Shenhao starts from seeing through scratch-off games

Chapter 36 Dongchuan Silver Star

Chapter 36 Dongchuan Silver Star
Fang Xiaoting said: "But I can't be late, if I am late, the manager will blame me!"

Wang Yu didn't take it seriously: "So what, aren't you going to entertain me all the time? Then you say that I don't want to go there so early, so you can only come with me, or not?"

"Can not be done!"

Fang Xiaoting didn't know what to say. She was in charge of entertaining Wang Yu. It was her lie. She used this method to live with Wang Yu in the luxurious executive suite last night. Now if she can't be late , Isn't everything revealed?

"That said, but..."

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, let's go!" Finally, Wang Yu couldn't bear to put Fang Xiaoting in a dilemma, and decided to leave immediately.

When we got downstairs, the convoy was already waiting at the door.

"Mr. Wang, are you leaving?" A bodyguard in a black suit and sunglasses asked.

"Well, ready to go!"

The car door was opened immediately, and Wang Yu and Fang Xiaoting sat in the back row. After the door was closed again, they drove slowly towards the road.

There are two cars in total, the front one is for bodyguards, and the back one is for Wang Yu and Fang Xiaoting, so that nothing will go wrong.

After arriving at the scene, the auction venue was already full of people.

Wang Yu and Fang Xiaoting walked into the auditorium, found a seat and sat down, looked back, and found that there were men and women who came to participate in the auction, and even a considerable number of them were foreigners.

Right in front of the auditorium is the podium for the auction.In the middle of the podium is a large light box advertisement with the words "Yanjing Baoli International Auction" written on it.

There is a large screen hanging on the left and right walls of the advertisement, which is used to display the appearance, attributes, price and other information of the auction item.

On the ground is a podium and a display stand. There is a host on the podium to host today's auction. On the display stand, the staff put the auction items one by one.

The people who came here were all qualified to bid and paid a deposit. None of them came here to join in the fun. They all had things they wanted to buy.

The auction has not officially started yet, so the scene is very noisy, and everyone is discussing intensely.

At 16:30, the auction officially started as the host's microphone sounded.

"Welcome to the site of Baoli Auction. It is already 16:30 pm Yanjing time. Our auction has officially started. I am the host, Chen Lin!"

The scene fell silent instantly.

All the people who participated in the auction had a small sign in their hands. People without a sign could not bid, so Wang Yu could only watch.

The rhythm of the auction was quite fast, and the first treasure came up soon.

"The following is the first treasure tonight, the Maxim machine gun produced by Xiangyang. Although it has been rusted, it still has a certain collection value. Are there any military enthusiasts on site? The starting price is 1!"

Although Wang Yu couldn't buy it, he looked at the machine gun intently.

The system shows that the value of this gun is only 2 yuan, there is nothing to buy, and there is no point in earning 1 yuan.

The following items are all worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and the most expensive ones are no more than 1000 million. Wang Yu is about to fall asleep looking at them.

"Nothing good!"

Wang Yu sighed.

Fang Xiaoting asked curiously: "There will be good things next!"

"Good stuff? What good stuff?" Wang Yu asked.

Fang Xiaoting has been working in the treasure appraisal team, so she knows exactly what items will be auctioned at the auction. She said, "If I guess correctly, the next treasure is Dongchuan Yinxing from Kyrgyzstan Province!"

As soon as Fang Xiaoting finished speaking, a beautiful woman sitting next to her turned her head and took a look.

This woman is wearing a mink coat, her hair is fixed with a jade hairpin, and a silver earring is stuck on her ear. She has fair skin, is about 25 years old, and has a very high appearance, even better than Fang Xiaoting. No less.

Beside her was a man, about 30 years old, holding a sign in his hand, who should have come to bid with her.

Judging from their looks and grooming, they have never been short of money in their life.

Fang Xiaoting didn't notice this woman just now, and continued to talk to Wang Yu: "The value is about 100 million. It is a kind of magical medicinal material. It is impossible for ordinary people to buy it. Only some rich children will buy this kind of thing. , so it usually only appears at auctions, and it is impossible to have it on the market!"

Wang Yu had never heard of this kind of thing before, and asked curiously: "No wonder you can't see it outside. According to what you said, only special people in need of Dongchuan Yinxing will buy it. Like us ordinary people, no one will buy it. It's useless to buy a disease!"

"That's not true. Some people bought it and waited for it to appreciate in value!" Fang Xiaoting explained.

Wang Yu increased his knowledge again: "Is there still room for appreciation?"

"That's right, but there are many varieties of Dongchuan Silver Stars. Most of the ones that are circulated on the market are V-grade Dongchuan Silver Stars, which are worth only about 10 yuan. Another more exotic S-grade Dongchuan Silver Stars can heal all kinds of diseases. Epidemic diseases can even be used to treat heart failure, and for middle-aged and elderly people, it is simply a magic medicine to bring the dead back to life, worth at least [-] million."

"The gap is so big, so why shoot 100 million!"

"This thing is the same as gambling stones, because what we are auctioning is the unconsecrated Dongchuan Yinxing. I don't know what its real value is. Don't look at 100 million yuan, some people buy it!" Fang Xiaoting explained proudly.

Wang Yu was silent.

He is understanding what Fang Xiaoting said just now. This thing is because no one knows its value before it is consecrated, so many people take 100 million to bet 1 million. , a loss of 10.

But if you continue to gamble, 90 once, 900 million ten times, and 9000 million one hundred times, if you can win S rank once a hundred times, you can still earn 1000 million.

The key is this kind of thing, is there a 1% probability?
Wang Yu doesn't think so, the market is ideal, he can't have this probability loophole for these bidders to take advantage of, the probability must be far less than 1%, maybe not even one in a thousand.

But this is for ordinary people. For Wang Yu, yes is yes, no is no, the probability is 100%.

Because he can use the system to see the value in advance, if it is not the real S-level Dongchuan Silver Star, he will not make a move at all.

"The next one is our precious medicinal material from Ji Province, Dongchuan Silver Star!"

The host shouted, and the audience was in an uproar. Everyone seemed to be very interested in this thing.

Wang Yu's gaze was also fixed on the display stand and the big screen. He is not a bidder now and cannot shoot, so he is more nervous than those who have a brand in his hand. He is afraid that he is a real S-rank, and he can only stare blankly. It's embarrassing.

A female staff brought up the items with one hand, very small and light.

After opening the box, the host continued to shout: "Look, everyone, this Dongchuan Yinxing layer is very bright, and it has not yet been opened. The starting price is 100 million. If anyone wants it, hurry up, and if it succeeds." If you drive an S-class, you don’t have to work hard in this life, and your descendants can enjoy the prosperity and wealth of several generations in the next life.”

(End of this chapter)

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