Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 18 Transformation of Auxiliary Ships

Chapter 18 Transformation of Auxiliary Ships

"Hey, the construction time is two and a half hours? When the two little girls transformed into 055, it seemed to take two and a half hours. Could it be an orthodox 055 destroyer?"

At this moment, looking at the construction time displayed on the screen, Jiang Ran was thinking silently in his heart.

With Jiang Ran putting in the last quick completion item, the time on the screen of the builder was instantly cleared.

Immediately afterwards, the one who walked out was not a girl, although she was about seventeen or eighteen years old, but judging by her clothes, she was obviously not dressed like a destroyer.

The girl's demeanor was a bit cold, and she wore a very sci-fi diving suit, clinging to her perfect figure with bumps.

At the same time, there were 12 murderous white missiles hanging around her slender waist, like 12 sharp swords not drawn out of their sheaths, just by placing them there, they could deter all incoming enemies!
Looking at the girl's appearance, in the construction room at this moment, except for the three space carriers including Luanniao, the rest of the surface ship girls felt a bit of inexplicable pressure.

And Luanniao and the other three women also stopped talking at this moment, their eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the cold girl in front of them.

The girl walked up to Jiang Ran and gave a military salute:

"Type 094 strategic nuclear submarine, report to the commander!"

"Welcome!" Jiang Ran was stunned for a long time before returning the greeting.

At this moment, he didn't know how to describe his mood. Anyway, he was happy and excited.

Originally, when he looked at the girl's outfit, he could already think that it was a submarine, but he never thought that it would be a strategic nuclear submarine.

The Type 094 strategic nuclear submarine has a length of 135 meters, a width of 13 meters, a displacement of 9000 tons on the surface and 11500 tons underwater.

It is equipped with 12 Julang-2 submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles and uses a three-stage solid rocket motor with a range of about 8000 kilometers. The warhead is a nuclear warhead with an equivalent of 200 million tons of TNT.

Although Luanniao and others also have strategic nuclear missiles, and they will only be more advanced than 094 nuclear missiles, Jiang Ran is still very happy in his heart because it is a strategic nuclear submarine after all.

Moreover, Luanniao and the others use nuclear fusion as their energy source, and the materials needed for fusion, such as protium, deuterium, tritium, or helium-3, cannot be obtained by themselves.

As for the fission energy raw material used by Fuwei, which is uranium 235, for some reason, it can be transformed through the materials of this world.

As for the fusion energy raw materials needed by the three women of Luanniao, Jiang Ran tried various methods for a long time, but was unable to use the materials to transform them.

Therefore, until the problem of nuclear fusion raw materials is not solved in the future, these three Luanniao-class space carriers should not be used as much as possible.

Otherwise, the nuclear fusion raw materials they carry on their bodies will be used less, which is not cost-effective.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Ran still needs surface ships, at least that is the current situation.

Anyway, in this world, my ship girls with modern weapons can already handle 99% of the battles.

As for Luanniao and the three of them, when their surface warship girls are all out to fight, they will be given the job of guarding the house.

There are three space carriers guarding his own port area, so at least his base camp will not be in any danger.

Moreover, they are all so beautiful, even if they are placed in this beautiful woman, the appearance of the three girls is absolutely top-notch.

Even if they were placed in the port area to warm the bed, ah, no, it would be quite nice to soothe the eyes, Jiang Ran was constantly thinking in his heart.

If the three women of Luanniao knew what their commander was thinking now, they would not know how they would feel.

While the ship girls were getting acquainted with each other, Jiang Ran also calculated the current strength of his port area in his heart.

Apart from the Phoenix, Luanniao and Qingniao, the three space carriers are not mentioned.

In terms of surface ships, there is Fuwei, a 055-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, plus Changchun and Qingyuan, two [-] destroyers whose firepower has been doubled, and a strategic nuclear submarine.

As for auxiliary ships, there are also the professional hospital ship Peace Ark, the electronic reconnaissance ship Uranus and the comprehensive supply ship Hulun.

According to the standards of this world, Jiang Ran's current fleet strength is enough to push many forces on this planet.

As for the strange nuclear radiation forest behind his port area, he naturally had to check it out.

If this time bomb-like thing is not removed, our port area may not even get peace.

After all, the thing behind the forest might have nothing to do with the destruction of the port area stationed here before.

But before that, we still need to give these auxiliary ship girls a makeover and equip them with some weapons. It doesn’t matter how powerful they are, at least they should have weapons for self-defense.

Especially the Peace Ark, there is no international convention to protect her in this world, and the Siren and the deep sea don't care what type of ship girl you are.

As long as it is a ship girl, Siren and Deep Sea will all attack indiscriminately.

And it's impossible for their escort girls to take care of them all the time.

Therefore, as auxiliary ship girls, self-protection is even more important.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran expressed his thoughts to several auxiliary ship girls.

"Ah? Commander, do we also want to modify some weapons?"

After telling these auxiliary ship ladies about their thoughts, the other two looked indifferent, but the reaction of Peace Ark was relatively strong.

As a hospital ship, she herself is very resistant to these lethal weapons.

However, after Jiang Ran's patient explanation (flicker), he also agreed.

After all, the commander is also thinking about his own safety.

"I'll come first!" In the remodeling room, the Peace Ark was the first to lie on top of the remodeling cabin.

Since there were a lot of medical equipment on the Peace Ark, Jiang Ran didn't understand them, so he didn't mess with them.

It's just that the original crew room, dormitory and canteen on her hull have been demolished.


There is a 1130 near-anti-aircraft gun on the left and right sides of the hull, and a 130mm stealth naval gun is installed on the bow.

There are also 055's exclusive dual-band radar, as well as two sets of anti-submarine rockets and launchers.

Goodbye to her original Z-8 helicopter, replaced by a Z-20 helicopter.

"This transformation takes 2 hours and 30 minutes, costs 5000 materials, and consumes 800 scientific research points. Do you want to continue?"

After transforming the Peace Ark, Jiang Ran also adopted the same transformation plan for the remaining Uranus and Hulun.

(End of this chapter)

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