Shinigami in the Ninja World (Naruto x Bleach)

Chapter 137: Royal Guard

Naruto checked his belongings.

The items he had prepared before leaving the Soul Society were intact and still with him, with their fragile seals still in place.

It seemed that his departure and arrival didn’t involve any noticeable energy fluctuations. 

However, the things he had prepared in the Ninja World didn’t come with him.

Crossing between the two worlds...

And yet, there was no detectable space fluctuation.

He stretched and got out of bed.

He sifted through his memory for the most recent tasks.

It seemed the only thing worth paying attention to was Byakuya’s love life.

After washing up, he walked into his office.

Soi Fon was there, standing like a wooden statue next to a small low table.

Naruto paused.

Oh, he almost forgot about this person.

Unlike before, when Naruto entered, Soi Fon lifted her head and looked him up and down: “You seem to have grown a bit taller.”

As someone who was somewhat lacking in height, she was very sensitive to such changes.

Naruto smiled warmly: “Really?”

“I haven’t measured, but it seems I have grown a bit.”

Soi Fon tilted her head, carefully recalling Naruto’s recent lifestyle and diet.

She had tried to mimic everything.

It seemed the only place she hadn’t visited was the izakaya.

But could a place like that make someone grow taller?

Naruto went through his memories, handled some trivial matters, and left the barracks.

Soi Fon thought for a moment and decided not to follow him.

There were still some official duties to attend to in the 7th Division—she couldn’t just occupy someone else’s captain’s office indefinitely. Some minor tasks were worth doing, and she even felt a bit "nostalgic" for her "errand-runner" role, similar to what she did beside Yoruichi.

As soon as he left the barracks...

"Are we back in the Soul Society?" The Yang Nine-Tails asked excitedly, and Naruto could almost imagine it wagging its tail.

"Yes." Naruto nodded.

The Yang Nine-Tails chuckled: "Naruto, my sword!"

"I’ll ask around and get one for you," Naruto replied with a smile.

"And one more thing." The Yang Nine-Tails took a deep breath. "After discussing it with my other self, we’ve decided that I should come out and be more active."

Naruto nodded: "Why?"

The Seireitei seemed peaceful, but there was still an enemy—someone named "Sōsuke Aizen."

"The other me and I share senses, but it’s not complete," the Yang Nine-Tails continued. "The jutsu that affects me doesn’t affect the other me."

"If it can’t see, it won’t be affected, right?"

It paused for a moment as the two foxes whispered to each other, then quickly added: "And we think this could also be a proactive move to—what’s the word? ‘Intimidate,’ yes, to intimidate Aizen!"

Naruto smiled.

At that moment, he suddenly felt like something was missing.

It was Karin.

If she were here, she’d probably say, "It’s impressive that two heads could come up with that word," or she might mock, "You two actually have brains," or something like that.

"That works too." Naruto thought for a moment and nodded.


The Nine-Tails suggested this mostly because it wanted some freedom.

But it wasn’t a bad idea.

"If Aizen approaches and tries to release his Zanpakutō, remember..." Naruto began.

The Yang Nine-Tails grumbled: "I know, don’t worry, I’ll remind you."

Naruto shook his head: "What Aizen can do is affect perception, hearing, and sight. Your reminder won’t help."

"You need to remind the other you, so it can remind me."

The Yang Nine-Tails was stunned, then thought it over and figured out the logic.

It hadn’t been affected by the technique and could see the truth.

But Naruto had been affected.

So, if the Yang Nine-Tails spoke to Naruto from outside his body, Aizen’s technique could manipulate what Naruto perceived.

The message the Yang Nine-Tails gave might be true, but Naruto could receive it as false.

However, the Yin Nine-Tails was unaffected and was inside Naruto’s body.

If the Yang Nine-Tails passed the message to its other self, which then relayed it to Naruto, the accuracy of the message would be ensured.

"This is really troublesome," the Yang Nine-Tails grumbled. "But I’ll remember."

"So, should I come out now?"

Naruto smiled: "Are you ready to meet Captain Kurotsuchi?"

The Yang Nine-Tails hesitated. It just peeked its head out on Naruto’s shoulder before quickly retreating: "Are you going to see him?"

"Then I’ll wait until you’re back."

It didn’t like that crazy guy.

At the 12th Division barracks...

"Oh my, Captain Uzumaki, what an honor." Kurotsuchi Mayuri greeted him, waving his hand in a sarcastic tone, “It seems this is your first visit to the 12th Division since Urahara left.”

“Is there something you need?”

Naruto waved his hand and didn’t speak until they were inside Mayuri’s lab: “I want to make a deal with you.”

“I want to know...”

“Where does the Asauchi come from?”

“All of your research on Zanpakutō.”

Kurotsuchi Mayuri rubbed his hands together, his eyes gleaming with excitement: "I suggested this years ago, and now Captain Uzumaki has finally come around?"

"Then please, if you would hand over your Zanpakutō—"

Naruto shook his head, interrupting him: "This is a transaction, not a collaboration."

"And certainly not an opportunity for you to use me as a research subject."

"A transaction." Mayuri narrowed his eyes, slowing down his speech. "In that case, the terms will be different."

"The value of this information..."

"Could influence the entire Seireitei."

Naruto raised one finger: "I’m offering you a technique."

Mayuri pouted, not saying anything, but his dismissive attitude clearly revealed his thoughts.

"Do you remember the technique I used, the one that creates clones?" Naruto said softly.

Mayuri frowned: "That one?"

He was interested in many of Naruto’s secrets.

But the cloning technique was not one of them.

"The problem with that technique" was its fatal flaw—the clones would dilute the spiritual pressure.

In a Shinigami’s battle, "spiritual pressure" was everything.

More clones with half the spiritual pressure? That was more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

"You won’t be able to resist this technique." Naruto smiled, flipping his hand to summon a scroll. "While it’s not particularly useful in combat, each clone, after dispersing, returns with its memories, knowledge, and learning experiences intact."

Mayuri’s eyes widened as he stared at the scroll: "You mean to say—"

"I could work on multiple projects simultaneously, or even—"

"Turn the entire 12th Division from a bunch of clowns into geniuses like me?"

Naruto placed the scroll down: "Exactly."

"But before you start downsizing the entire 12th Division, I suggest you get the Captain-Commander’s approval first."

Mayuri was thoroughly intrigued.

To a "scientist," nothing could be more valuable than this "technique."

Although Shinigami have long lifespans...

Advancing research progress brings immense rewards and joy.

The sense of accomplishment from spending a year versus ten years on something is completely different.

"Can I take a look first?" Mayuri asked.

After Naruto nodded, he reached out, grabbed the scroll, and unrolled it.

The "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu" wasn’t particularly difficult.

Especially since Mayuri had already dissected the "Summoning Technique," and Naruto had modified it to better suit "spiritual pressure."

A few hours later...

Mayuri formed a single hand sign, summoning two clones. After playing with them for a bit, he dispelled them.

Memories flooded back.

His eyes lit up with delight: "The secrets you hold, Naruto-kun, are truly tantalizing."

"You want to know about Zanpakutō?"

"Let me think about where to start."

Mayuri pondered for a while before speaking: "Since you’re asking, Captain Uzumaki, you must have noticed."

"Every year, hundreds of Asauchi are distributed to the Shin'o Academy."

"But within the Seireitei, there is no department responsible for forging Asauchi."

Naruto nodded.

"I’m not particularly skilled in combat," Mayuri continued, "For geniuses like you, mastering Bankai is simple."

He chuckled: "Oh, I forgot, Captain Uzumaki is also someone who has trouble with Bankai."

"I have no talent for Bankai."

"But I solved this problem by using the technology of ‘Nemu No. 5’ to create my own Bankai."

Naruto narrowed his eyes at him.

If he hadn’t offered something enticing this time, it might have been difficult to get the truth out of Mayuri.

So, his research on Zanpakutō wasn’t just limited to "Shikai" but had already ventured into the realm of "Bankai"?

Mayuri deliberately paused after saying this.

Seeing that the mention of "Nemu No. 5" hadn’t sparked Naruto’s interest, he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction: "You should know, Captain Uzumaki, that before I joined the 12th Division, I was judged as possessing the potential to ‘disrupt the Seireitei’ and was imprisoned in the 2nd Division’s jail."

Naruto nodded again.

He was aware of this.

"The reason I was convicted," Mayuri continued, with a rare hint of humanity in his eyes, tinged with nostalgia, "is because I was secretly involved in a research organization."

"The leader of that organization was none other than the previous Captain of the 12th Division, Hikifune Kirio."


"She didn’t retire or die; she took a different path."


These words startled Naruto.

"Central 46?" he speculated.

But he immediately dismissed the idea.

The Central 46 Chambers were notorious, and no Shinigami had ever been promoted into it. Their selection process focused on nobility rather than strength.

Naruto thought of something: "Does it have to do with the so-called ‘Soul King’?"

Mayuri chuckled: "You’re quite sharp, Captain Uzumaki."

"Hikifune was promoted to the ‘Royal Guard.’"

"The reason for her promotion was not disclosed, but I suspect it had to do with something like ‘artificial souls.’"

"Since then, I haven’t seen her and don’t know where she went."

"So I suspect that the source of the Asauchi is tied to the ‘Royal Guard.’"

As he spoke, he drew his sword from his waist.

"Perhaps, long ago, someone developed the technology to create Asauchi, which led to their promotion to the Royal Guard."

"Captain Uzumaki."

"Do you know what material the Asauchi is made from?"

Naruto shook his head.

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