Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 161 What method did I use?

Chapter 161 What method did I use?


Attorney York suddenly opened his eyes and began to cough violently.

He rolled over and coughed until he coughed up a mouthful of foul blood and his breathing became easier.

He looked back.

The door of the archive room was closed, and the other party had already left.The accomplice who stole the information has also disappeared.

Then, his body began to undergo drastic changes—at the time of his demonization, traits from the trapper began to emerge from him.

Many soft, tentacle-like pink granules emerged from his hands and arms, and they spontaneously and unconsciously danced in the air, like some kind of tentacles, sensing everything around them.It is the feeding organ that can capture dreams and memories.

And the pupils turned into a mass of dense pink with a dark red cross star shining in the middle.His back became hunched, his body became emaciated, and a long snake-like tail emerged from behind.

During demonization, the wounds he suffered were also healed.

"I survived..."

York murmured.

His voice became as sharp as a woman's, with a slight sound of metal rubbing in it.

No matter what kind of demon the contracted demon is, the devil has a strong vitality.Even if one advances to become a demon sender, the basic characteristics from the demon will not disappear.

Just a fatal injury to the extent of piercing the heart would not directly lead to his death.

If you want to kill the devil cleanly, the best way is to blow off the head, cut off the head, or directly take away the heart.Even if the heart is torn in half, it can be restored again under the vigorous vitality shared by the demon.

This vitality is very similar to those savage trolls in the southern continent.Because of this, when a demon possessed by a demon was discovered in Avalon before, he would be directly burned at the stake—if the killed demon was left alone, he would be able to get up and run away after a while .

And the flame can block the troll's regenerative power, so people also deduce the essence from the phenomenon, thinking that this can also completely kill the demon.

But in fact, the reason why the torture of fire really killed these demons was because the flames continued to hurt them.While recovering, the body was scorched and tortured for a long time before dying.Later, Queen Sophia abolished this cruel punishment and only used the ordinary death penalty.

There is no doubt... Since the other party is also a demon, he must also know that the demon has a strong vitality.

Then he didn't choose to kill himself completely, so he could only save his life on purpose.

York didn't resent the attack on him—maybe some, but not much.More importantly, it is the intelligence obtained from it.

Combined with what he said earlier, the man was clearly under the orders of his mentor.But judging from his behavior, he was not loyal to that mentor.

He might have been bound by a contract by his mentor, so he had to kill himself once.

It's very possible.

After all, it was a demon possessed by a shadow demon, and it seemed that he should have betrayed a lot of souls, and more than half of his body was controlled by the shadow demon.For such a demon, the first energy level can surpass the third energy level... It is reasonable for his mentor to be worried.

It was because of his dissatisfaction that he violated the wishes of his mentor and deliberately let himself survive.For this reason, he even said some redundant words to show his origin.

What does he want to do?
York suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Could it be that he wants the skill of 'breaking the covenant'?"

"Ha ha……"

The quiet trapper in his body heard his thoughts and couldn't help laughing: "Keep guessing, it's getting close—already close to 1%."

Don't disturb me.York responded dissatisfied in his heart.

Entrappers are always like this, good at deceiving.Even if he is his master, the trapper will always fool him.

The first few times he would have believed the trapper's analysis and opinions, but only later did he realize that the trapper had deliberately led him into the ditch.He just wanted to kill himself and leave. Since then, York has not believed the other party's words.

It's very possible.

Lloyd's inherits the mysterious skill "Breach of Covenant" left by the first generation of Lloyd's president, and can break contracts and oaths without punishment.

If it is said that he is controlled by a contract, then it is reasonable to seek his own help to break the contract.

So, why didn't he go to the president?
And as a person on the side of the president, how could he not know Boka's address and need to provide it himself?

After turning into a trapping demon, York's thinking speed increased a lot.

He quickly thought of a plausible enough possibility:
That devil's mentor might not be from Lloyd's, but from the Noble Red Society!

Only the president's faction in Lloyd's completely fell to the Noble Red Society.Although he and the vice president also joined the association, it is possible that the senior members of the association have seen their "transcendence".

The association keeps them just to act as a check and balance.In order to seek more benefits from both parties.

But maybe the current association...or at least, the mentor of the devil, thinks that it is enough to keep the president.That's why they had to specifically eliminate the influence of the vice president's faction, and the president didn't know about this plan.

- Then everything makes sense!
The Majin and his mentor are a faction of the Noble Red Society, but not too high.Because the only information they know is the vice president and their own name... and now they come to the firm to attack them because the other party doesn't know where they live, they can only find out their own law firm, So I plan to ambush here and wait for the rabbit.

And the devil didn't think his mentor's plan was perfect.So he planned to gamble on both ends, and he didn't intend to let himself die directly, so that he would never turn back, so he deliberately spared his life.

These possibilities were all deduced by lawyer York from what he had seen and heard, and the fact that he was still alive.

Maybe there may be a little bit different from the truth, but the rest should be the truth.

"Then I have to feign death."

York Hermes reacted: "If I show up again, maybe he will be sent by his mentor to kill him again.

"Then I can't handle this matter myself. The vice president must be notified..."

Thinking so, he walked out of the file room, went to the living room and called the vice president.

"I'm Bran Boca."

Even though it was still dark today, the phone was picked up instantly.Immediately afterwards, a steady voice sounded.

York said in a low voice: "Something has happened, Mr. Boca."

"I know." Boca Vice President replied.

……you know?

what do you know?Did you know that I was killed?Or do you know that I have given away your information?
York groaned.

But soon, the vice president of Boka reacted: "Your voice? Are you...?"

"I'm York. I was attacked by someone. After killing me once, I turned into a demon. It may take another half a day to recover."

Lawyer York went on to say, expressing his reasoning: "The person who attacked me was a strong demon, and he should be a member of the Noble Red Society. They have a close relationship with President Lloyd, so they plan to get rid of us."

On the other end of the phone, the vice president of Boca asked back: "A demon possessed by a shadow demon?"

"how do you know?"

York froze for a moment: "Have you seen it?"

"No, not at all. Aiwass was attacked by him last night and disappeared. That's why I woke up so early... Although Aiwass has not yet inherited the Moriarty family, his status is basically the same. His attack and disappearance is a major event that can shake the round table hall."

"Didn't we send someone to attack Aiwass last night?" York frowned.

"Yes, they are all dead. The specific situation is still unclear, I am trying to figure it out... I think they may have been killed by this shadow demon. Since you said he was the president's person...then I can probably figure out what's going on."

The Vice President of Boca responded calmly.

"The people who attacked you are the same people who attacked Aiwass."

His voice was calm with a bit of hatred and anger that was not completely hidden: "He still intends to stop my plan! He also recognizes Aiwass' status and talent, so he is afraid of Aiwass. It is because of him I don't want Aiwass to enter my camp, so I plan to kill him directly...even at the expense of exposing Lloyd's!
"From the very beginning, he didn't intend for us to show our ability and loyalty - he directly killed the people I sent out, and kidnapped Aiwass away. I think he might want to force that A 'Moriarty' joins their faction.

"In this case, we may have to prepare to destroy him completely. If a 'Moriarty' turned his gun on us, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"I do think..."

It might have been done by someone from the Noble Red Society - Lawyer York thought so.

But before he could say that, his chest, shoulders, and back of his head were all pierced by the shadow blade.

The microphone in York's hand dropped.

And he let out a shrill, shrill cry—a cry that finally woke his servant.

"York? York!"

A voice came from the other side of the microphone.But York's death has been confirmed, and nothing can help.

The moment he turned back subconsciously, the shadow hound had already bit his throat, and then pinned him to the ground.Immediately, densely packed sharp blades pierced through the whole body, and then retracted.

It was as if dozens of daggers stabbed out continuously in an instant, and the high frequency of penetrating attacks made the blood on York's body continuously splatter, but was wrapped in shadows.It's like splattering ink.

Soon, he stopped moving.

His head was cut off neatly by the shadow guillotine.

As he was dying, Lawyer York vaguely heard the voice of the other party opening the door: "Fortunately, I turned back again. You actually used such a despicable method to escape..."

——What method did I use? ?
York was full of words, but he was speechless.

Full of anger and hatred, as well as the sound of the trapper laughing, his consciousness gradually sank into the abyss.

He didn't even have the chance to transform into a demon—as a demon who had signed a contract with the demon, his soul had long been sold to the trapper.

After his death, the soul will be harvested by the opponent.

[Kill the fourth-level transcendent, gain 130 free experience]

——The experience is quite rich.

Aiwass smiled silently.

And, he never turned back... because Aiwass never left.

He has been hiding quietly in the shadows behind the sofa in the living room.As long as York came to call, he would appear directly behind the other party.

Seeing the experience of killing York surfaced, Aiwass picked up the fallen phone, and directly handed the microphone to the shadow demon who turned into a hound and was biting and melting York's body.

Here, the microphone is here for you, please speak.

"Hello, Mr. Boca. This is Aleister. Mr. Lloyd sends you his regards..."

Shadow Demon raised his head, and made a low and hoarse voice very cooperatively into the microphone, smiling darkly: "It's best not to be alone, I know where you are."

After it finished speaking, Aiwass hung up the phone.Then he disconnected the receiver of the phone and threw it directly into the shadows.

"That's right," he said softly, "I will reward you with an earpiece."

"You should reward me with a syringe."

The Shadow Demon complained, but quickly corroded and melted the corpse, the blood and the receiver: "You fed so much blood to the Butterfly of the Flame, you should give it to me."

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be given to you, after all, you will be the main force."

Aiwass said with a smile: "I have to give you some overtime pay.

"However, you are not worried that you will become a big beast?"

"The butterfly of the flame has said that her consciousness is fused with yours. In other words, she can see what you can see... Then I am not afraid. I am just afraid of being sealed to It's just in the darkness." Shadow Demon responded.

Aiwass was a little surprised: "As a shadow demon, are you afraid of the dark?"

"...that's not it."

"Then you are afraid of being lonely." Aiwass said affirmatively.


Shadow Demon was noncommittal.

"Don't be afraid," Aiwass said softly, "I will be with you."

"... Mr. York?"

The male servant who was awakened earlier walked into the dark living room with some fear.

Before opening it, it seemed that there was chewing and ghostly whispering in the living room... But after opening it, it was found that the living room was silent, and there was no one there.

He turned on the light and looked around carefully.Even found it in the closet.

It turned out that nothing was lost in the house except for a telephone receiver that was missing at some point.

"Strange thing... did I have a nightmare?"

The manservant shook his head, then went back to his room and continued to sleep.

And just after he closed the door, Aiwass quietly emerged from his door.

He was leaning against the wall, and the Shadow Fiend wrapped himself around him.

It's lucky that the lights here are not turned on.

Aiwass looked at the servant's bedroom with a smile, and said softly: "Good night, sir. Go and sleep first, it's not dawn yet."

"Master, what are we going to do next?"

Lily also emerged beside Aiwass.

"Just wait."

Aiwass replied: "Just wait quietly for the situation to ferment.

"But I think, let's find a place to sleep first? I think the bishop's place is good... I just happened to meet with Sherlock to confirm whether there is any problem with the plan. And report the good news that Lawyer York is dead. give him."

 Today is an update of [-] words, please take half a day off!

  Mom is going out to BJ, I will go to the high-speed rail station to see meow in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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