Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 101 The Creation of Hui Tiansi

Chapter 101 The Creation of Hui Tiansi
The "Shadow Cloak" card has four powerful effects: knockback, removal of negative status, invisibility, and blinding.

Sealing, freezing, burning, binding, and petrification, these five negative states come from the most common restrictive negative states among the five attributes of light, water, fire, wind, and earth.

——Among them, the "arrest" and "shackles" used by the law masters belong to [bound], while "silence" and "stillness" belong to [seal].

This card can't get rid of the negative state of [Curse], which is mainly caused by dark attribute mana, because shadows can't dispel darkness.This is its biggest flaw.

But even so, it is the best phantom card in the "Moon" slot.Many cards from high-ranking phantoms may not be better than this one.

The "Moon" card originally had a very loose card slot, and basically the phantom cards that can be made tend to be in the secondary fields of control release, invisibility, detection, prophecy, berserk, and illusion.

In this card slot, the "Shadow Cloak" brought by Shadow Fiend is undoubtedly the most versatile card—unless the boss has a special mechanism, or the equipment on his body is specialized for Shadow Fiend so he must bring Shadow Vault, otherwise the Sin Scholar This is the default.

In almost any situation, Shadow Cloak can be useful.

Even in most cases, players are more distressed by the question of "should I hand in the Shadow Cloak now or save another hand" rather than "this card is useless".Because the tactical value is too high, if the judgment is not accurate, it is easy to save the underworld.

But in the current environment, Aiwass doesn't think he can get too strong control.His main enemy now is the Noble Crimson Society, which consists mostly of Transcendence.And the curse of the dark attribute "Shadow Cloak" cannot be solved.

Its greatest significance lies in invisibility, and the subsequent blinding curse.

The most common invisibility ability comes from the way of adaptation, and it is well known that the way of adaptation cannot be cursed-this means that those who try to sweep Aiwass out, it is impossible to guard against the blinding curse that follows after the invisibility is lifted.

There is a time for invisibility, but not for curses.If the curse is not broken or purified, it will last forever. Even if the curse is broken, it will take time...enough for Aiwass or Lily to complete the sneak attack.

The world is relatively peaceful at present, and the extraordinary people basically don't have the consciousness to fight, and the extraordinary power is closer to a simple pursuit.

It's not like a player, who will walk around the streets equipped with uncontrollable skills for various situations... Most extraordinary people in this world do not have this kind of "preparedness" tactical literacy.

Their countermeasures are generally only aimed at the most common enemies in the surrounding environment—for example, here in Avalon, because the twilight path is very rare, basically no one will prepare anti-petrochemical countermeasures, and many extraordinary people even reach the third The energy level and the fourth energy level do not know that the characteristics of the twilight path are undead and petrification; Madness, sleep, and madness all belong to the realm of the path of love.

Because of the characteristics of the path of love, these states imposed by the path of love are not negative states, and even the lighting technique of the path of dedication cannot be dispelled.It is very difficult to fight without special countermeasures.

To Aiwass' surprise, he finished tidying his room, even went out for breakfast... Lily didn't come to say hello yet.

— Could something have happened to her?Could it be that he passed out from a coma after reading the tantra book and saw that the inspiration was exhausted?
Aiwass was a little worried, so he immediately pushed the wheelchair and looked for it.

"Lily, are you okay? Lily..."

As soon as he opened Lily's door, he was startled—her room was covered in dense gray cobwebs.

But the spider webs seemed to be just an illusion... When Aiwass looked intently, they disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Lily's weak and tired voice sounded softly, like the voice of a seriously ill person just waking up: "Do you want me to help you take a bath...Did I get up late? Sorry..."

Only then did Aiwass notice that Lily was standing quietly by the corner with the glasses Aiwass gave her on her face.

It was as if she had been standing there from the very beginning, but she didn't notice it at the first time.

It is precisely because of the authoritative path spell "Law Do Not Look Directly" attached to [Observer in the Shadow] that Aiwass did not notice her existence.

——There is no doubt that she has successfully embarked on the road of adaptation.

She walked over lightly, with no footsteps at all... Like a moth or a spider.

"I just came to see if things are going well on your side, and if you need my help."

Aiwass closed the door gently.

He glanced and found the gray tantra book lying quietly beside the pillow.

It has handed over the knowledge it has stored to the reader. At this moment, it has temporarily lost its mysterious qualities, and it looks like an ordinary book.

"What's its name?"

Aiwass asked.It was as if what he was asking was not a book, but a pet.

""The Spider's Thread"," Lily explained.

She roughly relayed to Aiwass the secrets described in the book - what is contained in this book is a special inheritance.

Unlike the "Shepherd's Tantra", what is stored in it is not a lost inheritance, but is closer to a "summoning object", or a way of using a foreign weapon.

——Specifically, it is "spider silk".

"[Spider silk] is a special life created by Hui Tiansi. Its essence is a kind of collective phantom... It is not an individual, but a 'collective'. It has no body, no material entity, Its carrier is a 'lie'. It is not a contract with me, but a 'coexistence' with me... This is also a special way of existence to adapt to the path."


Aiwass has no understanding of the concept of symbiosis.

He just muttered in a low voice, thoughtfully: "As expected of Hui Tiansi's creation..."

Hui Tiansi is also one of the nine Tiansi who descended in the first round, and the domain he controls is "lie"—things that are neither black nor white, words that are neither evil nor good.

And Lily also told Aiwass the most important secret in the Spider Silk Tantra without reservation.

"The hair of a snake, the steps of a cat, the cage of a moth, the noose of a centipede..."

Aiwass recited this metaphor, and roughly guessed what it was: "Snakes have no hair, cats have no feet, moths have no cages, and centipedes cannot be hanged-this represents four things that do not exist. And the actual Above, this should refer to the apostles of the Lord of Scales and Feathers, and the eight domains of the Lord of Scales and Feathers other than deception.

"Akpolis, the most powerful apostle of the Lord of Scales and Feathers, his metaphor is the snake. The snake represents poison and medicine at the same time in the adaptation path.

"The cat represents camouflage and hunting, and the 'hunters' who adapt to the way worship the cat; the moth represents disappearance and change, and is a symbol pursued by disguisers and assassins. Centipedes can adapt to various environments and escape Danger, getting into various caves, so it is a symbol of foreknowledge and refuge.

"Besides, the domain of the Lord of Scales and Feathers also includes deception. This domain is very close to the lies of Hui Tiansi. It is probably because of this reason that Hui Tiansi is full of hostility towards the Lord of Scales and Feathers..."

Of course, maybe that wasn't hostility either.

——It is also possible that Hui Tiansi actually means "Boss, do you feel that you have lost an apostle, and I seem to be the right one".This is quite suitable.

Aiwass added in his heart.

"Spider Silk Tantra" tells 67 kinds of secrets about "spider silk", which is a very complete inheritance.Including [weaving lies], [spider silk perception], [spider silk stealth], and [thread control] four mysterious skills, which can already support a profession... It's just that this inheritance was born before the emergence of professions, so Lily didn't get it. own extraordinary career.

But on the other hand, she can also be said to be the pioneer of this profession.It could be called "spider walker" or "spider messenger" or's whatever she likes.

At present, Lily can use three of these abilities proficiently after only one night.

One is to erase the sound of one's own footsteps, which is "spider silk sneaking"; the other is to sense the "flying insects" that step into the range of one's capture by opening the spider web.It can also conjure a tough and sharp silk thread as a weapon.

This is Lily's "spider silk" body, made of Lily's lies.

The more solid the thread woven by the lie, the tougher it is; the sharper the thread woven by the lie, the sharper it is... It cannot be poisoned or enchanted, but at the same time it will not hurt itself, and it will not use It can be dissipated at any time.

She is still thinking about how to develop this ability.

When Aiwass entered the door before, the dense spider silk he saw was not an illusion.Instead, Lily was constantly spinning, researching her newly acquired ability.When Aiwass came in, she had just figured out how to use the silk.To her, it was just a thought, and the spider threads all over the room instantly disappeared like a hallucination.

She probably won't be able to become an assassin.But fortunately, she still has the ability to sneak... so the rare equipment that Aiwass prepared for her before can still be used.

So Aiwass gave [Stalker in the Shadow] to Lily as a celebration of her successful entry into the extraordinary world.

Lily had seen this waistband before - she noticed it when she helped Aiwass pack up the undergarments left by Miss Assassin in his room, and even washed it specially under Aiwass' command .

But she didn't expect that this was actually the gift that Aiwass said before to give her...

However, Lily accepted it solemnly and put it on immediately.After all, this is what Aiwass has emphasized—very precious things.After putting it on, she immediately felt that her "spider silk sneaking" ability became smoother.

It was just a joke that Aiwass' wheelchair could drive automatically.

But now that Lily is pushing the wheelchair behind Aiwass, it's really hard to notice anyone behind Aiwass.If Lily didn't speak, ordinary people wouldn't notice her existence at all.

With Lily's protection, Aiwass didn't need to wear an asbestos collar even if he went out to Lloyd's District.Even if someone is about to sneak attack on Aiwass, Lily can immediately sense the crisis - equivalent to an external hostility reminder and a mobile real eye in an invisible state.

This real eye is even quite good at hitting!
And there is a high probability that it can fight more than Aiwass who does not need equipment... With two professional core purple equipment on her body, Lily's sneak attack with full analysis may even pose a direct threat to Haina.And her perception range is much more reliable than Haina.

Now the personal maid has become a personal bodyguard.If Aiwass wants to go out, he doesn't have to always drag someone to accompany him.

And it's good for him to take Lily out—if he's in danger, he can use Shadow Fiend.This is something you can't do when you're out with Sherlock or Hayena.

Because Lily knew the existence of Shadow Fiend and would keep it a secret from Aiwass.As long as Aiwass can clean up the evidence.

Even if not as a maid and bodyguard, just as a teammate is undoubtedly very reliable.

With Lily's talent, she might be able to catch up with her first advanced ceremony...

So, this time Aiwass didn't call Haina to protect him, but took Lily out the door.

They followed the address given by the old elf steward to the home of Bishop Mathers.That is, "Lady Mina's Divination Shop".

Sherlock is recuperating there now, and Aiwass, who has been in the newspaper, must find a way to explain to Bishop Mathers why he can activate the holy sword sealed in the key...

A lie needs a hundred lies to cover up, and Bishop Mathers can also sense Aiwass' energy level on the path of devotion... Now he is at the second energy level.

So Aiwass decided not to act directly.There is no need to hide your talent, or it is useless to hide it anyway.As soon as the Holy Sword, which requires 33 points of mana to transform, came out, Bishop Mathers understood everything.

So Aiwass decided to pre-empt the showdown.Not only to Bishop Mathers, but also to Sherlock.

"——Yes, I went back to the advanced stage and succeeded that day. And next month I will advance to the third energy level."

Aiwass intends to say so when the time comes.

In this way, Sherlock will probably be able to guess who the "fox" is.

——If both Sherlock and Isabel know that they are "foxes", but at the same time think that the other party doesn't know...

What kind of wonderful reaction will the two of them have during the advancement ceremony?

Aiwass felt that he seemed a little wicked.

 An update of nearly [-] words~
(End of this chapter)

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