She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 107 - Catastrophe

After returning from Country G, Quan Juncai was worried all day and asked 800 times a day about Li Changming ’s situation in Country G. Even if he knew that this would not change the ending, he could not control himself. It seems that as long as this is done, the time can become longer.

“Uncle, what’s wrong with you?” Little White Fox got up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet, and saw the uneasy uncle on the balcony. Uncle has been uneasy for the past few days, even if he could perceive something.

“It’s okay, you go to sleep.” Quan Jun reached out and rubbed his nephew’s head, coaxing.

“Uncle, you have recently gained a lot of demon power.” Over the past two days, the little white fox clearly felt that his uncle’s cultivation practice was growing at an abnormal rate. He was a little worried about whether his uncle had made a mistake.

Quan Jun just glanced at his nephew. It was not strange to find him. Jiu Pin Tian Fox’s perception was extraordinary. After he inherited the demon king’s order, his strength surged. At this time, he was already a ninth-order demon, and Xiao Rui could not feel It’s strange.

“Uncle has no problem with cultivation, it’s something else.” Quan Jun was comforted.

“Is it serious?” Little White Fox asked.

“Very serious.” Quan Jun nodded.

“Can it be avoided?”

“No.” If it could be avoided, he wouldn’t have to worry so much.

“Since it can’t be avoided, don’t worry about your uncle.” Xiao Baihu exhorted.

Quan Jun laughed bitterly. This kind of reason that even cubs understand can’t understand. It’s just a lot of things, knowing that it may not be done.

“Dingling Bell ~~~”

Suddenly, a sudden ring of phone ringing cut through the silent night sky, and Quan Juncai’s face changed. He quickly took the phone, but when he saw the caller ID on the phone screen, he refused to connect the phone.

It was Li Changming’s call. At this time, Li Changming called and there was only one thing.

“Dingling Bell ~~~”

The ringing of the phone continued, and Quan Jun frowned, still daring to press the answer button.

The little white fox looked at it, held out his hand, and pressed the answer button for his uncle. Suddenly, a slightly hurried voice came from the phone: “All special assistance, country G just exploded nuclear weapons.”


Quan Juncai’s eyes closed sharply, as if he was trying to suppress something. After a while, he replied: “Manager Li, in the name of the demon king, orders all the demon clan, the earth is about to change, and the demon clan pays attention to protect themselves.


After Li Changming’s phone hung up, Quan Juncai conditionedly turned over Fan Chen’s phone number, but stopped when he tried to press it several times. What do you call yourself to confirm that the adult is still there? If the adult is disappearing at this time, then he should not want to disturb him and Master Rice himself.

“Uncle ~~”

Quan Juncai’s clothes were suddenly dragged by a force of gravity. He looked down and found that his nephew was covering his chest, fox ears, tail, and claws with the same painful appearance. It looks like a half man and half demon.

“Xiaorui, what’s the matter with you?” Quan Jun squatted down quickly and checked anxiously.

“Qiankun vine, Qiankun vine suddenly hot, uncle … I can’t control my demon power.” Little white fox’s eyes burst out of a blue light, shrinking into a white young fox, Moaning uncomfortably on the ground.

“It’s an adult, the adult is dissipating, so the power of Qian Kunteng is affected.” Quan Jun understood immediately, and then transported the little white fox that wrapped in pain and moaning with magic power.

Qian Kunteng ’s power is only affected by Fan Chen ’s dissipation, but as long as Fan Chen does not forcefully withdraw it, Qian Kunteng ’s power will not dissipate with it, so as long as it is carried over, Little White Fox will be fine.

At this time, Quan Juncai didn’t know for a moment whether the process of dissipation was better or shorter. He neither wanted his nephew to suffer nor Fan Chen to dissipate completely.

At the same time, disasters are constantly coming in all corners of the world, as if the mother of the earth is mourning for the dissipation of Jianmu, and madly avenging humanity. In just one night, three earthquakes, five volcanic eruptions, and two tsunamis occurred on the entire earth.

This night, mourning was everywhere, and human beings were awakened from their sleep.

The next day.

The residents of Cannes, the topics discussed after everyone met, were all huge disasters that suddenly broke out last night. Although China was not affected by the disaster last night, the sudden and powerful disaster strangled the hearts of everyone in the world. There have been so many things happening this year, and the hearts of the people cannot help but become heavy.

“Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, catastrophes that can’t happen once in a few years, how come there are so many in one night.”

“Fortunately not in China.”

“The question now is where did it happen? The question is why this intensive and large-scale disaster suddenly happened.”

“Is the earth retaliating against humans?”

“The virus some time ago may only be a warning. It is said that this county in M ​​county was leveled overnight, causing heavy casualties.”

“We will not sleep well one day, and suddenly there will be a big earthquake.”

“If that’s the case, let’s stop running and wait for death.”

Quan Juncai listened to the conversations of these parents at the door of the kindergarten, and sent the little white fox that had returned to normal to the kindergarten without expression.

Xiaorui returned to normal, which means that the adult was completely asleep.

“Uncle, will we have an earthquake here?” Little White Fox also heard the conversations of the parents around him, and then contacted his uncle last night to say about the imminent change of the earth, and couldn’t help but ask his uncle.

“There is an uncle here, and nothing will happen.” Quan Juncai reassures that Kangcheng is the base of the demon king. This is the city with the most demon clan in the world, plus the demon king is in his hands. Can handle it. It was precisely because he was confident of protecting Kangcheng that he would continue to send the little white fox to the kindergarten.

“What about other places?” The little white fox asked again.

“Do you want your uncle to protect them?” Quan Jun asked.

“If uncle will be fine.”

“Understood.” Quan Juncai chuckled and patted the nephew’s head, signaling him to go to school. Xiaorui means that if he has the abilities to protect human beings, how long did he wake up and have spent a few months of schooling with human beings, he has already moved his heart to humanity.

My lord, your original idea has worked.

On the sycamore tree in the kindergarten playground, Peng Yan has been anxious since last night. He feels that something bad is happening, but he doesn’t know what happened. It wasn’t until this morning that he heard the topics of human discussion at the door, only to realize that so many large-scale disasters occurred on the earth overnight.

Peng Yan was once the demon king. Apart from Fan Chen, he was the demon race with the deepest understanding of the earth. The earth is a place suitable for survival. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis are all normal activities of the earth. However, in order not to harm the souls, such activities will only happen once in an unavoidable situation for years or even decades. If it is not a special case, it is absolutely impossible to happen frequently in the short term.

Three earthquakes, five volcanoes, and two tsunamis overnight. This is no longer a normal activity. This is natural rage. The wrath of nature is the wrath of Fan Chen, and Fan Chen’s character will not do such a thing at all, unless … Fan Chen fell asleep again and was forced to sleep.

“I have said long ago that human beings should not have been saved.” Peng Yan’s voice was full of sarcasm, but his eyes revealed sadness. Fan Chen is the guardian deity of the demon clan. Even if he was sealed by Fan Chen for 500 years, even if Fan Chen opposed him everywhere, Peng Yan still didn’t want Fan Chen to leave this way.

Jianmu injured, naturally angry. Fan Chen is the last conscience left by nature to the souls of the earth.

Last night, it was just the beginning. For a long time in the future, disasters will continue to occur until the ecology returns to equilibrium. What Fan Chen failed to do was naturally achieved in the simplest and most direct way. It was like a strong man who first salutes the soldiers, and started his force.

“Mr. Crow, Ms. Crow.” Under the tree, there was an anxious cry from the little fry.

Peng Yan looked down, and saw the demon cubs in the kindergarten and the little demon catchers in Xuanwu Mountain all gathered under the tree.

“Teacher Crow, the little tortoise said she was suddenly uncomfortable.” Yaya held a little tortoise in her hand.

Peng Yan fell from the treetop and stopped on Yaya’s shoulder. After checking the little turtle for a moment, he found no abnormality, so he asked strangely, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I … I was suddenly scared, as if … something particularly dangerous came over.” Just now, the little turtle suddenly became abnormally afraid, and the body involuntarily changed back to its original shape. If it were not for the fry to respond quickly, she would almost have been discovered by other human children in the classroom.

“Afraid, how does it feel?”

“Just … my body suddenly became cold, and then I couldn’t control myself.”

As the little turtle talked, the little white fox and Liao Tingting on the side also shivered at the same time, and they also felt a bit of chill.

“I feel it too.” Little White Fox said.

“And me.” Liao Tingting quickly answered.

Peng Yan frowned, then looked down at the ground, and saw that under the plane tree, countless ants did not know when they had drilled out of the hole, and were moving fast, as if they were escaping.

“Huh, a lot of ants ~~~” The children in the kindergarten also found this unusually spectacular army of ants. Their curious onlookers had no idea what this scene represented in front of them.

“It’s going to be an earthquake.” Peng Yan had felt the movement of the earth’s veins faintly, and the second wave of natural anger had come. And according to the intensity of the earthquake he felt, the earthquake was at least eight.

I’m afraid this city can’t be kept.

“Earthquake?” Everyone exclaimed.

“Come here, don’t leave me.” Pengyan spread her wings and formed a huge energy shield to cover all the cubs and the few human children standing with them. He did not intend to save these little demon catchers, but they were mixed with the demon cubs. It was really troublesome to distinguish them, so he took shelter together.

“When will the earthquake come?” Liao Tingting asked urgently.

“There are still five minutes.” This question is not difficult. Peng Yan calculated it casually and informed Liao Tingting.

“I’ll tell the teacher.” After that, Liao Tingting ran out of the energy mask and ran to the direction of the classroom.

“I’m going too.” The little cubs saw Liao Tingting ran out and followed them one by one. Only the scared turtle can’t move, and the little turtle that can only be turned into its original shape is still in Pengyan’s energy hood.

“…” Peng Yan.

Because of the earthquake that happened around the world last night, the kindergarten teachers felt panic from the abnormal actions of the army of ants. When Liao Tingting and the little fry ran over and said that the earthquake was about to happen, the panic was expanded indefinitely. In the light of Ning Xinxin’s idea of ​​whether it is untrustworthy or not, the principal and teachers decided to take the children on the playground.

At the same time, Quan Juncai, who was driving to the All Things Group, also noticed the change. He immediately found a place to park, and then sacrificed the demon king order.

“Adult, if you still care for humanity, help me save Cannes.”

The time of five minutes is not long, almost just enough for the teachers to bring the kindergarten children out of the classroom, and the ground began to tremble violently. After a fierce shaking, the wall of the kindergarten could not resist the vibration and collapsed on the spot. Then came the two-story classroom, a huge crack appeared out of thin air, which was shocking to see.

“Wow ~~~”

The cries of the children rang throughout the playground in an instant, and the teachers in the kindergarten were just girls in their early twenties, without any rules.

Peng Yan looked at all this coldly, indifferently.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, let’s hug together.” The teachers surrounded the children in the center as if they would get some kind of shelter when they hug them together.

At this moment, the little turtle suddenly moved, a dark brown turtle shell flew out of her shell, the turtle shell covered the center of the playground, and then became larger, becoming the size of a 30 square meter room, covering the playground Teachers and children clung together.

“Nine-order tortoise shell.” Peng Yan looked at the little turtle under his feet. With this tortoise shell, even a strong earthquake could not hurt these humans. But the strength of this ground vein is far less than the intensity he just felt. Is anyone stopping the earthquake?

The little turtle gave grandpa’s tortoise shell to others, but he was afraid to hide under the tree and did not dare to move. She shrank her head in fear, not knowing whether her small turtle shell could resist the big rock.

“Little turtle.” At this moment, Liao Tingting and Little White Fox ran out of the turtle shell together. They ignored the teacher’s cry and ran to the tree quickly, trying to bring the little turtle into the turtle shell.

The little white fox moved faster. He grabbed the little turtle first and then glanced at the crow teacher. It seemed to be asking him if he wanted to go in together. When the crow teacher didn’t move, the little white fox didn’t care, and turned and ran back.

Liao Tingting took a slow step, and before catching the little turtle, he reached for the crow. Peng Yan was stunned and failed to escape in time. He was caught in the palm of his hand by Liao Tingting: “Mr. Crow, we hid in the turtle shell.”

“I’m not going.” Peng Yan struggled.

“No, it’s dangerous outside.”

“Boom ~~~” A building next to the kindergarten collapsed suddenly, Liao Tingting instinctively bent down and squatted, protecting the crow in his arms tightly in his arms. Then he ignored the flying stones, the cat leaned on his waist, and ran to the big turtle shell not far away.

“Tingting, what about Teacher Crow?” The little fry immediately gathered around.

“Here.” Liao Tingting exposed the crow in her arms.

“Yeah, Tingting, what’s wrong with your head?” Yaya found Liao Tingting’s forehead bleeding.

Liao Tingting touched his forehead blankly and shook his head: “I don’t know, it hurts a little.”

“You are bleeding, have you been hit by a stone.”

Peng Yan glanced at the injury on Liao Tingting’s forehead. He naturally knew how the injury came. The building next door collapsed and the stone splashed and hurt him.

“Mr. Crow, are you okay.” Liao Tingting stopped the bleeding with his spiritual force, and then he began to care about Peng Yan in his palm.

“Many things!” Peng Yan said abandon.

“Bang ~ Bang ~ Bang ~~” Outside the turtle shell, there were constant dull sounds. Without looking, just listening to the sound, you know that the buildings outside are shaking and collapsing violently. These dull sounds are the sound of stones hitting the turtle shell.

“I don’t know what happened to mom or dad.” Liao Tingting crouched beside the turtle shell, and wanted to cry sadly.

“It’s okay, my uncle will find a way.” Little White Fox exclaimed comfortingly.

“Really?” Liao Tingting’s face lit up.

“Well.” Little White Fox nodded affirmatively.

Peng Yan listened to the conversation between the two, and suddenly he suddenly wondered why he clearly felt an earthquake of magnitude 8 or above, but after the earth shook, the level was only between level 5 and level 6. It turned out that the last fox was stopping the earthquake.

An eighth-order fox demon cannot have the strength to stop the earthquake unless he uses the demon king order.

Two minutes passed, and the shock outside continued, as if some two forces were competing against each other, and the two sides were deadlocked, so that the earthquake could not stop for a long time.

“For so long, no one has come, will we die?” Xiaoyu asked anxiously.

“No,” Peng Yan said. “The demon clan has a natural advantage in the face of natural disasters. It will not die so easily. It is only humans who are easy to die.”

“Then am I going to die?” Liao Tingting asked timidly.

“Yes.” Peng Yan seemed to see the fear on the little girl’s face and said mercilessly. Although he knew that as long as the tortoise shell was there, they would be fine, but he didn’t want to make human cubs feel better.

“Then I won’t grow up, and I won’t be able to heal you after ten years.” Liao Tingting said with some guilt, “I’m sorry.”

“Who wants you to heal.” Peng Yan suddenly felt a little chest tight, and the pleasure that he had just raised because of the frightening of the girl just disappeared in an instant.

The human cub is really insidious, but he can still be angry with himself in the face of the disaster.


There was another trembling noise outside, as if some building collapsed, and the child inside the scared turtle shell was crying in panic again.

“It’s absolutely useless.” Peng Yan glanced out of the turtle shell, which had been for five minutes. The fox demon took the demon king’s order and hadn’t yet calmed down the earthquake. It seemed that the waste wood of Quan Juncai could not be looked down on, and Peng Yan fluttered his wings violently, turning into a shadow and flying out of the turtle shell.

In a short breath, Peng Yan appeared behind Quan Juncai. He looked at Quan Juncai, who was mobilizing his whole body to urge the demon king Ling, and his eyes were full of disgust.

“Mr. Crow, is the kindergarten okay?” Quan Juncai also saw the crow essence, and when he came over, he asked aloud immediately. He thought that with the power of the demon king order, it would not be too difficult to stop the earthquake, but he did not want the intensity of the earthquake that broke out in Cannes to exceed his imagination. But he just took over the demon king order and used it not very smoothly, so under the stalemate of two forces, not only failed to stop the earthquake, but let the earthquake continue to shake in Cannes.

Although the intensity of the earthquake is much less because of the role of the demon king order, if the earthquake is quickly quelled, if this continues, Kangcheng will still be destroyed by the earthquake.

“When Fan Chen gave you the demon king order, didn’t you tell you how to use it?” Peng Yan asked coldly.

“You are …” Quan Jun was stiff and looked at Peng Yan in disbelief, with some kind of bad guess in his heart.

“Keep off.” Peng Yan flew to the demon king, his figure turned into a black mist, and turned into a human figure.

“Demon King Pengyan!” It was really him, and Quan Jun exclaimed, and subconsciously wanted to take back the demon king order.

“If you want the earthquake to completely destroy the city, you take it back, and don’t want to, just stand still and don’t move.” After that, Peng Yan reached out and held the demon king order, and at the same time injected a force of demon, “New demon king, Let Gu Gu teach you how to use this token. “

As Peng Yanhua fell, a huge unparalleled force of nature was inspired from the demon king’s order, turned into a green beam of light, straight into the ground, and quickly and gently combed the trembling ground.

After a few breaths, the ground gradually subsided.

“Why did you help me?” Although Pengyan helped him, Quan Jun was still alert.

“Lonely is not to help you, lonely is just too lazy to change places to live.” Peng Yan said, “Jianmu was forced to sleep, naturally angry, this disaster is just the beginning. Gugu advises you not to worry too much, Fan Chen can’t do it. When it comes to things, the God of Nature must force it through his own way. When the earth ’s ecology is completely balanced, the disaster will naturally stop, and you ca n’t save several cities with your strength. “

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Ningcheng, which is also in China, began to violently shake its surface. Just as the birds fled from the beast warehouse, in a hospital in Ningcheng, the unconscious Mi Wan suddenly emitted a soft green light. This green light turned into a light spot and passed through the floors. , Fell into the deep veins of Ning Cheng.

The volatile ground, after being exposed to the green light, seemed to be soothed by the child, and suddenly quieted down. Then a warm breeze came from heaven and earth, and filled the world with boundless joy.

“Adult.” Quan Jun felt the warm breeze and almost cried.

Even if you are asleep, are you guarding us?

“This is not Fan Chen’s consciousness.” Peng Yan frowned, “This is the natural wind.” Like the natural anger, it comes from the earth’s original consciousness.

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