Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 92 War Reporter Chloe

Chapter 92 War Reporter Chloe
Chloe, who was hiding in the shadow, was stunned.

Although she already knew that the Noble Red Society was going to retaliate against Aiwass before she came—but the scale of the retaliation is too big!
Princess Isabel is still inside, and there are a large number of officials and businessmen.The Supervision Bureau and the Supervision Office are also on the scene... You are not acting anymore?

Chloe was still thinking before, the defense here is so tight, how on earth are they going to assassinate Aiwass?
As a result, when she saw that the Mudlimb was forcibly recalled with sacrifices, she couldn't hold back anymore.

Very well, Aiwass will definitely not survive this time, and it will not be her turn to assassinate him.

The problem now is that she might not be able to escape either.

Higher demons are demons with at least the fifth energy level.In the whole of Avalon, there may be less than a handful of fifth-level transcendents who can defeat them head-on.

Grotesques are the weakest high-ranking demons.At the same time, because of its low intelligence and lack of particularly complicated abilities, it is also the most easily contracted and most recognized high-level demon.

Even Chloe didn't dare to provoke the freak.

Its limbs and organs can be deformed at will, which means that the assassin's "critical strike" ability is basically ineffective against it.

At the same time, it is immune to curses and toxins, has a high probability of resisting laws and petrification, plus the speed that can keep up with Chloe, the strength that can be equal to Gordon, and the ability to regenerate infinitely as long as the limbs are not severed. Strong vitality, and vigorous energy that hardly feels tired...

It's true that the Grotesque doesn't have the weird and complicated special abilities of other high-ranking demons, but it doesn't need much of it either.This is simple and brutally powerful, and it is the type of enemy that assassins hate to encounter the most - unable to run, defeat, kill, or hold.

Unless Chloe can successfully advance to the fifth energy level, he will definitely die if he is hunted down.This is much scarier than the Supervision Bureau.

So when she saw the Grotesque, her first reaction was to run.

If the freak was scurrying around, he could snatch Chloe out of the shadows as he passed by.

But she still can't escape!

Because those damned law masters, luckily they stuck a seal on the wall... She originally had props for breaking the barrier, but she also used it a few days ago.Now she had to wait for them to lift the seal on their own before leaving.It's not a big problem, after all, Princess Isabel is also trapped, you have to let her out, right?

But she quickly gave up.

Because those demon scholars obviously arranged a ceremony here in advance, fixing and demonizing the wall that was sealed and opened to prevent the barrier from entering and exiting.In this way, even the lawyer who arranged the seal couldn't untie it...

Not to mention the ordinary people on the second floor, even Princess Isabel couldn't escape for a while.The only one who can easily cut through the magic wall is Gordon as an air cavalry, but now he is also entangled by the freak.

"You Avalonians really can't do it!"

Chloe thought bitterly: "Do you have to let me, the iris man, take action?"

Obviously, spies were mixed into the supervisor or inspector who was preparing for the venue.Taking advantage of the opportunity of arranging seals on the wall, he prepared the demon ritual in advance.

That's what the prepared demonologist looks like.

For the transcendent of the demon scholar profession, the encounter battle and the ambush battle are not at the same intensity.

...Since this is the case, she must find its summoner or contractor while the Mudlimb is restrained.

She really can't take down the Mutlimb, but that's when she's facing it alone - assassins have solutions for assassins.

A grotesque does not have the teleportation ability like a hooker.It appeared suddenly, either it had just been summoned, or it was summoned back to itself by the contractor with a sacrifice.

And it obviously has an owner.

In the attack priority of the grotesque, normal people have priority over disabled people, and healthy people have priority over sick people.The younger and younger you are, the more likely you are to be attacked.Aiwass was sitting in a wheelchair. Under normal circumstances, the Abbot would never give priority to attacking him, so it had to be controlled manually.

There is a delay in this kind of operation, and there is no way to make it speak, nor can it make it perform too complicated actions...

Its limb deformation speed is much slower than that of normal grotesques, and its reaction speed is also much slower.Otherwise, after a few rounds of fighting, Gordon would have to be strangled by it.It is impossible to fight back and forth like now.

After all, the controller is a human being, and he doesn't have the instinct to manipulate limbs to deform and avoid attacks at will.The speed of reaction is definitely not as fast as the freak.For a demon like a freak, having a brain is obviously a weakening.But if it doesn't have a brain, it can't command it precisely, and it can only make it attack at will with anger and hatred towards healthy humans.

But even if Gordon can hold on for a while, he can't hold on for long.

If Gordon's partner, the Griffin, is still around and he can fly and play guerrilla, he may be able to hold the opponent for a few hours.

However, as a cavalryman and an air force unit, he must now stand alone on the ground and fight against the Grotesque Demon head-on to protect a large number of ordinary people in the club venue.That is to say, the demon scholar is still not used to the body of the freak.When he gets used to it slowly, that's when Gordon loses.

Chloe must kill the devil's contractor when Gordon loses.It's already sealed, so he must be in there.

A demon who has signed a contract, as long as he kills its contractor, the demon will be forcibly repatriated immediately.

Well, there are so many people on the second floor.How to tell who is the summoner?

... Just kidding, she is not from Avalon, why should she tell the difference?

As long as it looks like it, kill them all.

Of course, you have to confirm it first.But not first.

She had to wait for Gordon and Aiwass to be killed before she shot and killed all suspected targets.Otherwise, she won't be able to run away later.

She doesn't want to be chased for another round - this time she has no life-saving props on her body, so she can't be impulsive anymore.You have to be more cautious than last time.When the people here are almost killed, she can backhand kill the demon scholar and run away.

Thinking of this, Chloe took advantage of the chaos to leave from the shadow under the camera, walked quietly at the foot of the crowd, and spread towards the second floor.

Demonologists usually work in pairs.She had no trouble finding the one who was her apprentice.

——The pot that was bounced back into her hand by the spell is called "Eye of Fear".It was a ritual spell crafted from the fresh eyeballs of twenty human beings who died in fear.After it is activated by infusing dark attribute mana and crushed by external force, everyone within a radius of 30 meters will immediately fall into intense fear and confusion, running around or attacking each other.

Although this is a very low-level ritual spell, it is quite practical.Even if a high-ranking transcendent can use his own will to exempt from this spell, the confusion it causes to others is enough to disrupt the situation in an instant.

Chloe had a can of it before.It was purchased from the wild elf bartender at the Pelican Bar before it was seized.

If this thing is used well, it can complete a very advanced assassination mission.

But a few days ago, in order to escape for her life, she also used it almost meaninglessly...

...But, are you sure it's okay for you to just throw it out?This thing is usually used to set traps, right?
Chloe thought.

If this jar is smashed down, half of the low-level transcendents below will be destroyed.But at this height, if she threw the jar, even if she wasn't bounced back by the spell, she would definitely be scared as well.

Doesn't she think that the second floor is only a few meters away from the first floor?so young?Newcomer?

...So that's the case, was he considered an abandoned child?

Specially dispatched an apprentice who knew nothing about the details of the mission—her mentor, wouldn't she think that she could still run away?The Demon Scholar doesn't have any means of hiding himself. How could he run out of Glass Island under the eyes of the Griffins?

Or is there someone in the capital who can meet him and shelter him temporarily?

Ah, it should be the Minister of Trade.

So it was you... Are you in a hurry?That feels like I should have some credit...

Thinking so, Chloe turned her gaze to the other side of the second floor.

The young apprentice also revealed another thing - that her mentor should be symmetrical to her, at least 30 meters away.Counting the throwing distance, it can be extended to 45 meters...

Lurking in the shadows, she has roughly locked onto the area where the mentor is.

But at this moment, she suddenly noticed that the deformed limb suddenly became anxious for some reason.

It seemed to sense some threat, and the first target shifted from Gordon to Aiwass.Forcibly taking two swords from Gordon and bursting out two balls of blood at the cost, he also insisted on forcibly attacking Aiwass who was far away from the battlefield.

"—what are you doing, demon!"

Chloe, who was peeping from the shadows, thought bitterly: "If you try harder, Gordon will die! Once the continuous suppression stops, Gordon will be touched by any priest here with lighting. Maybe it's time to slow down!"

Just when she was thinking about whether she should throw a poisonous knife behind Gordon's back while he was receiving treatment, she suddenly froze.

Because she saw an incomparably gorgeous glow burst out, completely covering the entire club!
I saw Aiwass pull out a holy sword gushing out of fire and light from nowhere, and easily cut off the arm stretched out by the freak!
The grotesque suddenly whimpered like a wounded wolf, and shrank back abruptly.Chi Chi's black smoke evaporated from its wound surface, and golden-red cracks like spider webs slowly spread from the wound.

...that is a holy weapon!
Only a holy weapon can cut off the body of a high-ranking demon so easily!

It turned out that this was his trump card!
Chloe's pupils shrank, and at first she felt scared and thankful that she didn't do anything—then a strong desire for greed came from her heart.

- I want this!I really want!
She was only one step away from entering the fifth energy level, and she had killed more than 50 dignitaries and high-ranking extraordinary people along the way.But among the people she saw with her own eyes, only the leader of "Eagle Eye" held a sacred weapon!
When the greed in her heart was growing, the emerald-green brilliance of adapting to the path overflowing from Chloe's soul...was gradually stained with a blackness like a shadow.

That is the influence from the path of love.

And Croy could clearly see that on the side opposite to the petrified demon apprentice, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man suddenly let out a painful cry, and his whole body trembled violently, as if he was having a nightmare It's like being woken up suddenly!
There is no doubt that that person is the contractor!
Chloe noticed this.And she wasn't the only one who noticed.

Edward, who had been looking at the second floor, immediately noticed him, and immediately hung him up with a "arrest"!

Although the other law masters didn't know what was going on, they immediately cooperated with Edward's spells and cast law spells on the middle-aged man.

The gathering of the lawyers was very scary.

As long as it is not completely immune and the speed is not so fast that it cannot be locked, after the number of law masters comes up, the immunity basically does not exist——

[Still], [Silence], [Arrest], [Search], [Shackles], [Cage]...

Although the law masters subconsciously did not use the lethal type of law spells, the middle-aged man was wrapped in layers of extremely gorgeous light effects in just a moment, completely controlling him!

He didn't even make a move, but his body was bound by dense silver-white light chains and shackles, and he couldn't move at all.

It seemed that the enemy had been successfully captured, which made the lawyers subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief.

But Bishop Maya was the only one who was shocked suddenly, and reminded loudly without hesitation: "Kill him, immediately!"

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw that the grotesque, which was missing an arm and had shrunk in size, suddenly raised its head and howled like a wolf.

The next moment, its speed suddenly increased several times——

It didn't avoid Aiwass in the wheelchair, but launched a thunderous attack on Aiwass who had just severely injured himself in revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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