Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 16 The temptation of the devil

Chapter 16 The temptation of the devil

When Haina came back from the basement of the tavern, she felt like she was almost full.

When she went down, she was actually very nervous and apprehensive.Haina always felt that there might be some traps, traps, or curses in the basement—or some familiars might be raised, or synthetic beasts could be seen in the jars.

But to her disappointment, she explored carefully for a long time, but found nothing.

Not even the altar full of blood and all kinds of severed limbs described in the novel.Except for a few places where there are traces of life, there is dust everywhere.The most placed things are all kinds of wine bottles and barrels that she doesn't recognize.

The double bed placed in the corner may be due to poor ventilation and no sunlight, damp and musty smell.She even felt a little sympathetic to these demon scholars—the quality of life was too bad.

She found the "Code of Alchemy" that Aiwass asked for easily.

It was a book that looked like a textbook, about the thickness of a required course that could be taught for a semester.It is only about two fingers thick and one and a half palms long.The difference from the textbook is that it has a special dark red leather cover, which feels like cowhide.

It looks expensive.

At least it must be worth... ten white coins, right?

Maybe more, but the price is enough to make people want to steal it.

Aiwass lacked too much experience in life - if he went out with this kind of thing, he would definitely be missed.Even a thief who is completely ignorant of the extraordinary world and taboo knowledge can easily judge the value of this book from its material.

And this evil sorceress must cherish this book.

Because this book was placed on the desk next to the bed, and beside it was a wine glass filled with clear water—this was one of the few dust-free places in the basement.

Apparently that dangerous bald-headed sorceress was reading this book just before they came.

Haina did indeed see a ritual field in the open space in the basement.In order to make room, the residents obviously moved the wine barrels to the corners, or even piled them upright, freeing up an open space with a diameter of only five steps.

Inside a ceremonial circle, ten names with unknown meanings are engraved.There is also a strange geometric pattern drawn in the middle, and she can barely understand the meaning of the mark is "moon".

And above the ceremony field, there was no blood or severed limbs.

All she saw was an empty swaddle, lying quietly in the center of the ring.She didn't lift the cloth just in case.

But in order to prevent the ritual from running automatically, she cut off all the ritual lines with the sword in her hand and completely destroyed the ritual field before she dared to start the investigation.

This is also the way to deal with it taught in the school - if you see a ceremony arranged by a believer who is beyond the way, don't walk in at will, and don't take out the things inside.First use a blessed or cursed sharp object to lightly cut all the lines.For example, if it is a circle, you can make one cut at any place; if it is a triangle, you need to cut it three times, and if it is a hexagram, you need to cut it six times.

Haina remembered this knowledge clearly.

Because when she was learning this knowledge, she had an excited illusion that she was fighting demons.Including the skills of fighting various illegal transcendents, and even the techniques of fighting demons, she has carefully studied them.

But it wasn't until she was about to graduate that she learned from her colleagues... In fact, more than [-]% of the supervisors may not see a living demon in this life.If they see it, there is a high probability that they will not have the chance to show off to others alive.

Because the devil cannot manifest alone.When the demon's summoner dies, the demon is sent back.

This means that when the demon is spotted alone, the evil sorcerer who summoned it must be nearby - and has probably noticed himself.But he couldn't find the other party.

When encountering such a powerful enemy, it is usually handed over to the white gloves of the Inspectorate.It's not their turn to make a move.

So Haina fell into a very aggrieved mood.

Obviously I have a lot of professional knowledge, but in fact I don't use it at work.

In most cases, the job is to check taxes, check various identification certificates, maintain law and order, check sanitary conditions, safety hazards and contraband, which are meaningless, extremely busy, and have no sense of adventure.

Even in most cases, the sword does not need to be drawn.Ordinary stupid thieves and thugs, as long as they roar, they can be fixed in place.And anyone who can't keep his voice down must at least use personal tactics - facing a powerful enemy that cannot be quickly defeated alone is a serious violation of the rules and will result in confinement.

And when the sea of ​​people came, the sword was even more useless.In this case, close combat with gangsters can easily prevent teammates from intervening.On the contrary, it is better to use a gun more neatly.

The result is that the legal tactics of the assessment at the time of entry are actually not used at all.

Haina was quite dissatisfied with this.

——If she had known that the work of the Inspectorate was so boring, she might as well have been an air cavalry in the army!

Her current griffin has gone through the two-month process, but she hasn't seen a single bird feather yet!
Originally, Haina was still dreaming that when her equipment and the griffin arrived, she would ride her own griffin, wearing armor and a sword, and go to the school to show off.That must be handsome, my classmates and juniors will definitely gather around to watch my heroic appearance, and the teachers will definitely use me as a role model to teach those younger generations——

...But now it seems that I may not be able to touch my griffin before graduation.

Haina coughed and opened the door with her left elbow.Her right hand flapped the air lightly in front of her face, and her left hand carefully held the book like a tray with teacups.

She saw Aiwass sitting safely and obediently in his wheelchair, as if he was afraid of the smell of the corpse, far, far away from the horrific corpse.

"Does it smell fishy?"

Haina asked casually, and came over and handed the book to Aiwass: "Hide it quickly...the inspector from Lloyd District will come over in a while, so don't let him see it."

When passing by the corpse, the strong smell of blood suddenly surged up in the air, making her cough even worse.

"This is the book, thank you senior sister!"

Aiwass happily took the book and responded sweetly.

The corners of Haina's mouth raised slightly.She just loves the feeling of being needed.

She didn't feel it when she was fighting before, but now that she is free, her eyes can't stop drifting to the corpse.And the smell became stronger and stronger, making her feel more and more uncomfortable.

Finally, Haina couldn't take it anymore.She pulled a white cloth from the table next to her and covered the upper body of the sorceress' body.

"If you feel uncomfortable, why don't you cover it?"

"Because I thought, I need to protect the scene..."

Aiwass said with some hesitation: "If you cover it with a cloth, won't it destroy the evidence on the corpse?"


Hana froze for a moment.

She looked back at the corpse, and instinctively felt that it made sense.

...but why isn't this taught in schools?
She didn't think of the reason for a while, so she turned her head and said firmly: "Because there are no clues. We all know that she was shot to death by you... Is there any need to investigate? I can see clearly. I I am the witness, no other evidence is needed.

"Of course, this is not your problem. Your shooting is a heroic act of righteousness, and I will make it clear to the Supervision Bureau."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help sighing—Aiwass is really a well-behaved and polite boy.

——Completely different from myself.

Haina sighed sadly.

So, she decided to confess.

She hesitated and said, "Mr. Aiwass."

"What?" Aiwass froze for a moment.

"There is one thing I want to apologize to you..."

"No, no, you don't have to be so polite... Aren't we friends?"

"That's why I'm going to say it."

Haina showed shame: "When I was looking for your book below, I couldn't help but turn a few pages."

——Actually, it was because she was worried about whether there would be any curse or poison in the book.

She felt she had a strong physique, so she decided to try it out for herself.

But there is no need to say such things.Because it sounds so much like an excuse, it's better to just admit that you want to watch it.

...Because she actually wanted to see it a little bit.

If it was Haina before today, she would definitely not accept such a crooked temptation.But on the way here, after listening to what Aiwass said, she suddenly felt that she seemed too rigid before.

I want to be a "superior", which is the idea of ​​transcendence; I think Aiwass is handsome, elegant, gentle and cultured, which is influenced by the way of "beauty" or "love".

In the same way, after reading this book, I had a curious idea... that is, I was infected by the way of [balance] and [wisdom].

The way of balance represents knowledge and science, and is the way to understand the world equally; the essence of the way of wisdom is related to mystery, rationality, and pursuit of truth.This is all normal and part of being a normal person.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

What really deserves an apology is that she moved other people's things and read other people's books without permission.

And what makes her feel ashamed is... She has to admit that the things in this book do have some appeal.

She just turned a few pages and was immersed in the mysterious and surprising world, opening her eyes.

Haina stayed below for 15 minutes, and spent more than 10 minutes reading this book.But she could only flip through it briefly, and felt that she had to go and see... Otherwise, Aiwass would be very scared to be alone in the room with the corpse.

And this is, after all, a Lloyd's District with bad security.

What if gangsters come outside at this time?
Aiwass is too weak to defend himself normally.He might have accidentally killed someone with a single shot.

Killing a demon scholar is nothing, and you will even be rewarded; but if you kill a civilian, you may go to jail.

And what if there are more people?His bullets should be running out, and he may not dare to shoot, or his weapon may be taken away...

Thinking of this, Haina ran up to look worriedly.Aiwass was found to be safe and sound.

Looking back, she felt itchy again.

The previous round couldn't quench her thirst at all, but it made her even more curious.

"I'm a little curious."

Taking a deep breath, Haina frankly admitted her longing: "I still want to read...that book.

"Afterwards, can I go to your house and see it?"

"But senior sister, as a supervisor, came to our house when she had nothing to do... Doesn't this affect you well?"

Aiwass politely declined: "In this way, there will be some gossip and gossip, whether it is about the father or the senior sister. You also know that there are indeed some supervisors who have collected money from businessmen and have done some obvious acts of favoritism— —I mean, even if you didn’t do it, Senior Sister, you can’t refute it when someone says that. Because what you really did can’t be explained.”


Haina nodded dejectedly: "You are right."

"However," Aiwass changed the subject, "Senior sister saved me and helped me avenge myself. She also helped me find this book—for reasons, I must thank senior sister for her help.

"So if you want to read this book, sister, you can ask me out regularly in your spare time. You should know, that kind of more private space? Or if not, I can also bring it to school. This There's always that kind of local school."

Aiwass squinted his eyes, showing a kind and gentle smile, like a cunning fox, persuading: "Is there some tiring in the usual work? Is there anything worth complaining about, or what happened to the Supervisory Bureau recently? You can talk to me and talk to me at that time."

Is she actually interested in alchemy...

Aiwass' heart moved.Knowing her personal preferences made things easier.Haina can easily become his nail and eyeliner buried in the Supervision Bureau.

... It's really not easy to learn well, but it's easy to slip away after learning badly.

Haina-senpai, who was originally upright and righteous, was so easily seduced by herself and succeeded at the moment her firm belief was shaken.

I don't know who is the devil.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Aiwass feels that if he is a demon, he seems to be more professional than Shadow Demon.

When Haina heard this, she was very grateful.

She respected Aiwass' generosity and the gentleness of putting himself in others' shoes, and couldn't help but use honorific words to her junior: "Thank you, Mr. Aiwass! It's just... will this trouble you too much?" gone?"

Aiwass just smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, no trouble. It's called what you need.

"—After all, I am also very curious about the daily work of the Supervision Bureau."

(End of this chapter)

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