Chapter 35: An Absolute Massacre
just for you guys to not lose interest in my fic i'll post a lot of sunphis
The white lines of the tennis court were scuffed from their intense match, and the rhythmic sound of the ball being smacked back and forth echoed in the warm afternoon air.
Effie was panting, sweat glistening on her arms. She adjusted her grip on the racket, narrowing her eyes at Nephis, who stood on the opposite side of the net, completely composed. Not a single strand of silver hair was out of place.
'Yeah. This is totally a massacare.'
Sunny, lounging nearby under the shade of a tree, watched the game with casual interest at first.
But as the match went on, his attention gradually… drifted.
Nephis moved with effortless grace, her body twisting and stretching as she returned every shot with almost perfect precision.
The way her tennis skirt flared ever so slightly with each pivot, the smooth motion of her arms, the slight sheen of sweat on her pale skin
"What you staring at?"
Sunny found his gaze lingering longer than it should.
He looked back at Kai and awkwardly coughed. "Just.. admiring her form."
Kai laughed.
"Yeah sure."
Effie groaned as another one of her serves was sent flying back at her with lethal precision.
"Come on, Neph! Give me a break!"
Nephis tilted her head. "I am."
Effie scowled, barely managing to return the next shot, only for Nephis to effortlessly smash it past her.
Game. Set. Match.
Effie groaned and collapsed onto the court. "I hate you."
Nephis merely rolled her shoulders, exhaling softly as she turned to retrieve a towel.
Sunny, realizing he had been staring a little too intently, quickly looked away. But not quickly enough.
As Nephis walked past him, she slowed just a little, a smirk playing on her lips.
"…Enjoying the view?"
Sunny stiffened. "I was watching the match."
Nephis arched a pale brow, dabbing her neck with the towel. "Oh? I thought you were watching something else."
His jaw tensed. "…You're imagining things."
Nephis let out a soft hum, tilting her head slightly as she leaned in ever so slightly. Her silver hair, still slightly damp, shimmered in the sunlight.
"You sure about that?"
Sunny forced himself to keep his face blank. "Completely."
Nephis chuckled, turning away.
"If you say so."
But the glint in her eye said otherwise.
Sunny exhaled, dragging a hand down his face as Nephis walked away, her steps light and unhurried.
His heart was beating just a little too fast, but he forced himself to act normal. Effie, still sprawled out on the court, lifted her head just enough to squint at him.
"…Damn. You're down bad."
Sunny shot her a glare. "Shut up."
Effie snorted, rolling onto her side. "I mean, I don't blame you. I'd stare too if I liked tall, deadly, and slightly terrifying."
Sunny ignored her, but his traitorous gaze flickered back to Nephis, who had set down her towel and was stretching her arms over her head. The motion lifted her top just slightly, revealing a sliver of toned stomach before the fabric fell back into place.
Effie grinned, clearly catching him in the act. "Yup. You're doomed."
Sunny scowled. "I said shut up."
Nephis, to his horror, turned back towards them at that moment, as if she had heard something amusing. She tucked a loose strand of silver hair behind her ear, then casually walked over, her expression unreadable.
"What are you two whispering about?"
Effie smirked. "Nothing much. Just talking about how Sunny's been admiring your-"
Sunny clamped a hand over Effie's mouth before she could finish. "Nothing. We were talking about nothing."
Effie, despite being muffled, was laughing behind his palm.
Nephis watched them with a bemused expression, then slowly leaned down so that she was at eye level with Sunny.
His breath hitched.
She was close.
Too close.
Nephis studied him for a moment before a teasing glint flashed in her pale eyes. "You're acting suspicious."
Sunny cleared his throat, fighting to keep his face neutral. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
She hummed, clearly unconvinced. Then, with infuriating ease, she leaned just a little closer and whispered,
Sunny froze.
Effie burst out laughing.
Nephis straightened, her expression as cool and composed as ever, but the smirk tugging at her lips was undeniable.
"Well," she said lightly, "since Sunny enjoyed watching so much, maybe next time he should play a match against me."
Effie wheezed. "Oh my gods, please do. I need to see him suffer."
Sunny sighed, rubbing his temples. "…I hate both of you."
Nephis chuckled softly before turning away.
"Don't be late for our next training session," she said over her shoulder, the amusement still lingering in her voice.
Sunny groaned.
"Oh, gods, Sunny," Effie gasped between fits of laughter. "I have never seen you get this flustered before. This is amazing."
Sunny shot her a glare. "Whatever."
She wiped away a fake tear. "And I'm not exhausted after getting my ass kicked by Neph in under five minutes."
He huffed, crossing his arms. "You're exaggerating. It was more like seven."
Effie gave him an incredulous look before shaking her head. "You're lucky you're cute, gloomy."
Before he could fire back, Nephis returned with a water bottle in hand, taking a slow sip as she sat down next to him.
He did not watch the movement of her throat as she swallowed.
He did not.
The silence stretched for a moment before Nephis turned her head slightly, peering at him out of the corner of her eye.
"You really were staring."1
"No, I wasn't." Sunny shot back.
Nephis tilted her head, studying him with a look of pure amusement.
"You know…"
She tapped a single finger against her chin, pretending to be in deep thought.
"I don't think I've ever seen you admire someone quite so openly before. Should I feel honored?"
Sunny was in absolute shock by the way Nephis was acting.
'Neph.. She's.. Teasing me?'
He forced himself to scoff, trying to ignore the way his ears were burning.
He tried to push out a lie, but you know how that would go.
"Of course I was admiring you. I'd be a fool to not admire you."
He had realized what he just said, shooting his palm to his mouth to shut it.
Nephis smirked.
"I know."
Effie choked on a laugh. "Gods, Neph. I never knew you had this in you."
Nephis merely shrugged, taking another sip of water, completely at ease.
Sunny exhaled sharply and pushed himself to his feet.
"I'm going home."
Nephis watched him go, her smirk widening ever so slightly. "I'm coming and... don't forget, we're training tomorrow."
Sunny waved a hand over his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah."
As he walked away, he heard Effie mutter, "He's so gone for you."
Nephis hummed, leaning back against the bench.
"I know."