She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 281: A Tranquil Day Off (2)

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When Mira reached the living room, she found Creos there. He had returned as quickly as he could when he heard that Mira was back, as he wanted to see her again, and also discuss some things about the Academy.

Mira also wanted to talk about the Academy, so right after greeting each other, they started talking about that.

Their conversation went on from before they ate until past they were done eating. They were really engaged in it, discussing what they could do for the students, how to organize the lessons, and so on.

Eventually, Creos brought something up. 「Recently I’ve kept being pestered about certain topics though…」 He seemed to be rather annoyed by that.

「Certain topics? What do you mean?」

Prompted by Mira, Creos explained what he was referring to, and it was something that Mira recalled very clearly.

To be specific, they wanted to know how to form a Contract with a water spirit, and what the fastest way was. And the same with forming a Contract with a mansion. To make it worse, almost everyone who was asking that was still a beginner summoner.

Those two specific summons were the ones Mira had advertised, so it seemed like word was already spreading. The only issue was that Mira had acted like it was all extremely easy to do, when in reality they were not something for beginners.

A water spirit was possible if they got really lucky and met one, but with their lack of skill, it was hard to tell whether they would be able to actually summon them, or keep their bond strong.

As a result, whenever Creos told them how it all worked in reality, most of them would leave disheartened. But some remained determined and tried to enroll in the Academy, or went to the Silver Linked Towers wanting to buy the introductory books to summoning sold there.

「It seems that adventurers have started to learn more about summoners lately. I think that’s great, but I really feel like they keep underestimating the effort necessary.」

Creos sounded slightly bothered by all that, and Mira just gave a vague reply while awkwardly looking away. That reminded Mira that she really needed to be even more careful with the things she said in the future.

「Oh right, a few days ago, I started to wonder how well summoning would work with Innate Sense. What do you think, Creos?」

Wanting to switch topics as soon as possible, Mira mentioned what she had started to think in Haxthausen’s Spellcaster’s Union, and wanted to know Creos’ opinion. Maybe there was hidden potential in using summoning not as one’s main class, but a secondary one.

「Innate Sense… I see… That would be a way to make summoning popular without needing actual summoners. Or rather, if people start to see the value of summoning through Innate Sense, it could make it more desirable for future spellcasters…」

It was necessary for them to clean the image of summoners that had been tarnished after so many years. Innate Sense would provide more instances for summoning to be used, making it look more useful.

Considering their situation, an indirect approach like that could work. Or at least Creos believed that.

After that, Mira showed him her research notebook. It was filled with her knowledge of Partial Summoning and Sense Sync, as well as other spells that could be used with basic summons.

「You can do this…? Ahh, and even this..!」

The notes of one of the Nine Wisemans was a sight to behold, and as Creos looked through them, he was quickly entranced and could not stop reading more. It was like gaining a glimpse at the power and knowledge he could not reach yet.

The first pages detailed purely summoning spells which did not require assistance from her other class, meaning that they could be used through Innate Sense as well, even if the caster could only summon a Dark Knight.

「This is incredible… If I could master all of this myself, then summoners would become more popular than ever before.」

They were all difficult spells, but Creos could see just how powerful they were as well.

「I know, I know.」

Mira was pleased to hear that, as she had decided to share those spells to improve the future of summoners.

「Well then, why don’t you try learning them right away?」

Creos was still the main representative of the Tower of Summoning, as well as a teacher at the Academy, which left him with little time to polish his own skills. So Mira pushed him to start right away while he was free, insisting he try Partial Summoning first. Creos realized he was about to enter a hellish time training, but he was looking forward to it.

With Mira’s guidance, Creos’ training continued until late at night.

He had actually been practicing Partial Summoning from the moment Mira mentioned it to him, so he had the basics done, but somehow he still lacked something and could not pull it off.

But having Mira there to correct all of his mistakes helped him figure it out better.

「I…I did it! Did you see that just now?!」

Creos successfully summoned a Holy Knight’s shield, which blocked the sword of Mira’s Dark Knight. That proved that the shield was just as strong as if a whole Holy Knight had been summoned, and that the spell had worked correctly.

「Yes, I did. You did well.」

So far, Creos had seen the shield shatter right after being summoned, or being split in two, time and time again. But after trying it for tens, or even hundreds of times, he had finally done it correctly.

Mira gave him a passing mark, and Creos celebrated like a kid.

Then, he asked Mira to try again, and once again managed to block an attack from the Dark Knight. He had finally gotten the hang of it. Mira was also happy to see how much Creos had progressed, and was looking forward to his future improvements as well.

「Let’s try it out with a Dark Knight next.」

Mira told him that, and Creos readily accepted. He was still riding the high of his earlier success, feeling like he could do anything now.

But all of that vanished in just a few minutes, replaced by defeat. While it did not seem too different, Partially Summoning a Dark Knight was much more difficult.

All a Holy Knight needed to do was hold the shield still, while a Dark Knight needed to perform two movements, raising the sword and swinging it down, and it had to happen within a short time frame.

「I feel like this will take forever…」

Creos had nearly run out of mana from all his training, and looked down in disappointment. He was trying to do something so difficult that he felt defeated.

「Hmm… I guess that’s it for today then.」

Mira realized that he was still clinging too much to the way he Partially Summoned a Holy Knight’s shield, so she stopped Creos from pushing himself too much and instead told him to rest for the day.

It was not good for him to push himself past his limits, and Creos decided to follow her advice and returned to his room. But he still asked Mira to accompany him to train the next day again.

After that, Mira headed to the bathroom to unwind, with Mariana and Luna who followed her like it was the most natural thing to do.

Next, she ate a bunch of sweets in place of dinner, played with Luna, and chatted with Mariana until she got too sleepy and headed to bed. That marked the end of her tranquil yet oddly busy day.

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