Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 149 Diomedes' Exhortation

Chapter 149 Diomedes' Exhortation
With the help of the old housekeeper Oswald, they quickly packed up what Julia wanted to bring.

This time, it's not just going to school, it's essentially a move - until Oswald returns, the Moriarty Manor is obviously not safe enough.So under Aiwass' persuasion, Yulia brought everything she wanted.

But she was different from the young lady of the same level, Yulia did not bring too many clothes and jewelry.

What really takes up space are her tool bags and material boxes.Even Aiwass didn't ask her to bring many of those books. The library in Wang Li University of Law is the largest library in Avalon.Even Professor Moriarty's private collection is not as good as the restricted section of a university library.

Yulia only brought a few special research books in the relatively advanced alchemy field, and a few reading notes related to university knowledge.

Fortunately, when Yulia was studying, she organized them into different categories.It was easy for her to find the notes she had typed when she was studying college knowledge by herself - she brought all the notes from freshman to junior year, ten volumes thick.It was taller than her calves.

In order to help Julia "move", Oswald also followed.

After regaining her health, Yulia was visibly full of energy, or rather agitated—like a primary school student before a spring outing, chattering non-stop in the car.

The only difference is that Yulia's quarrel is quite rich - she and Aiwass talked about the dream world, astrology, and Tarot in one breath from the extraordinary career planning and promotion ceremony, and she regretted that she didn't bring the astronomical telescope with her.Then we chatted from alchemy to elixirs and plant breeding, as well as Avalon's land policy and economic taxation.

That is to say, Aiwass is knowledgeable enough to keep up with Yulia's topic.

She has almost no social experience—all her knowledge comes from books and newspapers.But she's seen enough, and has a good enough memory, that she's practically a search engine.

Yulia could even remember the day when Aiwass first appeared in the newspaper, and what was said in the newspaper that day-Aiwass himself had forgotten what the report said.Anyway, he was basically talking nonsense that day... because he didn't expect to be stopped by a reporter from the "Glass Steps".

The cuteness of the girl made the old housekeeper's face as old as an ancient tree show a rare smile.

In order to get a wheelchair for Aiwass, they first went to the inspector's office in the Red Queen.It is very close to Wang Li University of Law, just on the same street.

The wheelchair was placed directly in Edward's office.Aiwass chatted with Yulia in the car, while Lily followed Oswald to the Inspectorate.

This is the first time Lily has entered the Inspectorate.

When she was taking the tantric book before, she went to the Supervision Bureau in the White Queen District.It was already night, but the Supervision Bureau was still very busy - inspectors in half armor walked around, and from time to time someone went to the Griffin Flat at the back door of the Supervision Bureau and left in a griffin.

There were also people flipping through a lot of documents, calculating something, or calling out to their colleagues from a long distance, and then discussing things that Lily couldn't understand at all.

Before that, Lily's impression of the Supervision Bureau was "the one responsible for arresting people".But it was then that she finally realized that they were also responsible for collecting taxes—even that the tax problem was more difficult to solve than the law and order problem.The impression given by the Supervision Bureau is that it is busy... almost everyone is either frowning or serious.

At that time, Lily was even worried that she would block someone's way, so she kept walking aside.She looked so aggrieved, she didn't look like she came to receive a reward, but more like a prisoner arrested by Hayina.

But the atmosphere of the Procuratorate is completely different from that of the Supervisory Bureau.

In general, the feeling here is "cold".

It's only 03:30 in the afternoon, and there is no get off work at all.But the spacious corridor was empty.

The mirror-clean floor reflected the shadows of the old butler and Lily, and their footsteps echoed in the corridor.There is a faint sense of terror.

"... Mr. Oswald."

Lily whispered, "Why is there no one here? Are they not at work?"

"If the Inspectorate is as busy as the Supervision Bureau, then something serious will happen."

The old butler put his hands behind his back and said calmly without turning his head: "The work of the Inspectorate is to examine whether the knights and officials are loyal, whether they are morally deficient, whether they have accepted bribes or betrayed the Queen. Then they are monitoring spies from other countries... and sneaking into Other countries become spies.

"There are so many rooms here, and each room may be under investigation, interrogated, or all may be empty. For those businessmen, the number of officials under investigation can be more or less. intelligence. 'Is anyone being censored' itself is a secret.

"Because of this, each room of the Inspector's Office has installed soundproof runes. When the door is closed, the sound can only be heard by knocking on the door."

The old housekeeper saw that Aiwass valued Lily very much, so he was trying to impart some experience to her.It just so happened that he liked this very sensible and progressive human girl... at least much better than Haina.

He stopped, pointed to a door and said, "This is Master Edward's office, remember?"


Lily nodded and replied, "I can come here to find Master Edward."


Oswald replied simply.

He knocked on the door, and the inside and outside were instantly connected—as if the blocked ears became clear in an instant, Lily heard the voice inside clearly and suddenly paused.Seems like it's not just one person.

"Is there something urgent?"

Edward's cold voice sounded: "I'm dealing with some business. There are chairs at the door."

The implication is that if there is no urgent matter, wait outside first.

"It is I, Master Edward."

Oswald's voice sounded.

After a while, Edward opened the door.

He looked rather serious, but he relaxed a little after seeing Oswald.

"Are you here for the wheelchair, Mr. Oswald?"

Edward asked.

Oswald nodded and looked into the house.I saw that there were two other people in Edward's office besides him.

One of them was a mature and attractive blonde woman in red who looked to be in her 30s.

The other is an old elf with a rare Chinese character face.

"I wanted to tell you some happy events, but you have guests here, so it's not convenient."

Oswald said slowly: "You remember to go home tonight."

"I try my best."

Edward nodded.

He turned back to the woman and said, "Go ahead, Mrs. Hong."

"You're always throwing me this offending business, my dear Inspector... There's not a lot of good people in Lloyd's."

Madam Hong complained, but she didn't refuse: "It's fine, I'll be a coolie. However, if I disappear for no apparent reason on the way back, you must remember me next year."

"I remember you every year, let's do it." Edward said ruthlessly.

The moment she passed Lily, Lily suddenly felt that time slowed down.

Her perception suddenly became sharp - she always felt as if she had seen this person somewhere.


Is it...

Lily thought of the red lady in the path of love in the promotion ceremony.Although Lily did not meet her during the ceremony, Lily listened to her chatting with other people for more than an hour as a "grey-robed man" in the waiting hall.

Although the voice changed slightly, Lily was deeply impressed by the low and lazy voice.

When Lily looked at Mrs. Hong, Mrs. Hong also sensed Lily's gaze at the same time.

But she didn't care, she just smiled kindly at Lily.

And this elf old man...

Lily always felt as if she had seen it before.

"Long time no see, Diomedes."

It turned out that Oswald spoke first and said hello.

"It's been a long time."

The old elf known as Diomedes nodded at Oswald and smiled rarely: "We haven't seen each other for almost 30 years, right?"

"Indeed. The last time we met was before the master adopted Master Edward."

Oswald is also somewhat nostalgic.

He smiled and said, "I plan to go back to the Theocracy. Do you need me to bring you a few words, or bring back some special products?"

"Can you let go of the two of you?"

Diomedes raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Edward also heard the words and looked over, frowning slightly with a worried look on his face.

The old butler shook his head slightly at Edward, signaling to go home and talk about it later.

"If you want to say, bring some rose gold brew."

Diomedes laughed and said, "I kind of want to drink the wine from my hometown."

"It seems that you have nothing to say for me to bring you, old man. You can die peacefully in a foreign country."

Oswald smiled: "I intend to meet His Majesty the Pope."

The square-faced elf also shot back: "You too, dying old bastard... just don't speak ill of me."

Even by human standards, these two people are already aged to at least seven or eighty years old.If the lifespan of the elves is counted, they may have lived for 80 years.

If you don't use any power of the way to prolong your life, even as a long-lived elf, your lifespan is 500 years.

If the lifespan is longer, they will be regarded as Humber's servants.

And Oswald also introduced to Lily: "This is Diomedes, the guardian of the Drost family. He and I are old friends. Before we were sent to Avalon, we were all sent by the same group. Selected guards of the Pope.

"It was he who introduced you to the Moriarty family back then."

"...Ah, I still remember this young lady."

Seeing Lily, Diomedes had a serious expression on his face: "We met once more than ten years ago."

"Thank you, Mr. Diomedes."

Lily bowed sincerely and thanked.

——So this is the benefactor!
Without this old elf, it would be difficult for her to enter the Moriarty family, and she would never meet Aiwass again.

But Diomedes looked at Lily with a complicated expression.

He was silent for a long time, hesitant to speak.

He just sighed and said in a low voice, "Be careful during this time, kid."

Hearing this, Oswald narrowed his eyes slightly and patted Lily on the shoulder lightly.

"I see what you mean, old man."

The old butler narrowed his eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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