Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 56 "Golden Dawn"

Chapter 56 "Golden Dawn"

— Moderation.

Just after hearing the comments on the first painting, Yanis immediately understood Aiwass' aesthetic tendency.

Moderation is not a derogatory term.This is the way of beauty that she pursues.

The path of beauty will affect oneself from the material level, so that one's image and temperament will gradually approach the "most beautiful" in one's ideal.And Yanis is not too tall among humans, nor too short among elves; her figure also blurs the characteristics of men and women, and her facial temperament is neither mature nor immature.

Because the "moderate aesthetic" is the most popular aesthetic.

This is Yanis's personal understanding of "the path of beauty".It is also the reason why she walks on the path of balance.

Different from Iris's professional critics with sharp words and tricky vision - they can always find some points that even Yanis couldn't think of, some details that she didn't care about, and said while immersed in the void something.

When creators transform inspiration into works, there will inevitably be losses.

After all, the viewer cannot really enter the world in the painting, and cannot truly feel the thoughts and feelings of the painter when he is creating.

They can only appreciate with their own cognition and understanding.

The real "beauty" has something in common and can move people of different races, genders, origins, ages and cultures.But when it comes to "reasons for feeling beautiful", everyone's answer will be different.

Because it is not so much that they feel the beauty from the artwork, it is better to say that they see their own reflection in the artwork.

Your own life, your own fantasies, your own fears, your own dreams.

Therefore, the answers given by the viewers will be more or less biased.

Yanis loves to ask other people what they think of her paintings.Because she is a creator herself, of course she knows what the standard answer is as a "benchmark".

By asking, she can know whether the other party has real talents, how much level and talent they have.You can also reversely analyze your personality, experience, and even path orientation from the evaluations that the other party has racked their brains.

She seemed to see the results of one condensed life after another from these comments.It was sort of a psychological test, too, and she couldn't get enough of it.

——But the answer Aiwass gave surprised her a little.

In his evaluation, there is not much color that belongs to him.

Enough to be objective and impartial, but at the same time not lacking in sensibility.She is outspoken about the shortcomings caused by her immature skills, and will also appropriately praise those proud points that she has carefully laid out but are not valued by others.

It's like an alter ego...a concluding answer from a more mature self from the future.

There is no doubt that Aiwass is his "confidant".

"...Are you interested in taking the path of beauty?"

Yanis couldn't help but asked, "I think you may become the furthest human being on the road of beauty."


Isabel on the side was startled, and looked at her teacher in surprise.

She has never seen a teacher give such a high evaluation of people!

The teacher's evaluation of himself can even be considered low!

The original words of Yanis at the time were: "With your talent, it is impossible for any branch of the path of beauty to reach the limit, even the 'singer'. It is a wise choice for you to choose 'all-rounder'. If You seek the pinnacle of singing skill, and you only go mad before you get there."

But for some reason, seeing the teacher's recognition of Aiwass so much, she couldn't bear the slightest bit of jealousy in her heart.

There is only a kind of joy, and a subtle sense of pride.

It's like a friend I found with great difficulty, was given a high evaluation by my parents when I brought it home.

——And this child was raised by me!

Isabel whispered in her heart.

She didn't dare to speak out because she was afraid of being scolded—of course she knew that Aiwass was raised by Professor Moriarty, and she also knew that she had only played Aiwass' mother once in a dream.But she still couldn't fully "act out", and she still couldn't forget the memory of that dream.

So, this is just what she said to herself.

It's not so much self-deception as it is to avoid forgetting.

On the other side, Yanis was also in a delicate mood.

She accepted Isabel as her apprentice, partly because she felt "beauty" from Isabel and thought she was cute enough; partly because she was a close friend with Queen Sophia.

The first time they met was 60 years ago, when Queen Sofia had just ascended the throne.

She was a lively teenage girl then, younger than Isabel is now.

But it's completely different from Isabel's personality or even the opposite-Sophia was full of energy when she was young, extremely outgoing and friendly.She would often sneak out of the palace after dressing up and going to the theater to watch a play; or she would enter the school in the clothes of a female student, and ask other students for their evaluation of various government orders as a school girl.

That was the first time Yanis came to Avalon to hold a painting exhibition.At her own painting exhibition, she met the young Queen Sophia.I was amazed by the beauty and vitality of this lovely girl, and wanted to draw a picture of her on the spot.

They draw and chat while drawing.As a result, when Yanis was halfway through the painting, the queen's personal guards rushed over.

Only then did Yanis realize that this girl who looked younger than herself was actually the new queen of the country.

Sofia is extremely outgoing and unconstrained by tradition.

She disregarded many rules, carried out a lot of reforms, and firmly abolished many traditions that now seem outdated—such as those tortures that are more severe than the death penalty, such as the practice that women cannot become knights, such as The old law that says that the knight family can only be imprisoned but not executed... For example, for the prosperity and development of the kingdom, some "forbidden arts" are open to the teaching and learning.

The development of Avalon's alchemy, art, preservation, and medical skills, as well as the translation and detective of the path of wisdom, all started with Queen Sophia.

Yanis stayed with the enlightened and young queen for 20 years before leaving her to continue her own travels around the world.

Now she returned to Avalon and accepted Isabel as a student, just because she saw the shadow of her former best friend from Isabel.But in fact, she didn't think Isabel could inherit her mantle.

Art takes a lot of time to accumulate.The five times difference in lifespan between humans and elves is an insurmountable moat in the field of art.

However, Aiwass is different.

Yanis keenly perceived the beauty similar to herself from him.

He is handsome and calm, which undoubtedly belongs to the beauty of men, but at the same time he also has a kind of sensitivity and delicacy of women; He is a priest and walks on the way of devotion, but Yanis keenly captures that he has an invisible arrogance to the world.

This feeling of contradiction and balance made Yanis seem to see another self.

Similar to myself but different——

Aiwass couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this.

Is this a coincidence?

Guess what, Sherlock just said yesterday that I am more suitable for the path of wisdom.As a result, Master, you said today that I am suitable for the path of about you two fight?
Forget it, I'm afraid Sherlock will be killed.

After Aiwass declined, Yanis recommended another round of the path of beauty.And after Aiwass refused for the second time, she didn't force it.

After all, walking on the road requires not only corresponding talents, but also some obsessions.

If you don't want to, you can't force it.

If you force yourself to follow a path that you don't recognize or like, one day you will deviate from the path.All that will be in vain.

Yanice just felt sorry.

Aiwass clearly has the talent for the path of beauty, but he has no desire to pursue beauty.If he can enter the path of beauty, his future will definitely be much brighter than that of the path of dedication.There is a high probability that she can reach the fifth energy level like her, which is close to the limit of mortals.

And considering the short lifespan of human beings, his talents may be even better than his own.

Thinking of this, she made a decision.

"Since you like my paintings so much," Yanis said lightly, "then, I will give you "Golden Dawn."

Hearing this, Aiwass suddenly opened his eyes wide and felt his scalp go numb.

Even Princess Isabel couldn't help taking a breath, and didn't dare to say a word.

Aiwass knew how much Yanis liked this painting——among the three paintings, "A Visit to the Temple of Akporis" was Yanis's first magical painting, and it was her expression of her determination to walk on the path of the extraordinary. Her own motivation also hides the youthful ambition of "comparing myself to the apostle Hippocrates"; and "Crystal Sea" is the scene at the end of the world she saw, which she gave to the world who could not leave the glass island and never had the chance to see it. What a beautiful gift to that scene from best friend Sophia... a summary of her journey around the world and a fruit of her friendship.

And "Golden Dawn" is the pinnacle of her pure artistry.

That was the painting she drew when she saw people worshiping the sun in the Horus Empire, and she was shocked by watching the wonder of the sunrise.The best painting that can be drawn without involving the "power of the way".

From this painting onwards, her paintings have mysterious powers that can change reality.This is the last painting that can flow and be viewed by all mortals, and it is also the most highly rated painting among all the paintings of Yanis.

Undoubtedly a masterpiece.Its value is immeasurable.

——Who would give this kind of thing out when meeting someone for the first time? !
"Of course, it can't be regarded as completely free..."

Aiwass finally heaved a sigh of relief when Yanis said the next sentence.

It's okay, as long as you have a request.I'm afraid I'm afraid I don't ask for it - the debt of favor is the hardest to repay, especially this kind of troublesome favor that is hard to say how much it is worth.

But when he heard Yanis' request, Aiwass' expression became more subtle.

"You are a genius, Aiwass. I believe that you will be able to develop very well on the path of dedication... Even if you have just stepped into Transcendence, the speed of promotion must be very fast.

"As you can see, my student Isabel is a somewhat weak girl. I am not very relieved about her advanced ceremony.

"If you have caught up with Isabel during the second or third advancement ceremony...can you wait for her and advance with her? Of course, the full moon ceremony can... "

This requirement is almost equivalent to no requirement.

Bringing friends in the full moon ceremony and stopping enemies in the new moon ceremony is basically the practice of the extraordinary world.

This can only be said to be done smoothly.

Friends with the same progress and other paths will have a pretty good advantage on the extraordinary path...Although Yanis said that she only needs to help Isabel once, as long as her advancement speed is not much slower than Aiwass, this is basically That is, the parents personally made an appointment with a fixed team.

After all, the probability of winning is greater than that of a solo queue if they are matched together, and there is a person who can be absolutely trusted, and the advantage is very large.Therefore, Aiwass has no reason to refuse.

Just putting it on Aiwass, there is a slight problem.

"...Do I have to find a chance to show my cards to Her Royal Highness?" He thought in his heart.

If when the time comes, I will enter the book and find out that I am her "Mr. Fox"... Will it have a bad psychological impact on the little girl?

Aiwass was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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