She Got Pregnant After a One Night Stand with a Werewolf

Chapter 88: The Fallen Werewolf

Chapter 88

Blue Tail was once attacked by fallen werewolves. In the forest, those fallen beasts drooled at her as the stench wafted over.

She knew her fate would be wretched, as she had heard that after being violated and tortured, she would be eaten.

As she collapsed in despair, Qin Ming, in his pure wolf form, appeared as if a god from who-knows-where. He battled with the pack using his claws, fangs, and brute strength.

The spectacle of male werewolves locked in fierce, terrifying combat made the more timid female werewolves cry in fright as they curled up tightly.

We can't win...

She despaired, thinking how could that lone, pure grey wolf, though large in size, defeat a pack of fallen werewolves?

She had just come down the mountain then, unaware that he was the famed Administrator of Jinzhou City.

He never spared himself rest, a dedicated and responsible Administrator. The werewolves and humans he had saved were too many to count.

She would never forget that day.

Before the other wolves arrived, the pure grey wolf was victorious. He howled to the heavens, summoning the rest of the pack.

Then he transformed into a tall, upright half-wolf, half-human form.

Deftly, he chained up the fallen werewolves. His legs were badly injured, but he uttered not a sound, as if unfazed by the pain.

The stench of blood was thick in the air.

He glanced at the trembling female werewolf. Her clothes were somewhat torn, so he took off his own and tossed it over, covering her head.

The female werewolf shuddered violently, as if frightened. Qin Ming rarely saw such a timid werewolf, and was moved to tenderness. About to leave, inexplicably, he spoke in reassurance: "It's alright now, female."

The female werewolf with blue hair gingerly lifted his shirt, revealing a pale, beautiful face.

Qin Ming was reminded of wedding nights in human TV dramas then, with the bride's head covered demurely in red.

"The pack will arrive soon, go with them," he said, turning to leave.

But a weak, frightened voice called out from behind, "W-wait, don't go."

"Let me go with you, don't...don't leave me behind."

The female werewolf, draped in his shirt much too large for her, whimpered as she ran up to him, following his every step.

In Jinzhou City, she arrived at the Administrator's manor, where many of the pack lived - most saved by Qin Ming.

There were also many female werewolves harboring affections for the Administrator.

One rarely saw Qin Ming there, for he was far too busy.

Perhaps because she was timid and weak, the females also disliked her.

She no longer wished to remain.

But where could she go alone? She feared encountering fallen werewolves again.

Qin Ming kindly sent her to the neighboring city, to the home of the Qingcheng Administrator, Nanfeng Courtyard.

The generous Qingcheng Administrator accepted her, as did the werewolves of Nanfeng Courtyard. Here, none disliked her anymore. She saw him even less frequently now.

Qin Ming was an excellent Administrator, caring for his pack and keeping the peace. Even sending her to Nanfeng Courtyard, he would still occasionally ask if she had settled in and if she needed anything.

But their relationship went no further.

She was but one of the many he had saved.

Hidden in her room, Blue Tail's face fell as she thought, he must treat the other females the same.

She did not think herself special.


Qin Ming withdrew his gaze, banishing the strange, excessive thoughts.

Gu Wen's eyes swept coldly over the pack, his brow sharp and expression solemn. "Within half a month at most, capture all the fallen werewolves who came down the mountain. When your lives are threatened, capture is unnecessary."


"Yes, Master!"

But there were only a dozen or so werewolves in Nanfeng Courtyard.

Gu Wen had to summon the thousands scattered across the city.

Only he had that authority.

He needed to let out a wolf's howl from the highest roof of Nanfeng Courtyard, calling the pack to him.

About to leave, his gaze lingered on mother and son.

He seemed to want to offer some words of comfort, but ultimately said nothing and strode off.

Shang Xi felt out of place standing there as a pure human, and brought her son back to their room.

Just after shutting the door, a sound like a distant cry reached her ears. Ethereal, with a touch of sorrow, like the ancient, mystic whispers of old. Before she could react, her son transformed into a pure wolf pup before her eyes.

The plump little cub scrambled excitedly for the door, drawn to the sound's origin.

Thankfully, Shang Xi reacted swiftly, "Baby, you can't go."

Scooping up the solid lump of fur in her arms, she held him close.

The little wolf pup licked his mama's hand and let out a milky whimper. "Awoo, awoo awoo-"

He seemed anxious.

"What's my baby saying? Mama doesn't understand."

The pup's whimpers cut off abruptly. He scratched his ear with a chubby paw, then shifted back into his half-wolf, half-human form - human but for the ears and tail.

"Mama, Papa's calling me!"

Shang Xi hesitated. "I don't think...he's calling you."

Sure enough, more and more werewolves emerged onto the lawns of Nanfeng Courtyard.

"See, Papa is calling them."

To go capture those fallen werewolves tonight, she supposed.

Gu Wen was injured... He should be careful.

Watching the growing number of werewolves outside, Shang Xi found herself frowning lightly without noticing.

He should be alright...

At eight o'clock, night fell and darkness descended.

Gu Wen brought cold spring water into the room to feed his pup.

Looking at the innocent cub radiating a milky scent, and the beautiful woman, his heart twisted. He had developed a soft spot.

Many of the fallen hated him for "meddling" and foiling their plans.

"Take time off from school," his voice was low. "And don't go to your shop for now."

Shang Xi understood the implied danger and nodded in cooperation.

Her gaze fell to his waist. "Be careful."

"I will." A hint of a smile appeared in Gu Wen's eyes. They seemed like a real couple then, with her caring for him.

From that day forth, Nanfeng Courtyard grew much quieter.

Gu Wen left ten werewolves to protect mother and son, with three concentric rings of armed human guards.

Shang Xi stayed in Nanfeng Courtyard with her son, going nowhere. The Black Tails might return every couple days, exhaustion evident on their haggard, dark-eyed faces. It was clearly grueling work.

Like now - even Gu Wen had been gone three days.

Shang Xi picked up her phone, thinking to message Gu Wen and ask how things were going.

But mid-typing, she realized Gu Wen might not have his phone.

Werewolves communicated by howling, and had acute hearing besides.

Whether they used phones mattered little.

Her son also sensed something amiss. Papa had gone to catch the bad guys. He often stared at the front gates, alert to their surroundings, like a little bodyguard to his mama.

Blue Tail didn't dare step foot outside the house.

But one was the mate of the Qingcheng Administrator.

The other, the female werewolf closest to the Jinzhou City Administrator.

To catch the king, first catch his subjects. And failing that, catch the king's mate.

The fallen werewolves had degenerated into beasts, but were not stupid. A direct clash offered little chance of victory. Sensing complete annihilation in days, they went mad, targeting Nanfeng Courtyard in a final gamble.

Shang Xi is getting ready to ride the big wolf. ???

I can't type any more, too tired. Will update tomorrow, maybe three times.

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