Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 142 The Great Sin Ritual of Sealing the Phantom Demon

Chapter 142 The Great Sin Ritual of Sealing the Phantom Demon

"what should I do?"

Yulia asked softly.

Even though she heard that Aiwass was going to extract the phantom from her body, she didn't think that it was Aiwass who wanted to kill her—even with the current technical common sense, phantoms cannot be killed while ensuring the safety of the host. The same goes for the one that was drawn.

It wasn't that Yulia believed that Aiwass did possess this kind of technology.

But Yulia believed from the bottom of her heart that Aiwass would not harm her no matter what.

They grew up together, depended on each other in the most difficult and lonely moments, and never left each other afterwards.Although there is no blood relationship, the trust between each other is even better than the trust in most families.

"Take out that amulet, Yuri."

Aiwass took the amulet that was still warm, and asked Yulia with a smile: "Are you curious, what is inside?"

"I think it might be the flame essence."

Yulia carefully analyzed: "Judging from the thickness of the amulet, its temperature stability, and its heat accumulation, its main material should be flame essence impregnated with fire-attribute mana.

"It gives people a vaguely spicy feeling, and the maintenance material may include ginger or cinnabar; but after it accumulates heat, it does not give people a hot feeling, so it should have ruby ​​​​or amber as a stabilization material, or it may be Plus sapphire for a calming effect.”

The girl's voice was soft and waxy like a fairy tale, but her words seemed calm and rational.

"You're a genius, Julie."

Aiwass praised without hesitation.

Just by touching, she can roughly infer the materials she uses.

Aiwass was not surprised.Because he knew that Yulia was such a rational and mature girl.

Although she always put on a soft look in front of her, it was actually just acting like a baby.

He had seen Yulia reading.She will carefully write down dense reading notes with pens of different colors and correct and delicate handwriting.

And when Yulia asked her adoptive father some questions, she was always very serious.She will seriously discuss the professional direction, her delicate face is always straight, and the pen in her hand is almost non-stop.

There were hardly any toys in Julia's bedroom.

Girls in this era are very popular with doll houses, and they like to play with those delicate dolls.But Yulia's toy is only her weird little bear doll that looks like it was cut in half from the front by a knife and then sewn together with thread.

In Yulia's bedroom, apart from a large number of books and reading notes, there are some things that even boys her age may not be interested in.

In addition to a complete set of the best alchemical equipment, her bedroom also has astronomical telescopes, a large number of circuit components, and some woodworking tools.Yulia's bookshelves are all made by herself, and there are exquisite patterns carved on them.

She was also interested in bicycles before.It's just that her body doesn't support her to ride a bike or go out.Besides, her status as a eldest lady does not allow her to play with such indecent new toys as bicycles.

So Yulia made an elf-style bicycle model with wood and iron chains after her own research.Even the raised wheel can turn when the pedal is shaken by hand.

"After today, you will be able to get rid of this body."

Aiwass said seriously, and pulled out two tarot cards from the amulet that were glued together so that they appeared blank.

He clamped the card between the thumb and index finger of his right hand, and clasped the thumb to his side—keeping the upright Hanged Man at the top and the inverted sun at the bottom.And motioned Yulia to press the other side with the thumb and index finger of the right hand.

to start.

Aiwass took a deep breath.He can't help but feel a little nervous.

After all, this matter concerns Yulia's safety.She trusted Aiwass completely, so she felt calm.Instead, Aiwass was a little apprehensive.

But he knew he had to stay calm.

So he began to inject his mana steadily.

When Aiwass' mana infusion exceeded ten points, the whole card became scorching hot.It exudes a red shimmer, like a piece of red-hot iron.

And as Aiwass continued to inject fire attribute mana, the Tarot cards that were still mortals were directly burned by the flames.

But even so, there still seems to be an invisible rope between Aiwass and Yulia.They were holding something in the void, and a golden-red streamer flowed repeatedly and swayed from side to side between the two of them.

As Aiwass injected more mana, he began to chant in a low voice: "I worship the candlestick, the god whose holy number is three, the god who binds the body with sin thorns, and the god who burns the body to drive away darkness.

"—I solemnly call you!

"Take care of the fire in my heart as you watch the candle in the corner."

And Aiwass's chant did not end.

"I respectfully invite Fallen Tiansi."

Aiwass suddenly raised his voice without pausing, and solemnly declared: "Tiansi of the Great Sin, Tiansi of the Corruption——

"I have understood my guilt, and I am willing to bear the brand of sloth!"

When Aiwass performed two prayers with completely different goals at the same time, the prayer ceremony collapsed directly because of the conflict.

Sin Scholars are unlikely to be priests, so they do not possess prayer.

Because the moment the ceremony was completed, there was already a breath to attract it—and because the ceremony collapsed immediately when it was connected, it would not disturb the Nine Pillars God or Fallen Heaven Division.

It's like a phone call that was just dialed, but hung up before it got through.

At the moment when the prayer collapsed, two completely different breaths flooded into his card due to the failure of the prayer.

In theory, that was a punishment.

But punishment itself is also a force.

——The Great Sin Ceremony is a ceremony that simultaneously borrows the power of the Nine Pillars God to suppress the phantom, and borrows the power of the great sin to seal the phantom!
Si Zhu's brilliant and scorching breath flowed into his body from top to bottom, from Aiwass' eyes.His eyes suddenly burst and bled, and two lines of blood and tears slowly slid down.

And the crimson aura uses Aiwass as the medium, following his guidance, it flows above the illusory bond between Aiwass and Yulia.

Fallen Si's cold, dark aura slowly floated up, and was guided by Aiwass to the bottom of the bond.Turned into a tray.

The black and red aura entwine together, constantly tuning in.The increasingly violent scorching storm roared in all directions, and Lily couldn't help but backed away again and again, covering her cheeks with her hands.

And as Aiwass' mana continued to slowly inject into the void, the phantom in Yulia's body finally woke up.

Her originally red pupils suddenly brightened, and her expression changed: "What are you doing?"

The Butterfly of the Flame felt a strong threat.

A strong suction came from the void where the fingertips of the two were facing each other. It was an extremely familiar but extremely warm feeling.

"Yulia" looked like she was about to stare fiercely at Aiwass, but she didn't look fierce at the moment.

And Aiwass just watched it blankly.

And soon, the expression of "Yulia" became pitiful again: "Help me, brother, I'm going to die—"

"You won't die. Neither you nor Yulia."

Aiwass replied softly.

Immediately afterwards, he called out the phantom's name: "The Butterfly of the Flame!
"I call your name now, branding you with sloth!
"My life is your life, my destiny is your destiny—

"—Obey me, phantom of the way of devotion!"

Aiwass' voice was booming, majestic like a god.

Fallen Si's aura slowly moved from between the two of them, pushing towards Yulia.

It's just a bridge built by a bit of dark attribute mana, but it's enough to communicate with each other's hearts.

A crimson illusory chain emerged from Aiwass' heart, and quickly pierced into Yulia's body.

That is the chain built by Aiwass' "soul" and "fate", and it is an extremely fragile thing condensed from all the lives Aiwass has experienced so far.

And only this thing... can resonate with it after it penetrates into the phantom's body.

At that moment, Aiwass' eyes went dark.

He seemed to have a hallucination, and he seemed to have obtained part of Yulia's memory.

In other words, it was the memory left by the "Butterfly of the Flame" when he manipulated Yulia's body——

Most of them were Yulia panting heavily, coughing in a corner.Her clothes and quilt were gradually scorched black, and white smoke was steaming all over her body.

There are also some flames bursting out of her body uncontrollably, and there is a stream of flames forming butterfly wings behind her.

And Aiwass also saw the familiar "warehouse".

It was the warehouse where the explosion occurred.

Yulia staggered forward, her body was covered with cracks like cracked porcelain, coughing violently from time to time, coughing up large groups of dark red powder.

And those powders floated in the air, like the scale powder of a butterfly, or ruby ​​powder.

Like red stars all over the night sky, it looks very beautiful in the dark warehouse.

And they kept absorbing the flames from the cracks on Yulia's body, becoming brighter and brighter.

When the density and brightness reach a certain level, it explodes!

Yulia was blown out by the blast and fell to the ground.

Her back was hit hard, and she curled up on the ground in pain, coughing violently.But she couldn't cough up blood, all she could cough up was red powder and flashes of flame from time to time.

Yulia's suppressed cough filled Aiwass' ears.

"I want healthy..."

Her voice was accented and whispered: "I want to live..."

And the next moment, Aiwass' vision entered darkness.

In the complete darkness, Yulia was curled up and sleeping in the crimson crystal naked, naked.

The crystal shell seemed to be filled with blood, but at this moment it was already full of cracks.There are silver-white runes on it, sticking to the crystal like adhesive tape that barely sticks to a broken vessel.

Yulia floated in the crystal with her eyes closed.Her whole body was covered with hideous wounds, and the blood seemed to flow from it, and it seemed to extinguish the flames gushing from the wounds.

It turned out that she was in such pain...

"I'm here to save you."

Aiwass felt a little throbbing in his heart, and murmured in a low voice: "I caught up with... Yuli.

"You'll live. I swear."

Aiwass, who was floating in the void, slowly raised his illusory hand, and gently pressed it on the red crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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