Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 42 The Ruthless Potion Making Machine

While Slughorn was brewing the potion, he still had time to watch Tabor's brewing process.

"Tabor, after you chop up the hellebore and put it in, you can wait a little. The effect of the potion will be better."

Tubo naturally understood Professor Slughorn's potion skills, and the slime that was about to fall was instantly withdrawn.

"In fact, adding this place late will not damage the effect of the potion. As long as you add a little peppermint powder before turning off the fire at the end, the potion will taste much better and the pain during recovery can be slightly suppressed. feel."

Slughorn was indeed in a good mood today. While Tubo was boiling the potion, he explained every method he could think of to improve the three potions, and even demonstrated it himself.This benefited Taber a lot, and it was like opening the door to a new world.

In the past, when Tabor was brewing potions, he would prepare them according to the steps in textbooks or previous notes collected by the Prince family.More attention was put on learning the formula of the potion, but the principles were not studied in detail.

Tabor had always felt that if he spent a lot of time studying the principles of potions, it would be better to learn a few new formulas. After all, high-quality potions are effective enough. Even if they are sold, no one will be disappointed because of the quality of the potions. Reject them.

Although Slughorn only talked about three kinds of potions today, Tubo discovered that potions are not static, and improving potions does not seem to be as difficult as imagined.

In the afternoon, Slughorn had a fifth-grade class. After explaining the brewing method, he went to the potions classroom next to him not long after.

Only Tabor was left in the office, and two boiling cauldrons emitting smoke.

While Tabor was staring at the two crucibles attentively, there was a sudden knock on the wooden door of the office.

"Please come in." Tabor said subconsciously, but his eyes still did not leave the two boiling crucibles.

Abraxas Malfoy walked into the office carrying a brand new broom, and was slightly stunned for a moment when he saw the situation inside.

"Tabor, are you helping the school doctor prepare medicine?"

Malfoy glanced at it and quickly saw the types of materials on the ground, and asked in surprise.

Tabor nodded, but his hand slowly dripped the squeezed juice into the crucible.

Malfoy raised his head arrogantly: "I didn't expect Professor Slughorn to actually ask you to come here to deal with it. My father and several other school directors have spent a lot of money on the reputation of Hogwarts this time, and their demands are also extremely high. High."

Tabor didn't see the pride and pride on Malfoy's face, but he could hear it in his tone.

"Yes, the professor told me that at least it must be of excellent quality to be considered qualified."

Tubber followed the method just taught by Slughorn, completed the last step, and took the cauldron off the fire.

The potion cools quickly in the pot, and gradually turns into a light blue color, which makes people feel relaxed just by looking at it.

After pouring the potion in the crucible into the potion bottle, Tubo raised his head and said, "Does Master Malfoy think this is qualified?"

Malfoy nodded slightly after a while. He had naturally seen the demulcent before. For the cunning Malfoy, understanding the price of goods is a course that needs to be exposed since childhood. Only by understanding the value of goods can we make better products. Get money.The pot of demulcent in front of me is obviously very successful.

"Very good, I believe everyone will be satisfied. In addition, you can call me by my name directly. If you want, you will gain Malfoy's eternal friendship."

Tubo wanted to ask, can Malfoy's friendship be eaten?But thinking about the paranoia of those pure-blood families, I swallowed my words. Anyway, multiple friends and multiple paths are much better than multiple enemies.

"It's my pleasure, but I'm sorry for being rude."

After Tubo finished speaking, he continued to set up the crucible and started a new round of cooking.

Malfoy did not feel slighted. As a member of the Malfoy family, he was tolerant enough to people who might bring benefits to himself and the family.

"I originally wanted to come to Professor Slughorn today to apply for the right to use the Quidditch pitch this week. Someone has been burned in the Quidditch teams of the three colleges. The pitch has been very empty recently."

"Everyone was burned?" Tabor was a little surprised. He always felt that the only surviving Slytherin team would probably be targeted by other houses. .

"Yes. Those idiots are really the heroes of our Slytherin. I will definitely lead Slytherin to get No. 1 this semester." Malfoy smiled proudly, and then continued: "I heard You said you were a good flyer, so as the Slytherin Quidditch Captain, I invite you to join the Quidditch team."

"Captain? You are only in your second year! And I am only in my first year. How can I join the Quidditch team?"

Malfoy sat on the sofa: "Age is not a problem. This year my father donated seven of the latest Sweep series two-star brooms to the Slytherin team. These are brooms used in professional competitions. It is said that the Irish team just ordered them last year. A batch. It is much faster than Comet 179 that appeared before."

Tubo lowered his head to handle the pot of herbs one by one, but couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He now wanted to ask Malfoy whether the broom of the Slytherin Quidditch team would always be Malfoy. It was donated by the Fu family.

Malfoy looked extremely excited when he talked about broomsticks, but he still restrained his desire to continue talking: "Although the school stipulates that first-year students cannot carry brooms, it does not say that they cannot participate in the Quidditch team. In fact, Slytherin Many members of the team have joined since the first grade. They will start as substitutes and will not play games, but will only train with the team. This way, when the second grade is officially selected, they will have an advantage over others."

Tubo hesitated but refused to join, and recommended his roommate Zane to Malfoy.Compared to Quidditch, Tabor was more fascinated by the study of magic.

Malfoy had no intention of forcing Tubber to join the team. Just when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, he got up and left the office and went to the nearby classroom to look for Professor Slughorn.

Tubo cooked potion after pot, and it was only when the house elf delivered dinner for two that Tubo finally stopped.

After Slughorn and Tubb had a hasty dinner together, they continued to brew a new round of potion.

By the time the two of them had consumed all the materials on the ground, it was already past the curfew.As soon as Tabor relaxed, he suddenly felt that his hands were shaking a little, and his bones made a "click" sound when he stood up from the ground.

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