Shadow of the Soul King [250+ Chapter Symbiotic Munchkin LitRPG]

Chapter 244: Dream Destroying Idiot



As Mila and Aalam stopped for a few seconds, lying back on the large Persian carpet in the center of the main room of the abandoned villa, Mila couldn’t help but let out a sigh of contentment, still feeling pleasure throughout her body.

Sure, Aalam couldn’t flirt to save his life, so he’d never been great at the emotional aspect of sex, but, back when they’d been dating, one of his strong points had always been his mechanics. Unlike every other man she’d been with, he’d repeatedly asked for honest feedback. And, as a result, he knew what she liked.

Add to this how he’d obviously studied how to use his qi, mana, psyforce, and Laws to stimulate pleasure, as well as how clear the universe felt as their dual cultivation allowed her to make use of his absolutely ridiculous Attunement stat, and it wasn’t surprising Mila was feeling physically better than she ever had in her entire life.

“Mila, will you marry me?”

Mila felt her heart start to beat faster as she turned her head to look at him and his nervous expression.

This wasn’t rushing things. Pre-integration, they’d dated for six years and been at about the point of an engagement before she’d run away, and then, while they hadn’t officially been dating, they’d been each other’s closest companions for the last several decades, pretty much just waiting for Aalam to reach D rank before making it official.

“Yes, Aalam, I’ll marry you.” Mila rolled over on top of him and pulled him into a kiss, very much ready to continue their previous fun, but then a System notification popped up and Mila’s happy emotions quickly turned to anger.


The sovereign of your planet has approved your marriage.



You are now the wife of Aalam Alvaro, the Heavenly Spark Soul King!


Aalam, as the sovereign of Earth, had approved their marriage almost as soon as she’d agreed. There was no sending out invitations. There was no choosing a venue, food, and card stock. There was no walking down an aisle.

No ring. No white dress. No wedding at all.

Instead, she just got a slightly better bloodline which was still kind of icky.



Your bloodline Prime Servitor (Mythic) has upgraded to Prime Consort (Empyrean)


Prime Consort (Empyrean)

You are your master’s agent and plaything, in body as well as soul



After entering into a master servant bond with a master of the same race and rank as you, if that master ever changes his or her race when advancing, you may change to the same race when advancing as well, even if you don’t meet the requirements

Seriously increase the benefits of dual cultivation with anyone of your same race

If your master is also your spouse, remarkably increase the strength of the bond between the two of you


The servitor line of bloodlines, as far as Mila had learned from Nana Xara, had been carefully created through a multi-million year eugenics program by one of the human gods under a different subfaction than the Primordial Humans, and it was designed to make easily controlled subordinates: the servitor line to help create good minions, with enough power to help their masters in combat, and the consort line to make good cultivation furnaces, partners for dual cultivation, usually of the forced variety.

Granted, for Mila, the master servant relationships inherent in allowing these bloodlines to work weren’t an issue, and the effects of the bloodlines were powerful and incredibly useful. But the requirements for advancing from the Mythic grade Prime Servitor to the Empyrean grade Prime Consort were a Divine Essence of Love and Marriage along with actually getting married, so, while the bloodline advancement which was currently heating up Mila’s soul only required a marriage contract, Mila had been expecting at least a bit of actual romance.

The usual progression on Earth after the integration, for at least everyone Mila personally knew, was to get engaged, stay engaged for at least a year, and then get married in the type of elaborate ceremony she’d been dreaming about since she was a little girl—only with a lot more magic involved.

But for her? She didn’t even get a courthouse wedding. And Aalam’s proposal, while sweet, hadn’t been ceremonious at all.

Using telekinesis, Mila rose back to her feet and summoned out the Twin Dragons of Yin and Yang from her spatial storage ring, transforming it into its gown form to cover up her body. Then she started yelling, letting out her righteous frustration on the deserving idiot right in front of her.

The transformation of her bloodline had already been mostly finished when she’d awakened to her racial abilities, just missing the last ingredient of the marriage bond, so its transformation wasn’t going to cause her to fall unconscious.

“But the diamond ring thing is mostly the result of an advertisement campaign from the 1930s and 40s.” The idiot, after only a dozen minutes of her yelling at him, actually had the gall to argue with her. “And the white dress became popular only because it’s what Queen Victoria wore to her wedding in 1840. There’s no substance there or any true history.”

“Get out.”

“But Mila—”

“Get out!” Mila picked him up with telekinesis, pushed him out of one of the room’s open windows, and tossed him into the ocean. Then, through her sensory domain, she saw him create a spacetime runic array and teleport somewhere else.

Still fuming, she considered removing the obfuscation she’d put over her bond with Nana Xara so she would have someone to talk to, but then she quickly thought better of that decision and just sat down on the floor, quite a few tears falling down her cheeks.

She was already married, and she wasn’t going to cancel it as it was too important to her power set and thus reviving Diana—not to mention the fact she actually wanted to be married to Aalam—but this meant she’d never get another chance to be properly proposed to nor have the type of wedding she’d always dreamed of.

For about five minutes, she just sat there.

Then, not seeing any point in delaying, she started the process of upgrading her classes to go along with the plan she’d made as soon as she’d realized how her bloodline would advance, starting with upgrading her Essence Chamberlain Class to King’s Consort.


King’s Consort (D-Mythic)

You follow your husband, and in turn gain a shadow of his might



Your husband decides your skill slot usage for this class

Your husband may use any of your skills in this class for his own skill fusions

Free skill slots can be temporarily filled with a shadow of any skill your husband has

Gain half the effects your husband gains through classes, your husband’s choice

Stat growth equivalent to your husband’s stat growth from classes

Skill limitations the same as your husband's most powerful class

If your husband dies or you lose your position, you lose this class

You and your husband each gain a shadowed version of one of the other’s racial abilities

Gain 12.5% of the benefits of dual cultivation when within the range of your husband’s energy


Skill slots:



May not learn skills of the following categories:



Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: ??

Agility: ??

Endurance: ??

Toughness: ??

Vitality: ??

Perception: ??

Magic: ??

Spirit: ??

Soul: ??

Aura: ??

Attunement: ??

Luck: ??



The Prime Consort (Empyrean) bloodline, the Essence Chamberlain (E-Fabled) class, has the status of main wife to a husband/master with a D rank Mythic grade class, has the same race as her husband, has the same basic soulstructures as her husband


King’s Consort kept all the extremely overpowered effects of Essence Chamberlain—being able to shadow Aalam’s skills, granting a stat growth per level equivalent to the stats Aalam gained from all four of his classes combined, and enabling her and Aalam to each share one of their racial abilities with the other, now not reduced in grade—but its new effect, granting 12.5% of the benefits of dual cultivation whenever she was within range of Aalam’s energy, basically meant she had a permanent increase to her Attunement stat of one eighth of Aalam’s ridiculous value as, given how strong her bond with Aalam was, she would have to be many, many galaxy clusters away to be outside the range of his energy.

Then there were the extra effects from Aalam’s classes.


Your husband has chosen the effects of your class to be the following:

Increase the effectiveness of the Aura and Attunement stats by 200%

Raise affinity with all Laws by 300%

Seriously increase the normal flow rate of your qi, mana, and psyforce while greatly increasing their burst potential and ability to break down impurities.

Increase the speed of mastering skills by 300%

Class slots +1

Increase the effectiveness of all stats by 25%


All the effects Aalam chose for her, even while he was somewhere else on the planet, were useful, but the true help to Mila’s own build was the class slots +1 effect, allowing her, who could normally have only one extra class, to choose two extra classes instead, for a total of three.


Advanced Evil Eyes Diabolical Trickster (D-Fabled)

You are an extraordinary cheat with the power of evil eyes



Greatly increase the power of disguise category skills

Greatly increase the power of all bonds and contracts you enter into or for which you provide the magic

Greatly increase the power of your Evil Eyes skill

Seriously decrease the penalties for creating bonds and contracts with those under the magical influence of your Evil Eyes skill


Skill slots:



May not learn skills of the following categories:



Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 516

Agility: 696

Endurance: 696

Toughness: 516

Vitality: 516

Perception: 696

Magic: 1,380

Spirit: 1,380

Soul: 1,380

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0



2 peak grade Law Larvae of the light and darkness elements aligned with the paths of illusion and shadow, 2 or more divine role Law Larvae at high grade or higher, has the Evil Eyes Diabolical Trickster (E-Heroic) class, has an Evil Eyes line skill, has tricked someone out of at least a huge amount of treasure for a E rank or had 72 D rank or higher beings die as a result of breaking a contract


Advanced Evil Eyes Diabolical Trickster was just a straight upgrade from Evil Eyes Diabolical Trickster, with no new effects, but Mila’s third class, Advanced Holy Eyes Angelic Trickster, was slightly different.


Advanced Holy Eyes Angelic Trickster (D-Fabled)

You are an extraordinary cheat with the power of holy eyes



Greatly increase the power of disguise category skills

Greatly decrease the power of all bonds and contracts you enter into for which you do not provide the magic

Greatly increase the power of your Holy Eyes skill

Seriously decrease the penalties for breaking bonds and contracts of anyone with more merit than sin


Skill slots:



May not learn skills of the following categories:



Stat bonuses per level:

Strength: 516

Agility: 696

Endurance: 696

Toughness: 516

Vitality: 516

Perception: 696

Magic: 1,380

Spirit: 1,380

Soul: 1,380

Aura: 0

Attunement: 0

Luck: 0



2 peak grade Law Larvae of the light and darkness elements aligned with the paths of illusion and shadow, 2 or more divine role Law Larvae at high grade or higher, has the Advanced Angel’s Release (E-Heroic) skill, has a Holy Eyes line skill, Soul greater than 20,736, has tricked someone out of at least a huge amount of treasure for a E rank or saved 72 beings from sinful contracts made by D ranks or higher


The angelic trickster line of classes was more about helping people while disguised, but, given Mila’s Sin Eater racial ability, it wouldn’t be much more difficult to advance than her diabolic trickster line class, and, after D rank, she would be able to merge the two into a karmic trickster line class, removing their overlapping effects.

Done selecting her classes, Mila, still crying, then started her rank advancement, falling unconscious in the middle of the large room.


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