Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 53 Soul Search Spell

Chapter 53 Soul Search Spell
Glass Isle, Lloyd.

Sherlock looked around carefully, followed the trail in his memory and found the stinky ditch and the garbage mountain.

Perhaps because of the increased sewage discharge from the factory, compared with the abandoned chemical factory in the dream, there is more domestic garbage and the water is more stinky.Even the road was almost sealed up, and there was an unpleasant rancid smell.When Sherlock looked closely at the garbage, the disturbed cockroaches crawled out from under the garbage mountain.

Edward, who was following him, straightened his back and frowned.

He looked deeply at the garbage mountain with an ugly expression, obviously not wanting to come over.

"...How did you find out here, Hermes?"

Edward stood still and said.

"First-hand information obtained in the advanced ceremony, my partner."

Sherlock didn't hide anything from his best friend: "Go past here and turn over the hillside, and you can see an abandoned chemical factory. The hidden station of the Sweater Brotherhood is there."

"Then get out of the way first."

Edward said.

Sherlock retreated obediently behind his best friend, and saw this student who gave people a deep and dark impression pulled out one of the elf daggers from his waist and pointed it forward.

The white luminous runes lit up from his right wrist, quickly crawled towards the fingertips, and climbed all the way to the spine of the dagger.

"—the law gives me the necessary right of passage."

Following his order, the pure white light surged and the storm roared.

An irresistible invisible force accompanied by rays of light extended from the tip of the sword, pushing the entire mountain of garbage to both sides.

In the middle, there was a spacious space enough for ten people to walk side by side, and the ground was covered with a layer of mist-like glowing road.

Under the appearance of that luminous road, three green and one black faint lights lit up in the surrounding garbage mountains.

"It seems that your information is correct, Hermes."

Edward retracted the dagger into its sheath, and said calmly: "There are traps buried in this garbage mountain. There are three paths of adaptation, and one path of love. But the energy level is not high."

"Well, I guessed it."

Sherlock was not surprised by this, he just walked forward and observed: "I just noticed that the shape of this garbage pile is not natural enough. It doesn't look like it was discarded by people, nor does it look like it was blown by the wind. Yes. There is no garbage where there should be, but an obvious path with the least garbage is deliberately left. The real safe way is probably to avoid that road and go directly over the garbage mountain."

"It shouldn't be a lethal trap."

Edward followed behind Sherlock and analyzed: "If there are bloodstains or corpses in the garbage dump, it will be easier to expose where they are."

"It seems that the Sweater Brotherhood is really here," Sherlock frowned slightly, lost in thought, "but this surprised me. I thought they would be demon scholars."

"Why do you say that?" Edward asked back.

"Because someone told me that the Sweater Brotherhood was connected to the people behind the Pelican Bar."

Sherlock analyzed: "The people behind the Pelican Bar should be the Noble Red Association. You know, it is a group of demon scholars who kill, sacrifice, rob, and steal. But they have a heritage after all—I am Said, the inheritance on the other side of the star.

"If they're helping the Sweater Brotherhood, the trap at the door seems a little too simple."

Hearing Sherlock's words, Edward was silent for a moment.

Of course he knew, it must have nothing to do with it.Because they are not qualified enough.

The Sweater Brotherhood are just a bunch of thieves.Although there are extraordinary people mixed in, it may be a bit difficult for ordinary people... But the "Noble Red" association should look down on them.

It didn't matter if Sherlock wanted to think so, though.

It would be better to say that.Edward thought.

He knew that his lazy and rebellious old friend had a strong adaptability to the path of wisdom and was extremely sensitive to the truth.He followed, because he was afraid that Sherlock would find out something by himself.

Although his father didn't say it clearly, Edward roughly guessed the conspiracy behind the Pelican Bar.

That gang is from the Noble Red Society.

On the surface, this is an organization of demonologists composed of most Avalonians.Mixed with some mentors from the stars.

But Edward knew more.

They are not a purely illegal organization of extraordinary people, but a group of rebels funded by the Star Kingdom and intending to overthrow the rule of the Knights of Avalon.

the reason is simple.Their leader was a giant.

Their giant bloodline comes from the kingdom of Alketos, the giant dynasty that was overthrown by the founding monarch of Avalon, Lancelot I, with the support of the elves 400 years ago.

At that time, in this small island country, the mighty and heroic Giant King ruled and protected the dwarf humans.They were so powerful then that they were able to maintain peace and independence from the influence of the Empire.

Although there is no evidence to prove that the leader has the royal blood of Arktos, he is undoubtedly an extremely rare giant on the mainland today.In "Arctos", giants are basically nobles-so if he is not a royal family, he is at least a nobleman of the former dynasty.

There are also many half-blood giants among the other high-level members of the Noble Red Society.Although not as tall and strong as their leader, they are still better than ordinary people.The "noble red" in the name of the association implies their noble blood.

Avalon today has no nobles, but is ruled by knights.Although the royal family can grant armor to knights, they basically don't have much real power.The Round Table Hall can only be influenced indirectly by developing new knights who are loyal to the royal family... However, the real influence of the royal family on the new knight class is much less than that of the merchants.The new generation of knight families who only need the power to be restrained by others, but have no foundation and no money, are easily influenced by their sponsors.

Edward's adoptive father, Professor Moriarty, was in the business.

Among the older generation of knight families, some were prosperous and some were in decline.Some of the latter are willing to accept sponsorship, but some are not.

Some people claim to be noble, and they are fundamentally different from the newly promoted knights whose blood comes from common people; some people are tired of the endless wrangling in the round table hall, and those invisible hands that are remotely controlled outside the round table hall; there are also people who are greedy enough , hoping to turn the customer into the main and get rid of the money control of these businessmen, and directly grab their money.

Although these people's positions are different, they have a common appeal.

—that is, the restoration of the aristocracy.

Therefore, in addition to the Starbow people, there are still some ministers in Glass Island who are secretly supporting the Noble Red Society.

Edward had little affection for Avalon.He doesn't care about Avalon, and he doesn't care about Arctos.

A former street orphan who became a "Moriarty."Later, he graduated with honors and joined the Inspectorate directly, responsible for monitoring suspected knights, examining suspected corrupt officials, and screening spies from other countries.

In the process, he saw too many ugliness that were completely different from what he had imagined in his youth.What the law upholds is not justice and morality, but the authority of the Round Table—not even the authority of the House of Silver and Tin.

Compared with the knights, it is obviously more important to repay Moriarty for his upbringing.

Edward had also asked his adoptive father before, which side they were going to stand on.

But the answer given by the old James is: "You are on my side, Edward."

Today Edward is thankful that the Sweater Brotherhood has nothing to do with the people behind the Pelican Bar.Otherwise, he didn't know how he should stop Sherlock's persistent investigation.

His old friend was too clever, too sensitive.

Any hesitation and avoidance of the truth, I'm afraid he will be aware of it.

Edward had few friends—very few.

He didn't want to let himself lose an important friend one day.

——Fortunately, this is the wrong direction of investigation.

"Although I don't know who provided this...but I thank you. You can continue to investigate in this direction, Sherlock."

Edward thought.

Find something to do for the boring big detective.This will also prevent him from being idle and going back to investigate the Pelican Bar. "

When he thought of this, his heart suddenly moved.

He still has another case at hand-considering the safety of civilians and his family, this matter should be dealt with as soon as possible.After all, they are not on the side of the Noble Red Association, but to maintain a balance.

So, Edward said: "Perhaps it's not completely irrelevant.

"I remembered another thing. Recently, the Procuratorate is investigating a case code-named 'Red Stone'.

"A batch of powerful, small-sized portable alchemy bombs were smuggled from the Pelican Bar to Avalon. The Inspectorate suspects that the buyer may be a high-ranking kingdom. But no matter how portable they are, they cannot be kept at home. One It is not safe, and the other is easy to be found out.

"If they haven't been transferred in time, they should be in the Lloyd District by now. You said that the stronghold of the Sweater Brotherhood is an abandoned chemical factory, so it is reasonable for them to be stored here..."

When Edward said this, he suddenly sensed something.

He heard someone's heartbeat.

And Sherlock was more than a second late, as if he had noticed something, he immediately raised his head.

The blue-white brilliance flowed in his pupils, and Sherlock issued the law without hesitation: "【Stop】!"

Brilliant brilliance like a new star gushed out from his side and spread out in all directions.

In the corner behind him, an assassin who was crouching over there was suddenly shaken out of his invisible state, and his whole body was covered by white light, like a stone statue.

After half a second, he broke free from the restraint.

Realizing that the binding force was not strong, the assassin immediately looked fiercely.The dagger in his hand flicked into a forehand grip.

He crouched slightly, and his body dived into the shadows again.He wanted to rush forward to assassinate Sherlock first, and then fled quickly.

However, the assassin's heart trembled suddenly, and a strong sense of crisis hit his heart——


Edward issued the law indifferently.

Two pure white triangles condensed out of thin air on the wrists of the assassin who was sneaking again, and then a huge magnetic force attracted and bound his hands together.The assassin who had just rushed forward was unbalanced by the force, staggered and nearly fell, but the poisoned dagger was unable to exert force because his wrist was tightened, and fell to the ground with a clang.

Afterwards, the two triangles overlapping to form a hexagram flew directly upwards, keeping them level with the ground... directly hoisting the assassin in the air.

so lucky.Actually got caught.

Thinking of this, a rare smile appeared on the corner of Edward's mouth.

He walked slowly into the restrained, panic-faced young assassin.

"The fish is caught now, Hermes."

Edward said slowly: "I'm going to do it... remember to plug your ears."

"No need. I'm not an innocent little girl. What's more, these hangmen will be sent to Hanging Square sooner or later."

Sherlock crossed his arms and said calmly: "I asked you to bring a handkerchief, which means that I have thought of this scene before. After all, I am not easy to do it... But you are the Inspectorate and have the power of temporary execution.

"I'm rather curious. Your subordinates—I remember a little girl who admired you a lot? Has she seen you search the memory of a criminal?"

"What do you think the Inspectorate's job is, Hermes? What we do is dirtier than that."

Edward sneered.

"Then I was so lucky that I didn't enter the Inspector's Office with you."

Sherlock said lazily: "I don't think you are the leader of the Inspectorate, so you shouldn't have to send out missions."

"I also came from the front line, Mr. Hermes. And I'm not a big leader. I can't say much about other things, and I'm still in the confidentiality period-I can tell you in three years, what I did What is the first mission?"

As he spoke, he slowly pulled out his white handkerchief from his chest pocket and approached slowly.

The shadows cast by his tall figure, and the slow but determined movements are terrifying.

"No, don't...I will say it, I will say it...spare my life..."

This strangling party who has adapted to the way has an unexpectedly young voice.

"I can't spare you, little thief. You'll be dead sooner or later."

Edward said coldly: "How many people have you killed? Five? Six?

"You think that no one can detect you, you think that you buried the evidence cleverly..."

He slowly unfolded the white handkerchief soaked in the narcotic potion, and pressed it firmly against the assassin's face.

Let him make a struggling whine.

The next moment, Edward's pupils overflowed with bright white light.Five runes stretched out from the fingers clasping the assassin's cheeks, and they quickly traveled on the skin of the assassin's head, making his curly black hair full of grease shine.

"—The law gives me the necessary search power."

Edward solemnly declared.

Accompanied by the muffled screams covered by the handkerchief, several streaks of off-white smoke drifted out from the assassin's facial features and were slowly inhaled by Edward.

In the end, he let go of his hand and released the restraint of [Law: Arrest].

The assassin's body fell to the ground feebly.Blood slowly seeped from the handkerchief stuck to his face.Where the handkerchief couldn't cover, the white runes on his throat, behind his ears, and on top of his head gradually went out.

Edward did not retrieve his white handkerchief.

Anyway, his soul search spell can only be used once a day, and the face covered with a handkerchief can also indicate that this person has been "searched".

"We're in the right place, Hermes—at least in part. The Brotherhood of Sweaters does have ties to the Noble Red Society, and you're right.

"—One of the batches of alchemy bombs is stored in this abandoned chemical factory at this moment."

(End of this chapter)

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