Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 123 Code Name: Aleister

Chapter 123 Code Name: Aleister

Although Aiwass didn't know much about the New Moon Ceremony, he also knew that it was a PVP mode.

Everyone is an enemy to each other, and only the winner can be promoted.

The cost of the new moon ceremony is much higher than that of the full moon ceremony. Even if there is no penalty for failure, the cost of materials for the ceremony is not low.Only those who are confident enough in themselves will hold the New Moon Ceremony when they advance.In other words, it is very difficult to have bastards in this mode.

The difficulty of the promotion ceremony will increase with the strength of the participants.

Before embarking on the second path, these extraordinary people had already come into contact with the upper class, and held all kinds of secrets, intelligence and resources as powerful people.If you go to the full moon ceremony at this time, it is easy to bring a group of newcomers who are difficult to cooperate with directly into the ceremony whose difficulty has been increased many times.

Therefore, after reaching the apex of the first path, extraordinary people often use the new moon ceremony to promote themselves to the second path.The new moon ceremony is nothing more than killing each other anyway, so it doesn't matter if the difficulty of the ceremony is increased.

When being chased by a bear, you don't need to be faster than the bear, just faster than everyone else.

So, who can be so confident?
——Except for the young and ignorant reckless man, that is the senior transcendent who has been promoted to the second path.

These are the latter, and Aiwass is playing the former.

A rookie who didn't even know the meaning of the "code name", was possessed by a shadow demon due to good luck or bad luck, and joined the Noble Red Society - such an image.

The pseudonym "Aleister" actually has its own special meaning.Only Aiwass himself knows the meaning.

This name is a variant of the surname Alexander. If you read "Alexander" in the iris language, you can change it into this pronunciation, and then transcribe it back to become Aleister.It so happened that Aiwass' instinctive impulse to transcend the way was inherited from his grandfather named Alexander, and his mother was an iris nobleman.

This can also be regarded as Aiwass's memory of his his biological parents who had never met before and were separated.

As for the Noble Red Association, it was Aiwass who moved ahead of time.It is his foreshadowing of future plans.

——He didn't recognize anyone else, but the old man codenamed "Thunder" was obviously Inspector Gordon!
Having him here to participate in the ceremony is equivalent to proving the existence of "Aleister".After Aiwass attacked Lloyd's headquarters, the source of the shadow demon became clear, and it was confirmed that he came from the Noble Red Society—at least it was no longer "a shadow demon summoned from nowhere." of ".

At this moment, another person immediately appeared on the chair beside Aiwass.

He was wearing a very loose gray hoodie, neither male nor female, nor his age.

"I guess you are an ascendant who adapts to the path."

Mr. Antler was the first to speak: "It's still early, why don't we get to know each other? I'm Antler, an ascendant of the Twilight Path."

But at this moment, the other party didn't say a word or move.

And Antler continued to persuade with a pleasant face: "I think, you should be a newcomer. But you should know a little about the advanced ceremony... Are you also the second path? Besides this Mr. Aleister, We're both second path veterans. We're both very experienced in advanced rites... We can totally work together.

"How should I address you? This... Mr., or Ms.?"

The man in the gray hood tilted his head slightly, but remained silent.

He didn't speak or look up, and it was impossible to distinguish his appearance and features.I don't even know what his code name is.

Then came a sixth man—a man Aiwass still knew.This is exactly Mr. "Knight" from the last full moon ceremony!
Apparently he failed in promotion last time, this time he only rested for half a month before deciding to promote again.

But the Cavaliers have clearly grown a lot since their last promotion.

Unlike the man in the gray hood, Mr. Knight quickly agreed to half of the antlers.

"For the time being, we can cooperate first to deal with the remaining three."

The knight said seriously: "But since you will say that to me, I think you will say that to other people too. Compared with me who was drawn in later, you should be more inclined to cooperate with the strong one who entered the ceremony earlier.

"So until then, I'll be working with Mr. Aleister and Mr. Gray Hood."

Although he still doesn't know the content of this ceremony, the knight unreservedly told his judgment and plan.

It can only be said that the knight has grown partly, but not fully.

"But I'm a devil, boy."

The Shadow Fiend hissed back.

The knight just said seriously: "The identities of the outside world have nothing to do with the ceremony. We are competitors, opponents, and possible allies. So we should call each other by code names—Mr. Aleister, you really don't plan to use a code name." ?"

"Let's talk about it after the ceremony is over." Shadow Demon didn't care.

After that, Mr. Antlers directly stated to the "Knight" that his main path is the path of authority, and reported the other party's brigade and possible location, implying that he is very important in Avalon. status.

And the knight didn't know that he had been taught, and he repeated that "the identity of the outside world has nothing to do with the ritual".Even though he was a bit sceptical, at least he didn't report more information about himself, and he didn't completely believe Mr. Antler's persuasion, so he wasn't particularly grumpy.

The knight obviously didn't want to chat with them, and he even subtly persuaded "Aleister" not to continue talking to Antlers and the others.But in the case that Aiwass did it on purpose, he obviously couldn't persuade him.

After persuading the knight twice, he stopped, and Aiwass pretended to be "Aleister" and chatted with Antlers, Red and Thunder. Improvising, the image of the character "Aleister" gradually became clear——

The current "Aleister" is a young man possessed by a demon since he was a child.I used to study in the country, and went to Gray County after finishing junior high school.His parents are both believers, but he himself only believes in the Snake Father; after his father died, he inherited a not-so-rich inheritance, and worked all over Avalon while climbing rocks and mountains, challenging himself, Overcoming nature, when traveling to Garden City adjacent to the Glass Isle, was accepted into the local society of the Noble Red.

Now that he has just joined the Noble Red, he is not very clear about its purpose and philosophy.However, his "mentor" provided him with a promotion path and taught him how to perform the ceremony.This was the first promotion ceremony he had ever attempted—and the first time he had planned to perform the new moon ceremony was because his guide had boasted of his talents.

Very reasonable, unusually vivid character design.There's nothing wrong with it except that the person doesn't exist.

Aiwass has already decided that after the ceremony is over, he will ask Lily to recall for himself, transcribe this passage and recite it in full.

They chatted for more than an hour, and the originally sluggish and silent atmosphere gradually eased.The knight also gradually realized that this demon is not a villain, but a little arrogant—he didn't use human materials, but was soaked in blood because of his clumsiness.

—— Regarding this point, although the three people on the left of Aiwass didn't believe it in their hearts, he was sure that Mr. Knight should believe it.

Because of this, the knight chatted happily with Mr. Aleister, who was similar in age, but the silent gray hood had been gradually ignored by people.

While chatting, the remaining three people also appeared one after another.They are obviously far away from the glass island, so they are dragged over by the ceremony when there is no suitable transcendent nearby.

It's a completely different vibe from the Full Moon Ceremony.Two of the three did not introduce themselves or even their paths.

One of them was a man so skinny that he was reminiscent of rotten wood.His back was slightly bent, and the black hair that fell below his shoulders was like damp seaweed, turning into strands of small curly hair. He buried his head and muttered to himself in a low voice.

And the other is a monk.He was wearing a dark brown coarse cloth gown that was as rough as a rag, and when he came in, he clasped his hands together and said nothing.

Aiwass already knew at this time that antlers are the way of twilight, red is the way of love, old Gordon is the way of devotion, he himself is the way of transcendence, Lily in the gray hoodie is the way of adaptation, Mr. Knight It is the path of authority.That is to say, the remaining three people should be balance, beauty and wisdom respectively.

Fortunately, there is a ninth person who directly ruled out a wrong option for everyone——

"Hello everyone, I am the 'king' of the balanced path, a senior 'botanist'! If brothers and sisters need alchemy incense or essential oils, you can buy them from me. Discount! Free home delivery within [-] kilometers around Mainz, foreign customers only need to pay half of the normal customs tax, and can be delivered within half a month!"

As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, he immediately raised his voice in a loud voice, "Hello everyone, can you hear me? I am the 'king' of the balanced path, a professional botanist... ..."

"—I'm so bored!"

"Aleister" grumbled loudly and rudely.

Although the others didn't speak, their slightly frowning brows also showed their attitude.

But in fact, Aiwass couldn't help exclaiming in his heart:
Surprised, it's the advertising brother from last time!
He couldn't help lamenting the miracles in the world, everyone's fate, and your boy's guts—you can meet in seconds at the full moon ceremony, what gave you the courage to come to the new moon ceremony?
Anyway, it's all about meeting and being seconded, there is no difference, right?

Besides, it wasn't [-]% off last time, why did it change to [-]% off this time?Have you run out of money recently?
Can I enter the New Moon Ceremony without money?Why don't you go to the full moon ceremony and get another set?

But what Aiwass didn't expect was that his goods actually sold out.

In the circle of seats, the ninth and the first are right next to each other.And Mr. Antlers, who can get along well with anyone, leaned over with great interest, and whispered to Mr. King about his source of goods.

According to Mr. Antlers, he might want to buy a batch of alchemy incense—at least a large order of more than [-] white coins. Mr. King was so excited that he almost jumped from his seat to discuss with Mr. Antlers. talked about.

Aiwass shook his head again and again.


Can this method of bringing goods really sell?
Isn't this the reward of God?

And at this moment, the stone knight sculpture regained its color.It exudes a bright silver-white radiance, and the golden holy sword in its hand is brilliant and bright.

[All participants of the ceremony, please keep quiet]

A serious voice sounded from under the knight's helmet:
[This ceremony is presided over by me, I am the knight under the command of the Silver Crowned Dragon, Gawain]

After Gao Wen's voice fell, the surrounding space took on shape and color around him.

It was a gloomy, closed building, but everything around it was extremely tall.The sea of ​​blood that flowed beneath them turned into a boiling pot of broth, and they were in the pot, white smoke steaming.

The surrounding buildings are extremely huge, and the doorknob is at least ten meters high from the ground; and the handle is also extremely huge, roughly estimated to be two meters long.

It seems that they have come to the kingdom of giants, and it seems that they have been shrunk down to the extent that they are shorter than cats.

The apostle had absolutely no intention of chatting with them.

After arriving, the non-stop explanation began directly.

【During the first promotion ceremony, I must explain to you the special rules of the new moon ceremony】

[This time, there are six advanced practitioners who have multiple paths, but please note: in the advanced ceremony, only advanced path abilities and extraordinary items made by themselves are allowed to correspond to the path]

[What you experience is not a real story, but a script written by Nine Pillars on the stage of history]

[The dream you use every time you advance will only be used once, and the content is all fictional, which is different from the development in reality]

【Therefore, you have to solve puzzles, search for items, defeat enemies, or survive and prove your abilities under the gaze of Nine Pillars God】

[This ceremony is limited to one hour, and the ratio of reality is one to one]

[You must survive until the end of the ceremony, or complete special victory conditions during early settlement]

[Because this ceremony is a new moon ceremony, the reward points for killing are calculated. When the ceremony is over and settled, the winner will be selected according to the points held from high to low; when all other ceremony participants are killed, the ceremony will be settled immediately in advance. If there is no special victory condition at this time, it will be judged as a loss]

[The winners of this ceremony are three, and there are special victory conditions]

[The special victory conditions for this ceremony are: "Sacred Object Contest", "Crazy Killing"]

[Sacred object competition: There is a powerful holy object in this ceremony, holding the holy object will be sensed by other ceremony participants in real time, and the person who holds the holy object survives to the end and wins directly regardless of the victory conditions]

[Crazy Killing: When the surviving ceremony participants at the end of the ceremony cannot win points, but the number of kills is greater than the sum of the number of kills of the remaining survivors, they will win directly regardless of the victory conditions]

[The difficulty of this ceremony is "challenge", death in the ceremony will lead to weakness in reality for four to ten days]

[Additional statement: The dream of this ceremony was constructed by the 'Dragon of the Silver Crown', and the 'Father Snake' was in charge of the script and bonus rules.It has nothing to do with the witness of the ceremony, i.e. the person himself]

Having said this, Gao Wen raised the blood-stained holy sword in his hand.

He solemnly read the script of the ceremony:
[In 1320, a giant couple in the kingdom of giants Arctos captured nine humans as food reserves for the winter...]

When the blade swung down from the highest point, Aiwass felt a strong dizziness.

The world in front of his eyes distorted and dissipated, and the nine people sitting on the chair disappeared without a trace.

 The update of [-] words, [-] words today~
  update completed!

(End of this chapter)

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