
Chapter 54 Lightning Goal

Chapter 54 Lightning Goal
Never doubt that Torino fans hate the black and white striped shirt.

Although Siena is not Juventus, Turin fans definitely don't like Siena, who has the name of a Juventus-related account. Besides, whoever is called Siena even has a ball uniform? What about the black and white striped shirt that soul fans hate the most? !

There is also an important point, that is, before this round, Turin had 2 wins and 1 draw with 7 points, and it was only behind Rome, which had three victories and 9 points in the standings. Inter Milan, with 2 win, 1 draw and 7 points, temporarily ranks No. 3 in Serie A. This is the first time that Torino has ranked among the top three in Serie A in recent years.

There is another focus match in this round, that is, Roma will face Juventus at home. Once Roma loses to Juventus, as long as the Turin team wins this game, they may even reach the top of the list. I believe Turin fans will not mind the feeling.

As for the possibility of Juventus losing or tying?Turin people are more happy, Turin can't take the opportunity to reach the top, Turin fans will not be sad, Turin fans still have self-knowledge about the strength of their team, anyway, as long as the rivals in the same city are defeated, it is the city of Turin Half the people's favorite!
In the 2007-2008 season, in the fourth round of Serie A, Turin played against Siena at home, and the Olympic Stadium in Turin was packed.

"Hello everyone, I'm Tomasi, and next to me is my old partner Zaccheroni, welcome to the crazy Olympic battlefield in Turin, first of all, let's take a look at the starting lineup of the Siena team for today's game.

The Siena team uses a 4-3-3 lineup. It seems that the friends from Tuscany did not pay attention to the Turin Olympic battlefield. Maybe the Siena people drew with the mighty Milan in the last game. It has given the Siena people a lot of confidence. I believe that Prince Andre of Turin will use his sharp weapon to pierce the arrogant balloon of the Siena people! ! "

What responded to Tomasi was a burst of laughter at the Olympic Stadium. It seemed that everyone knew what Tomasi's good-natured joke meant.

Hey, isn't he just a pure beginner?As for this?

"Siena's squad for this game is as follows:
Goalkeeper: 1-Manninger

Defender: 73-Bertoto, 90-Porta Nova, 15-Loria, 18-Grimi

Midfielder: 8-Vegasola, 5-Correa, 14-Garopa

Forwards: 7-Flick, 32-Macarone, 10-Chiesa
Be careful of Maccarone and Chiesa, the combination of these two is very lethal—”

Tomasi's words directly ignored the other one of Siena's striker tridents, No. 7 Frick. I don't know what this buddy would do if he heard Thomasi's words at this moment. impressions.

"Our heroic fighters are on the stage, let us dedicate our greatest cheers to our fighters, they are the pride of Turin, and the one who walks in the front is our captain, the eternal child of Turin -- Ji'an Luca Comotto, followed by Abbiati, Natari
And here comes—our—F1 car—our—Prince Andrei—”

In response to Tomasi, the fans cheered loudly, "-- AND - REA -"

"This is Andre's first start at the Olympic Stadium in Turin. We look forward to what kind of surprise our prince will bring us!!!"

"——Our prince is very active today, as if he has all the energy to vent——" Tomasi's poisonous tongue began to corrode the venom again.

Xiang Nan was standing in the middle of the court, what the wicked old Thomasy was saying did not affect Xiang Nan at all, as soon as he stepped into the court, Xiang Nan felt the strength in his body, Xiang Nan's gaze was straight forward, He looked up at the visiting team's goal.

The referee blew his whistle and the game started.

Xiangnan received a pass from Recoba, looked up and looked ahead, swiped his right foot, and passed the ball to Rakitic who was inserted from the wing.

"Today Rakitic replaced Rosina and appeared on the right. Rakitic has a long shot."

"Shoot!!! Siena's goalkeeper made a great save, Manninger made a good save, Zanetti's long shot was also very good, Rakitic swayed past Grimi who defended him and made a cross Yes, our F1 gave the ball a little bit, and Zanetti, who was following up, shot the ball, but the angle of our big butt shot was too straight."

"Maybe the butt is more powerful!"

"Andre's movement just now is very smart! It seems that F1 is really excited today, the boy has less chance to relax, it seems that he is full of energy!!" Tomasi saliva flew all over the place.

Listening to Tomasi's annoying commentary, Xiang Nan smiled wryly. It seems that the best way to shut up the old man is to score a goal. Tomasi's crazy goal cheers are comparable to Pavarotti's. , is what Xiang Nan wants to hear.

Nan Xiang glanced at Recoba who was about to take a corner kick. Recoba stretched out his right hand and made a concealed gesture, Xiang Nan nodded to express his understanding.

Corner kick! !

"Where the corner kicks - it's back!! goooooaaal, AND - REA!!! Prince Andre!!! WE HAVE YOU!!!"

After scoring the goal, Xiangnan rushed to the edge of the stands excitedly, flipped somersault, and stretched out a finger towards the crimson sea! !

Today is destined to be my holiday! !

This is the first goal! !

The flames of the Olympic Stadium were instantly ignited. At this moment, facing south is the prince of the Olympic Stadium in Turin! !

"Ulla! Ulla!! AND—REA!!"

"Crack!! Prince—in—here!!!"

The goal just now was played repeatedly on the big screen. After the corner kick was taken, the ball drew a wonderful arc, and Xiangnan, who was lying in ambush at the back, jumped up suddenly like a dexterous leopard and made a goal. With the beautiful lion shaking his head, the ball quickly passed Siena goalkeeper Manninger's fingers and fell into the net, causing a snowflake! !

At this time, only 3 minutes had passed since the start of the game, and the Turin team had made a perfect start.

Novellino shook his fist vigorously on the sidelines, and gave Siena coach Mandolini a bitter look.

Xiang Nan felt a gaze staring at him closely, and followed his gaze. This was Chiesa's gaze. Obviously, Xiang Nan's goal also aroused; this veteran's competitive spirit.

Xiang Nan returned Chiesa's provocative look very bluntly, "This is the age of our young people!" '; This is not disrespect. On the court, you rely on your own strength. For such a veteran, you have to show your strength to be the greatest respect for him! !
The pitch is not just a battlefield! !
With a bang, Chiesa's shovel shot from a corner of the penalty area hit the goal post and popped out of the baseline, and the Turin fans breathed a sigh of relief.

Chiesa hit back at the Prince of Turin with a nearly perfect shot, 'It seems that I have been ignored! !Boy, wait! ! '

Xiangnan gave Chiesa a thumbs up, and then ran away with a cold face. This famous veteran in Serie A was really not covered: Chiesa just received a pass from Maccarone, although the position is not good. , Chiesa wiped the ball, dodged Greenino's shovel, and made an unconventional shovel, almost scoring, but Abbiati barely responded to the ball.

"Interesting guy!" Chiesa smiled, greeted his teammates, and boosted the morale of the team! !Although the goal was not scored, it still brought confidence to the Siena team. In the case of conceding the goal at the beginning, as the captain, Chiesa must do something...

The morale-boosting Siena team, under the leadership of their old captain, began to put constant pressure on the penalty area of ​​the Turin team. It seems that the team can draw with the powerful AC Milan in the last game. strength.

In the 33rd minute of the game, the Torino team counterattacked. Maccarone broke into the penalty area with the ball, shook away the attacking Abbiati, and passed the ball to the center——
"Dangerous, empty door!!! God bless Turin!!! Thank you Frick!!!"

It seems that Tomasi's ignorance of Siena No. 7 before the game is somewhat grounded. Flick's state is so bad recently that he ran on that dancer's bed with luck! !

boom! !

Facing the empty goal, Popeye Flick shot the ball into the stands with an unconventional dog chewing mud, and the Torino team escaped again.

"Alvaro, it was my mistake!!" The team escaped, and Xiang Nan heaved a sigh of relief. A very threatening quick counterattack.

Xiang Nan was very concerned about his mistakes. Although Recoba didn't blame him, Xiang Nan held his breath and must show his own performance.

"Young man, a little mistake is inevitable!! Take your time, don't put it on your body!!" Chiesa came over and patted Xiangnan on the shoulder, whispering.

"Thank you! I will use a goal to make up for the mistake just now!!" Xiang Nan nodded to Chiesa.

Chiesa smiled, a high-spirited guy.

At the end of the first half, Recoba's breakthrough with the ball was tripped, and Torino won a free kick in the frontcourt.

PS: Well, I admit, I confess, this game will be a big score, the Cavaliers' farewell game was spoiled, I was so depressed, I had to take Siena, which happened to be written, to vent.Everyone BS me!

(End of this chapter)

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