Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 154 Don't leave when you come

Chapter 154 Don't leave when you come
As night fell, the lights of No. 14 Ronin Street were finally turned off at 10:30.

After another two hours, when the campus fell into silence, a group of people came nearby quietly.

They hadn't squatted at Aiwass' door before.

These demon scholars didn't even hide on purpose, they just entered a bar and drank until now.

No one would have thought that there would be any threat from the four drunken men. Moreover, it was not the first time for them to come here, but they had come here to drink and play cards almost every day in the past week or so.I even got acquainted with some students.

But this time is different.

After they left the bar, they found a small alley, and used the half-arranged sobering ceremony to dispel the alcohol on their bodies.

"Get ready to do it."

The leader of the team was a blond man with a back comb, a white suit, and a lawyer.

He said in a deep voice: "Jim, you go to arrange the curse. Braden, you go to cut his phone line. Perot and I arrange a ceremony, first summon our two demons. Then you two come over and put Your magic dog is calling."

"Are you sure you only need to sleep curse?"

The shortest and youngest Jim asked back: "The curse of sleep can be nested with the curse of weakness... Didn't you say that the cripple has superb sword skills? I still think that the curse of sleep can be nested with the curse of weakness, and a suffocation curse can be added." Kill him. This is the safest way, and we can go to the top."

"I'm sure."

The team leader replied very positively: "If Moriarty is the only one in the dormitory...and his maid and his sister. Three people, the power of the curse will have been divided a lot. In this way they Can't sleep too deeply.

"And the Curse of Weakness makes people realize that they are cursed. If one of them is a light sleeper, it may wake them up with a sudden sense of weakness and wake the others. Don't worry about it, Jim. Curses can Not more is better."

"Then otherwise..."

Jim said again: "Or we can put poison gas into his bedroom after putting the curse on. Then no one will even realize that he was killed, and they may think that he was poisoned by gas... In this way, we will not It will be investigated by the authorities."

"Do you think the dormitory where the young master lives is the same as your little broken house?"

Fatty Perot sneered: "How could his bedroom be connected to the kitchen? You don't use your brain."

"...I just feel a little uneasy, mentor."

Jim whispered, "Wouldn't it be a little smoother?"

The team leader shook his head: "It went well because we were fully prepared, and it has nothing to do with him. You think too much."

After about half an hour, it's almost ready.

The sleeping curse is in effect, the telephone line has been cut, and the two demons and two demon dogs have been summoned.

Although Jim was a little uneasy.

But the team leader felt that this was only because his apprentice was too timid.

Jim is only 16 years old this year, a little younger than Aiwass they are going to assassinate.He didn't graduate from middle school, but came out to hang out with gangs.Because of his cleverness, he was favored by Lloyd's, and because of his adaptability beyond the path, he became the leader's apprentice.

Powerful demonologists always have their apprentices at their side.

Curses and rituals are similar to cooking in a sense - there is not much time actually spent on cooking, and the most time-wasting part is the preparation of ingredients and cleaning afterwards.And these apprentices are specially used to replace their mentors to do these meaningless repetitive tasks.

It is equivalent to helping the cook.

But in fact the team leader doesn't like Jim very much.

Generally speaking, demon scholars must have a little bit of unbridled and presumptuous mentality in it.Otherwise, it will be difficult to advance.And Jim is too timid, he will always predict some things pessimistically... At the beginning, the leader will pay a little attention, maybe this kid is actually a fit person who adapts to the path, and what he said is more or less prophetic Woolen cloth?
But many times in a row, what Jim predicted did not happen.The team leader finally confirmed that he was simply too cowardly.

——Are they not cautious enough?

The ambush was carried out a full week in advance, and four extraordinary people were mobilized, two of whom were elites of the third energy level.There is also the extremely powerful Blade Demon that can confront the fourth-level transcendent head-on, and the Whip Demon that can assist the Blade Demon.They also cast a curse on Aiwass in advance, and cut off all possibilities for him to communicate with the outside world——

For a Transcendent with only the first level of energy and a path of dedication, the team leader felt that he was ridiculously cautious.

That is to say, because Aiwass is the one who can instantly kill the Mutual Limbo, that's why he attaches so much importance to him.

Although Aiwass' own strength is not strong, he is a member of the Moriarty family after all.The extraordinary props in his hands are very powerful, maybe there will be other props...

So their plan is to use a curse to put Aiwass into a deep sleep that cannot be awakened, and then sneak into it to assassinate him.

Aiwass still has class tomorrow.Then at one o'clock in the morning, he must have fallen asleep by this time.

Now that he was asleep, he was unaware that he was under the Sleep Curse.That would only make him sleep more deeply and soundly. Even if a thief came directly into his house and removed everything he could move, he would never wake up.

If all goes well, then it's best done with a single shot.In this way, it will look more like a killer who has mastered the curse skill, and it will not be easy to investigate a few of them.

And the demons they brought were only used to fight against ambushes, helpers, and bodyguards who might be hiding.


The leader thought.

After all, this time it was an away game, and many of the ritual props he had prepared could not be used.Otherwise, he doesn't have to be so careful.

For example, the [Curse Infant] made from a baby who was cursed to death can deliver a powerful blow that is sure to hit and can directly destroy the heart of others; the [Nightmare Illusion] made from the scalp of a person suffering from migraine can make Someone goes mad due to uncontrollable severe pain; [Zombie Bait] made of a hanged old man can make everyone around them be attacked by cold air and move more slowly...

These are consumable items that allow him to leapfrog and kill other extraordinary people.

But because they all have to be saved in a specific environment, they can't be used in this kind of raid battle.

In other words, it was precisely because the ritual props he relied on could not be used that the team leader was so cautious.

Because once you get used to the powerful power gained by using ritual materials made by the same family, you will feel extremely uncomfortable when you leave it.I felt that I suddenly became weak...even if this "feeling of weakness" is my real level.

Just as Braden, who was a thief, picked the door lock, Jim who was looking around suddenly pointed to the sky: "What is that, a firefly?"

"That must be some kind of butterfly."

Fatty Perot crossed his arms and commented: "It's a pity, it would be nice if I had a net bag. It looks like this thing should be quite valuable."

"Jim, pay attention..."

The team leader said angrily.

But at this moment, he unconsciously raised his head, and suddenly saw the butterfly slowly flying towards them.

It is so beautiful, dragging bits and pieces of sparks as it flies.

Like scale powder.

But the leader suddenly raised his right hand and pointed to the butterfly with his index finger.

He didn't utter a word, and he didn't even expend mana.The butterfly, which was as beautiful as a spark, seemed to be pierced by some dark invisible thing, split in two, and suddenly extinguished.

He smiled smugly and happily.

Not because the butterfly has any meaning, just because he takes pleasure in destroying something beautiful.

"The mentor's curse is really powerful..."

Jim flattered.

Perot shook his head with some pity: "It looks quite valuable, you don't need to curse it to death."

"A butterfly that can fly in the city, what kind of valuable thing can it be?"

The team leader asked back: "At most, they escaped from the school laboratory... That also means that they cannot be resold. Just curse and kill them."

Pointing at people, this is the easiest curse.

There is sometimes a certain sharpness to being pointed with a hand behind the back; the feeling is the same as being pointed with the point of a knife.

And the third path characteristic held by the team leader [damaging curse] is a very powerful purple path characteristic.

He can attach physical damage to all the curses he inflicts - which is why he has his apprentices to curse the target.Because if he arranges the Sleeping Curse himself, it will become a nightmare curse, and it will be easier to wake up others; if he uses the poisonous food curse, in addition to corrosion damage, it can also continue to cause weak cutting injuries to the esophagus; and if Using the Curse of Tainted Blood will cause the opponent's uterus to bleed continuously.

He even needs to touch it casually to make the target feel as if he was stabbed by a knife, bleeding profusely.

The damage is not very high.A normal healthy person would die of blood loss only after being pointed at by him forty or fifty times.

This number was tested by him himself.

When the team leader had just obtained this path characteristic, he used curses to kill many people in the Lloyd District, and only then summed up the law of this path characteristic.

After all, he can only see the unexplained words like [harmful curse: all kinds of curses can hurt people].You have to try it yourself to see what the effect is.

But this kind of thing is not too much trouble for him.

It's like a child got an interesting toy—the curses he was familiar with, what new effects will they have after being attached to this feature?He was curious about it and experimented accordingly.

It is also this kind of unscrupulous heart that takes pleasure in hurting others with extraordinary power that allows him to successfully summon and tame the blade demon.

But at this moment, out of the corner of the leader's eyes, he suddenly noticed a flash of fire.

It looks so bright in the dark night.

He turned his head and found that it was indeed a ball of fire in the air—the butterfly that was crushed by him before fell, and was born again in the flame from the position close to them after falling!

When the butterfly slowly flew towards Jim, Jim reached out curiously to catch it.

The leader's face suddenly changed, feeling a strong sense of crisis.He jumped forward and rolled sideways in embarrassment.

Feeling as bad as him was Fatty Perot, but his body was too bloated and awkward.Wanted to escape but couldn't.

I saw that when Jim touched the butterfly, a group of blazing flames suddenly spread in all directions centered on the butterfly, forming a huge fireball with a radius of about three meters.

The fireball didn't explode, but spun around, engulfing Jim and Perot, pulling them hard to leave.Their shrill screams rushed out through the flames, resounding in the silent night.

"—what the hell?!"

The leader's complexion suddenly changed.

The next moment, the bodies of a demon dog and a whip demon suddenly became blurred.Gradually collapse and disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye-this is the expulsion phenomenon caused by the death of the contractor.

Just a face to face, Jim and Perot were engulfed in flames.That's all for Jim, but Perot of the third energy level shouldn't die in this kind of place for no reason at all-he was completely killed by Jim!
Only he, who avoided the butterfly, and Braden, who was picking the lock, survived.

At this moment, the same butterfly as before was flying towards him again.

The team leader didn't hesitate this time, condensed a group of pitch-black magic balls with eerie cold air, and launched them directly.

It smashed the butterfly again...

But this time the team leader could see clearly that the butterfly was reborn in the flames soon after being crushed.The leader changed a spell and smashed it again, and it was reborn again.

What the hell is this? !
The leader became extremely jealous, he had never heard of this ability.

"Open, open!"

Braden shouted happily and opened the door.

"Go in and hide!"

The leader said without hesitation.

But the next moment, Braden let out an exclamation and ran out scrambling.

But as the gunshot rang out, he was shot in the calf and fell to his knees with a scream.

With the door open.

Aiwass, who was supposed to be sleeping, walked out slowly with a dangerous smile on his face.

His left hand is behind his back, while his right hand is placed in front of him, naturally bent.A butterfly made of flames stood quietly on the tip of his middle finger.

"Here we come, guest..."

Aiwass said with a smile: "Since you're here, why don't you leave?"

 One hour ahead, the update is complete!

(End of this chapter)

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