Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 96 Counting the spoils

Chapter 96 Counting the spoils

Aiwass didn't look for a wheelchair, and got out of bed in his pajamas.

He stepped directly on the soft and dry carpet, and couldn't help sighing: "It's indeed quite clean. I didn't see any blood stains on the floor, and the carpet wasn't even dirty... Well done, Shadow Demon."

And when Aiwass stepped on the ground, the contract between Shadow Demon and Aiwass was connected, and the power belonging to Shadow Demon was activated.

The light of the morning sun was hitting Aiwass.

The not-so-strong sunlight cast only a faint shadow on him.But after the Shadow Fiend activated, the shadow suddenly thickened—like a large dose of ink dripping into water.The shadow at Aiwass' feet became like a fluffy black cat.

The entire room became dark, and countless pitch-black smoke gradually condensed, slowly climbing up all the windows.The gradually thicker shadow lines are like dense blood vessels and nerves, and like slow-growing tree branches, almost completely blocking the sunlight outside the window.

There is only a little sunlight leaking in now.It's like the dim but barely visible state in the room when the sky is about to dawn.

"It's too dark."

Aiwass said casually: "But feel free, as long as you like it.

"I thought you were going to tear her up completely. I was ready to pick up something useful...I didn't expect the preservation to be so complete."

He picked and picked, retrieving his loot.

The more he checked, the more subtle his expression became.

Not to mention the equipment, why can even the underwear be preserved so intact?
... Ah, that's not true either.It seems reasonable.

Seems to be more of a problem if the outfit is complete but only the underwear is missing...

Aiwass did a general search, and among the items "dropped" by Miss Assassin this time, the most valuable was probably her dagger, that is, the handleless throwing knife.

【Eagle Feather*4】

【Extraordinary Weapon (Light Purple)】

[Exotic dagger, throwing weapon, light, sharp]

[Heterogeneous characteristic: no handle (it must be used in a special way to work normally)]

[Module - Poison Gauge: Its poisoning effect lasts longer, and it is easier to poison the enemy when it hits]

[Extraordinary Module - Silent Poison: When poisoned, it will not make any sound before hitting the target]

There are four throwing knives left in this set.

It has no fancy attributes, and all effects are born for assassination.Among extraordinary weapons, it is also the weakest type - but for an assassin, this is an excellent hidden weapon.

As long as it is smeared with venom, it will not make a cracking sound.If you use this method to sneak attack, basically you can only dodge through inspiration.In some paths that lack the attribute of inspiration, even if the extraordinary level is cultivated to a high level, it cannot be captured through perception.

It's just a pity that Miss Assassin didn't release the "skill book".Aiwass can't get the eagle-eyed assassin's method of using this weapon for the time being...

— but not unusable.Just find a trustworthy blacksmith and put a handle on the back of it.This changes it from a xeno dagger back to a normal dagger.

Although it may cause the center of gravity to shift, it does not affect its attributes anyway.If the level of the blacksmith is good enough, it should be able to transform it.

As for the poison that goes with this knife, Miss Assassin also has two of them, both in the form of lipstick.

One of the lipsticks is dark red, called [Love].The poison inside is relatively hidden, and it will make people more and more tired within a few hours after being poisoned, and then die suddenly without knowing it.

And the other one is pink, called [Moon Mist].It can kill a person within a few seconds, and the cause of death is the rapid corrosion and melting of the heart and lung-based internal organs—this is obviously the poison used to assassinate the secretary.

These two lipsticks are basically brand new and will probably last a long time.Aiwass is not a drug maker, nor is he a transcendent who adapts to the path, so he himself cannot be immune to this poison.And he apparently doesn't wear lipstick either.

Even so, it is no problem to use the lipstick directly as a solid poison ointment.The poison of the Hawkeye organization is still very reliable... In short, keep it for now, maybe it will be useful in the future.

In addition, it is a transmitter.It is a badge that needs to be infused with dark attribute mana to be triggered. Its function is to urgently notify one's superiors - either to ask for help or to commit suicide.

It seems that Shadow Demon is very efficient.Before she had time to commit suicide, she was killed by the Shadow Demon.

Otherwise, this experience will be wasted.

"Can this explode?!"

And when Aiwass saw Miss Assassin's waistband, he suddenly took a deep breath.

"—Is she so high in Hawkeye's eyes!"

Because that is another piece of equipment in the "Eagle in the Shadow" set, and it is also the most valuable and core piece of equipment:
【Stalker in the shadows】

【Extraordinary Equipment (Purple)】

【Armor - Torso】

[Feature: When the enemy does not find you, the ease of successfully entering stealth or invisibility increases (only triggered by the adaptation path)]

[Extraordinary feature: In the state of stealth or stealth, the sneak attack you initiate always gets +1 advantage (shadow) (only triggered by the adaptive path)]

[Set: Eagle in the Shadow (1/4)]

【"—Keep quiet, keep silent. The shadow is our mother."】

Although the rarity is only purple, there is no resistance at all and no enchanting spells...

But it's without a doubt the most valuable piece of the kit.

It can be purchased in the game, but in fact this is the only piece of equipment that is not mass-produced.Therefore, the attributes of this suit are actually not complete, and ordinary players can only gather three sets.The fourth item has to be obtained through special channels.

Because what it brings is an increase in "priority".

The extraordinary people in this world use "energy level" to summarize the level.It is because in the case of a conflict of abilities, it is easier for a transcendent with a higher energy level to determine success.In the case of the same energy level, the result is hard to say.

For example, the authoritarian path has the law spell of "no hiding place", which can reveal things hidden by extraordinary power within the range.This spell has a +1 benefit (revelation), and it can be successfully launched even if it is one energy level lower than the opponent, but if it is two energy levels lower, it will basically not be able to be swept out.

So those low-level supervisors and law masters couldn't catch Miss Assassin—they were too low-level, and they couldn't find her where they tried their best.

And +1 is beneficial (shadow), that is to say, relying on the blessing of the shadow field, the assassin can gain a temporary energy level during a sneak attack.But if the opponent is immune to the shadow ability, then this priority blessing is invalid.

According to Aiwass' judgment, Gordon should be a level 39 air cavalry.At the old man's age, basically accumulation is definitely enough.So he must be stuck at the level before the advancement - that is, no more, no less, level 39.

He should have repeatedly failed to advance, so he decided not to advance.

The fourth energy level is promoted to the fifth energy level, failure will already cause obvious damage to the soul.There is even the possibility of dying during a full moon ritual.

Although Gordon didn't bring a mount, the assassin lady didn't attack either.As a weak class, she can compete head-to-head with air cavalry, and even run faster than griffins. Miss Assassin should also be around level 38 or 39.

This is also more in line with the strategy of the Hawkeye organization: the assassins they send abroad are basically at the fourth energy level.Because assassins of this energy level can evade tracking and detection relatively safely, and operate in unfamiliar dangerous areas.

If Miss Assassin can complete the advancement ceremony to level 40, it is impossible for Gordon to suppress her.Although it is only one level away, it is still one class away.

But if the Transcendents at the fifth energy level who start with the word "big" really come, Chloe's stealth will be of no value to them.They could easily sweep Chloe out and keep her under control.

This is energy level suppression.It is precisely because of this strict "level" system that extraordinary people call it "energy level".It means the priority of extraordinary ability.

The adaptation path has the ability to prevent sneak attacks and sense crises, and some paths also have the ability to defend.But as long as the assassin wears this set of cloth armor without any defensive attributes, he can successfully sneak attack enemies that he couldn't sneak attack before, pierce defenses that he couldn't pierce before, and hit targets that he couldn't hit before.

Even if it is only +1, it is only a temporary increase in the judgment of one energy level, which is also extremely valuable!

Although as the version is updated, the entries with higher priority are gradually flooding... This can be regarded as a kind of numerical expansion.But under the current version 1.0, even +1 beneficial equipment is very rare.

Without a favorable bonus, it is basically impossible to defeat Tiansi at level 50.

Level 50 is even the sixth energy level that is almost impossible to reach in the current version. It is only possible to complete the advanced level if all 49 level transcendents of the Nine Paths gather together, and there is a high probability of death if they fail.Because there are basically not enough people now, it is difficult to complete the advancement at level 50... Only when the world is in chaos and the power of the fifth energy level is insufficient, will the sixth energy level be born in large numbers.

In the current environment, the sixth energy level is undoubtedly the strongest and number one in the world.

The Eternal Pope of the Theocracy is now level 50, but she also forcibly raised a temporary level by relying on the personality of the Eternal Pope, and she will return to level 49 when she leaves office.

As for the extremely difficult book of version 3.0, Falling Heavens, even level 50, has just reached the hard threshold.In this kind of large-scale MMORPG game, the most difficult challenge-level dungeons in a certain version, such as dissatisfied level and full load, are basically impossible to even enter the group.Going in is basically repeatedly destroying the group.

——This is the gold content of high-level phantoms.

Just as "superior demon" refers to a demon with a higher status than the demon scholar, the concept of "superior phantom" also started when Fallen Division wiped out the "Rose Cross" association.It refers to phantoms with a higher personality than this world—all apostles and Tiansi belong to high-level phantoms.

The difference between a high-rank phantom and a phantom is that even if a high-rank phantom is forced to come to the material world and its level is stuck at the upper limit of the world, it is actually always regarded as a higher level.And this is the main reason for the failure of the Rosicrucian Society, purely poor information.

Whether it has a (divine) judgment of unconditional advantage +1 in the whole field is the distinction between high-level phantoms and phantoms.

Only high-ranking phantoms can be sealed as great beasts by the Sin Scholars.

Therefore, although the level of the Flaming Butterfly is very low, its personality is very high-this premature little butterfly that has not fully hatched was even only level [-] at the time, but its judgment at that time was the standard of the fifth energy level.Almost does not eat all control, weakening, curse, armor penetration, sneak attack, and can even penetrate the resistance and shield on the player's side.

At that time, the players thought that this was the standard configuration of the team... As a result, the two consecutive large versions of BOSS did not have this feature.It wasn't until the players had finished beating Fallen Division that they realized belatedly... It turned out that the Butterfly of the Flame was the first high-ranking phantom that the players attacked.

Therefore, any equipment with the entry "+1 beneficial" needs to be collected with the highest priority.Although each domain only takes the highest level bonus, there are quite a lot of bonus domains.

This is also the reason why Aiwass wants to go to archaeology - even the aborigines know that this kind of equipment is a good thing, and it is basically only in the hands of top forces in various countries.Put it in Iris, it is Hawkeye, and put it in Avalon, it is the Arbitration Hall.

The strongest person in Avalon should be the Great Arbiter Meg.

Although she is only a transcendent of the fifth energy level, she has three pieces of +1 priority equipment on her body, which respectively strengthen the three areas of "enchantment", "revelation", and "resistance".If you take the queen's scepter, you can also get a priority in the field of "Law"; in that case, she is basically a sixth-level powerhouse.

It is precisely because of Meg's powerful deterrent that Avalon, whose internal political situation has become increasingly chaotic and has its own ghosts, has been able to maintain it to this day.

It was because next summer, Meg realized that the situation in Avalon was getting worse, so she decided to try to get promoted.If she could complete the advanced stage, then Xing Mo would never dare to attack Avalon.

But in that promotion ceremony, Meg failed to advance, and died unfortunately——

Only three months passed after that.Then came the "Cruel Autumn" event in Avalon.

(End of this chapter)

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