Shepherd Tantra

chapter 7

chapter 7

Oswald made no accompanying comments.

Obviously, although he was not very optimistic about the time concept and IQ of the student he taught, he believed in her force.This also confirmed Aiwass' judgment.

Although he couldn't see Hayina's attribute version, he knew just by thinking about it... After all, she is the best group of high-quality students in the best supernatural school in the country.In the absence of resources and pre-education, being able to keep up with the curriculum among the national elites, and even stand out as a leader, has proved her qualifications.

Although she is now proud of the fact that she "became an inspector of the royal capital before graduation", in fact it is nothing.

Although the Supervisory Bureau is also a professional in armor, its status is not very high.Usually it deals with civil cases.The main job is to patrol the streets, maintain law and order, check whether the shops meet safety standards, investigate some relatively simple cases of superhumans, accept reports from the public, disperse illegal assemblies, arrest low-level supernatural beings, and so on.

When encountering such difficult enemies as enemy spies, high-level transcendents, and cultists, the Procuratorate will be called in; and if there is a serious case such as a knight family member breaking the law, the Arbitration Hall with the highest status will be called in. of.

"Arbitrator" is a high-level occupation starting at level [-], and all members are young and middle-aged knight councilors who can enter the round table hall.Extremely rich, well-equipped, and experienced, they are the most advanced elite unit in Avalon.The ones who are one level higher are those countless top powerhouses.

Although Haina has no good background, no background...even before graduation, she still appears clumsy and innocent due to lack of experience and training.

But according to Aiwass' experience, under the premise of strong enough personal ability, having no background and no background, having a straightforward and simple personality is not a bad thing.

She is now being sent to the District Supervision Bureau as a first-line supervisor. On the one hand, it allows her to quickly accumulate experience, and on the other hand, it also lowers her personal expectations of herself.Hayina has no idea of ​​her own worth. If she adapts to this kind of work that is obviously not worthy of her education and ability, then the leader who "promoted" her at this time will become a benefactor worthy of gratitude.

Wait a few more years, as she gets in touch with the society and accumulates enough work experience, her extraordinary career level will also increase, and she will be able to get the position of division chief before the age of 30 at the worst.

If all goes well, you will have the opportunity to join the Inspectorate at the age of 30.It is not impossible to be given armor by the Queen and enter the Round Table before the age of 40.

Aiwass estimated that she should have a career level of around twenty.

That is to say, the degree of mastering the extraordinary power of the second or even the third energy level - at least ten levels higher than oneself.

There is a twentieth-level tuba with it, and it is not difficult to make a tenth-level dungeon.

Just in case, Oswald also gave Aiwass a pistol for self-defense in an emergency.

It was a fine lady's pistol.

Its shape is similar to Haina's short sword, with hollowed out silver thorns on the outer shell.It is about the size of a palm, and it is not a revolver that is common in this era, but a gas-operated magazine pistol.

[Lady's Grip +2]

[Refined Weapon (Dark Blue)]

[Firearms, repeating pistol, five rounds in capacity]

[8mm bullet (5/5)]

[Features: Its weight and volume are only 60% of the same powerful pistol]

[Elf style: the failure rate has dropped significantly, and the maintenance cost has increased]

[Module - Elegant Aiming: Accuracy is greatly improved]

[Module - Light Shooting: Additional reduction in recoil]


A lady's pistol is a lady's pistol.

Aiwass, who originally wanted to decline, accepted it happily after seeing the attributes clearly.

Refined weapons are already the strongest level that mortal craftsmen can create!

It is only one level worse than the purple extraordinary weapon that needs to use extraordinary power to manufacture.

What more bike do you want?

In the game, generally the dungeon after level [-] can be used to stably explode blue equipment.As for the purple extraordinary weapon, it must be made through ritual spells and alchemy, or can only be dropped by killing a high-level extraordinary person.

Not to mention that the mod of this gun is quite good-only the characteristics and style of the attributes of the blue equipment are fixed, and the remaining one to three random attributes are all random.There are positive attributes as well as negative attributes.

Double positive entries, and the two attributes of "recoil" and "accuracy" are still put together... This is a tool weapon that can be used even in the middle and late stages.At least it can be used to quickly fire some special effect bullets and ritual bullets that do not require damage.

Even if the damage of a high-level pistol is definitely higher, the accuracy may not be so high.

But just before Aiwass left, Oswald suddenly stopped him.

"My lord told you to remember to wear this. And the cloak."

As he spoke, he handed Aiwass a black collar and a black hooded jacket.

Aiwass squeezed the collar, and quickly realized its material: "Asbestos?"

"The strangulation party is rampant recently. If you plan to leave the White Queen, you'd better wear an anti-garbage neck guard."

Oswald, who was like a tall and thin ghost, said solemnly: "They attack quickly, Ms. Haina may not be able to protect you all the time. And the hood is to hide your identity—to prevent people with malicious intentions from writing down your face."

Aiwass put it on reluctantly.

He had heard of the Stranglers.

That's an upgraded version of a bandit.

In order not to leave any survivors to track themselves, but also to improve work efficiency, they will suddenly jump out when passers-by pass by sparsely populated places or alley entrances, strangle each other's neck with a thin rope and drag them into the shadows.After successfully strangling the opponent, strip away all valuable and non-valuable things from the opponent's body.

Citizens can't report the crime immediately, and even the dead body is not easy to find.Because it was a direct kill instead of subduing or intimidating the other party, it could also prevent him from being counter-killed by a low-level transcendent.

Although asbestos causes cancer...but life is more important.After all, I don't need long-term contact.

It's not that his level is too low.

If I were at level [-] or [-] now, would I still be afraid of those little thieves?
Seeing Aiwass put on a neck guard and a black cloak, the old butler handed Aiwass a thick stack of banknotes: "This is the investigation fund given by the master. You are only investigating for the first time. It shouldn't take much."

Aiwass could clearly hear Haina hissing beside him.

He counted slightly.There are twenty large silvery-white, slightly reflective bills, with crossed scepters and swords on them, and a white crown on the front.This symbolizes the mighty god "Dragon of the Silver Crown".

There are also twenty red, medium bills.There are ten with five red candles and the number "5"; there are ten with only one candle and the number "1".This represents the deity of the way of devotion, and is also the "candlemaker" served by the church.

This is a paper currency unique to the kingdom of Avalon, and it can also be circulated in other countries.

The purchasing power of a "white crown" is about 1000 yuan, which can be exchanged for twenty "red candles" with a face value of 1.And a red candle with a face value of 1 can be exchanged for ten small brown banknotes "copper hourglass" with the lowest face value.The hourglass is a divine symbol of the balanced path.

In the Kingdom of Avalon, only these three paths of extraordinary professions are legal.

That is, the value of a copper coin is roughly equivalent to five yuan, and a red coin with a face value of 1 is equivalent to 50 yuan.

In a restaurant, an order of roast beef is about six copper hourglasses, and a serving of bacon is two copper coins.And a brand-new and durable outfit cost almost seven red coins, not counting the leather shoes.

"Remember to keep red coins and white coins separately. It's best to put them in three pockets."

Oswald warned: "If you can pay your bills with only low-value red coins, then don't casually show that you have a lot of white coins on hand-you are now handicapped, and you don't have a footman with you. There may be More people are after you. Those 'white crowns' are used to buy high value targets, so don't use them if you can.

"If the red coins are not enough, you can go to the bank and exchange the white coins for red coins. If you are really worried that you have taken the wrong ones, Ms. Haina can help you."

"I'm not a 'lady'..."

Haina whispered, but did not refuse.

And Aiwass stuffed all the white coins into her hands without hesitation: "You take it."

Even though it was only a proxy holder, she was still a little excited with this large sum of money.

In terms of quantity, twenty white coins are actually not too much.The tuition fee for one semester of Wang Li University of Law costs a total of sixteen white crowns—she has received that much money before!At least for the first two semesters of the freshman year, the tuition fees were still patched together by the family.It was from her sophomore year that she received a scholarship and deducted her own tuition fees.

Moreover, generally they will not pay with white crown coins in their lives.The most commonly used denominations are copper coins and red coins, and the feel of white coins in her hand is so strange to her.

But what makes her most nervous is that she is particularly afraid that she will accidentally lose the money.

In fact, she lost money once, too.When she was very young, she ran wildly on the road and accidentally lost her tuition fees... As a result, her mother cried that day.It wasn't heart-piercing crying, but just hiding aside and silently wiping away tears.

But that scene was deeply engraved in Haina's heart.

From now on, she will never run wildly on the road again.Whenever she tried to run, she felt like there was a pendant on her leg.

She carefully searched several pockets on her body, only to find one that she could put money in with a little peace of mind.But she didn't dare to take her hands away, so she could only cover her pockets with her elbows, and used her hands from time to time to check whether the money was still there.The other hand was placed next to the dagger that he regarded as life.

Holding a vigilant attitude like this, she pushed Aiwass' wheelchair and left Moriarty Manor.

"where are we going?"

She subconsciously asked Aiwass: "The warehouse where the incident happened the day before yesterday? Or go to Stone Arch Park?"

"--Do not."

Noticing Haina's attitude, Aiwass let out a soft breath.

"That kind of place has been rummaged. You must have found out all the information you can get.

"Let's go east, to the Pelican Bar."

Aiwass said.

"...Where is that?" Haina obviously didn't recognize the place name.

In other words, she didn't know any place in the capital except for the two streets around the university in Red Queens, and the line between the Supervision Bureau of White Queens, where she worked now, and the Moriarty Manor.

Her living expenses of 50 red candles per month are only equivalent to a coolie's salary for one month.This level of living expenses does not allow her to run around in the capital.

"In Lloyd."

"Lloyd? Over there at the port?"

Haina's complexion changed, and she suddenly remembered the name of this bar.

She had indeed heard the name of the bar!

When I first came to the capital, I was persuaded by a good friend I knew and told her not to go to the Lloyd's District; she trusted him very much, so even though her roommate often encouraged her to go to the bars in the Lloyd's District, She was also very determined not to go.

Of course, part of the reason is that there is really no money.And she was embarrassed to let her friend treat her.

Because she made up her mind not to go, she automatically blocked those words in her mind.She was afraid that if she listened too much, her heart would be moved by accident.

Haina remembers that the name she has heard the most should be "Old Captain's Bar".There are often vacationing kingdom sailors going there to drink, and they like to go there to find handsome guys—young, strong, and handsome, and they can't meet women for a long time at sea.One fish is accurate.

She had a roommate, so she found a young sailor to be her boyfriend.It is said that he is still a sergeant, always bragging about some secret mission he is carrying out... I don't know if it is true or not.

If it's really a secret, can you tell it to these female college students?
Haina didn't quite believe it.

In the small town where she was born, the blacksmith uncle always boasted that he had stayed in the capital before and was knowledgeable and educated.

Later, when she came to the capital by herself, she realized what the uncle meant by staying. He wandered to the capital as an apprentice at the age of twelve or thirteen to learn crafts, but he couldn't bear it and couldn't stay for a few years and ran away.

He boasted that his demeanor was exactly the same as that sailor.

And her roommate only mentioned "Pelican Bar" to them once.The reason why Haina was so impressed was that only when the Pelican Bar was mentioned, for the first time, that sister didn't have that mean and sneaky smile on her face, but was very serious.

What she was saying was... go get some materials.

The Pelican Bar... is it a place that sells some ingredients?
Doubts arose in Haina's heart, but she didn't say it out loud.

She subconsciously felt that it was a bad thing, and she didn't dare to say it in Moriarty Manor—especially under the watchful eye of the elf steward.

For a moment, Haina was also a little moved.She had never dared to come to this kind of place before. On the one hand, she was afraid of spending money, and on the other hand, she was afraid of danger.

But now, he has become stronger.She is still wearing the armor that represents the glory of justice, and Aiwass still has investigation funds in her hand-she can finally go to places she was curious about but never had the chance to visit!

After all, this is also her first independent investigation.Haina didn't have any ideas for investigation either. She mentioned the warehouse and the stone arch just because she happened to remember these two locations.

Even Director Kent didn't ask her to obtain any important information in this investigation, but only asked her to protect Aiwass and not to rush in.

——Of course she will protect him!Will do without special instructions!

"Lloyd District is Lloyd District, let's go!"

Haina responded quickly: "I will protect you well—if any thieves with short eyes dare to trouble you, I will let him know what legal and just punishment is!"

Only when talking about this topic, her voice was loud and clear... she couldn't wait.

With a sharp weapon in the body, the murderous heart starts from the beginning.

This was all within Aiwass' expectation.

After training for so long, the level has been raised to this level, but I have never really fought against the enemy... It is normal to be a little excited.

"So, are you ready to kill someone, senior?"

Aiwass squinted his eyes like a fox, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth that he didn't know whether it was kindness or sarcasm.

Haina was taken aback when she heard this.

Immediately, she said seriously: "Actually, I have already killed someone."

Aiwass frowned.

This was an unexpected answer.

"Let's go then."

He didn't ask, but said softly, "I'm not good at legs, so I'll trouble you to push me."

"Should be."

Haina breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied.

 Today is still an update of [-] words, and I have already signed a contract!Seek to read, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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