Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 116 I want to talk to you

Chapter 116 I want to go home with you
Shortly after Aiwass left the Lloyd's building, Lily quietly reminded Aiwass that someone was following them.

Although "Spider Silk Tantra" strengthens the perception ability, Lily only has the first energy level after all.If the other party was determined to follow them secretly, it would be very difficult for Lily to find the other party at this moment.

In other words, this is actually "following on the table", and the vice president of Boca is showing an attitude to Aiwass:

Our Lloyd's family has a big business, but we only send stalkers you can find to follow you, which shows that our current attitude is very friendly.

This also implies that they don't completely trust Aiwass, and there will be spies behind them that they can't find at any time-tell him, since there are eyes watching you in the dark at any better stay calm and don't make trouble.

But Aiwass got another intelligence from this behavior: Lloyd's is currently under political pressure.

How could Lloyd's, which indirectly controlled two-thirds of the seats in the round table hall, large and small enterprises, and major newspapers through lending, be afraid of a brat like Aiwass?

They told a lot of secrets just now, but they didn't let Aiwass have access to any evidence, nor let him grasp any details.

If Aiwass dares to talk nonsense when he goes back, not only will he not pose a threat to Lloyd's, but it will expose his purpose.This kind of confidence that is not afraid of traitors inside is the proof of the strength of Lloyd's.

But now, their behavior has obviously become more cautious.From their standpoint, old Moriarty is already dead... Facing the Moriarty family whose patriarch is dead and has no relatives or in-laws, they are so conservative.This shows that their influence in the round table hall has begun to become stagnant.


The corners of Aiwass' mouth raised slightly.

Who exactly is counteracting Lloyd's influence?

He thought about it in his mind, and finally found the answer.

—It's Headmaster Meg.

The old lady's mission to investigate the "alchemy bomb smuggling case" issued by Haina indicated that the great arbitrator might want to attack Lloyd's.

Because it is impossible for her not to know that the smuggling case is related to Lloyd's - all the smuggling cases from the port area are related to them, and Lloyd's has long controlled the entire Lloyd's District.As for the big arbitrator who controls the entire arbitration hall, she must know about this matter... After all, some arbitrators are themselves senior executives of Lloyd's, or have relatives or friendship with senior executives.

So what is there to investigate?

Although the alchemy bomb was the first time this time, there were also many large items smuggled in previous years.

When did they investigate Lloyd's?
"She wants to advance..."

Aiwass realized in his heart.It turned out that Meg wanted to advance from this moment on.

What closed disciples, this is actually looking for a successor.

This is like explaining the funeral.

She probably knows that her advancement may fail...even with a high probability of failure.

So I want to finish all the things to be dealt with and resolve all the things to be solved before the advanced ceremony.

After all, there are only so many extraordinary people at the peak of the fifth energy level in this era, and everyone knows each other, it is a pure acquaintance situation.All nine people who entered the door knew each other, and more than half of them had to be old men and old ladies.Maybe decades ago, when they were young, they still had grievances and enmities with each other, and it was not impossible that they were even related to each other.

It's too easy to become an actor when there are enough people.This kind of game is not based on strength at all, but on people's sophistication.

Whether it's the new moon ceremony being targeted by others, or the betrayal of teammates in the full moon ceremony - even if Meg is strong enough, but other people don't want her to advance, it is very difficult.

The old lady obviously understood too.But her stubborn temper came up, and she just wanted to give it a try.

Of course, there is another possibility.

"...Perhaps she felt that her life was approaching."

Needless to say authority, even if it is a superhuman being on the path of dedication who can constantly heal himself, as long as he is a short-lived species, he will not live for long after all.The only way to prolong life or even immortality is the way of twilight, and Meg is over 100 years old this year.

Although she looks tough...but who knows.Sometimes, only the old man knows how the old man is.

Aiwass' heart moved, but Lily didn't let Lily shake off those tails.But he didn't go directly to the bishop's house to find Sherlock, but went home to report his safety, hugged Yulia who was worried about him, and then went back to school directly.

He directly asked Lily to push him to the bottom of the girls' dormitory, stopped a senior from the third department, smiled politely, and asked her to bring Haina down.

Hearing that, the senior sister opened her eyes wide, stretched out her hand and subconsciously covered her mouth, and was stunned for a moment.

But she was only stunned for a moment, and immediately agreed without hesitation.

Aiwass just waited at the same spot for less than 10 minutes, and Hayina, who was just dressed neatly and didn't even have time to comb her hair, was pushed down by the classmates who watched the excitement with a confused look on her face.

"...What's the matter, Aiwass?"

Haina stroked her hair in embarrassment.

A girl's hair can easily become frizzy if it is not carefully taken care of; but Hayina's hair is very voluminous, and it is troublesome to wash it once, and it is still a bit cold in winter.Anyway, these two days were weekends, so she didn't wash her hair at all, and stayed in her dormitory to read novels.

A novel called "Dracula" is very popular in Avalon recently.After reading it, she thought it was really good, so she went to the library to find a book written by Mr. Bram Stoker before, and planned to have a safe and peaceful weekend.

As a result, she was suddenly dragged down by her roommate mysteriously, saying that someone was looking for her.

After looking down, it turned out to be Aiwass!

"Senior sister, you look better without makeup today."

Aiwass praised casually.

He glanced at her classmates who were lying by the window to watch the excitement, and just shook his head with a smile: "Come with me, sister."

"...Hey, hey? Where are you going? If you want to meet someone, I'll wash my hair first..."

With some reluctance and embarrassment, Haina pressed her fluffy hair, trying hard to flatten it.But Aiwass didn't respond to her immediately, so she just trotted along behind Lily.

But she doesn't really care much about the destination.

Instead, he was a little interested in what Aiwass said before: "Mr. Aiwass, is what you just said true?"

"Is it about makeup?"

Aiwass turned back and smiled lightly: "It's true... In my opinion, senior sister looks better without makeup."

"...Sure enough, it should be because my makeup skills are too poor."

Haina was a little frustrated: "I just started studying this year... I was too busy when I first came to university, that is, I was admitted by the Supervision Bureau in advance, so I have time to study these things.

"But this knowledge is too complicated, like the chemistry knowledge taught in the second department, and some aesthetic knowledge from the sixth department - I don't know how to make up at all. Either I can't see it well after I paint it, or I feel that it's better not to paint it, it's too ugly..."

She followed Aiwass for a while before realizing that she was heading in the direction of Aiwass' dormitory.

So Haina immediately realized that this should have something to do with Sherlock.

But she just became serious, and Aiwass didn't even look back at her, and said without turning his head: "Don't be too nervous, sister. It would be better naturally."

"Yes, Mr. Aiwass."

Subconsciously, Haina obeyed Aiwass' instructions.Just like when they were fighting in the Pelican Bar.

After taking Haina through the door, Aiwass led her to the reception room.Let Lily prepare tea and afternoon tea.

And Aiwass crossed his hands and asked, "Did you not come this morning?"

"Sherlock's funeral?"

Haina nodded: "Yes, I didn't go."

Although the Supervisory Bureau also asked her to attend Sherlock's funeral today, she still pretended to be very sad and refused - mainly because Haina knew that Sherlock was not dead, and she was not optimistic about her dramatic talent.

"I was worried that if I accidentally exposed my flaws, it would affect your plan with Mr. Sherlock. So I decided to do nothing."

Hana replied.

As an excellent student of the Department of Individual Tactics, she has studied warfare and swordsmanship.Therefore, I have a deep understanding of the truth of "you would rather do nothing than make mistakes".

——How many students from the third division have never been slashed by a classmate's sword, bitten by a classmate's uncontrollable griffin, or hit by a classmate's out-of-control horse?
Perhaps only the seniors and sisters of the fourth school who are watching the excitement by the playground and preparing to practice the lighting technique by the way will be able to figure it out.

Aiwass praised: "Very good, otherwise you may be in danger."

"...What's wrong?"

Haina realized that Aiwass was going to talk about something serious, she frowned slightly, raised her back, and her tone became reliable: "Do you need my help, Mr. Aiwass?"

"Really need it."

Aiwass nodded: "I need you to help me send a message to Sherlock - I don't know if the phone will be tapped, so it is safest to send the message through a reliable person."


Haina froze for a moment: "An enemy that the Moriarty family can't deal with?"

This was unimaginable to her—the Moriarty family was already an almost "eternal" behemoth to her.Moriarty's annual income was more than she could earn in her entire life.

Not to mention, Edward is also the Chief Inspector of the Glass Island Inspectorate!

How terrifying is an enemy that can't be fought against?
"It's not a big problem, I can solve it myself."

Aiwass said in a deep voice: "You are mainly telling him that I am now forced to join Lloyd's, and I may have to fake my death in the future... Don't tell me."

"—You're coming too?!"

Haina didn't even bother to be polite, but blurted out.

Almost immediately, she realized the question from the other person: "What about Princess Isabel?"

"Look at what Sherlock said."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes and fell into thinking: "I'm also afraid that Isabel won't be able to bear it. So I tend to explain it to her in person in advance, but you also know... This kind of thing will be more vulnerable if one more person knows about it. But strictly speaking, I don't really want to die once, but I am kidnapped and disappeared. Maybe I can tell her in advance."

"What time is it?" Haina asked.

"Next week."

Aiwass replied without hesitation.

In any case, he had to get the phantom out of Yulia before he could do it.Otherwise, she would be [-]% out of control.

"The first month of next month?"

Haina's point of attention was a little strange: "Isn't there a final exam?"

"My suspended animation is different from Sherlock's... At most, I will disappear for two or three days, so I won't delay the exam."

Aiwass was not nervous about this.

What's more, what if the test scores are not good?He just came here to read the forbidden books in the library, and he didn't need a chief title to change his destiny like Haina.

What's more, this year's knowledge is really not difficult.Aiwass felt that his naked test scores would not be bad.

"Then how about I help you with tutoring?"

Haina is eager to try.

She never knew where she could help Aiwass.

She had entrusted Aiwass and Sherlock with the troubles of Headmaster Meg before, but when those two people were discussing quickly, she felt that she seemed to be completely unable to get in - their logic jumped too fast, and even omitted a lot of processes in the middle.Listening to it, she felt like her brain was going to burn.

Obviously I have always been very smart, and my grades are also very good.But why did he still look naive in front of the two of them?
Hina sometimes doubts herself like this.

But now, she feels that she finally has a place to give back—to give all her important tasks to others, while she watches from the sidelines... Although this kind of thing sounds very authoritative, she still can't do it.At least for now it's a bit embarrassing to do it.

"Although I may deal with that kind of complicated events, or lack talent in layout and planning, but if it's just the final exam, I'm still very good at it!"

Haina is eager to try: "I'm good at exams!"

"That's fine," Aiwass readily responded, "Then I will trouble you, senior sister.

"—Oh, yes. After the final exam is over, can I go back to my hometown with you?"


Hearing this, Haina's eyes widened immediately, and she froze in place, completely motionless.

Aiwahua suddenly chuckled a little wickedly, and Haina realized that she had misunderstood.

The fox-like young man waved his hands lightly, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Just kidding, actually I have something to go to Yingjiao Village. Sherlock will also come at that time. As the host, you have to show us a way."

"—Ah, that's no problem!"

Haina responded readily: "You can come anytime, and I will treat you well! Although Yingjiao is a small village, there are still many delicious and interesting things to come!"

"Speaking of which," Aiwass asked insinuatingly, "I only found out recently that before I was adopted by my father... my biological grandfather was from Yingjiao Village."


Hearing this, Haina's eyes lit up: "Really!"

"Yes, his name was Jacob Alexander. He died of typhoid fourteen years ago. Do you know him?"

Aiwass asked seriously.

Haina thought for a long time before suddenly opening her eyes wide: "You mean...Grandpa Jacob? Is it Grandpa Jacob who wrote novels and poems?

"When I was very young, it was Grandpa Jacob who taught me how to read!"

 Today is an update of more than 7000 words!
  Went to bed at 08:30 yesterday, woke up at 03:30 today, it feels like a human’s routine——

(End of this chapter)

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