Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Testimonials - Peeping Through the Hole
Stream saving: Tomorrow, more than [-] words will be updated, and it will be on the shelves at [-]:[-] noon!
Then as usual - if you are not in a hurry to leave, let's sit down and chat together.

I think...reading a new book is like seeing light through a hole.

In the dark snowy night, readers approach houses with lights on and windows covered with paper.

Although I can roughly see the brightness of different houses, I don't know the structure inside, let alone what the owner is doing.

Until peeping through the hole in the wall, you can see the furnishings in the house; turn your head carefully, look at the layout of the room through the narrow hole, and take advantage of the dim light in the room, and then you can see what kind of family it is. Why is there light in the house.

When you see it clearly and feel relieved, you will tap on the door and push in.Share this rare light in the snowy night.

This light is emitted from the bottom of my heart and distributed to all those who are willing to share it with me.

It is not a blazing light, which can illuminate everyone like the sun; nor is it like a shadowless lamp in an operating room, which can illuminate and gradually darken.

It's just a lantern, a candle, a bulb, as little light as I can give.But enough to brighten up the small room.

I hope you can see me through this light.

Reporting results: Now Mu Xu's follow-up reading has exceeded [-].

This is without a doubt the best book I've ever written.

Although my writing performance is not bad, I have written five novels that have been put on the shelves before Mu Xu, and the cumulative word count of the completed books is more than 900 million, and there are three ten thousand books and one high-quality work...but none of the three ten thousand books have the first book.


The results are all based on the follow-up and stable plot, slowly grinding up.And this book is the highest achievement in history since I created it.

It even made me a little scared, I don't know if I can stabilize this hard-won achievement.

But at the same time, I'm also proud.

Because I always adhere to the principle of "I don't know the development of the plot principle, even if the development is interesting, I won't write it".Sudden success for which I don't know why will only ruin my worldview.So I only write what I understand, what I understand, and what I can reproduce.

And in the last book, the craft honed really worked!
Although some authors will say that they are practicing pens after rushing to the street, I have already told everyone that I want to write a book dedicated to practicing pens before I published the book in the Tower of Overturning... Mainly because I am writing about players When I was a student, I felt that I was lacking in many places, and I couldn't write in many fields.

But at that time "Player Super Justice" was being serialized, and the results were quite good.I didn't dare to play tricks, for fear of ruining the book.Therefore, even if there are any new ideas, I dare not practice them.

I firmly believe in a truth: if one does not practice, one cannot learn; just as one does not experience, one cannot understand.

So I recorded all the plots that I wanted to write but did not dare to write, and I was not sure whether the effect would be good or not, and practiced in "Tower of Overturning".

In order to eliminate distracting items, I also specially chose subjects that I am not good at.It is simply to look at readers' reactions and comments on different plots, characterizations, and writing methods, and then make corrections.

It's like when you pinch your face in a game, you have to rub your hair or bald first!
The reason for choosing science fiction among many themes is the love for science fiction.

——You can love even if you are not good at it!
I call this "compromised idealism".

While harboring dreams, still pay attention to promotion and benefits.

Just like in the game, try to maintain strength while taking into account coolness and beauty-not pure appearance party, nor pure strength party.

When I first started writing Quicksilver's Blood, it was all instinct, with no outline or planning.There's a lot of "if only I did this then" regrets.I also recorded them all, with the firm idea that "someday I will come back and find a place" in my heart.

I found it again when I was a player, and wrote in a way that conforms to the aesthetics of the public as much as possible.

And the player's score is ten times that of Mercury's Blood.

But as the players wrote, they also had new regrets.So this book has undergone a new optimization, and the score has increased to four times that of the player.

——As long as people insist on "effective learning" and repeat self-criticism, they will really improve!

...Of course, the opposite is that the body is getting worse and worse.

Now the work schedule has been shifted to sleep at 10:30 am and get up at 05:30 pm.I write for eight hours a day, and I feel like I'm about to soar.

The length of this book in the outline is about two years, more than 300 million words.

Hope people don't Karma.

After finishing this book, I will take a break ranging from at least half a year to at least a year.I have already reserved a friend's villa in Wuzhishan, Hainan, and the cat will go to the foot of Wuzhishan to be a monkey to recuperate.

More than a month of this break is simply not enough.Although the outline, setting, and inspiration were almost finalized in October last year, half of the rest of the month was spent recuperating the body.

Clap your hands, the next step is to thank you——

First of all, I would like to thank my friends for their chapter tweets. When we meet again, I will invite you to have a meal together!

Second thanks to my editor Canaan!Before this book was released, Canaan and I checked the setting and outline for a long time, which was of great help!
Also, thanks to my invincible operation officer and painter, [There is no food in the jar]!
Cancan is invincible-look at this book, and the cover of the last book The Overturned Tower, all painted by Cancan!Even the character design of this book, as well as the design of various surroundings of this book are all handmade by her!
What kind of fairy operation officer is this, do you have any (loud)

She opened a lottery in the book review section, and gave away some cans for free!Although the author can't sell peripherals, but if you don't need money, you can give them away for free!
——Of course I will pay for the postage!Let's go take a look!

Next, thank the readers for their rewards!
Thanks to the Baiyinmeng fed by the rich loli Tianrulv!

Zeze and I met each other in the Blood of Mercury, and we basically fed one to three leaders every month.On the side of the cat next door, three silver leagues have been accumulated, and the players Super Justice and Overturning Tower have both played a golden league, and there are several additional silver leagues in the tower...

I am really grateful to the beautiful girl Tian Ze, I feel that I have been taken care of meow.

Thank you Yintian Shenyin, Litian X, Mood? ?Complex, Yingniyan, Cosmic Pigeon, Tchaikovsky Takovich, Song of Mufeng, Vera 0205, Koshingen, Zoboga Coconut Feeding Leader!
Thanks to Cangjing Menghai, Diansi, and Yaodu Tingri, the rudder masters!

Thank you for your rewards, votes and subscriptions!

There has never been such a wonderful start (Xiaoquanshi clenching his fist)... This sentence seems unlucky, so forget it.

Someone asked me before, can you really insist on studying for two hours a day?Or, how do you make sure you can keep learning every day?
The answer is also very simple.And as soon as I say it, you will immediately know that this method is feasible-it just probably won't work for everyone.

To put it simply, after I start working (that is, codewords) every day, I will immediately put down my work and read a book.

The strong desire in my heart to not want to work and the obsession to escape from work will push me to read as much as possible to pass the time.At this time, when I escape into a space free from work distractions, I will become very free and my learning efficiency will be extremely high.

It's like when you are doing your homework, you flip through the textbook to check the answer.But the strong desire not to do homework will push you to read more textbooks and flip through textbooks carefully... Things that you would never read at ordinary times will become very sweet under this urge to escape from reality.

——When I was doing homework in school, in order to avoid doing homework, I could even hug the medicine bottle on the table for a long time, not to mention extracurricular reading!
Facts have proved that people dare to do anything to catch fish.It can also do anything.

The inspiration for this book is a lot of books, and a lot of games - cats have nothing to do at home and only do two things, which are either reading books or playing games.

I can't count how many game settings are stitched in my book, but there should be many, many.The essence of my friend Yin Tian and I is different. Writing a book is a joy in itself, and writing is a thing he loves to do; but for me, writing is just a job that is easy for me, and my ultimate goal is to Reading and playing games... But writing a book is a by-product of overflowing inspiration after a lot of reading and playing games.

In short, if you are familiar with it, it is a tribute!Thanks to Granblue Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Blazers: Wrath of Justice, Esoteric Cult Simulator, etc., all of my favorite games that provide me with inspiration!
Finally, I would like to share the book list. I have been asked several times before.

I originally wanted to wait for a suitable time to release it in one breath-but I was too busy during the Chinese New Year and forgot to post it!
If you don’t care about this, you can skip it, and the rest of the book is basically irrelevant to this book, it’s a knowledge sharing link~
The books given below have been serialized since "Player Super Justice" in 19, and until now, I have read them, read them twice or more, and some books that I have read but have not read the first time. Four years of library!
Looking at these books, you can probably know the author's personal preferences.

I think it is also a means of increasing mutual understanding.

This is not just to share my favorite books with readers who like this book, but also to share available creative materials and sources with author friends.If there is no accident, these books should be available for purchase, but they are not push books. After all, everyone is good at different subjects, and the books I read are actually quite complicated.

Of course, in order to avoid the suspicion of taking the opportunity to push the book, the online novels I usually read were not included.

The books here are not divided into top and bottom, not recommended books, just books that I have read, only a brief evaluation of books that I have read many times, and it is not counted as books that I have read before but have not read in recent years.If I read a book that is too mentally handicapped, I will treat it as if I haven’t read it, and it may be deleted from the cache in my mind.I will add the rest as long as I remember the title of the book, or I may omit some.

If there are multiple versions or similar names, I will mark the author for easy search:
1. Those who have seen but not finished:
Scott's "Wiccan Magic";
The Witcher, A History of Fear;
Lewis Lee Bloquet's "The Bull Taker";
Robert's Stranger Things;
"A Study of Astrological Aspects" and "Astrological Magic: Basic Magical Rituals and Meditation" by Sue Tompkin;
The History of Political Philosophy by Leo Strauss;
"The Third Wave";
"Prisoner IA";
The Book of Sand by Borges;
"Tess of the d'Urbervilles";
"Sun Moon Star Murder Incident";
The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science;
"History of International Relations, Volume III".

2. After reading:
"Story Morphology";
Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic of the Azande;
The Myth of the Origin of Fire;
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844;
"Ancient Chinese Thinking Model and Exploration of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theory";
Toffler's "Transition of Power";
"Guide to Western Mysticism";
The Secret of Alchemy;
Avesta: The Holy Book of Zoroastrianism;
The Pastoral Bible;
"Understanding Media - On the Extension of Man";
"A Study on the Narrative Theory of British and American Novels";
"Detective AI";
"Thirteen Missing Steps";
"The First Nothing·The Thing That Haunts";
"The Twelve Hours of Chang'an";
"When the Occult Knocks at the Door";
"Homer's Epic Odyssey";
The Moon and Sixpence;
"Stranger Music";
"The Hammer of Glass";
Poems of Edgar Allan Poe;
"Man and Its Symbols";
"Yes, Minister";
Thomas Ralston Celtic Myths and Legends

Richard Morgan, The Copy;
"The Tragedy of Delta" by Kazuhiro Uraga;
Roger Zelazny, "King of Light";
Doctor Faust by Thomas Mann;
Blake Snyder, "Save the Cat"
"Towards the Depths of History: A Study of Marx's Viewpoint on History";
Guo Qingguang "Communication Course (Second Edition)";
Keigo Higashino's "Black Smile Novel", "Crooked Smile Novel", "Second Body", "Who Killed Her", "Tragedy Doll";
Pass "The Bow and the Harp";
The Weight of a Butterfly: Selected Poems by Nelly Sachs;
The Life of Milton;
Friedrich Schiller's "Letters on Aesthetic Education";
"Alphabet Killer Club";
Pamuk "My Name Is Red"

"<Rig Veda> Intensive Reading";
The Bhagavad Gita;
Liu Zhongyu's "Chinese Ghost Culture";
Ye Shuxian's "Heroes and the Sun - The Prototype Reconstruction of Ancient Chinese Epics";
"Klein Pot" by Duo Okajima;
"Detective: Sunset Traveler";
3. Those who have seen it more than once, and those who have seen it repeatedly in the past three or four years:

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko's "Black Magic Handbook"; (very good reference book, very clear)
McGee's "Story"; (Highly recommended, I think all novel authors need to read it once)
Fraser's "Golden Bough"; (recommended, as long as you write something mysterious and related, you need to read it once)
Blake Snyder "Save the Cat 2"; (much better than 1)
"Purple and Black"; (very wonderful fantasy story)
"Selected Poems of Tagore"; (Cats like to read poems, this is also the basis for the creation of the Overturned Tower)

Akutagawa Ryunosuke's short story collection "Rashomon"; (this is my high school memory)
Times Literature and Art Publishing House's Hitchcock's short stories and script collections "Suspicion in the Boudoir", "North by Northwest", "Double Killer", "Murder with a Borrowed Knife", "Midnight Tracking"; Chang Xin)

Gibran's "The Prophet, Sand and Foam"; (reading poetry +1)

"Death Fugue: Selected Poems of Paul Celan"; (reading poetry +2)

"Sovereign El-Melloi II Incident Book"; (my favorite light novel is considered)
"The Realm of the Sky"; (the second favorite!)
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra"; (the creation basis of the player's super justice)

"Faust"; (also the basis of the player's ultra justice)

"The Godfather"; (It can be regarded as childhood, I was so young when I read this book)
Complete Works of "The Detective Sherlock Holmes"; (Childhood +1)

The Complete Works of Agatha Christie Detective Mysteries. (childhood +2)


Finally, I will push a public account "Literary Theory and Criticism", and occasionally I can find good books.

Although it feels like not many readers will keep turning here.But according to the convention, we still have to use that sentence as the end...

Hope we can see you tomorrow.

——May you always be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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