Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 164 Threat Is Stronger Than Capture

Chapter 164 Threat Is Stronger Than Capture
The kidnapping and disappearance of Aiwass Moriarty should be the biggest news on Glass Island recently.

And this news is still a series - first, it made headlines several times because of the conspiracy to break the Noble Red Association, and finally made a great contribution and was awarded the Holy Sword Medal exceptionally.

As a result, within a week, people from the Noble Red Association rushed into the school and took him away.

"Judging from the traces of the battle, Aiwass put up a very fierce resistance. He even knocked down many transcendents who were far stronger than himself... But unfortunately, they are still outnumbered. Haina, I remember the relationship between Aiwass and you Good job, right?"

"Huh? Ah..."

Haina listened to her roommates chatting about the latest news, she was a little absent-minded: "Yes."

She is thinking about one thing.

Is Aiwass all right now?

In other words, the current it in Aiwass' plan?
Aiwass had mentioned to her before that he might have to fake his death like Sherlock did.But now that something happened to him, Haina couldn't help but think again... Does the "fake death" that Aiwass mentioned refer to this time?
She was a little flustered.

What if Aiwass' plan fails?

The suspended animation he was talking about was not this time, but what to do afterward?That is to say, it was indeed possible that he was suddenly attacked and taken away this time, right?
"What is the purpose of the Noble Red Society to capture Aiwass? Is it to torture him?"

"Indeed, this is unreasonable. If it's for revenge, they should kill Aiwass right away? It's not easy for them to run away with a big living person."

"Could it be to torture him? Maybe Aiwass knew some secrets, so he had to be captured alive."

"Then there's no need to rush into the school to kidnap him, right? Our school is the territory of Headmaster Meg... Although she's not usually there, she will definitely be angry after this incident."

"I think, do you want to exchange hostages?"

"It's possible. But those people who formed the Noble Red Society, wouldn't they all be hanged if they were caught?"

"Maybe there are still alive."

"Impossible. If there are people alive, the newspapers must have reported them as soon as possible to put pressure on them."

"Could it be that Aiwass is used to exchange the list of traitors? It's always written like this in novels, right?"

Haina's roommates got together and chatted about this matter.

Thanks also to Aiwass.

Originally on Glass Island, many people did not understand the Noble Red Society at all.There may be more people in rural areas, but demon scholars rarely appear in big cities-there are too many inspectors and priests who have received higher education, and it is easy to find traces of rituals and demons.

But relying on Aiwass' several headlines, people quickly paid attention to this group of demon scholars.After the news of the Glass Stairs newspaper is published, other newspapers will interview some senior inspectors or bishops in order to catch up with hot spots, ask questions about demon scholars and the noble red, and then send it out to explain the "noble red association" what have you done."

"What do you think, Haina?"

Haina suddenly felt someone touch her, and asked, "Does the Supervision Bureau have any internal information?"

But this sentence broke Haina's thinking and hesitation.

She decided not to hesitate anymore, stood up from the bed, put on her coat and rushed out: "I don't know, I'll go out for a while, you guys talk—"

Watching Haina leave, the dormitory was silent for a while.

Her roommate who often went to the "Old Captain's Bar" to catch men sighed: "It seems that Haina really cares about Aiwass."

"She doesn't like Aiwass, does she?"

Another raised a possibility.

"Who doesn't like Aiwass, he's handsome and gentle, and his surname is Moriarty."

The other party retorted.

So the few people who didn't have to go to class got together again and started chatting, this time they started talking about Haina.

As for Haina, she originally wanted to find Headmaster Meg.But she didn't know where the other party was, so she ran over and turned around, but failed to find it, so she turned to find Sherlock.

With his wisdom, he must know how Aiwass is doing!
She ran to Mrs. Mina's divination shop first, trying to enter through the back door.Surprisingly, they didn't open the door.

So Haina's heart skipped a beat.

Fearfully, she ran to the front door and knocked on it.

It was Madame Mina who opened the door.

"Oh, it's Haina."

Mina already knew each other, and said with a smile, "Are you here so early today?"

Because Bishop Mathers and Mrs. Mina have a lot of secrets, and they don't like to order people around.

So they don't like to hire servants on weekdays, not even a housekeeper.

For a big man who can enter the round table hall, this is already considered an out-of-group weirdo.But Mathers is a bishop and a spiritual councilor after all.So this instead became the ascetic style of "living frugally", which was praised by people.

Anyway, Mrs. Mina can do ordinary housework at home, and those troublesome and laborious ones will borrow servants from friends' homes to help.

After Sherlock lived here, when Haina, who came to help Aiwass with information, came to the door, she would also come to help out - anyway, when she was at home, she did this kind of thing.

Eagle Point Village is not like Glass Island.There are no rules such as "things must be handed over to the servants, otherwise it will be unseemly", or "guests cannot move or tell the truth on the spot, but need to be euphemistically informed afterwards".

Haina simply saw that there was work to do, so she went to help.I don't have any special ideas, but if I insist, I feel a little idle and not tired - if she is tired, she won't do it, and she can lie on the bed for a whole day.

Fortunately, the Mathers and his wife have similar ideas to hers, so they didn't feel offended, but thought Haina was cute.She just came to help Aiwass and Sherlock send a few words back and forth, and she became the popular child.

"I'm here to see Mr. Sherlock... Is Mr. Sherlock up yet?"

Haina asked slightly nervously.

The last time she came, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning and Sherlock wasn't awake yet.She waited in the living room for more than an hour, and when Sherlock woke up, she remained in a daze state, acting like an instinctive yin and yang for a long time.When Sherlock didn't wake up, his mouth was more poisonous than usual.

"Well, they've all finished eating and are playing chess."

Madame Mina replied.

... playing chess?
Mr. Sherlock and Bishop Mathers?

Haina was a little puzzled, but she thanked her and followed.

As a result, he went to the second floor, in front of Sherlock's bedroom.

She suddenly heard a familiar voice from inside: "General, don't you plan to change the game? If you change the game of bridge, I probably won't be able to beat you... Coincidentally, Haina is also here. We can play four Human Bureau."

Hearing this, Haina was startled.

But she soon felt joy again—it was like eating honey when she was greedy when she was a child.It feels like the whole world has become sweeter and the sun is shining brightly.

She knocked on the door immediately, and pushed the door open without waiting for a response from inside.

"You're all right, Aiwass!"

In the room, I saw Aiwass, who got rid of the wheelchair, leaning back on the seat, with his legs folded together, and his left leg raised.With a confident smile on his face.

That was a completely different temperament from the well-behaved and gentle temperament of Aiwass when he was sitting in a wheelchair.

He was bathed in the golden morning sun, with red butterflies flying around his fingertips.

After getting rid of the wheelchair and sitting on the seat of the same height, Haina realized that Aiwass and Sherlock were almost the same height.But at this moment Aiwass looked even taller.

And Sherlock was opposite him, frowning, with his arms on his knees and his hands on his chin, looking at the chess game and thinking about something.

Lily sat next to Aiwass, close to him.She was also smiling at the corner of her mouth at the moment, and she was the first to look up at Haina.

Sherlock ignored her.

He just focused on looking at the chessboard, and murmured in a low voice: "It's really tricky. It was obviously at an advantage at the beginning, when did it suddenly become worse..."

He thought for a long time before finally moving another chess piece: "Although I have already lost, I still want to finish the game."

And Aiwass said with a smile: "Because you don't understand a principle, Sherlock. Playing chess is not a purely logical game, it is related to a psychological game. From this perspective, threats are always stronger than capture... because I don't Instead of choosing to deal with the situation you have created, you use anticipatory pressure to increase your thinking volume and psychological pressure.

"Use defensive strategies to make you gradually weaker, and put pressure on you to make mistakes when you are impatient. The more proud you are, the less you can allow yourself to make mistakes...and repeating this, your operations will gradually deform. Your purpose will gradually change from 'winning' to 'solving my puzzle'.

"From this point of view, some plans do not need to be actually implemented. You only need to make the other party aware of this possibility, and the plan itself has already taken effect-the impact it produces is the effect."

After all, Aiwass put the White Queen down: "Checkmate. I have won three consecutive victories, Sherlock. Your desire to attack is too strong, which will make you unable to see that you are also being threatened at the same time."

"That's why I'm here."

Sherlock replied, "That makes sense."

Aiwass smiled and shook his head: "Attacking does not mean an advantage, and continuous attacking does not mean winning. It is because I voluntarily gave up my offensive rounds, so you can attack continuously... Some people give up because He's really weak, but some guys give up offense just to preserve mobility."

"For example, did you choose to stay here without moving?" Sherlock asked back.


Aiwass picked up the white queen, held it between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and showed it to Sherlock.

"When I jump off the chessboard, I am no longer a pawn. Now I can go anywhere, and they will panic. If you panic, you will make mistakes. If you make mistakes, you will die. When you die, you have to drag others into the water to be reconciled. "

The young man with short platinum hair narrowed his eyes slightly like a fox: "Look, Sherlock... just look.

"They can't bear it for too long. I have given all the pressure I should give. Then it's their turn to attack."

Sherlock looked at Aiwass Moriarty in the sunlight.

For the first time, he realized that he might never really know his friend.

 Chapter 1 of [-] words!
  Chapter 2 will be later, I got up late today... I guess it will be two o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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