Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 110 Sherlock's Funeral

Chapter 110 Sherlock's Funeral
The weather on Sunday is very respectable, and it has been raining very well since the early morning.

Avalon's climate is warm and humid.Although it is winter, it rarely snows.

The rain was not heavy, and even standing under the rain for half an hour, the clothes would not be soaked.But even so, there were still many black umbrellas at the funeral.

With Sherlock's current achievements, it is not enough to be stored in St. Guinevere's Chapel.Therefore, this is the family cemetery dedicated to the Hermes family, in the metropolitan area near the Red and White Queen.

Even Aiwass rarely put on a black suit.His legs are covered with a thick black cloth with finely woven white patterns, and he holds a bouquet in his hands.Sitting upright and quietly with his head bowed, the upper half of his face was completely covered by the black umbrella and rain curtain.

And Lily, who came with Aiwass and held the umbrella for him, was wearing a black dress with few decorations.She rolled up her long, thick flaxen-colored curly hair and hid it under a black hat with a large brim.

The priest on the stage was not Bishop Mathers, but an old bishop that Aiwass did not know.

His hair and beard were shaggy and grizzled, with a lot of volume.

The old bishop wore heavy glasses on the stage, struggling to read the words on the lectern in front of him, and recited slowly.Those are Sherlock's life achievements, as well as scriptures written in advance.

To be able to look so old as a dedicated pastor shows that his age is terrible.This also means that he is very old and of high status.It is not something that ordinary people can invite.

But logically speaking, the Hermes family should invite Bishop Mathers.Bishop Mathers, as a spiritual member, is also the supreme bishop of the Candle Cathedral, and the highest manager of the Church of the Nine Pillars in Avalon. He is the most senior clergyman that can be invited.

But he obviously shied away.That's why it was the turn of this old man who was old enough to even feel that he could walk like a scumbag to preside over Sherlock's funeral.

——But Aiwass thought that the real reason why Bishop Mathers did not come was probably because he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back.

If he looked at Sherlock's "corpse" and couldn't help laughing out loud, something might happen.So he didn't dare to come.

At this moment, the huge coffin behind the old bishop was opening, and there was a lifelike "Sherlock" lying in it, with three pillars standing beside it, with white flames quietly burning on them.Next to the "corpse" in the coffin, there was a delicate silver box inlaid with fine rubies and emeralds.

Of course the coffin wasn't Sherlock, but it wasn't some phantom or puppet that Mycroft had asked someone to make that looked like it was real.It's just an ordinary wax figure.

After all, Sherlock was involved in the bombing and died, and the guests present should be able to imagine how miserable his death was.Therefore, it is also very reasonable for the Hermes family to decide to cremate Sherlock directly, and then ask someone to make a wax figure for the funeral to maintain the dignity of the deceased.

However, it only takes one or two days to make a lifelike wax figure, which is definitely impossible for ordinary wax figure artists.This kind of thing can only be done by a preservationist of the Twilight Path.It is difficult to find a preserver in Avalon, but it is not the case for the Hermes family-now the only "minister" of the Hermes family, Mycroft Hermes, the elder brother of Sherlock Hermes, is a preserver.

Queen Sophia is sensible.

Sir Arthur was framed back then, lost his position as a minister, and his reputation has not fully recovered until now.But he is obviously an innocent person... Because of this, the queen chose to use Arthur's children as compensation and opened them up to higher authority.Just as Sherlock can walk the path of wisdom, so can his brother Mycroft walk the path of twilight.

In addition to being an arbitrator, Mycroft is still learning the survival skills of the twilight path.

Preservation is a broad mystical art.It is not so much a technology as it is a concept.

Preservation techniques are required to make wax figures, models, and specimens, or to preserve corpses and food for a long time, or to preserve contracts, evidence, wills, deeds, documents, paintings and other objects that are easily damaged over time.It even includes the skills of quickly stopping bleeding from wounds, or making people who are close to death try their best to survive.

The ability to "ensure that the situation will not deteriorate further" is the extensive knowledge that a preservationist must master.

And now the wax figure that replaces the body of Sherlock Hermes is made by Mycroft himself.

It is said that he was so overwhelmed by the sight of Sherlock's body that it stuck in his mind.

Therefore, there is no need to directly refer to the person, and only the memory remaining in the mind can create a wax figure that replaces the corpse to participate in the funeral.

If the guests stood a little farther away, they would not even be able to tell whether the person in the coffin was actually the person himself or not—the state of the remains is very different from when they were alive.What's more, it was a pale version with eyes closed.

"...At this point, his spirit evaporated into the fire, and his soul returned to Si Zhu. He will drink Si Zhu's blood, and Si Zhu will bear his sins on his behalf."

The old bishop's eulogy is also coming to an end.He trembled and wobbled and said: "We worship the god whose holy number is three, the god who binds the body with sinful thorns, and the god who burns the body to chase darkness-the stag of the candle, please protect his spirit. As you shelter the tiniest candle in this world, guard the faintest flame."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and tapped his crown three times slowly.

The old bishop chanted in a low voice: "May the candles in front of his tomb last forever."

"—may his candle burn forever."

All the guests present bowed their heads, chanted in unison, and reached out to tap their chests three times.

At this point, the main process of the funeral is over.

After that, someone will be found to close the coffin and bury it in the soil.Then let the pastor bless the land, and those who bring flowers can come and offer flowers.And those who just came to see the funeral can now leave, and they can walk around and talk freely.

Under the black umbrella, Aiwass noticed that Sherlock's mother finally couldn't help crying not far away.His mother is also in a wheelchair.Unlike Aiwass, she now looked haggard and thin-cheeked.The middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and short black hair comforted in a low voice.

——When this matter is over, you have to let your mother give you a good beating to vent your anger.Aiwass thought.

"Give me the flowers."

At this moment, a steady voice came: "You are not in good health, Mr. Aiwass."

Aiwass raised his head, the black umbrella on his head tilted back slightly.Immediately afterwards, a wide and fat palm like a seal's palm stretched out from under the umbrella, and gently took away the bouquet he held in his arms.

"Mr. Mycroft."

Aiwass nodded slightly to greet the person who came.

This person is Sherlock's most trusted relative, his elder brother Mycroft Hermes.

Aiwass visually estimated that Sherlock was about 1.8 meters tall, only half an inch taller than himself.But Mycroft has to be close to 1.9 meters, not much different from Edward.

Mycroft was not only taller than Sherlock, he was even much thicker than him.The current only minister of the Hermes family doesn't just have a big belly, but is obese visible to the naked eye, and even has a wider face.Even the umbrella he was holding was one size bigger than the others.

Even so, the fat Mr. Mycroft was not ugly.

Aiwass could clearly see marks similar to Sherlock's on his face - even though the fat on his face was filled so plumply, he could still see the traces of his deep facial features.Mycroft had the same black hair and wolf-like amber eyes.His eyes were piercing, and he seemed to be constantly in deep thought.

He looks fat, but his body is not bulky.His quiet steps when walking give people a sense of lightness and precision; holding such a huge umbrella with one hand and being able to keep the umbrella motionless reflects his balanced and steady strength.

"I heard Sherlock mention you before."

Mycroft held the bouquet in his other empty hand, and looked at Aiwass with deep meaning in his eyes: "He trusts you very much."

"I am also proud and proud that I have such a friend."

Aiwass said softly, with an unobvious sadness on his face: "He is a smart and upright person. Loyal to the kingdom, loyal to the queen... But I never thought that it was because of his wisdom that he hurt himself in the end. .”

"I don't think so, Mr. Aiwass. I don't think wisdom is always wrong."

Mycroft said calmly: "Sherlock, as the victim, is completely clean and without any faults—the fault is obviously on those hateful gangsters."

Although he also knew that Sherlock had faked his death, Mycroft did not act sad.He looked very calm, as if this was not his brother's funeral, but another person he had never met.

According to Sherlock's admiration for him, Mycroft should not have missed such a thing.So that could only be another case - Mycroft was always like that, out of step with everyone else.

"Compared to silence, I'm more inclined to say that this is a despicable revenge." Aiwass said.

"What do you think it should come from?" Mycroft asked rhetorically.

"The Sweater Brotherhood."

Aiwass lowered his head and said softly: "To be precise, it is the alchemy bomb smuggling case involved in this incident. Sherlock who investigated the bomb was killed by the bomb... I think this is a high-profile provocation. From this point of view, perhaps this is just the beginning."

"—Yes, it's not impossible."

At this moment, a steady voice sounded from the side of the two.

Aiwass raised his head, and Lily also raised the umbrella higher, allowing him to see the appearance of the person coming.

The man looked to be at least in his 50s, with obvious wrinkles and nasolabial folds on his face.But even so, his hair was not yet gray.The blond hair was oiled and neatly pulled back into a back. Even in the rain, it didn't look messy.The man's pupils were not amber-colored brown, but light blue close to light gray.

He wasn't holding an umbrella, and looked so sad that he seemed haggard.Although he was wearing black clothes, Aiwass still recognized... this person was the lawyer in the white suit he had seen at the awards ceremony.

—Lloyd's Counsel, York Hermes!

"...Uncle York."

Mycroft glanced at Aiwass first, then turned around and embraced York deeply as if nothing had happened.

And York also looked sad, hugging Mycroft, who couldn't even hug him, and patted his back hard: "Sorry, kid.

"Sherlock was a good boy. It's a shame he died like this."

Lawyer York sighed in a low voice: "I still want him to join Lloyd's. If he can enter Lloyd's, there will be someone who can protect him... Those people will never dare to do anything to him."

At that moment, Lily suddenly raised her head slightly.

She caught a trace of killing intent in Mycroft.But that breath was fleeting, as if it was just an illusion.

And that fat man still looks gentle, kind, and kind.


At this moment, Aiwass made a suspicious voice just right: "That's not from the Lloyd District..."

"——It's just an organization of insurers in Lloyd District. We don't run a company, we just provide a place for conversation, it's a purely non-governmental business organization."

Following Aiwass' words, York Hermes spoke forward.

And Aiwass showed a puzzled expression: "But I heard that Lloyd's is an organization that provides usury..."

"It's not usury. Our loan interest is completely within the scope of the kingdom's laws."

Lawyer York replied.

He said, and handed Aiwass a gorgeous business card made of gold paper: "Although you may have heard some rumors, I want to say that they are not true. They are just rumors spread by jealous people... I am Lao Counselor hired by the Society, York Hermes, Sherlock's uncle. We met last week - I'm a friend of Gordon's, sitting next to him. That's the guy on your right... you still remember me?"

"I remember, Mr. York. I've heard Sherlock mention you."

Hearing this, Aiwass was stunned, and there was a little more friendliness and conviction in his eyes.

"What did he say?" York paused and asked.

And Aiwass' eyes were pure and serious, without any distracting thoughts: "He said that you are a good person who is kind to others and makes many friends."

"Hey...Thank you for his evaluation. It's really a pity, Sherlock is also a very good young man..."

Lawyer York sighed.He is sincerely sorry.

And halfway through his words, he glanced at Mycroft who was beside him, hesitant to speak.Like he has something to say, but it's not convenient to do so at a funeral.

Aiwass pretended to realize something, and nodded to Mycroft: "Let's talk next time, Mycroft. Please convey my condolences to Sherlock.

"There's something I'd like to talk to Mr. York about. I still don't think there's anything quite right about Sherlock being attacked."

"Yes, Sherlock left some messages for Mr. Aiwass before his death. It's not convenient here." Lawyer York nodded and greeted Aiwass warmly, "Aren't you very interested in Lloyd's?
"——It just so happens that I'll take you to see it. Let's go to Lloyd's headquarters and talk."

 I read some of this chapter and said that I changed my position and thought about it. It is really not good to ask for leave when opening a dungeon, and it can kill a person in a hurry.

  But I'm also a little worried that my body won't be able to hold on... This summer is too hot, and I feel a little out of breath every day in the air-conditioned room.

  But I just asked for a day off, and I'm too embarrassed to ask for another day, so the cat thought of a way to ask for two half-days off!

  Forcibly speed up the cycle of work and rest!
  I slept until 05:30 yesterday afternoon, but it turned out that it started at 01:30 this morning.Sleep until [-] or [-] o'clock tonight, and wake up tomorrow morning, and your work and rest should be considered normal!

  This is called turning the cathode into the sun!

  Today, let’s make a single update, only more than 4000 words.But at least there are some updates to watch!There may be a single update tomorrow, and the update should be resumed the day after tomorrow——

  There is also an activity in the book review area, let's promote it~
(End of this chapter)

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