Shinigami in the Ninja World (Naruto x Bleach)

Chapter 19: Captain-Commander Yamamoto

4th Division prepared thoroughly, deploying eight rescue teams with over seventy members in total.

However, they were not needed.

The students' injuries were not severe, and one rescue team was sufficient.

Although Naruto was not injured, he was also forced to stay for observation.

The nature of this incident was very serious, warranting a joint investigation by 2nd, 8th, and 9th Division.

The Senkaimon Gate had been operational for many years without any errors.

But this time, it was forcibly sealed by an unknown force for an hour. If Naruto hadn't been there, it could have resulted in the most catastrophic death toll since the founding of the Shin'o Academy.

"You're not injured, and your reiatsu is very stable," Unohana concluded after a thorough examination.

Naruto grinned brightly. "I told you, I'm fine!"

Unohana smiled softly, speaking gently, "Captain-Commander Yamamoto wishes to see you. Do you plan to go today, or would you like to rest for a few days first?"

Naruto was taken aback.

Captain-Commander Yamamoto?

He had heard of this "Captain-Commander," reputed to be at least a thousand years old, the oldest and most powerful Shinigami in the Soul Society, but had never met him.


"Why does he want to see me?" Naruto asked, puzzled.

Unohana shook her head. "You'll know when you see him. Captain-Commander Yamamoto is now an easy person to get along with."

"Although it's a bit early, this is also a suitable time."

Naruto glanced at the two swords on the bedside cabinet. "Then I'll go now."

Unohana walked over and opened the door. Awaiting outside was Lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe, whom Naruto had met once before. "Lieutenant Sasakibe, Naruto is ready now."

1st Division Headquarters.

Captain-Commander Yamamoto's residence was a serene courtyard.

A dry landscape garden stretched out, with concentric ripples fixed like charred ashes.

Lieutenant Sasakibe stopped in front of a tatami room, his voice respectful, "Captain-Commander Yamamoto, Uzumaki Naruto is here to visit."

"Come in," a soft voice from inside responded.

Lieutenant Sasakibe slid open the door and gestured for Naruto to enter.

Naruto walked inside.

There was only one elderly man sitting in seiza, with a bald head and a cross-shaped scar on his left forehead. His eyebrows hung down to his chin, and his beard, even longer, was intricately braided.

He looked very old but not frail.

As soon as Naruto stepped in, he sensed the man's immense reiatsu, feeling as if he were a small boat struggling in a stormy sea.

The Nine-Tails felt the same way, bristling once again.

This place called the "Soul Society" had so many terrifyingly powerful individuals.

Just now one, and now another.

"Sit," he gestured.

Naruto sat down opposite him.

Captain-Commander Yamamoto spoke softly, "Uzumaki Naruto, I have been paying close attention to you."

"I did not just order the 2nd Division Stealth Force to observe you."

"There are also people in the 1st Division and 8th Division watching you twenty-four hours a day."

"I personally review every report from Captain Urahara."

Naruto frowned slightly.


This was more than "attention." It could be considered "surveillance."

"You are a very unusual person," Captain-Commander Yamamoto continued. "You are not from Rukongai, and there are no records of a Soul Burial for you by the 13th Division."

"You suddenly appeared, making a remarkable impression."

"You possess powers that are neither Shinigami, Hollow, nor Quincy."

Naruto opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Captain-Commander Yamamoto raised his hand to stop him. "That's why I have been watching you."

"Your conduct has pleased me greatly."

"Especially today, you were willing and able to protect every student."

He paused, opening his eyes wider, his thousand-year-old sharp gaze piercing like arrows.

"Secrets are a natural product of survival."

"I am old and no longer as curious as I once was."

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"Yes, sir," Naruto responded.

"I ask you, will your secrets threaten the Soul Society?" Captain-Commander Yamamoto's voice suddenly grew heavy, his sharp, weighty question thrown out in an instant.

Naruto shook his head decisively without hesitation. "No."

Captain-General Yamamoto nodded. "Very well, that’s all I needed to hear."

Naruto opened his mouth, his expression curious.

Not curious?

Just like that, trusting him?

It was a feeling he had never experienced before.

A bit sweet, yet somewhat heavy.

"The reason a secret is a secret is because it is rooted in the heart," Yamamoto said softly. "I am not an old-fashioned, stubborn man who digs too deep."

"Your actions have earned you this trust."

Not wanting to dwell too much on this topic, he continued, "What are your thoughts on the selection of the next Division?"

This made Naruto a bit confused.

Originally, he had wanted to join the 13th Division, the "Purification Squad," responsible for performing the soul burial of spirits in the real world.

But the real world...

Was not the same as the world where "Konoha" was located.

"Perhaps you should listen to my suggestion," Yamamoto offered.

Naruto immediately nodded.

Yamamoto spoke gently, "I have high hopes for you; you have talent and a good character."

"There are three squads that suit you: the 4th Division, the 8th Division, and the 13th Division."

One of these squads was unexpected to Naruto.

The 4th Division, the medical team?

Is it because of his "healing" abilities?

"Retsu is very fond of you," Yamamoto continued. "You also have the potential for Kaidō (回道, Turn Way/Healing Spiritual Arts), but... Retsu may not be the best teacher for you; you are a gentle child."

Naruto realized who "Retsu" referred to and quickly said, "Captain Unohana is very gentle; I also like her very much..."

Yamamoto shook his head and smiled. "I would prefer you to join either the 8th Division or the 13th Division."

"You wield two swords."

"Shunsui and Jūshirō also have twin swords."

"They, like you, are inherently gentle, and compared to you, they are mature and able to steadfastly pursue their paths."

"They can guide you in your current state of confusion."

Naruto clenched his fist.

Yamamoto paused. "For personal reasons, I would prefer you to join the 13th Division."

Naruto was stunned. "The 13th Division?"

It aligned with his original intention.


Why the preference for this squad?

He had interacted more with 8th Division Captain Kyōraku Shunsui and had never met 13th Division Captain Ukitake Jūshirō.

"Shunsui does have his moments when serious," Yamamoto unabashedly criticized his student, "but he is usually frivolous and lazy. Tolerating someone like him in the Gotei 13 is already the limit."

"If there were another 'Shunsui,' I fear I would live a few hundred years less."

"You are a good kid; it's best not to be led astray by him."

Naruto thought for a moment. "Then the 13th Division it is."

Yamamoto nodded. "I will give you twenty years."

"I initially intended to entrust the position of 10th Division Captain to Isshin Shiba."

"But with you here..."

"I hope you can quickly grow into a capable captain."

Naruto took a deep breath and agreed. "Yes, I will strive to become stronger..."

"Not power," Yamamoto interrupted. "It's ability."

"To be a captain, one needs more than just power."

"A strong heart is also required."

A strong heart...

Naruto repeated these words and solemnly agreed.

Yamamoto: Believe in you × | Believe in myself ✓

There's also a comment in qidian that said: “It's not that I trust you, but I just trust myself more.”


           “It's the contempt of the strong.”


            “You're strong, but I'm Stronger.” 


Also the Nine-Tails quivering when Naruto encounters stronger people is just hilarious.

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