The topic of the meeting was quickly transferred from whether to continue to recruit to the south, and whether to announce the list immediately——
Revolving around the issue of whether Xiang Nan will be banned from the national team and how long the ban will be...

Well, it's rare to reach a consensus so quickly! !

At this time, if Xiangnan is not recruited, how to face the doubts of domestic fans and media has also become a focus.

I have to say that avoiding responsibility is our lovely ZU-XIE's forte...

At this time, no one noticed that Xiang Nan's reply conveyed by the Chinese reporter far away in Turin was a multiple-choice question of 'choose one'——
'I decided, the Chinese team and the Italian team, I am waiting, whoever is more efficient, I will choose whoever! '

After ZU-XIE held an internal meeting, it quickly issued a statement on the official website, which stated:

I did consider recruiting Xiangnan, who played in Serie A, to return home to play, but the player himself refused to play for the country. The Football Association has reservations about this. It is a pity that the player's answer about his refusal to play for the country...

At the same time, in order to warn other players of the national team, a decision was made to expel Xiangnan from the national team...

As for when to withdraw the decision to expel from the national team, it depends on the attitude of the player himself.

With the release of this very irresponsible official announcement, the raging 'requisition gate' incident caused by the list quickly rose to a new height! !

I have to say angrily, really, very irresponsible! !

Fans are also constantly expressing their opinions on the Internet. The more rational fans ignored ZUXIE's statement and posted their own opinions on the Internet, and some conflicts occurred with some more radical viewpoints.

"One Xiangnan can't change the status quo of Chinese football, because everyone knows the status quo of Chinese football. It won't make much difference if only one or two high-level players join. It's better to let go and hope that one The blooming of Chinese players on the world stage can bring a new atmosphere to Chinese football—”

In this regard, a very radical reply quickly appeared on the Internet, so radical that you have to doubt the background and purpose of the person who posted it! !
"We are very honored to see such a hard-core traitor in this era, a guy who doesn't want to play for the country, only knows to sell the dignity of the country for personal petty gain, what qualifications does he have to wear the jersey of the national team ?? For such a player, we call on all fans to boycott!!"

This post completely pushes Xiang Nan, who knows nothing about it, to the opposite of some fans in China...

There are constant insults on the Internet, and the remarks of these neutral fans are immediately submerged in the abuse...

As the quarrel continued to escalate, the radical post quickly described Xiang Nan as a person who does not want to serve the country and is ashamed to be a descendant of the Yellow Emperor...

The most striking words in the post are:
"Traitor"! !

All of a sudden, there was a lot of hype in the country, and finally, in this post signed by 'Xiang Jia', he even made radical remarks about expulsion of Chinese nationality from Xiangnan, pointing the finger at Turin's current attitude towards all situations. Head south without knowing anything! !
It has been raining in Turin these days, just like Xiang Nan's mood, he has been waiting for news, waiting for news from the Italian youth team from home.

To be honest, Xiang Nan’s current mood is very contradictory. From the point of view of personal development, he is inclined to join the Italian national team, and it seems to be the same. At that time, his parents were working in Turin, Italy for a short time. During the journey, he stopped in Milan due to some business, and was born in Milan prematurely. This is also one of the reasons why he later agreed to join Turin. has a special meaning.

Italy is the nationality of the place of birth, so Xiangnan can choose to join the Italian nationality.

As for the Chinese national team, Xiang Nan is very contradictory. He has deep feelings for his motherland, which is different from some second-generation overseas Chinese. This is due to the teachings of the old people since childhood.

Now, is there any news soon? …

PS: This chapter is purely for the needs of the plot. It can be understood as a spoof of ZUXIE. Maybe the words are a bit too much and hurt the feelings of some friends. Xiaoqi is here to say sorry.

In addition, the next chapter will give answers to the question about Xiangnan's national team.

Regarding the place of birth and nationality, Xiaoqi checked the information and found that it should be like this.If it is a BUG, ​​please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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