Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 99 "The Spider Silk Tantra"

Chapter 99 "The Spider Silk Tantra"

Haina's words startled Aiwass.

Hearing her sad tone, Aiwass thought that Sherlock had burped in advance because of the butterfly effect... But he asked again, only to find out that Sherlock was only injured.

But Haina didn't know the specific situation either—it was Sherlock who took the initiative to call her and said.Because Sherlock investigated and dealt with the Sweater Brotherhood before, she had already mentioned the alchemy bomb to Sherlock after reading the newspaper at that time.

However, Sherlock did not answer her doubts, but only stated that she was still alive, but she had to keep it secret, and then hung up the phone.

Aiwass didn't quite understand her explanation.So his first reaction was to call Edward to confirm.

"—yes, I know about it. Yesterday afternoon to be exact."

In the Office of the Inspectorate not far from the Royal University of Law, Chief Inspector Edward Moriarty held the phone in one hand and signed his name on a piece of paper with the other hand: "The time of the attack on our side is basically the same. Yes, it should also be the group from the Noble Red Society."

"...Mr. Sherlock was also attacked by a higher demon?" Aiwass was a little surprised.

How did Sherlock survive?

"That's not—you go and give it to Deputy Chief Assad, and let him do as I tell you."

Edward covered the microphone slightly in the middle of speaking, and handed the signed note to the person in front of him.

Only after the sound of closing the door came, Edward continued to talk to Aiwass:

"...Hermes was bombed. The apartment he rented was blown up from the outside."

"Bomb? Is Mr. Sherlock all right?"

Aiwass was a little worried: "How about the amount of the bomb?"

"A lot of it, basically posted around his apartment. But the guy who installed the bombs was obviously an amateur. He knew nothing about blasting techniques, and most of the power of those bombs was wasted, and they even interacted with each other." Conflict. Although the house eventually collapsed, thanks to the help of Bishop Mathers, Hermes is still alive."

Edward spoke slowly, then suddenly covered the microphone and raised his voice, then quickly lowered his voice and said a few more words, and then switched back: "Yes, I am here, please come in—he is not seriously injured now, and he is still recuperating— Hello, Ms. Olga. Minister Mir told me about your husband this morning, and we are discussing his sentencing and punishment standards..."

"...Are you busy right now?"

Aiwass realized that the timing of his call was inappropriate: "Why don't we talk about it when we go home?"

"No, there are two sentences left. This is very important."

Edward lowered his voice: "Anyway, remember not to go to his house."


"Because the public announcement from his house is that he is dead—well, thank you for your understanding, ma'am—anyway, if you want him, go to the Bishop's. Oswald knows the exact address."

After that, Edward hung up the phone directly.

He seems really busy there.It sounds like it's dealing with the case of a certain knight being ransacked by the Inspector's Office.

Perhaps because of the presence of outsiders, Edward's words became vague.But fortunately, Aiwass could understand what he said... The important news has already been given.

The "bishop" mentioned by Edward should be Bishop Mathers.Butler Oswald knew the address of his house.

The Hermes family should be fishing with Sherlock's plan, and Aiwass might show his flaws if he goes.

——Then I won't cause trouble for now.Respect Sherlock's plan.

Aiwass thought.

He confirmed it again to Haina: "Who did you tell that Sherlock is still alive?"

"I only told you, and then Commissioner Kent."

Haina realized that the problem was more serious: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, don't tell others about it later."

Aiwass said in a deep voice: "Mr. Sherlock is preparing to fake his death. There is a high probability that the murderer's identity is questionable—it may be one of his relatives."

Haina nodded repeatedly, indicating that she understood.

It just so happened that Aiwass planned to go to "Mrs. Mina's Divination Shop" tomorrow.Now it seems that Sherlock is hiding there, so let's go directly to ask about the specific situation tomorrow.

Haina was a little restless, and finally didn't read a few pages of the book.

After Aiwass finished his class in the afternoon, she sent Lily and Aiwass back home as she said before, and then took Lili to the Supervision Bureau.

After Haina left at noon, Lily secretly asked Aiwass what kind of tantric book she should choose at that time.

Aiwass said at the time: "If you can, I hope you can choose the tantra that suits the path. Because I have prepared gifts for you. But you'd better choose the one that resonates most with you. One."

"In this case, I think the book that suits me best should be the Tantra of Adapting to the Path." Lily replied without hesitation.

Lily obviously attached great importance to this opportunity that Aiwass helped her win.

She was originally a personal maid without a surname.Just because she is an illegitimate daughter, she is not even allowed to study.And relying on Aiwass' efforts, she even had the opportunity to study at Wangli University of Law... without spending a penny, she could also eat well and live well.

And Aiwass never beat or scolded her.Even when he was not in front of people, he was always kind and gentle to her.As if she was not a maid but his friend.

——Lily also knew that there was nothing wrong with Aiwass's legs and feet at all.

Because on the night that Raff's secretary was poisoned, Aiwass went back to take a shower.And Lily was going to help him wash it, just like at home - but Aiwass just refused her with a smile.

Lily originally thought that Aiwass was just being stubborn, so she stood beside him worriedly the whole time, watching him finish washing without blinking.

It turned out that Aiwass could really stand up!

She had heard from Mr. James before that there was something in Aiwass' shadow.As a result, it was the first time she saw with her own eyes what kind of monster was sealed in Aiwass' shadow...

So when Aiwass found the assassin out of his own shadow, she wasn't surprised at all.It was very peaceful the whole time.

She was just disappointed by another thing - Aiwass didn't actually need her to take care of him at all, his life was not as inconvenient as others thought.She just came to cooperate with Aiwass in acting... Or, because Aiwass wanted her to go to college, she used the excuse that she needed someone to take care of her.

Lily captured Aiwass' true intention very keenly.

——Since her meaning is acting, she must concentrate on acting well.

At that time, Lily stayed up all night, carefully considering the role she played.She thinks about how she might be questioned under what circumstances, and how she should respond is more realistic.It is precisely because many lies have been thought out in advance that I will not feel flustered when I use them.

Although Lily feels she has little talent for either the devotional or the authoritarian paths, she is still learning.In order to repay Aiwass' kindness one day.

And Aiwass probably saw that she lacked talent and interest in these two paths, so he didn't hesitate to waste an important reward, but also helped her choose the most suitable tantra book and walk her own path.

A legally adapted path transcendent in the kingdom of Avalon - Lily, who has read a lot, certainly understands what this means.

Because of this, she didn't want to disappoint Aiwass even more.

——Since Aiwass hopes that he can embark on the path of adaptation, then the tantra that suits him best must also be the path of adaptation.Even if she changed her nature and personality, she would definitely be able to choose the book Aiwass wanted.She looks gentle and quiet on the outside, but she is actually such a fluid, unpredictable personality... Such an intellectual and soft appearance is only fabricated because she is so lovable.

With this in mind...the book that Lili chose in the end is indeed the tantric book for adapting to the path.

It was a gray tantra book.

It is about two fingers thick, almost the thickest among these generally thin tantric books.But its weight is almost non-existent, holding the book is like holding a thin spider web.It seems that it will fly up the next moment, and disappear the next moment.

"The more recognized it is in the hands, the lighter it becomes. When you don't usually look at it, remember to press it with a heavy object. Lead plate is the best, and steel plate is also fine."

With bronzed skin, black eyepatch and scars running all over his face, Chief Kent, like a one-eyed pirate, warned: "Otherwise, it might disappear on a rainy day, just like a thing that suddenly appeared and then disappeared at home. Moth."

On the way back, even with Haina's escort, Lily still held the book carefully the whole time.

After taking it all the way back to Moriarty Manor, Lily finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Holding the book in her arms, she knocked on the door of Aiwass' room.There was no response and no lights inside—Aiwass was not in his room, so he probably went to play with Yulia.

So Lily took the book back to her room and got into her bed.Because only the quilt can give her the greatest sense of security.

At this moment, she solemnly opened the book.

On the cover of the book it says "The Spider's Silk Tantra".It matches the first feeling of this book very well.

After opening this book.

Bursts of off-white, soft and light, dusty, rustling whispers gradually penetrated into Lily's mouth from her eyes, her skin, her mouth, nose, and ears. brain.

That voice calls itself "we."It is not any language, but a fleeting illusion.It's like looking at a blank wall, the fragile imagination that spontaneously surges up in the mind and disappears at any time.

"—we are the snake's hair, the cat's footsteps, the moth's cage, and the centipede's noose."

That illusory voice has a secret name called "Spider Silk", which was born from the creation of "Hui Tiansi", but the real name is kept secret.This book is about 67 secrets about spider silk.

As Lily read the book more and more attentively, gray spider threads condensed around her under her pupils.

Just like a silkworm cocooning, the spider silk gradually surrounded the girl who was concentrating on reading and huddled into a ball, and finally quietly formed a huge, quiet gray cocoon on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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